The Leadership of Kim Jong

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Candidate Name: Asannia Clarke

Centre Number: 100129

Candidate Number: 1001290817

Subject: Communication Studies

Year: 2021

General Introduction 1

Preface 2

Reflective Piece 3

Analysis of Reflective Piece 6

Conclusion 7

Biography 8

The portfolio focuses on the theme “The Leadership of Kim Jong-un in North Korea”. The

researcher’s study based on “Human Rights/Prison Life in North Korea”, which was thoroughly discussed

in the expository piece. In accordance with the New Oxford Dictionary of English, the term ‘leadership’

is defined as the action of leading a group of people or an organization, or the state or position of being a

leader. The portfolio incorporates an original piece, written in the prose type, in the form of a newspaper


The portfolio also consists of a preface which gives an analysis of the purpose of writing the

newspaper article titled “Kim Jong-un: Leader or Dictator”. The preface also looks at the intended

audience, the circumstance and the basis for selecting them. There is also an analysis that evaluates the

original newspaper article, amidst detailed emphasis on language registers, dialect variations,

communicative behaviours and attitudes to language.

The portfolio serves to enlighten the audience about the leadership of Kim Jong-un built North

Korea and the consequences which follow North Korea to this day. Personally, it interests the researcher

because of the ignorance of Kim Jong-un to lead his people on their own resources.

Academically, the portfolio contains aspects from the following subjects: History, Law and

Geography. The topic is chosen heavily based on the career path of the researcher, which is to be a

Human Rights Educator. The researcher anticipates that the theme and topic selected will not only be

entertaining, but informative to the readers.


The newspaper article, “Kim Jong-un: Leader or Dictator” is about the delivery of Kim Jong-un’s

leadership and the results of this matter. It focuses on the distinct leadership of Kim Jong-un and his

manipulating policies which are propagandas to portray him as the protagonist in this world. It also

outlines the struggles that North Korea have to endure due to the government way of being isolated from

the rest of the world.

The researcher wrote this newspaper article with the objectives of revealing important matters in

North Korea. The first purpose is to inform about the hidden powers Kim Jong-un possesses. The second

purpose is to give the readers a non-fabricated view of the effects of Kim Jong-un’s dictatorship on North


The targeted audience is intended to be the leaders of the world and the United Nations.

Considering that the world’s leaders also are concerned about North Korea. All world’s leaders should

keep an eye out for North Korea and track its process for the safety of their people, as Kim Jong-un can

be unpredictable. It is understandable that no one wants to be on Kim Jong- un’s bad side, but there is a

need to take actions and oppose Kim Jong-un’s dictatorship on North Koreans.

I hope this newspaper article will reinvigorate the leader’s mind about the major threat; which is

Kim Jong-un.



By Asannia Clarke

Kim Jong-un is the authoritarian ruler of

North Korea. After the death of his father, Kim

Jong-un immediately demonstrated an

independent leadership. He was well trained and

gained control of core organizations. Most

experts were not confident that Kim Jong-un

was ready to lead, as he was young and

inexperienced. Kim Jong-un began his

foundation of leadership and achieved his often in soirees, feasts, drinking sessions

official power succession in a couple of months, and bacchanalia which could go on for days.

while Kim Jong-il took four years. Unlike his father or his son, the Dear Leader

possessed more of an artistic, emotional

The Great Leader dreamt of a united
sensibility, seen in his love of art, culture,
Korea, and championed the non-aligned
propaganda, music and film.
movement and socialist causes worldwide,

traveling far and wide among numerous One of Kim Jong-un’s major changes

“fraternal” countries. He had a sense of was to implement a strategy policy for economic

worldliness, affability and charm. While more development and nuclear weapon capability.

introverted, the Dear Leader preferred small The vision of economic development that Kim

gatherings of aides or individual colleagues, has been promoting includes ski resorts, a riding

club, skate parks, amusement parks, a new enhance their roles, while at the same time

airport, and a dolphinarium. Yet even as he was mercilessly oppressing any challenges to his

modernizing his country at a furious pace, Kim authority. The execution of Jang Song Thaek,

has deepened North Korea’s isolation. Having who was vice-chairman of the National Defense

rebuffed U.S., South Korean, and Chinese Commission, demonstrated that anyone who

attempts to reengage, he has refused to meet challenges the leadership of Kim Jong Un can

with any foreign head of state (making a expect to become the target of extreme terror,

distorted face). Kim Jong-un may have these even if they are a family member.

signs of affluence to craft an internal narrative

Kim shares his grandfather’s and
about North Korea’s material well-being at a
father’s ruthlessness, legacy of human rights
time when his people are being exposed to more
abuses, single-minded obsession with power and
and more information about South Korea’s
self-preservation, cult of personality and fierce
wealth. DVDs and flash drives of South Korea’s
devotion to the ideals of one-party rule, self-
soap operas and K-pop music had been
sufficiency and national pride—behavior that
smuggled into the country in ever greater
seems natural in a country surrounded by, or
numbers, infiltrating the previously sealed
facing threats from, China, South Korea, Japan,
mental and cultural landscape of North Koreans
Russia and America. But Kim Il Sung and Kim
and presenting a potential danger to the regime.
Jong Il, while sharing the younger Kim’s

“After watching an American movie, I ruthlessness, caused deaths and destruction on a

yearned for that freedom and so I defected. But far larger scale. The Great Leader started a

now my family are suffering. If you can hear me, tragic war which left millions of Koreans dead,

I love you mama.” – An unknown North injured and displaced. The Dear Leader gave

Korean Defector. orders to assassinate nearly the entire South

Korean cabinet in 1983 in Rangoon, and to blow

Kim Jong-un also involved the power
up—in a tragic, hideous terrorist act—a civilian
elites of North Korea in policymaking to

airliner in 1987, killing all of its passengers. and dedicate their all to spruce up their homes,

Kim has—to his credit—not carried out such villages, and workplaces so that they are better

acts on a large scale, although his brutality with than others’ and add lustre to their country,

respect to internal human rights abuses, as well their motherland.” – Kim Jong-

as purges and assassinations (e.g., his half-

brother Kim Jong Nam in 2017 and his uncle

Jang Song Thaek in 2013), is well established.

Kim still has enormous power and, like

his father and grandfather, the willingness to

hold onto it through extreme brutality. He

maintains control through purges and executions

—punishments and acts of revenge he appears to

inflict with relish. Majority of the population

lived in poverty and little education to defend

themselves. North Koreans are expected to

submit to Kim Jong-un with any attempt of

hesitation. In the six years of his reign the

regime has purged, demoted, “reeducated,” and

shuffled scores of senior leaders. “The Marshal”,

they called Kim Jong-un with respect and pride.

 “We should educate all Party members and

other working people to become genuine

patriots who first love their parents, spouses,

and children and further sincerely shed sweat


The language piece Kim Jong-un: Leader or Dictator highlights Kim Jong-un’s journey and

procedure during his time in leadership. It outlines how Kim Jong-un maybe influenced by his father’s

past leadership but also shows the drastic difference in the Kim Jong-un’s approach towards the leader

position. The researcher included language registers and communicative behaviours which will be briefly


There are different registers portrayed within the reflective piece. Language register refers to the

perceived attitude and the level of formality associated with a variety of language. Firstly, there is an

intimate register in the first dialogue in the newspaper article when the unknown North Korean Defector

says, “I love you mama”. The unknown North Korean Defector commenced in a formal speech in their

interview and change his tone in the last part when thinking about his family. The unknown North Korean

Defector uses the word “mama” to refer to his mother that he truly loves her; he will only use “mama” to

refer to his mother.

There is a frozen register in the last paragraph when North Koreans say, “The Marshal”. Frozen

register never changes. Every time they see Kim Jong-un, they are required to greet him as “The Marshal;

it is as important as saying the national anthem.

There is a formal register in the last dialogue of Kim Jong-un’s quote. He was addressing to the

public with his speech, therefore formal register is obligated to be used.

Several types of Communicative Behaviours are the use of gestures, posture and movement

which is the Body language, the use of objects, use of proxemics, use of chronemics and paralanguage.

The Communicative Behaviour mentioned was portrayed by Kim Jong-un. The article spoke about how

Kim Jong-un denied any foreign interaction. Along with his verbal denial, he physically showed a

displeased face (Body language) to further emphasize his message across the board.


In conclusion, it can be said that the researcher provides an adequate amount of factual

information of Kim Jong-un and his treatment to his position. Also in the piece, the researcher uses a

variety of different language registers and communicative behaviour. The researcher uses the various

linguistic criteria to appeal to the readers.


Cheong, S. (March 2014). The Anatomy of Kim Jong Un’s Power.

Kenneth, B., Dekleva, A.D. (January 2020). The Many Faces of Chairman Kim Jong Un.

Park, J.H. (February 2018). The Education of Kim Jong-Un.

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