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If I took a trip around the world, I would like to go see the countries which have an amazing

culture, arhitecture and who are developped in many areas.

Among these , the countries that hopefully I will go to discover in future will be : France,
London, Austria, Australia.
So let’s begin with that why I want to see these countries and what they have so special that
atract me to trip in them.
France is the country which have the monuments that are outstanding all over the world. These
monuments atract trough simplity and in the same time though complexity. The French’s food
are sneezing and in some case delicious. It contain frog legs, croisants, mussels and others food
that for our nationality seems strange, but with all afraid I will try it .
London is the country which is the heart for people who know English and want to practice it.
This are a place of melting ancient and modern arhitecture. The reason who make me want to
visit London is English, The London Eye and Buchkingam Palace. And also I will happy to verify
the myths about the everyday’s raining if il go there. The travel in this country is an veridic
pleasure because is not too expansive compared to France.
Austria is the mother of classic music , because here was born a genius, Motzart. Even if I don’t
like classic genre, the musical atmosphere, the modern streets , the decorations during
Christmas time doing me to change my opinions and when I grow , I really will go chatch the
points of interest of this astonish city.
Australia have a good job of maintain faune and flore. For this chapter I proud for the
Australians that they try to keep the God’s creation and don’t destroy it. So, I want to see the
koala, kangoroo and The Great Barrier of Reef
Thus, this was the reasons for why I want to travel in this territories.
In conclusion I affirm that nothing is compared in this countries than only traditions and customs
and trip is only solution for find something brand new for our general culture

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