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Section One: Invocation, Mantras 1 and 2 —

The Supreme Personality of Godhead is perfect and complete, and therefore His creation
is, too. He has perfectly made arrangements for all living beings, and if we learn to live
according to His arrangements we can live happily, on the spiritual platform, even in this
material world.

Section Two: Mantra 3 —

Those who abuse the opportunity of the human form of life have a very dim future.

Section Three: Mantras 4 to 8 —

The Supreme Lord is the greatest person and possesses unique characteristics. Within
Him all contradictions are resolved. The pure devotees see everything and everyone in
relation to Him and are therefore completely free from anxiety on the transcendental
platform. By rendering devotional service in this consciousness they realize Him directly.

Section Four: Mantras 9 to 14 —

There are different types of nondevotee, and they achieve varying degrees of misfortune.
In order to advance nicely a devotee must understand both the wonderful nature of
spiritual life, and the defects of material life, culminating in understanding Lord Kåñëa’s
position as the Supreme Absolute Truth.

Section Five: Mantras 15 to 18 —

The speaker feelingly appeals to the Lord to remove His dazzling bodily effulgence and
reveal His personal form. The time of death is approaching and the devotee
acknowledges that he is far from perfect, but prays that the Lord be merciful to him and,
overlooking his shortcomings, accept him as an eternal servant and give him shelter at
His lotus feet.

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