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Healthcare has always been a controversial subject particularly when government is involved.

believed that a free healthcare should be systematized while others agree that it’s waste of resources.
What side would you have favored?

Health is wealth therefore it should be accessible to almost every citizen. According to, 43.2% of Americans are underinsured due to lack of funds; with it being
systematized, everyone is covered with almost the same insurance plan regardless of societal status.

The “prevention is better than cure” movement will be embodied as the cost for regular check ups
and laboratories for both public and private hospitals will be inflated. Cost of treatment for different
diseases will be fixed and based regulated by government thus morbidity rate due to lack of treatment will
be reduced. It will bring a better healthcare system particularly for children.

The economy productivity will prosper as businesses shouldn’t have to worry about the insurance
plan for each of their employees hence more self start up businesses will be produced promoting self
employment. Cost of labor will be reduced by 10% and bankruptcy due to health insurance coverage will
diminish according to nexa collections.

Citizens will start to be careless as health budget is reduced. Alcoholics and drug addicts will
receive the same treatment plan that’s paid by the hardworking tax payers. Higher tax rate will made ; it
will be unfair for these hard working tax payers (middle class-men usually) as lower class doesn ’t pay
much taxes and Upper class have more-than extra finances for theirs’.

Free Health Care doesn’t mean “free” as dental and vision check up and treatment will not be part
of it unless considered to be life threatening case causing a lot of paper work. Free doesn’t mean equal
treatment. People with influential connections inside the system will surely get treated first over than
normal citizens regardless of triage and case severity.

Healthcare budget will compromise other part of the system that needs fund because the cost will
be overwhelming.

Patient care quality will be compromised as the system will choose preventive measurements rather
than life saving treatments. Longer physician appointment time for patients, overused hospital
apparatuses, and crowded emergency rooms will be normal. Both first class and second-rate physician
will have the same wage making the medical field less desirable and innovative and medical students will
partly loose the inspiration to thrive.

Citizens working for medical insurance company will be jobless.

Home. Nexa Collections. (n.d.).

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