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Department of Accountancy and Business Management
BS Business Administration Major in Marketing Management


Assignment 1.1

NAME: Kirschty Ally I. Jalop_____________________________________ SECTION: MM2-A__________

1. Here are some ETHICAL AND LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS in retailing. What do you
think of these issues?
⮚ Should a retailer sell merchandise that it suspects was made using child labor?
- No, since child labor is still unacceptable, and it’s also because of how the life of the
young workers got affected. Let’s just take an example of how the life of young
worker can be affected; it’s their education that is number one that will get affected.
There are many young workers stop their education because of how the job that
they’ve got can give them knowledge to stop schooling, it makes them think that
they’re already good just because they are earning, but in reality it is not. It’s really
wrong and aside from that, it can also affect the retailers business because it is not
really allowed to accept young workers to utilize in a business.

⮚ Should a retailer advertise that its prices are the lowest available in the market even
though some items are not?
- There’s a probability that a retailer can advertise its prices in lowest available in the
market even there are some items that is not, it is because of how the retailer do its
strategies on promoting and to increase their sales. It is an example of selling
strategy because it makes the customer purchase because of it has been advertise
in a lowest available in the market, and the other items that are not the lowest
available in the market can be also sell because of how the retailer promote it in a
way. But it can also too much for the consumers since they are taking a false
information from a retailer.

⮚ Should a retail buyer accept an expensive gift from a vendor?

- It can’t be, because if a retailer accept a gift from a vendor it may affect the
decisions that may a retailer can make, got into a difficult settlement since they
accept the vendor’s gift. On the other companies there are rules or policies on when
an retailer can accept a gift from their vendors, it depends on how the gift can be
valued for the vendors, because there are circumstances that when you accept a gift
from a vendor things can get too much, like they may take it as a debt of gratitude
since you accept their gift. That can really affect in buying or taking services in the
business or commonly called purchase decisions.

⮚ Should a retailer charge a supplier a fee to get a new item in its store?
- Yes, because it has a good benefit for the retailers since they are the one who’s
going to bring a new product into the business. They may need to think about or to
contemplate on they are going to manage and to make it possible, that will lead
them into success, such as on how much do they need to cost to make it possible to
accomplish the part of it and aside from that retailers also got many responsibilities
that should be manage. It is necessary to know all of the things in their business,
because it is not east or there are also chances of failing when a retailer brings a
new product.

⮚ Should a retailer promote a product as being “on sale” if it never sold a higher non sale
- No, because it can make a misleading to the customers since you’re providing wrong
information to the market that can really give an impact for the consumers, it makes
the business truculent if a retailer promotes a product or claims a product that is
“on sale” even if it never sold a higher nonsale price. Retailers should always give or
provide honest information or provide fair information to the customers since they
are the one who’s going to purchase a product.

⮚ Should a retailer disclose product information that may affect whether or not it is
- Yes, for the reason that it may give the customer a knowledge or idea about the
product or how it can be used. Disclosure of a product information can be good for
some parts of selling a product because giving information or providing information
makes the customer think that the product is really worth to purchase and in other
explanation disclosure of a product information whether or not it is purchased can
be risky also for the retailers since they are providing information that may affect
the customers purchase decisions.

2. Research at least 5 retailers that you have visited locally or internationally. Explain your
impression on these retailers and how do they provide value to their offering.

Unitop – Unitop sells their product in a lowest price of it, Unitop is a retailer that has a variety of
products that they really gives a value on their offers, they provide value to their offering by
giving a service or just like on how their employees really entertain their customers to purchase
on their product or how the staff give assistance to their customers in finding a specific product
on their business.

Daily – Daily got also a variety of products that me as a customer can buy in a hustle free of
purchasing. They have got a well organize products that a customer can really find easily. They
provide value to their offering by giving some advice of their products that is budget friendly or
really affordable for me to purchase.

7 eleven – 7 eleven has a very accommodating staffs that they really give a good service to their
customers. They also have well-organized products. They’re really clean when it comes to their
store. They always organize their items.

Dunamis – Dunamis got music equipment like some instruments, piece, tools and many more
that is used for music. They also got a good service and they provide value to their offers by
offering a repair to the purchased product that is from their store. They provide services freely to
their customers.

Monster Kitchen – Monster Kitchen really got a good service like when you first come in to
their store they’re going to entertain you immediately. They also provide value to their offering
by how they give advice on purchasing their product like they will tell you about the product that
they think that you’re going to buy and they offer it in a lowest price.

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