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Name: ______________________ Date: _____________________

Block:-_____________________ Mrs. Zampini

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow - Vocabulary #2

harvest whisper budge graveyard

phantom hurl glance nibble

Bridge odd scarecrow squire

______________________1. A cemetery; a place where dead people are buried

______________________2. The time when crops (plants, such as wheat, corn, or fruit that a farmer
grows) are taken from the field where they grow.

_____________________3. A ghost

_____________________4. Strange or weird

_____________________5. To speak very quietly

_____________________6. An important man

_____________________7. To throw very hard

_____________________8. To eat little bites of food

_____________________9. To move something heavy from one place to another

_____________________10. To look at
Name: ______________________ Date: _____________________

Block:-_____________________ Mrs. Zampini

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Part 1: True or False?

1. Ichabod Crane is a schoolteacher._________

2. Katrina is in love with Ichabod.____________

3. Katrina’s father is a rich man._____________

4. Ichabod is a rich man______________.

5. Ichabod borrows a car to go to Katrina’s party.___________

6. Sleepy Hollow is an ugly valley. _____________

7. Brom Bones was liked by all of the girls in Sleepy Hollow.________________

8. The headless horseman has two heads.____________

9. Ichabod believes all of the scary ghost stories.___________

10. The story takes place at harvest time.___________________

Part 2: Rewrite the false sentence to make them true (5)





Name: ___________________ Date:_____________ Block:___________

Irregular Past Tense Verbs

*Write the past tense of the following verbs.

16. Sing_______________ 27. Say______________

17. Think______________ 28. Is ______________

18. Fight______________ 29. Go______________

19. Sit_______________ 30. Ride ____________

20. Read______________ 31. Teach ___________

21. Tell_______________ 32. Send ____________

22. Grow______________ 33. Give _____________

23. Hide______________ 34. Know _____________

24. Lose______________ 35. Hear_____________

25. Begin _____________

26. Hold______________

Asking Questions with the verb “to be”

Rewrite the following sentences as questions.

1. Ichabod was the schoolteacher.

2. The setting of the story is Sleepy Hollow.
3. The headless horseman was a soldier.
4. Kartina’s father is rich.
5. Ichabod was afraid to teach that day.
6. The story of the headless horseman is a fictional story.
7. Katrina is bored by Ichabod.
8. Brom Bones is popular.
Name:________________ Block:_____ Date:_______

Sleepy Hollow – Reading Guide

Part 1 – Complete the sentences

This story takes place in a _____________called_____________ _______________.

The main characters in the story are _________________,_____________________,
and___________________. ___________________ Crane is the town’s schoolteacher. He
is in love with Katrina _____ Tassel. Her father was a rich _________. ____________
__________ also loves _______________. All of the young _____________ in town
_________ him, especially _______________. Ichabod goes to a ____________ at
______________ house. He ___________her to ___________ him, but she __________
“no.” Ichabod is very _____________ when he leaves the _________. When
_____________rides home, he sees the ______________ _________________. Ichabod
tries to cross the _________ _____________. He thinks that he will be __________ if he
can get across the ___________ to the other side. The __________ day, Ichabod’s
_____________ was found nibbling _____________, but _____________ was gone. People
think that the _____________ horseman must have carried __________ away.

Part 2 – Asking Questions

*Ask 5 questions about the story. Then, answer your questions in complete sentences.

1. Who

2. What

3. Where

4. When

5. Why
Name:________________ Block:_____ Date:_______

Parts of a story – Vocabulary


The setting of the story is



To the characters in the story are:



The conflict in this story is



Event 1


Event 2


Event 3


The conclusion in this story is

Name:_____________ Date:___________ Block:_______

Sleepy Hollow Questions: Answer the questions in complete sentences on a SEPARATE

piece of paper.

1. In what state is the town of Sleepy Hollow?

2. In what country?

3. On what continent?

4. Describe Katrina’s house.

5. Who was the headless horseman?

6. Why does he haunt the town of Sleepy Hollow at night?

7. Who else, other than Ichabod, loves Katrina?

8. Where has Ichabod been invited?

9. How does Ichabod prepare for the party?

10. Describe Sleepy Hollow.

11. Describe Ichabod Crane. Where did he live?

12. Why does Ichabod love Katrina Van Tassel?

13. What does Ichabod do for fun at Katrina’s party?

14. What ghost story does Ichabod hear at the party? Who tells it?

15. How does Ichabod feel when he leaves the party? Why does he feel this way?

16. What does Ichabod see on his way home from the party?

17. The people of Sleepy Hollow never see Ichabod again. What do people say about
Ichabod’s disappearance?

18. Who does Katrian marry?

Name:________________ Date: _____________ Block: __________


Adjectives: Words that describe

 Find the antonym ( a word that means the opposite) for each adjective

Popular ________________ Mean _____________

Poor __________________ Scared ____________

Sneaky ________________ Selfish ____________

Miserable______________ Friendly____________

Greedy________________ Pretty_____________

 Find a synonym (a word that means the same thing) for each word below

Smashed_____________ Odd __________________

Peaceful_____________ Story_________________

Graveyard___________ Pupil__________________

Fall________________ Vanish________________


1. Make a word web to describe Ichabod.

2. Make a word web to describe brom bones.
3. Make a word web to describe Sleepy Hollow.
4. Find a sentence from the story that shows us that Ichabod is selfish.
5. Find a sentence from the story that tells us Ichabod is greedy.
6. Find a sentence from the story that shows us that Ichabod is unkind or mean.
7. Find a sentence from the story that shows us that Ichabod was scared.
8. Find a sentence from the story that shows us that Brom Bones is sneaky.

People, Places,and Things in the Story


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