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Dela Cruz, Jonelvira C.

March 11, 2021


Module 2 Lesson 1
Comprehension Questions on Characteristics of Culture

Activity # 1
The video features Katie, a Chinese baby raised by an American couple.
Notice how Western culture has affected Katie as she has now grown up.
In your observation, what makes Katie “un -” Chinese, according to your prior
knowledge on Chinese culture? (word count: 90-150)

Activity # 2
The video is produced by Always, a sanitary napkin company, and which experimented
on how people react when they are commented that they “act like a girl”.
Regardless of your sexual orientation, what was your initial judgement on how the
participants “acted like a girl” After watching, what do you think should be done
about comparing a person’s actions “like a girl”? What does this say about the society
we live in? (word count: 90-150)

Activity # 3
The video is a compilation of advertisements by HSBC, an international banking
a. What do you think does HSBC mean with their tagline “Never underestimate the
power of local knowledge”? (word count: 50-70)
b. Choose one specific advertisement from the video compilation and discuss how it
shows culture as being multi-faceted. (word count: 90-150)

Activity 4
The video represents how kids generally behave before as compared to kids nowadays
a. Discuss the extent of how you can relate to one (or more) of the situations
presented. (word count 75-100)
b. As cultures change, predict how kids will behave another 50 years from now. (word
count 75-100)

Activity 5
Provide your own example of how, in your observation, cultures inter lap. Word
count: 50-70

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