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TEAM 3: Pawan, Najwa, Swalha


My eyes suddenly peeled themselves open and I jerked forward to a sitting position,
immediately my hand clutched over my ever beating heart. I was invited to the darkness that
morphed every corner of my room. Ear splitting screams suddenly tore through the eerie silence
and cold beads of sweat trailed down my forehead as I swiveled side to side in desperate
search for the sound’s source. Frightened, I nervously stood up from my wooden bed losing my
way in the dark as I blindly searched for the door. Something cold suddenly wrapped around my
right leg pulling me back and my heart beat ceased to exist when I realized they were
someone’s hands clasping around my foot in a metallic grip. I was not alone in this room. The
person howled in pain as I stomped over their hands, crashing bones under my weight. “I can
see you,” whispered a husky voice slowly approaching behind me. I desperately ran for the door
and my entire body stilled at what lay before.
The entire living room was a jungle of broken furniture. My mother’s cadaverous body hung
from the ceiling, a rope was securely tied around her neck leaving it snapped into an awkward
angle. Her belly was still swollen and blood dripped from in between her porcelain legs, the sight
of an unborn fetus hanging below with the umbilical cord still attached to her womb. It was a
nightmarish sight and I stood speechless staring at her skin peeled face, the white of her bones
vivid. A blood curdling scream tore through my lungs leaving my heart wrenched in distaste at
whichever loathsome being had done this. I would have pretended like I hadn’t seen her. The
stranger was as still as a pillar and blood trailed down her mouth drenching her white dress in
dark liquid, dark long hair curtaining her face in the dark. My father knelt before the young girl,
his sweaty body panting out of breathe. She pulled his head back revealing his exposed neck.
“Slice his throat, good Samaritan,” she growled, her voice imposing into the deep base of a
man. A creepy feeling possessed my wholesome body and I robotically raised my hand
grabbing the silver dagger that lay on the dirty floor. My younger sister pulled onto my father’s
torso wailing in fright and my hand had a mind of its own as I walked in front of him placing the
cool metal on his apple. I effortlessly gilded its sharp edge over his soft skin ripping his trachea
open. Blood oozed from his throat and it spluttered everywhere on the floor, in my face and
wetting my young sister who still pulled at my father. At last, I had control over my body and the
creepy stranger turned to stare at my father choking on his own blood, I grabbed onto the
distraction and pulled onto my young sister's arm. Fleeing out into the haunting night, I rescued
my young sister and we ran till our feet bruised. We ran to save ourselves and held onto each
other for we only had ourselves, and just when we were about turn the corner the face of the
psychotic girl greeted us with a crazed smirk, sharp teeth stained in blood “peekaboo ".

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