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ANA THERESIA “RISA” HONTIVEROS-BARAQUEL v. Facts: On November 11, 1931, Act No.

3846, entitled "An Act

TOLL REGULATORY BOARD Providing for the Regulation of Radio Stations and Radio
Communications in the Philippines and for Other Purposes,"
FACTS: Philippine National Construction Corporation was enacted. Sec. 1 of the law reads, viz:
(PNCC), pursuant to P.D. 1113 with the right, privilege, and
authority to construct, and operate toll facilities Toll "Sec. 1. No person, firm, company, association, or corporation
Expressways, in a series of agreements transferred authority to shall construct, install, establish, or operate a radio
perform operations of the South Metro Manila Skyway to transmitting station, or a radio receiving station used for
Skyway O & M Corporation (SOMCO). Legislators and the commercial purposes, or a radio broadcasting station, without
Union of PNCC oppose the said transfer. They argue that the having first obtained a franchise therefor from the Congress of
Toll Operation Certificate issued by the The Toll Regulatory the Philippines..."
Board (TRB) to SOMCO is highly irregular and that the
transfer of authority is grossly disadvantageous to the Pursuant to the above provision, Congress enacted in 1965
government. R.A. No. 4551, entitled "An Act Granting Marcos J.
Villaverde, Jr. and Winfred E. Villaverde a Franchise to
ISSUES: Construct, Install, Maintain and Operate Public
1. Whether petitioners have standing; Radiotelephone and Radiotelegraph Coastal Stations, and
2. Whether the TRB has the power to grant authority to Public Fixed and Public Based and Land Mobile Stations
operate a toll facility; within the Philippines… It gave the grantees a 50-year
3. Whether the assumption of toll operations by SOMCO is franchise. In 1969, the franchise was transferred to petitioner
disadvantageous to the government. Associated Communications & Wireless Services – United
Broadcasting Network, Inc. (ACWS for brevity) through
HELD: Congress’ Concurrent Resolution No. 58. Petitioner ACWS
1. Petitioner filed as a legislator in her capacity as party-list then engaged in the installation and operation of several radio
representative of Akbayan. Hence, petitioners do not have the stations around the country.
requisite legal standing, and as such, she was only allowed to
sue to question the validity of any official action when it In 1974, P.D. No. 576-A, "Regulating the Ownership and
infringes on their prerogatives as members of Congress. Operation of Radio and Television Stations and for other
Purposes" was issued, with the following pertinent provisions
2. The Court has ruled that first, it is clear that Congress does on franchise of radio and television broadcasting systems:
not have the sole authority to grant franchises for the operation
of public utilities. Congress is not required before each and Sec. 1. No radio station or television channel may obtain a
every public utility may operate. Unless there is a law that franchise unless it has sufficient capital on the basis of equity
specifically requires a franchise for the operation of a public for its operation for at least one year, including purchase of
utility, particular agencies in the executive branch may issue equipment.
authorizations and licenses for the operation of certain classes
of public utilities. The authority to operate a public utility can Sec. 6. All franchises, grants, licenses, permits, certificates or
be granted by administrative agencies when authorized by law. other forms of authority to operate radio or television
broadcasting systems shall terminate on December 31, 1981.
3. The allegations of petitioners are nothing more than Thereafter, irrespective of any franchise, grant, license, permit,
speculations, apprehensions, and suppositions. It is certificate or other forms of authority to operate granted by
understandable that SOMCO does not yet have a proven track any office, agency or person, no radio or television station
record in toll operations, considering that it was only the shall be authorized to operate without the authority of the
Amendment to the Supplemental Toll Operation Agreement Board of Communications and the Secretary of Public Works
(ASTOA) and the Memorandum of Agreement that gave birth and Communications or their successors who have the right
to it. and authority to assign to qualified parties frequencies,
channels or other means of identifying broadcasting system.
SERVICES – UNITED BROADCASTING NETWORKS, A few years later or in 1979, E.O. No. 5464 was issued. It
petitioner, vs. integrated the Board of Communications and the
NATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION, Telecommunications Control Bureau under the Integrated
respondent. Reorganization Plan of 1972 into the NTC.

(The question that has taken a long life is whether the Among the powers vested in the NTC under Sec. 15 of E.O.
operation of a radio or television station requires a No. 546 are the following:
congressional franchise.)
a. Issue Certificate of Public Convenience for the operation of
communication utilities and services… ‘The NTC shall continue to issue and grant permits or
authorizations to operate radio and television broadcast
mc. Grant permits for the use of radio frequencies for wireless stations within their mandate under Section 15 of Executive
telephone and telegraph systems and radio communication Order No. 546, provided that such temporary permits or
systems… authorization to operate shall be valid for two (2) years within
which the permittee shall be required to file an application for
Upon termination of petitioner’s franchise on December 31, legislative franchise with Congress not later than December
1981 pursuant to P.D. No. 576-A, it continued operating its 31, 1994; provided finally, that if the permittee of the
radio stations under permits granted by the NTC. temporary permit or authorization to operate fails to secure the
legislative franchise with Congress within this period, the
Issue: Has E.O. No 546 modified the franchising and licensing NTC shall not extend or renew its permit or authorization to
arrangement for radio and television broadcasting systems operate any further.’
under Act No. 3846 and P.D. No. 576-A; consequently, the
requirement of obtaining a congressional/legislative franchise Petitioner stresses that Act. No. 3846 covers only the
can already be dispensed with? operation of radio and not television stations. the Court of
Appeals held that a congressional franchise is required for the
Ruling: E.O. No. 546 integrated the Board of Communications operation of radio and television broadcasting stations as this
and the Telecommunications Bureau into a single entity requirement under Act No. 3846 was not expressly repealed
known as the NTC, and vested the new body with broad by P.D. No. 576-A nor E.O. No. 546.
powers, among them, the power to issue Certificates of Public
Convenience for the operation of communications utilities, The appellate court correctly ruled that a congressional
including radio and televisions broadcasting systems and the franchise is necessary for petitioner to operate television
power to grant permits for the use of radio frequencies. Channel. Even assuming that Act No. 3846 applies only to
Additionally, NTC was vested with broad rule making radio stations and not to television stations as petitioner
authority ‘to encourage a larger and more effective use of adamantly insists, the subsequent P.D. No. 576-A clearly
communications, radio and television broadcasting facilities, shows in Section 1 that a franchise is required to operate radio
and to maintain effective competition among private entities in as well as television stations.
these activities whenever the Commission finds it reasonably
feasible. There is nothing in P.D. No. 576-A which reveals any
intention to do away with the requirement of a franchise for
In the recent case of Albano vs. Reyes (175 SCRA 264), the the operation of radio and television stations. Section 6 of P.D.
Supreme Court held that ‘franchises issued by Congress are No. 576-A merely identifies the regulatory agencies from
not required before each and every public utility may operate.’ whom authorizations, in addition to the required congressional
Administrative agencies may be empowered by law ‘to grant franchise, must be secured after December 31, 1981.
licenses for or to authorize the operation of certain public
utilities.’ The Supreme Court stated that the provision in the Thus, while it is correct to say that specified agencies in the
Constitution (Art. XII, Sec. 11) ‘that the issuance of a Executive Branch have the power to issue authorization for
franchise, certificate or other form of authorization for the certain classes of public utilities, this does not mean that the
operation of a public utility shall be subject to amendment, authorization or CPC issued by the NTC dispenses with the
alteration or repeal by Congress, does not necessarily requirement of a franchise as this is clearly required under
imply . . . that only Congress has the power to grant such P.D. No. 576-A.
authorization. Our statute books are replete with laws granting
specified agencies in the Executive Branch the power to issue The petitioner however insists that the Constitution provides in
such authorization for certain classes of public utilities.’ Art. XII, Sec. 11 that the issuance of a franchise, certificate or
other form of authorization for the operation of a public utility
We believe that E.O. No. 546 is one law which authorizes an shall be subject to amendment, alteration or repeal by
administrative agency, the NTC, to issue authorizations for the Congress does not necessarily imply, as petitioner posits, that
operation of radio and television broadcasting systems without only Congress has the power to grant such authorization. Our
need of a prior franchise issued by Congress. statute books are replete with laws granting specified agencies
in the Executive Branch the power to issue such authorization
However, on May 3, 1994, the NTC, the Committee on for certain classes of public utilities.
Legislative Franchises of Congress, and the Kapisanan ng mga
Brodkaster sa Pilipinas of which petitioner is a member of Where there is a law such as P.D. No. 576-A which requires a
good standing, entered into a Memorandum of Understanding franchise for the operation of radio and television stations, that
(MOU) that requires a congressional franchise to operate radio law must be followed until subsequently repealed. There is
and television stations. The MOU states in part: nothing in the subsequent E.O. No. 546 which evinces an
intent to dispense with the franchise requirement. Thus, while and null and void for being acts constituting grave abuse of
it is correct to say that specified agencies in the Executive discretion. Also, they pray that the Court issue a TRO against
Branch have the power to issue authorization for certain respondents
classes of public utilities, this does not mean that the
authorization or CPC issued by the NTC dispenses with the UDK-14951 – A Petition filed seeking that the PDAF be
requirement of a franchise as this is clearly required under declared unconstitutional, and a cease and desist order be
P.D. No. 576-A. issued restraining President Benigno Simeon S. Aquino III
And whether or not the benefits of the Memorandum Circular (President Aquino) and Secretary Abad from releasing such
extend to petitioner, the fact is, as correctly pointed out by the funds to Members of Congress
appellate court, petitioner failed to secure a legislative
franchise by December 31, 1999. ISSUES:
1. Whether or not the 2013 PDAF Article and all other
Therefore, as long as the law remains unchanged, the Congressional Pork Barrel Laws similar thereto are
requirement of a franchise to operate a television station must unconstitutional considering that they violate the principles
be upheld. The call to dispense with the requisite legislative of/constitutional provisions on (a) separation of powers; (b)
franchise must, however, be addressed to Congress as the non-delegability of legislative power; (c) checks and balances;
lawmaker of the land for the Court’s function is to interpret (d) accountability; (e) political dynasties; and (f) local
and not to rewrite the law. autonomy.
2. Whether or not the phrases (under Section 8 of PD
So ordered. 910,116 relating to the Malampaya Funds, and under Section
12 of PD 1869, as amended by PD 1993, relating to the
G.R. No. 208566 November 19, 2013 Presidential Social Fund, are unconstitutional insofar as they
BELGICA vs. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY constitute undue delegations of legislative power.

FACTS: The NBI Investigation was spawned by sworn HELD:

affidavits of six (6) whistle-blowers who declared that JLN 1. Yes, the PDAF article is unconstitutional. The post-
Corporation (Janet Lim Napoles) had swindled billions of enactment measures which govern the areas of project
pesos from the public coffers for "ghost projects" using identification, fund release and fund realignment are not
dummy NGOs. Thus, Criminal complaints were filed before related to functions of congressional oversight and, hence,
the Office of the Ombudsman, charging five (5) lawmakers for allow legislators to intervene and/or assume duties that
Plunder, and three (3) other lawmakers for Malversation, properly belong to the sphere of budget execution. This
Direct Bribery, and Violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt violates the principle of separation of powers. Congress‘role
Practices Act. Also recommended to be charged in the must be confined to mere oversight that must be confined to:
complaints are some of the lawmakers’ chiefs -of-staff or (1) scrutiny and (2) investigation and monitoring of the
representatives, the heads and other officials of three (3) implementation of laws. Any action or step beyond that will
implementing agencies, and the several presidents of the undermine the separation of powers guaranteed by the
NGOs set up by Napoles. constitution.

Whistle-blowers alleged that" at least P900 Million from Thus, the court declares the 2013 pdaf article as well as all
royalties in the operation of the Malampaya gas project off other provisions of law which similarly allow legislators to
Palawan province intended for agrarian reform beneficiaries wield any form of post-enactment authority in the
has gone into a dummy NGO. Several petitions were lodged implementation or enforcement of the budget, unrelated to
before the Court similarly seeking that the "Pork Barrel congressional oversight, as violative of the separation of
System" be declared unconstitutional powers principle and thus unconstitutional.

G.R. No. 208493 – SJS filed a Petition for Prohibition seeking

that the "Pork Barrel System" be declared unconstitutional, 2. Yes. Sec 8 of PD 910- the phrase “and for such other
and a writ of prohibition be issued permanently purposes as may be hereafter directed by the President”‖
constitutes an undue delegation of legislative power insofar as
G.R. No. 208566 - Belgica, et al filed an Urgent Petition For it does not lay down a sufficient standard to adequately
Certiorari and Prohibition With Prayer For The Immediate determine the limits of the President‘s authority with respect
Issuance of Temporary Restraining Order and/or Writ of to the purpose for which the Malampaya Funds may be used.
Preliminary Injunction seeking that the annual "Pork Barrel It gives the President wide latitude to use the Malampaya
System," presently embodied in the provisions of the GAA of Funds for any other purpose he may direct and, in effect,
2013 which provided for the 2013 PDAF, and the Executive‘s allows him to unilaterally appropriate public funds beyond the
lump-sum, discretionary funds, such as the Malampaya Funds purview of the law.”
and the Presidential Social Fund, be declared unconstitutional
Section 12 of PD 1869, as amended by PD 1993- the phrases: about the conditions precedent. Moreover, they allege that no
guiding standards are made by law as to how the Secretary of
(b) "to finance the priority infrastructure development Finance will make the recommendation. They claim,
projects” was declared constitutional. IT INDICATED nonetheless, that any recommendation of the Secretary of
PURPOSE ADEQUATELY CURTAILS THE AUTHORITY Finance can easily be brushed aside by the President since the
OF THE PRESIDENT TO SPEND THE PRESIDENTIAL former is a mere alter ego of the latter, such that, ultimately, it
SOCIAL FUND ONLY FOR RESTORATION PURPOSES is the President who decides whether to impose the increased
(b)” and to finance the restoration of damaged or destroyed Whether or not R.A. No. 9337 has violated the provisions in
facilities due to calamities, as may be directed and authorized Article VI, Section 24, and Article VI, Section 26 (2) of the
by the Office of the President of the Philippines” was declared Constitution.
BLANCHE AUTHORITY TO USE THE SAME FUND FOR Whether or not there was an undue delegation of legislative
ANY INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT HE MAY SO power in violation of Article VI Sec 28 Par 1 and 2 of the
INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS‖ AND Whether or not there was a violation of the due process and
HENCE, LEAVES THE PRESIDENT WITHOUT ANY equal protection under Article III Sec. 1 of the Constitution.


SECRETARY Basing from the ruling of Tolentino case, it is not the law, but
the revenue bill which is required by the Constitution to
Facts: “originate exclusively” in the House of Representatives, but
Petitioners ABAKADA GURO Party List challenged the Senate has the power not only to propose amendments, but
constitutionality of R.A. No. 9337 particularly Sections 4, 5 also to propose its own version even with respect to bills
and 6, amending Sections 106, 107 and 108, respectively, of which are required by the Constitution to originate in the
the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC). These questioned House. the Constitution simply means is that the initiative for
provisions contain a uniform proviso authorizing the filing revenue, tariff or tax bills, bills authorizing an increase
President, upon recommendation of the Secretary of Finance, of the public debt, private bills and bills of local application
to raise the VAT rate to 12%, effective January 1, 2006, after must come from the House of Representatives on the theory
any of the following conditions have been satisfied, to wit: that, elected as they are from the districts, the members of the
House can be expected to be more sensitive to the local needs
. . . That the President, upon the recommendation of the and problems. On the other hand, the senators, who are elected
Secretary of Finance, shall, effective January 1, 2006, raise the at large, are expected to approach the same problems from the
rate of value-added tax to twelve percent (12%), after any of national perspective. Both views are thereby made to bear on
the following conditions has been satisfied: the enactment of such laws.

(i) Value-added tax collection as a percentage of Gross In testing whether a statute constitutes an undue delegation of
Domestic Product (GDP) of the previous year exceeds two and legislative power or not, it is usual to inquire whether the
four-fifth percent (2 4/5%); or statute was complete in all its terms and provisions when it left
the hands of the legislature so that nothing was left to the
(ii) National government deficit as a percentage of GDP of the judgment of any other appointee or delegate of the legislature.
previous year exceeds one and one-half percent (1 ½%).
The equal protection clause under the Constitution means that
Petitioners argue that the law is unconstitutional, as it “no person or class of persons shall be deprived of the same
constitutes abandonment by Congress of its exclusive protection of laws which is enjoyed by other persons or other
authority to fix the rate of taxes under Article VI, Section classes in the same place and in like circumstances.”
28(2) of the 1987 Philippine Constitution. They further argue
that VAT is a tax levied on the sale or exchange of goods and Rulings:
services and cannot be included within the purview of tariffs R.A. No. 9337 has not violated the provisions. The revenue
under the exemption delegation since this refers to customs bill exclusively originated in the House of Representatives, the
duties, tolls or tribute payable upon merchandise to the Senate was acting within its constitutional power to introduce
government and usually imposed on imported/exported goods. amendments to the House bill when it included provisions in
They also said that the President has powers to cause, Senate Bill No. 1950 amending corporate income taxes,
influence or create the conditions provided by law to bring percentage, excise and franchise taxes. Verily, Article VI,
Section 24 of the Constitution does not contain any prohibition (2) its audited financial statements for the period ending
or limitation on the extent of the amendments that may be December 31, 2003 could not be finalized by reason of the
introduced by the Senate to the House revenue bill. delay in the completion of some of its audit requirements.

There is no undue delegation of legislative power but only of On July 27, 2004, SEC suspended URPHI's registration of
the discretion as to the execution of a law. This is Securities and Permit to Sell Securities to the public for failure
constitutionally permissible. Congress does not abdicate its to submit the reportorial requirements DESPITE THE LAPSO
functions or unduly delegate power when it describes what job OF THE EXTENTION PERION, and due to lack of sufficient
must be done, who must do it, and what is the scope of his justification.
authority; in our complex economy that is frequently the only
way in which the legislative process can go forward. On August 23, 2004, SEC informed URPHI that it failed to
submit its 2004 2nd Quarter Report in violation of the
Supreme Court held no decision on this matter. The power of amended IRR of the SRC Rule 17.a (1)(A)(ii). It directed
the State to make reasonable and natural classifications for the URPHI to file the said report and show cause why it should
purposes of taxation has long been established. Whether it not be held in violation for the said rule.
relates to the subject of taxation, the kind of property, the rates
to be levied, or the amounts to be raised, the methods of On September 23, 2004, URPHI requested for a final
assessment, valuation and collection, the State’s power is extension or until November 15, 2004. On December 1, 2004,
entitled to presumption of validity. As a rule, the judiciary will URPHI filed with SEC its 2003 Annual Report. On December
not interfere with such power absent a clear showing of 8, 2004, SEC revoked URPHI's Registration of Securities and
unreasonableness, discrimination, or arbitrariness. Permit to Sell Securities to the Public for its failure to submits
its reportorial requirements within the final extension period.

SECURITIES and EXCHANGE COMMISSION, vs. On December 9, 10 and 14, 2004, URPHI finally submitted to
INC., Order of Revocation dated December 8, 2004 by filing a
Notice of Appeal and a Memorandum both dated January 3,
FACTS: 2005. On December 15, 2005, SEC denied URPHI's appeal
Petitioner is the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) through a resolution. Aggrieved, URPHI filed a petition for
and Respondent is Universal Rightfield Property Holdings, review with the CA.
Inc. (URPHI). URPHI is a corporation duly registered and
existing under Philippine Law which is engaged in the Issue: Whether or not the URPHI was accorded all the
business of providing residential and leisure-related needs and opportunity to be heard and comply with all the reportorial
wants market. requirements before the Order of Revocation was issued by
SEC issued an Order revoking URPHI's Registration of SEC
for failure to timely file its Year 2001 Annual Report and Year Held: YES. SC granted the petition as meritorious stating that
2002, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Quarterly Reports which required there is no dispute that the violation of reportorial
pursuant to Section 17 of the Securities Regulation Code requirements under Sec 17.1 of the Amended IRR of the SRC
(SRC). On October 16, 2003, URPHI Filed a motion to set is a ground for suspension or revocation of the registration of
aside the revocation order and reinstate registration after securities pursuant to Sec 13.1 and 54.1 of the SRC to wit:
complying with its reportorial requirements. On October 24, 13.1. The Commission may reject a registration statement and
2003, SEC granted the motion to lift the revocation order. refuse registration of the security thereunder, or revoke the
However, URPHI failed again to comply with the same effectivity of a registration statement and the registration of
reportorial requirements. the security thereunder after due notice and hearing by issuing
an order to such effect, setting forth its findings in respect
On June 24, 2004, in a NOTICE OF HEARING, SEC directed thereto, if it finds that:
URPHI to show cause why its registration of Securities and
Certificate of Permit to Sell securities to the Public should not a) The issuer:
be suspended for failure to submit said requirements in xxx xxx xxx
violation of SRC Rule 17. On July 6, 2004, the scheduled (ii) Has violated any of the provisions of this Code, the rules
hearing, URPHI through its Chief accountant, informed SEC promulgated pursuant thereto, or any order of the
why it failed to submit the reportorial requirement, viz: Commission of which the issuer has notice in connection with
the offering for which a registration statement has been filed;
(1) it was constrained to reduce its accounting staff due to 54.1. If, after due notice and hearing, the Commission finds
cost-cutting measures; thus, some of the audit requirements that: (a) There is a violation of this Code, its rules, or its
were not completed within the original timetable; orders; (b) Any registered broker or dealer, associated person
thereof has failed reasonably to supervise, with a view to
preventing violations, another person subject to supervision Thus, petition is granted and the decision of CA is reversed.
who commits any such violation; The requirements of due notice and hearing under Section 13.1
and 54.1 of the SRC were substantially complied with.
(c) Any registrant or other person has, in a registration
statement or in other reports, applications, accounts, records or Comelec vs Español : 149164-73 : December 10, 2003 (417
documents required by law or rules to be filed with the SCRA 554)
Commission, made any
untrue statement of a material fact, or omitted to state any Facts: Bautista filed before the LAw Department of the
material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make Comelec a complaint against certain individuals for vote
the statements therein not misleading; or, in the case of an buying. By virtue of a resolution, an information was filed
underwriter, has failed to conduct an inquiry with reasonable against respondents with the RTC. Meanwhile, criminal
diligence to insure that a registration statement is accurate and complaints were filed against Bautista's witnesses for vote
complete in all material respects; selling.

or (d) Any person has refused to permit any lawful the Law Department of the COMELEC later on recommended
examinations into its affairs, it shall, in its discretion, and that the resolutionof the Office of the Cavite Provincial
subject only to the limitations hereinafter prescribed, impose Prosecutor be nullified because the accused are exempt and
any or all of the following sanctions as may be appropriate in that the prosecution of election offesnses were under the sole
light of the facts and circumstances: cotrol of the COMELEC.
(i) Suspension, or revocation of any registration for the
offering of securities. Issue: Whether or not the review of the Provincial Prosecutor's
resolution by COMELEC and the subsequent request for its
SC further held that the essence of due process is simply nullification was proper.
giving an opportunity to be heard, or as applied to
administrative proceedings, an opportunity to explain one's Held: Under Article IX, Section 2(b) of the Constitution, the
side or an opportunity to seek a reconsideration of the action petitioner is empowered to investigate and, when appropriate,
or ruling complained of. What the law prohibits is not the prosecute election offenses. The grant by the Constitution to
absence of previous notice but the absolute absence thereof the petitioner of the express power to investigate and
and the lack of opportunity to be heard. prosecute election offenses is intended to enable the petitioner
to assure the people of a fine, orderly, honest, peaceful and
The due notice of revocation given to URPHI through the SEC credible election. Under Section 265 of the Omnibus Election
Order dated July 27, 2004, wherein the SEC expressly warned Code, the petitioner, through its duly authorized legal officers,
that such registration would be revoked should it persistently has the exclusive power to conduct preliminary investigation
fail to comply with the said requirements. Still, URPHI of all election offenses punishable under the Omnibus Election
continuously failed to submit the required reports. Due notice Code, and to prosecute the same. The petitioner may avail of
simply means the information must be given or made to a the assistance of the prosecuting arms of the government but
particular person or to the public within a legally mandated as held in Margarejo vs.Escoses until revoked, the continuing
period of time so that its recipient will have the opportunity to authority of the Provincial or City Prosecutors stays.
respond to a situation or to allegations that affect the
individual's or public's legal rights or duties. The power to grant exemptions is vested solely on the
petitioner. This power is concomitant with its authority to
Furthermore, the SC notes that SEC has both regulatory and enforce election laws, investigate election offenses and
adjudicative functions. The revocation of registration of prosecute those committing the same. The exercise of such
securities and permit to sell them to the public is not an power should not be interfered with by the trial court. Neither
exercise of the SEC's quasi-judicial power, but of its may this Court interfere with the petitioner’s exercise of its
regulatory power. discretion in denying or granting exemptions under the law,
unless the petitioner commits a grave abuse of its discretion
The case used by URPHI which is the Globe Telecom ruling is amounting to excess or lack of jurisdiction.
different from the case at hand. The SC in Globe Case ruled
that the fined imposed by the NTC without notice and hearing OLIVIA DA SILVA CERAFICA v. COMMISSION ON
was null and void due to the denial of petitioner's right to due ELECTIONS
process. The revocation of URPHI's registration of securities G.R. No. 205136, 02 December 2014, EN BANC, (Perez, J.)
and permit to sell them to the public cannot be considered a
penalty but a withdrawal of a privilege, which regulatory Facts: COMELEC has the ministerial duty to receive and
power the SEC validly exercised after giving it due notice and acknowledge receipt of COCs. The question of eligibility or
opportunity to be heard. ineligibility of a candidate is thus beyond the usual and proper
cognizance of the COMELEC. On October 2012, Kimberly RUFINO O. ESLAO, in his capacity as President of
filed her certificate of candidacy (COC) for Councilor, City of Pangasinan State University, vs. COMMISSION ON AUDIT,
Taguig for the 2013 Elections. Her COC stated that she was respondent
born on 29 October 1992, or that she will be twenty (20) years
of age on the day of the FACTS: On 9 December 1988, PSU entered into a
elections, in contravention of the requirement that one must be Memorandum of Agreement ("MOA") with the Department of
at least twenty-three (23) years of age on the day of the Environment and Natural Resources ("DENR") for the
elections. As such, Kimberly was summoned to a clarificatory evaluation of eleven (11) government reforestation operations
hearing due to the age qualification. Instead of attending the in Pangasinan. The evaluation project was part of the
hearing, Kimberly opted to file a sworn Statement of commitment of the Asian Development Bank ("ADB") under
Withdrawal of COC. Simultaneously, Olivia filed her own the ADB/OECF Forestry Sector Program Loan to the Republic
COC as a substitute of Kimberly. of the Philippines and was one among identical project
agreements entered into by the DENR with sixteen (16) other
The COMELEC rendered a decision ordering the cancellation state universities. Per advice of the PSU Auditor-in-Charge
of Kimberly’s COC, and the denial of the substitution of with respect to the payment of honoraria and per diems of
Kimberly by Olivia. PSU personnel engaged in the review and evaluation project,
PSU Vice President for Research and Extension and Assistant
COMELEC argued that Olivia cannot substitute Kimberly as Project Director Victorino P. Espero requested the Office of
the latter was never an official candidate because she was not the President, PSU, to have the University's Board of Regents
eligible for the post by reason of her age, and that; moreover, ("BOR") confirm the appointments or designations of involved
the COC that Kimberly filed was invalid because it contained PSU personnel including the rates of honoraria and per diems
a material misrepresentation relating to her eligibility for the corresponding to their specific roles and functions. The BOR
office she seeks to be elected to. Olivia countered that approved the MOA and later on PSU issued Voucher No.
although Kimberly may not be qualified to run for election 8902007 representing the amount of P70, 375 for payment of
because of her age, it cannot be denied that she still filed a honoraria to PSU personnel engaged in the project. Later,
valid COC and was, thus, an official candidate who may be however, the approved honoraria rates were found to be
substituted. Olivia also claimed that there was no ground to somewhat higher than the rates provided for in the guidelines
cancel or deny Kimberly’s COC on the ground of lack of of National Compensation Circular ("NCC") No. 53.
qualification and material misrepresentation because she did Accordingly, the amounts were adjusted downwards to
not conform to NCC No. 53. Adjustments were made by
misrepresent her birth date to qualify for the position of deducting amounts from subsequent disbursements of
councilor, and as there was no deliberate attempt to mislead honoraria. By June 1989, NCC No. 53 was being complied
the electorate, which is precisely why she withdrew her COC with. Bonifacio Icu, COA resident auditor at PSU, alleging
upon learning that she was not qualified. that there were excess payments of honoraria, issued a "Notice
of Disallowance" disallowing P64,925 from the amount of
ISSUE: Was there a valid substitution? P70,37 stated in Voucher No. 8902007, mentioned earlier. The
resident auditor based his action on the premise that
RULING: Yes, in declaring that Kimberly, being under age, Compensation Policy Guidelines ("CPG") No. 80-4 issued by
could not be considered to have filed a valid COC and, thus, the Department of Budget and Management which provided
could not be validly substituted by Olivia, we find that the for lower rates than NCC No. 53, also issued by the
COMELEC gravely abused its discretion. Firstly, subject to its Department of Budget and Management, was the schedule for
authority over nuisance candidates and its power to deny due honoraria and per diems applicable to work done under the
course to or cancel COCs under Sec. 78, Batas Pambansa MOA of 9 December 1988between the PSU and the DENR.
(B.P.) Blg. 881, the COMELEC has the ministerial duty to
receive and acknowledge receipt of COCs. The question of ISSUE: Whether or not the evaluation project is in fact a
eligibility or ineligibility of a candidate is thus beyond the "special project" and that there were excess of payments of
usual and proper cognizance of the COMELEC. honoraria

The next question then is whether Olivia complied with all of HELD:
the requirements for a valid substitution; we answer in the Sec. 2.1 of CPG No. 80-4 defines "special project" as an inter-
affirmative. First, there was a valid withdrawal of Kimberly’s agency or inter-committee activity or undertaking by a
COC after the last day for the filing of COCs; second, Olivia composite group of officials/employees from various agencies
belongs to and is certified to by the same political party to which [activity or undertaking] is not among the regular and
which Kimberly belongs; and third, Olivia filed her COC not primary functions of the agencies involved. COA, under its
later than mid-day of election day. constitutional mandate, is not authorized to substitute its own
judgment for any applicable law or administrative regulation
with the wisdom or propriety of which, however, it does not
agree, at least not before such law or regulation is set aside by Section 277 (now Section 244) is an express grant of authority
the authorized agency of government–i.e., the courts–as to the Secretary of Finance to promulgate all needful rules and
unconstitutional or illegal and void. The COA, like all other regulations for the effective enforcement of the provisions of
government agencies, must respect the presumption of legality the NIRC. The Court recognized that the application of
and constitutionality to which statutes and administrative Section 277 calls for none other than the exercise of quasi-
regulations are entitled until such statute or regulation is legislative or rule-making authority. Verily, it cannot be
repealed or amended, or until set aside in appropriate case by a disputed that Revenue Regulation 19-86 was issued pursuant
competent court and ultimately the Supreme Court. to the rule-making power of the Secretary of Finance, thus
making it legislative, and not interpretative as alleged by BLC.
BPI Leasing Corp vs Court of Appeals
FACTS: BLC is a corporation engaged in the business of
leasing properties. For the calendar year 1986, BLC paid the 2) The principle is well entrenched that statutes, including
Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR) a total of administrative rules and regulations, operate prospectively
P1,139,041.49 representing 4% contractors percentage tax only, unless the legislative intent to the contrary is manifest by
then imposed by Section 205 of the National Internal Revenue express terms or by necessary implication. In the present case,
Code (NIRC), based on its gross rentals from equipment there is no indication that the revenue regulation may operate
leasing for the said year amounting to P27,783,725.42. retroactively. Furthermore, there is an express provision
stating that it shall take effect on January 1, 1987, and that it
On November 10, 1986, the CIR issued Revenue Regulation shall be applicable to all leases written on or after the said
19-86. Section 6.2 thereof provided that finance and leasing date. Being clear on its prospective application, it must be
companies registered under Republic Act 5980 shall be subject given its literal meaning and applied without further
to gross receipt tax of 5%-3%-1% on actual income earned. interpretation. Thus, BLC is not in a position to invoke the
This means that companies registered under Republic Act provisions of Revenue Regulation 19-86 for lease rentals it
5980, such as BLC, are not liable for contractors percentage received prior to January 1, 1987.
tax under Section 205 but are, instead, subject to gross receipts
tax under Section 260 (now Section 122) of the NIRC. Since LA BUGAL B’LAAN TRIBAL ASSOCIATION INC., et. al.
BLC had earlier paid the aforementioned contractors v. V. O. RAMOS, Secretary Department of Environment and
percentage tax, it re-computed its tax liabilities under the gross Natural Resources; H. RAMOS, Director, Mines and
receipts tax and arrived at the amount of P361,924.44. Geosciences Bureau (MGB-DENR); R. TORRES, Executive
Secretary; and WMC (PHILIPPINES) INC.
On April 11, 1988, BLC filed a claim for a refund with the
CIR for the amount of P777,117.05, representing the The constitutional provision allowing the President to enter
difference between the P1,139,041.49 it had paid as into FTAA is a exception to the rule that participation in the
contractors percentage tax and P361,924.44 it should have nation’s natural resources is reserved exclusively to Filipinos.
paid for gross receipts tax. Four days later, to stop the running Provision must be construed strictly against their enjoyment
of the prescriptive period for refunds, petitioner filed a petition by non-Filipinos.
for review with the CTA. CTA dismissed the petition and
denied BLCs claim of refund. The CTA held that Revenue RA 7942 (The Philippine Mining Act) took effect on April 9,
Regulation 19-86, as amended, may only be applied 1995. Before the effectivity of RA 7942, or on March 30,
prospectively such that it only covers all leases written on or 1995, the President signed a Financial and Technical
after January 1, 1987. The CTA ruled that, since BLCs rental Assistance Agreement (FTAA) with WMCP, a corporation
income was all received prior to 1986, it follows that this was organized under Philippine laws, covering close to 100,000
derived from lease transactions prior to January 1, 1987, and hectares of land in South Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, Davao del
hence, not covered by the revenue regulation. Sur and North Cotabato. On August 15, 1995, the
Environment Secretary Victor Ramos issued DENR
ISSUE: Administrative Order 95-23, which was later repealed by
1) Whether or not Revenue Regulation 19-86 is legislative DENR Administrative Order 96-40, adopted on December 20,
rather than interpretative in character 1996.
RULING: The Court finds the questioned revenue regulation
to be legislative in nature. LEGISLATIVE Petitioners prayed that RA 7942, its implementing rules, and
2) Whether or not its application should be prospective or the FTAA between the government and WMCP be declared
retroactive. PROSPECTIVE unconstitutional on ground that they allow fully foreign owned
corporations like WMCP to exploit, explore and develop
RULING: Philippine mineral resources in contravention of Article XII
Section 2 paragraphs 2 and 4 of the Charter.
1) Section 1 of Revenue Regulation 19-86 plainly states that it
was promulgated pursuant to Section 277 of the NIRC.
In January 2001, WMC – a publicly listed Australian mining country‘s natural resource, for it is given exclusive and
and exploration company – sold its whole stake in WMCP to plenary rights to exploit a particular resource at the point of
Sagittarius Mines, 60% of which is owned by Filipinos while extraction.
40% of which is owned by Indophil Resources, an Australian
company. DENR approved the transfer and registration of the The 1987 Constitution, moreover, has deleted the phrase
FTAA in Sagittarius‘ name but Lepanto Consolidated assailed ―management or other forms of assistance in the 1973
the same. The latter case is still pending before the Court of Charter. The present Constitution now allows only ―technical
Appeals. and financial assistance. The management and the operation of
the mining activities by foreign contractors, the primary
EO 279, issued by former President Aquino on July 25, 1987, feature of the service contracts was precisely the evil the
authorizes the DENR to accept, consider and evaluate drafters of the 1987 Constitution sought to avoid.
proposals from foreign owned corporations or foreign
investors for contracts or agreements involving wither The constitutional provision allowing the President to enter
technical or financial assistance for large scale exploration, into FTAAs is an exception to the rule that participation in the
development and utilization of minerals which upon nation‘s natural resources is reserved exclusively to Filipinos.
appropriate recommendation of the (DENR) Secretary, the Accordingly, such provision must be construed strictly against
President may execute with the foreign proponent. WMCP their enjoyment by non-Filipinos. Therefore, RA 7942 is
likewise contended that the annulment of the FTAA would invalid insofar as the said act authorizes service contracts.
violate a treaty between the Philippines and Australia which Although the statute employs the phrase ―financial and
provides for the protection of Australian investments. technical agreements in accordance with the 1987
Constitution, its pertinent provisions actually treat these
ISSES: agreements as service contracts that grant beneficial
1. Whether or not the Philippine Mining Act is ownership to foreign contractors contrary to the fundamental
unconstitutional for allowing fully foreign-owned corporations law.
to exploit the Philippine mineral resources. 2. Whether or not
the FTAA between the government and WMCP is a ―service The underlying assumption in the provisions of the law is that
contract that permits fully foreign owned companies to exploit the foreign contractor manages the mineral resources just like
the Philippine mineral resources. the foreign contractor in a service contract. By allowing
foreign contractors to manage or operate all the aspects of the
HELD: mining operation, RA 7942 has, in effect, conveyed beneficial
First Issue: RA 7942 is Unconstitutional ownership over the nation‘s mineral resources to these
RA 7942 or the Philippine Mining Act of 1995 is contractors, leaving the State with nothing but bare title
unconstitutional for permitting fully foreign owned thereto.
corporations to exploit the Philippine natural resources.
The same provisions, whether by design or inadvertence,
Article XII Section 2 of the 1987 Constitution retained the permit a circumvention of the constitutionally ordained 60-
Regalian Doctrine which states that ―All lands of the public 40% capitalization requirement for corporations or
domain, waters, minerals, coal, petroleum, and other minerals, associations engaged in the exploitation, development and
coal, petroleum, and other mineral oils, all forces of potential utilization of Philippine natural resources.
energy, fisheries, forests or timber, wildlife, flora and fauna,
and other natural resources are owned by the State. The same When parts of a statute are so mutually dependent and
section also states that, ―the exploration and development connected as conditions, considerations, inducements or
and utilization of natural resources shall be under the full compensations for each other as to warrant a belief that the
control and supervision of the State. legislature intended them as a whole, then if some parts are
unconstitutional, all provisions that are thus dependent,
Conspicuously absent in Section 2 is the provision in the 1935 conditional or connected, must fail with them.
and 1973 Constitution authorizing the State to grant licenses,
concessions, or leases for the exploration, exploitation, Under Article XII Section 2 of the 1987 Charter, foreign
development, or utilization of natural resources. By such owned corporations are limited only to merely technical or
omission, the utilization of inalienable lands of the public financial assistance to the State for large scale exploration,
domain through license, concession or lease is no longer development and utilization of minerals, petroleum and other
allowed under the 1987 Constitution. mineral oils.

Under the concession system, the concessionaire makes a Second Issue: RP Government-WMCP FTAA is a Service
direct equity investment for the purpose of exploiting a Contract
particular natural resource within a given area. The concession The FTAA between he WMCP and the Philippine government
amounts to complete control by the concessionaire over the is likewise unconstitutional since the agreement itself is a
service contract. Section 1.3 of the FTAA grants WMCP a whether natural or judicial, shall not be subject to any ceiling
fully foreign owned corporation, the exclusive right to explore, prescribed under or pursuant to the Usury Law, as amended.
exploit, utilize and dispose of all minerals and by-products that
may be produced from the contract area. Section 1.2 of the Only in the absence of stipulations will the 12% rate be
same agreement provides that EMCP shall provide all applied or if the stipulated rate is grossly excessive.
financing, technology, management, and personnel necessary
for the Mining Operations. Further, Eusebio never questioned the rate. He merely
expressed to negotiate the terms and conditions. The
These contractual stipulations and related provisions in the promissory notes were signed by both parties voluntarily.
FTAA taken together, grant WMCP beneficial ownership over Therefore, stipulations therein are binding between them.
natural resources that properly belong to the State and are
intended for the benefit of its citizens. These stipulations are 2. Do the Courts have the discretion to arbitrarily override
abhorrent to the 1987 Constitution. They are precisely the stipulated interest rates of promissory notes and stipulated
vices that the fundamental law seeks to avoid, the evils that it interest rates of promissory notes and thereby impose a 12%
aims to suppress. Consequently, the contract from which they interest on the loans, in the absence of evidence justifying the
spring must be struck down. imposition of a higher rate?

SECURITY BANK AND TRUST COMPANY v RTC- NO. The rate of interest was agreed upon by the parties freely.
MAKATI Significantly, respondent did not question that rate. It is not for
G.R. No. 113926 respondent court a quo to change the stipulations in the
October 23, 1996 contract where it is not illegal. Furthermore, Article 1306 of
the New Civil Code provides that contracting parties may
FACTS: In 1983, Eusebio acquired 3 separate loans from establish such stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions as
Security Bank amounting to P265k. The agreed interest rate they may deem convenient, provided they are not contrary to
was 23% per annum. The promissory note was freely and law, morals, good customs, public order, or public policy. We
voluntarily signed by both parties. Leia Ventura was the co- find no valid reason for the respondent court a quo to impose a
maker. Eusebio defaulted from paying. Security Bank sued for 12% rate of interest on the principal balance owing to
collection. petitioner by respondent in the presence of a valid stipulation.
In a loan or forbearance of money, the interest due should be
DECISION OF LOWER COURTS: that stipulated in writing, and in the absence thereof, the rate
* RTC: Judge Gorospe of the Makati RTC ordered Eusebio to shall be 12% per annum. Hence, only in the absence of a
pay but he lowered the interest rate to 12% per annum. stipulation can the court impose the 12% rate of interest.
* directly to SC in petition for certiorari.
ISSUES & RULING: Central Bank Circular No. 905 which took effect on December
1. Should the rate of interest on a loan or forbearance of 22, 1982, particularly Sections 1 and 2 which state:
money, goods or credits, as stipulated in a contract, far in
excess of the ceiling prescribed under or pursuant to the Usury Sec. 1. The rate of interest, including commissions, premiums,
Law, prevail over Section 2 of Central Bank Circular No. 905 fees and other charges, on a loan or forbearance of any money,
which prescribes that the rate of interest thereof shall continue goods or credits, regardless of maturity and whether secured or
to be 12% per annum? or whether or not the 23% rate of unsecured, that may be charged or collected by any person,
interest per annum agreed upon by petitioner bank and whether natural or judicial, shall not be subject to any ceiling
respondents is allowable and not against the Usury Law? prescribed under or pursuant to the Usury Law, as amended.

Yes, the rate per contract prevails. Sec. 2. The rate of interest for the loan or forbearance of any
money, goods or credits and the rate allowed in judgments, in
From the examination of the records, it appears that indeed the the absence of express contract as to such rate of interest, shall
agreed rate of interest as stipulated on the three (3) promissory continue to be twelve per cent (12%) per annum.
notes is 23% per annum. The applicable provision of law is
the Central Bank Circular No. 905 which took effect on All the promissory notes were signed in 1983 and, therefore,
December 22, 1982: were already covered by CB Circular No. 905. Contrary to the
claim of respondent court, this circular did not repeal nor in
Sec. 1. The rate of interest, including commissions, premiums, anyway amend the Usury Law but simply suspended the
fees and other charges, on a loan or forbearance of any money, latter's effectivity.
goods or credits, regardless of maturity and whether secured or
unsecured, that may be charged or collected by any person, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY VS SOUTHWING HEAVY
G.R. NO. 164171. FEBRUARY 20, 2006 from the CIR, Solidbank filed a petition for review with the
CTA to toll the 2-year prescriptive period for judicial refund
FACTS: On December 12, 2002, President Gloria Macapagal claims for overpaid internal revenue tax.
Arroyo issued Executive Order 156 entitled "Providing for a
comprehensive industrial policy and directions for the motor CTA ordered CIR to refund. Appeal to CA was unsuccessful.
vehicle development program and its implementing
guidelines." The said provision prohibits the importation of all ISSUE:
types of used motor vehicles in the country including the [1] Is the 20% FWT a part of the taxable gross receipts?
Subic Bay Freeport, or the Freeport Zone, subject to a few [2] Should accrued income form part of the GRT
exceptions. Consequently, three separate actions for computation?
declaratory relief were filed by Southwing Heavy Industries [3] Is earmarking the same as withholding?
Inc., Subic Integrated Macro Ventures Corp, and Motor [4] Is Solidbank entitled to tax refund or tax credit
Vehicle Importers Association of Subic Bay Freeport Inc. certification?
praying that judgment be rendered declaring Article 2, [5] Is there double taxation in this case?
Section3.1 of the EO 156 unconstitutional and illegal.
The RTC rendered a summary judgment declaring that Article [1] Yes, the amount of interest income withheld in payment of
2, Section 3.1 of EO 156 constitutes an unlawful usurpation of the 20% FWT forms part of gross receipts in computing for
legislative power vested by the Constitution with Congress the GRT on banks.
and that the proviso is contrary to the mandate of Republic Act
7227(RA7227) or the Bases Conversion and Development Act Under the Tax Code, the earnings of banks from passive
of 1992 which allows the free flow of goods and capital within income are subject to a twenty percent final withholding tax
the Freeport. (20% FWT). This tax is withheld at source and is thus not
actually and physically received by the banks, because it is
Appeal in the CA was denied. paid directly to the government by the entities from which the
banks derived the income. Apart from the 20% FWT, banks
ISSUES: Whether or not the Executive Order banning the are also subject to a five percent gross receipts tax (5% GRT)
importation of used vehicles through the Free Trade Zone is which is imposed by the Tax Code on their gross receipts,
valid. including the passive income.

HELD: NO. EO 156, exceeded the scope of its application by Since the 20% FWT is constructively received by the banks
extending the prohibition on the importation of used cars to and forms part of their gross receipts or earnings, it follows
the Freeport, which RA 7227, considers to some extent, a that it is subject to the 5% GRT. After all, the amount withheld
foreign territory. The domestic industry which the EO seeks is paid to the government on their behalf, in satisfaction of
to protect is actually the "customs territory" which is defined their withholding taxes. That they do not actually receive the
under the Rules and Regulations Implementing RA 7227 amount does not alter the fact that it is remitted for their
which states: "the portion of the Philippines outside the Subic benefit in satisfaction of their tax obligations.
Bay Freeport where the Tariff and Customs Code of the
Philippines and other national tariff and customs laws are in Stated otherwise, the fact is that if there were no withholding
force and effect." tax system in place in this country, this 20 percent portion of
the passive income of banks would actually be paid to the
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE, petitioner, banks and then remitted by them to the government in
vs. SOLIDBANK CORPORATION, respondent. (G.R. No. payment of their income tax. The institution of the
148191; November 25, 2003) withholding tax system does not alter the fact that the 20
percent portion of their passive income constitutes part of their
FACTS: actual earnings, except that it is paid directly to the
In 1995, Solidbank filed its Quarterly Percentage Tax Returns government on their behalf in satisfaction of the 20 percent
(QPTR) reflecting gross receipts of more than 1.4 billion final income tax due on their passive incomes.
pesos. Hence, it wanted to pay gross receipts tax at more than
73 million pesos. [2] Accrual should not be confused with the concept of
constructive possession or receipt as earlier discussed.
Using ABC v. CIR, Solidbank alleged that the total gross Petitioner correctly points out that income that is merely
receipts in the amount of P1,474,691,693.44 included the sum accrued -- earned, but not yet received -- does not form part of
of P350,807,875.15 representing gross receipts from passive the taxable gross receipts; income that has been received,
income which was already subjected to 20% final withholding albeit constructively, does
tax. So, it wants to get tax refund or tax credit certification for
more than 3.5 million pesos. Without waiting for an action
[3] Earmarking is not the same as withholding. Amounts On 8 September 2006, President Arroyo issued EO 566 which
earmarked do not form part of gross receipts, because, authorized the CHED to supervise the establishment and
although delivered or received, these are by law or regulation operation of all review centers and similar entities in the
reserved for some person other than the taxpayer. On the Philippines.
contrary, amounts withheld form part of gross receipts,
because these are in constructive possession and not subject to the Review Center Association of the Philippines (petitioner),
any reservation, the withholding agent being merely a conduit an organization of independent review centers, asked the
in the collection process. CHED to "amend, if not withdraw" the IRR arguing, among
other things, that giving permits to... operate a review center to
[4] No, Solidbank is not entitled to tax refund or tax credit Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) or consortia of HEIs and
certification. Exemptions are the exception in taxation. No professional organizations will effectively abolish independent
exemptions are normally allowed when a GRT is imposed. It review centers.
is precisely designed to maintain simplicity in the tax
collection effort of the government and to assure its steady EO 566- authorized ched to supervise the establishment and
source of revenue even during an economic slump. operation of all review centers

[5] No, there is no double taxation here. The subject matter of In a letter dated 3 January 2007,[6] Chairman Puno wrote
the FWT is the passive income generated in the form of petitioner, through its President Jose Antonio Fudolig
interest on deposits and yield on deposit substitutes, while the (Fudolig), that to suspend the implementation of the IRR
subject matter of the GRT is the privilege of engaging in the would be inconsistent with the mandate of EO 566.
business of banking. Also, although both taxes are national in
scope because they are imposed by the same taxing authority On 7 May 2007, the CHED approved the RIRR. On 22 August
-- the national government under the Tax Code -- and operate 2007, petitioner filed before the CHED a Petition to
within the same Philippine jurisdiction for the same purpose of Clarify/Amend Revised Implementing Rules and
raising revenues, the taxing periods they affect are different. Regulations[8] praying for a ruling:
The FWT is deducted and withheld as soon as the income is
earned, and is paid after every calendar quarter in which it is Amending the RIRR by excluding independent review centers
earned. On the other hand, the GRT is neither deducted nor from the coverage of the CHED;
withheld, but is paid only after every taxable quarter in which
it is earned. Clarifying the meaning of the requirement for existing review
centers to tie-up or be integrated with HEIs, consortium or
REVIEW CENTER ASSOCIATION OF PHILIPPINES v. HEIs and PRC-recognized professional associations with
EXECUTIVE SECRETARY EDUARDO ERMITA, GR No. recognized programs, or in the alternative, to convert into
180046, 2009-04-02 schools; and

Facts: Revising the rules to make it conform with Republic Act No.
7722 (RA 7722)[9] limiting the CHED's coverage to public
On 11 and 12 June 2006, the Professional Regulation and private institutions of higher education as well as degree-
Commission (PRC) conducted the Nursing Board granting programs in post-secondary educational institutions.
Examinations nationwide. In June 2006, licensure applicants
wrote the PRC to report that handwritten copies of two sets of CHED was given the authority to regulate and establish
examinations were circulated during the examination period... review centers uner EO 566
among the examinees reviewing at the R.A. Gapuz Review
Center and Inress Review Center. While it may be true that regulation of review centers is not
one of the mandates of CHED under Republic Act 7722,
George Cordero, Inress Review Center's President, was then however, on September 8, 2006, Her Excellency, President
the incumbent President of the Philippine Nurses Association. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, issued Executive Order No. 566
directing the Commission on Higher
On 18 August 2006, the Court of Appeals restrained the PRC
from proceeding with the oath-taking of the successful Education to regulate the establishment and operation of
examinees set on 22 August 2006. review centers and similar entities in the entire country.

Consequently, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (President With the issuance of the aforesaid Executive Order, the CHED
Arroyo) replaced all the members of the PRC's Board of now is the agency that is mandated to regulate the
Nursing. President Arroyo also ordered the examinees to re- establishment and operation of all review centers as provided
take the Nursing Board Examinations. for under Section 4 of the Executive Order which provides that
"No review center or similar... entities shall be established
and/or operate review classes without the favorable expressed EO 566 Expands the Coverage of RA 7722
indorsement of the CHED and without the issuance of the
necessary permits or authorizations to conduct review classes. The OSG justifies its stand by claiming that the term
x x x" "programs x x x of higher learning" is broad enough to include
programs offered by review centers.
pertinent provision of the IRR
We do not agree.
Section 1. Authority to Establish and Operate - Only CHED
recognized, accredited and reputable HEIs may be authorized Section 3 of RA 7722 provides:
to establish and operate review center/course by the CHED
upon full compliance with the conditions and requirements Sec. 3. Creation of Commission on Higher Education. - In
provided herein and in other pertinent laws,... rules and pursuance of the abovementioned policies, the Commission on
regulations. In addition, a consortium or consortia of qualified Higher Education is hereby created, hereinafter referred to as
schools and/or entities may establish and operate review the Commission.
centers or conduct review classes upon compliance with the
provisions of these Rules. The Commission shall be independent and separate from the
Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS), and
Issues: attached to the Office of the President for administrative
purposes only. Its coverage shall be both public and private
The issues raised in this case are the following: institutions of higher education as well... as degree-granting
programs in all post-secondary educational institutions, public
Whether EO 566 is an unconstitutional exercise by the and private. (Emphasis supplied)
Executive of legislative power as it expands the CHED's
jurisdiction; and Neither RA 7722 nor CHED Order No. 3, series of 1994
(Implementing Rules of RA 7722)[24] defines an institution of
Whether the RIRR is an invalid exercise of the Executive's higher learning or a program of higher learning.
rule-making power.
Further, Articles 6 and 7 of the Implementing Rules provide:
Article 6. Scope of Application. - The coverage of the
The petition has merit. Commission shall be both public and private institutions of
higher education as well as degree granting programs in all
The propensity of litigants and lawyers to disregard the post-secondary educational institutions, public and private.
hierarchy of courts in our judicial system by seeking relief
directly from this Court must be put to a halt for two reasons: These Rules shall apply to all public and private educational
(1) it would be an imposition upon the precious time of this institutions offering tertiary degree programs.
Court; and (2) it would... cause an inevitable and resultant
delay, intended or otherwise, in the adjudication of cases, The establishment, conversion, or elevation of degree-granting
which in some instances had to be remanded or referred to the institutions shall be within the responsibility of the
lower court as the proper forum under the rules of procedure, Commission.
or as better equipped to resolve the issues because this
Clearly, HEIs refer to degree-granting institutions, or those
Court is not a trier of facts. offering tertiary degree or post-secondary programs. In fact,
Republic Act No. 8292 or the Higher Education
The rule, however, is not absolute, as when exceptional and Modernization Act of 1997 covers chartered state universities
compelling circumstances justify the exercise of this Court of and colleges. State universities and colleges... primarily offer
its primary jurisdiction degree courses and programs.

The alleged violation of the Constitution by the Executive The scopes of EO 566 and the RIRR clearly expand the
Department when it issued EO 566 justifies the exercise by the CHED's coverage under RA 7722. The CHED's coverage
Court of its primary jurisdiction over the case. The Court is under RA 7722 is limited to public and private institutions of
not precluded from brushing aside technicalities and taking higher education and degree-granting programs in all public
cognizance of an... action due to its importance to the public and private post-secondary educational... institutions. EO 566
and in keeping with its duty to determine whether the other directed the CHED to formulate a framework for the
branches of the Government have kept themselves within the regulation of review centers and similar entities
limits of the Constitution.
Usurpation of Legislative Power
Since EO 566 is an invalid exercise of legislative power, the
The President has no inherent or delegated legislative power to RIRR is also an invalid exercise of the CHED's quasi-
amend the functions of the CHED under RA 7722. Legislative legislative power.
power is the authority to make laws and to alter or repeal
them,[32] and this power is vested with the Congress under Administrative agencies exercise their quasi-legislative or
Section 1,... Article VI of the 1987 Constitution which states: rule-making power through the promulgation of rules and
regulations.[36] The CHED may only exercise its rule-making
Section 1. The legislative power shall be vested in the power within the confines of its jurisdiction under RA 7722.
Congress of the Philippines which shall consist of a Senate The RIRR covers... review centers and similar entities which
and a House of Representatives, except to the extent reserved are neither institutions of higher education nor institutions
to the people by the provision on initiative and referendum. offering degree-granting programs.

The line that delineates Legislative and Executive power is not Exercise of Police Power
indistinct. Legislative power is "the authority, under the
Constitution, to make laws, and to alter and repeal them." Police power primarily rests with the legislature although it
may be exercised by the President and administrative boards
The Constitution, as the will of the people in their original, by virtue of a valid delegation
sovereign and... unlimited capacity, has vested this power in
the Congress of the Philippines. Here, no delegation of police power exists under RA 7722
authorizing the President... to regulate the operations of non-
Main issue relating to Art. VII degree granting review centers.

As head of the Executive Department, the President is the Republic Act No. 8981 is Not the Appropriate Law
Chief Executive. He represents the government as a whole and
sees to it that all laws are enforced by the officials and There is no doubt that a principal mandate of the PRC is to
employees of his department. He has control over the preserve the integrity of licensure examinations. The PRC has
executive department, bureaus and offices. This... means that the power to adopt measures to preserve the integrity and
he has the authority to assume directly the functions of the inviolability of licensure examinations. However, this power
executive department, bureau and office, or interfere with the should properly be interpreted to... refer to the conduct of the
discretion of its officials. Corollary to the power of control, the examinations
President also has the duty of supervising the enforcement of
laws for the... maintenance of general peace and public order. These powers of the PRC have nothing to do at all with the
Thus, he is granted administrative power over bureaus and regulation of review centers.
offices under his control to enable him to discharge his duties
effectively. However, this power has nothing to do with the regulation of
review centers. The PRC has the power to bar PRB members
Administrative power is concerned with the work of applying from conducting review classes in review centers. However,
policies and enforcing orders as determined by proper to... interpret this power to extend to the power to regulate
governmental organs. It enables the President to fix a uniform review centers is clearly an unwarranted interpretation of RA
standard of administrative efficiency and check the official 8981.
conduct of his agents. To this end, he... can issue
administrative orders, rules and regulations. Section 7(y) of RA 8981 giving the PRC the power to perform
"such other functions and duties as may be necessary to carry
"Sec. 3. Administrative Orders. - Acts of the President which out the provisions" of RA 8981 does not extend to the
relate to particular aspects of governmental operation in regulation of review centers. There is absolutely nothing in
pursuance of his duties as administrative head shall be RA 8981 that mentions regulation by the
promulgated in administrative orders."
PRC of review centers.
An administrative order is an ordinance issued by the
President which relates to specific aspects in the Similarly, the PRC has no mandate to regulate similar entities
administrative operation of government. It must be in harmony whose reviewees will not even... take any licensure
with the law and should be for the sole purpose of examination given by the PRC.
implementing the law and carrying out the legislative... policy.
x x x. WHEREFORE, we GRANT the petition and the petition-in-
intervention. We DECLARE Executive Order No. 566 and
Commission on Higher Education Memorandum Order No.
30, series of 2007 VOID for being unconstitutional.

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