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Fill in the blanks:

1.The number name of 425 is ______________.

2. The numerals for six hundred seventy two is ____________.

3. 879, ______,_________,

4. _________________ is the largest 3 digit number.

5. Write the Face value for 4 in 456.

6. 9tens+4ones ___________ 7tens+0ones.

7.Odd numbers are those numbers that ____________ be put into pairs.

8. Numbers that have 0,2,4,6 and 8 at ones place is called ______________.

9. 700+60+3 = _______

10. T is the _____________letter in TABLE.

II. Choose the correct answer:

1. Five hundred fifty is written as

a)505 b)550 c) 500 d)50

2. __________ is an odd number.

a) 12 b)40 c)33 d)4

3. 100 _________ 101

a) > b) < c)= d)x

4. 10 tens = 1____________

a) one b)ten c) hundred d)thousand

5. The greatest number is

a) 893 b)938 c)983 d)839

6. 12, 14, ________, 18

a)10 b)15 c)16 d)20


a) first b)third c)fourth d)fifth

8. The place value of 5 in 852 is

a) 5 b)500 c)05 d)50

9. The expanded form of 215 is

a) 2 tens+1hundred+50nes b)2hundreds+1ten+5ones

c)2hundreds+5tens+1one d)2hundreds+50nes

10.Pick the correct set of odd numbers

a) 12, 14,15,17 b)13,14,15,16 c) 11,13,15,17 d) 11,12,13,14

III. Answer the following:

1. Arrange the following in ascending order

680, 755, 480, 220

2. Arrange the following in descending order

186, 681, 574, 738

3. Expand 804

4. Write the short form for 9hundreds+5tens+2ones

6. Write the place value of

7. Circle the greatest number and cross out the smallest number

468, 215, 603, 715

8. Pick the odd and even numbers

9. Write the number for the given abacus

10. Draw the abacus for 520

11. Form a greatest and smallest 3 digit number using the numbers given below

4, 9, 0

12. I am an even number, I am between 6 and 9. Who am I?

13. Write the short form of the ordinal numbers

a) seventh

b) fifth



15. Fill in the following with correct ordinal numbers with the help of the
picture given below

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