Gas Turbine

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College of Maritime Education

Course Output

Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements of the Course

Propulsion Ancillary System & Gas Turbine

Under the Program

Bachelor of Science in Marine ENGINERRING


Presented by: Obando, Jerico Reanzares. Date: September 17, 2021

Instructor: C/E Romel L. Cleofas,

MME Department Head: C/E Erikson

Bentulan Dean: 2/m Juanito Merano,


Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 4

1.0 Gas Turbine ..................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Gas Turbine Basic Operating Principle...………...……………………………….6

1.2 Gas Turbine Components........................................................……………….........7

1.3 Gas Turbine Instruments ..................................................................................... 8

2.0 Advantages and Disadvantages of Gas Turbine .............................................................. 9

2.1 Advantages..............................................................................……….……….…....9

2.2 Disadvantages......................................................................................................10

3.0 Explain on What Stages of the Compressor, Air will be Extracted Through Bleed........10


4.0 Explain the Function of Crossfire Tube..........................................................................12

5.0 Explain the Stages of Gas Turbine............................……………………….…...…......13

6.0 What is the Function of Turbine Legs......…………………........………………….......13

6.1 Turbine Base.............................................................……………….…………..13

6.2 Turbine Supports.....................................…………….……………………........13

7.0 Explain the Function of Rotor Blades and Stator Blades in the Compressor..................15

7.1 Function of Blades in the Axial Flow Compressor...............................................15

7.2 Function of Blades in the Centrifugal Flow Compressor......................................16

8.0 Describe the Compressor Rotor........................................................................................17

8.1 Clean Up and Inspection of Rotor.........................................................................17

9.0 Explain the Function of the Compressor Discharge Casing.............................................18

9.1 Compressor Discharge Casing...............................................................................18

9.2 Compressor Discharge Casing Assembly..............................................................18

10.0 What is the Function of Combustion Wrapper................................................................19

11.1 How Does Flame Detectors Work...................................................................................19

11.1 Infrared Flame Detectors.............................................................…....….……....19

11.2 Ultraviolet Flame Detectors......................………………..……………………..20

11.3 Ultraviolet/Infrared Detectors………..........……………..………………….......21

12.0 Advantages and Disadvantages of Flame Detectors......…..………………………….....22

13.0 How will Gas Turbine Trip on Mechanical Over Speed...................................................23

13.1 Overspeed Failure....................................................................................................23

13.2 Mechanical Trip System..........................................................................................23

13.3 Loss of Load............................................................................................................24

13.4 Stored Energy..........................................................................................................25

14.0 How Hot Gas will flow from the Combustion Chamber towards Exhaust Plenum..........25

15.0 How Wheel Space is Being Cooled by Air.......................................................................25

16.0 What is the Definition of the Nominal Speed of the Compressor.....................................26

17.0 At What Turbine Speed Compressor Capability will be Very Low..................................27

18.0 Why Ambient Temperature is Being Measured under the Shade, Why Not Directly.......28

in the Inlet Side




A turbine is a rotary mechanical device that extracts energy from a fluid flow and converts it
into useful work. The work produced by a turbine can be used for generating electrical power when
combined with a generator. A turbine is a turbomachine with at least one moving part called a rotor
assembly, which is a shaft or drum with blades attached. Moving fluid acts on the blades so that they
move and impart rotational energy to the rotor. Early turbine examples are windmills and
waterwheels. Gas, steam, and water turbines have a casing around the blades that contains and
controls the working fluid.

According to the gas turbine theory, the work of this equipment is to convert fuels such as
natural gas to mechanical energy. This energy drives a generator to produce electrical power. It all
starts with the ambient air entering the compressor. The compressor increases the temperature and
pressure of the air, before directing the transformed air to the combustion chamber. Here, the air-fuel
mixture is heated at elevated pressures and temperatures (over 2000° F) to create an extremely hot
gas. This gas goes through the turbine blades accelerating them to an incredibly fast rotation. In other
words, it creates work that makes the drive shaft to spin furiously. This process produces electricity
that can be fed to the grid. This is what is called an open Brayton Thermodynamic Cycle.


A gas turbine, also called a combustion turbine, is a type of continuous and internal combustion
engine. The main elements common to all gas turbine engines are, upstream rotating gas compressor,
a combustor, a downstream turbine on the same shaft as the compressor. A fourth component is often
used to increase efficiency (on turboprops and turbofans), to convert power into mechanical or
electric form (on turboshafts and electric generators), or to achieve greater thrust-to-weight ratio (on
afterburning engines).

The basic operation of the gas turbine is a Brayton cycle with air as the working fluid:
atmospheric air flows through the compressor that brings it to higher pressure; energy is then added
by spraying fuel into the air and igniting it so that the combustion generates a high-temperature flow;
this high-temperature pressurized gas enters a turbine, producing a shaft work output in the process,
used to drive the compressor; the unused energy comes out in the exhaust gases that can be
repurposed for external work, such as directly producing thrust in a turbojet engine, or rotating a
second, independent turbine (known as a power turbine) that can be connected to a fan, propeller, or
electrical generator.

The purpose of the gas turbine determines the design so that the most desirable split of
energy between the thrust and the shaft work is achieved. The fourth step of the Brayton cycle
(cooling of the working fluid) is omitted, as gas turbines are open systems that do not reuse the same
air. Gas turbines are used to power aircraft, trains, ships, electrical generators, pumps, gas
compressors, and tanks.


First, imagine a rocket in which some fuel is going to burn and create a high-pressure exhaust
gas. Based on energy conservation law, the chemical energy of the fuel is transformed into
mechanical energy in the high-pressure exhaust gas. When a rocket is fired, the thrust of this exhaust
gas moves the rocket forward. This amount of rocket science is enough for me and now suppose I fix
the rocket body with a robust mechanical structure to prevent its movement. What will happen.

The high-pressure exhaust gas should be released, and it will have no way but backward.
Now keep this structure in mind and imagine I put a set of turbine blades in the path of this high-
pressure back-fired exhaust. You see that the release of mechanical energy which is mostly in a
“linear” backward direction will mostly transform into kind of “rotational” movement of turbine
shaft and so far, I did say it’s a big success, i.e. transforming the chemical energy of fuel gas into
rotational mechanical energy of turbine shaft.

Now I have a “Prime Mover” for my generator in the above power plant example. Also, this prime
mover concept can be used in different applications like turbo compressors or the like. Now that I got
the basics of Gas Turbines, let’s focus on a modern Gas Turbine and its components.


Most likely you know about fire triangle or combustion triangle which illustrates the
necessary ingredients of fire or combustion. To transform the chemical energy of the fuel gas into
mechanical energy, the fuel should be burnt in the “Combustion Chamber” of a Gas turbine, so I
need air and heat added to the fuel.

Air is let into the gas turbine through air intake and mixed with a proper amount of natural
gas. The Air/Gas ratio is determined based on the specific heating value of the gas and quality of the
air, amount of moisture, altitude from sea level and so on. Now an ignition system steps in and
makes the initial sparks, so hereby heat is provided. When the fire is established and stabilized in the
combustion chamber, the ignition system will be put out of service. The most critical process in
normal turbine operation is to manage the combustion and produce a proper amount of high-pressure
exhaust gas. This exhaust gas is applied to the turbine blades and after rotating the turbine shaft,
conducted to the exhaust stack.


As mentioned earlier, air is let into the Gas Turbine through Air Intake. The air is prone to
contaminations or having some unwanted particles which can harm the system and degrade the
overall performance. The screening and filtration are basic requirements for incoming air. Also,
proper instrumentation is mounted on the Air Duct to monitor the draft pressure and temperature. In
harsh environments, the air might need to be preheated or conditioned. Also, differential pressure
monitoring of air filters will warn the turbine operator of filter clogging.

The conditioned air is conducted into the “turbine air compressor” which is an axial
compressor comprised of multi-stages of blades mounted radially on the turbine inlet shaft.
The discharge pressure and temperature of the air compressor are monitored to manage the
combustion quality at the combustion chamber. Fuel gas is a key factor in the design and operation
of a Gas turbine. The manufacturers need to know the details of fuel gas and only based on its
characteristics they can guarantee the performance of their Gas turbines.
Also, the pressure and temperature of fuel gas are monitored during normal operation of a Gas
turbine. There are different technologies in properly mixing the air and gas and making efficient
combustion from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Combustion chambers are of some tubular heat resistant structures and fuel is usually injected
into it from the circumference and at different cross-sectional locations. The temperatures at different
locations of the combustion chamber are thoroughly monitored by means of proper sensors
like thermocouples This high temperature/high-pressure zone in Gas turbine structure is of the
highest levels of importance to monitor and control. Also, the technologies used in the design and
construction of the combustion chamber are of the topmost ones.

Now that the Air/Gas mixing is well managed and combustion is going on properly, there are
a plenty amount of high-pressure/high-temperature exhaust gas generated and should be applied to
the Gas turbine blades to make turbine exit shaft rotation feasible. At this stage, the high RPM of Gas
Turbine rotor should be tightly monitored and based on the load driven by the turbine, the surge of
turbine gets the topmost importance for turbine performance and turbine protection. Vibrations (axial
and radial) and speeds, both at the air compressor and Gas turbine should be continuously taken into
consideration. This was the simplest way to address major parts of Gas Turbines and as one of the
most sophisticated man-made machines, a Gas Turbine deserves more elaboration. Also, there are
different technologies which some manufacturers use as their proprietary technology and were not
considered in this article.



• It has very high power-to-weight ratio, compared to reciprocating engines.

• It is smaller than most reciprocating engines of the same power rating.
• It moves in one direction only, with far less vibration than a reciprocating engine.
• Fewer moving parts than reciprocating engines.
• Low operating pressures.
• High operation speeds.
• Low lubricating oil cost and consumption
• Low lubricating oil cost and consumption


• Cost is much greater than for a similar-sized reciprocating engine since the materials must be
stronger and more heat resistant. Machining operations are also more complex.
• Usually less efficient than reciprocating engines, especially at idle.
• Delayed response to changes in power settings.



Compressor bleed valves on these legacy gas turbines. Axial-flow compressors for the
earliest units—those with 15 or 16 stages—had valves to recirculate air from the 10th stage to the
fourth, for “unloading” the machine during startup and shutdown to mitigate vibrations caused by
the surge phenomenon. Two valves were installed for this purpose in the turbine compartment
adjacent to the compressor casings. Later turbine models, those with 17- and 18-stage
compressors, were equipped with valves to bleed air from the 11th stage to the turbine exhaust
during startup and shutdown.

The compressor bleed valves is open during startup and shutdown and later closed by
compressor discharge pressure tapped from the 16th stage via the small line on top of the valve
(arrow). Depending on spring strength, the valve is fully closed at a PCD of about 30 to 40 psig.
Note that the acronym for compressor discharge pressure, PCD, as found in early instruction
books, was changed to CDP in the mid-1980s.

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These recirculation valves do not have position “indicators.” If either or both valves should
remain hung-up in the open position during online operation, performance (turbine power output)
would suffer, because air flow to the combustors would be lower. However, no damage to the
compressor should be experienced even if not fully closed when the unit is online. Compressor
bleed valves to protect the axial compressor during start-up and shutdown against stalling and surging
conditions. These valves are typically only open during acceleration to rated speed and deceleration from
rated speed. Newer heavy-duty gas turbine with complex combustion system arrangements designed to
limit emission of harmful gases also employ the compressor bleed valves during very light loading to limit
the amount of air entering the combustor.

Compressor bleed valves discharge into the gas turbine exhaust duct. Compressor bleed
valves are generally closed during normal operation (with the previous exception) since "dumping"
axial compressor discharge into the exhaust reduces efficiency (but it's MANDATORY during start-
up and acceleration to protect the compressor!). Compressor bleed valves are generally either fully
open or fully closed; they are not modulated. GE-design heavy-duty gas turbines also employ inlet
bleed heat valves to recirculate a portion of the axial compressor discharge back to the inlet of the
axial compressor for a variety of functions. One application uses them to heat the inlet air to prevent
icing on the compressor inlet (appropriately called anti-icing protection); another application uses
inlet bleed heat to protect the axial compressor when the IGVs (axial compressor Inlet Guide Vanes)
are closed below the "normal" operating conditions ("normal" being before complicated combustion
systems designed to limit exhaust emissions were invented).

Inlet bleed heat control valves are modulated to control the amount of air recirculated back
to the axial compressor inlet. Recirculating axial compressor discharge back to the inlet is also
inefficient but is generally limited to approximately 5% of rated air flow through the compressor--
and necessary to protect the compressor at low IGV angles. Inlet bleed heat valves are generally
closed before the unit reaches rated load (except for anti-icing protection) and should be closed
during rated power output (Base Load) operation (except for anti-icing protection).

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A crossfire tube may be used to connect adjacent combustor cans. The crossfire tubes
provide for the ignition of fuel in one combustion can from the ignited fuel in an adjacent
combustion can. The crossfire tubes thus eliminate the need for a separate igniter in each can. The
crossfire tubes also serve to equalize the pressure between adjacent combustor cans. The crossfire
tubes generally are positioned upstream of the premixing fuel injectors and pass through the
incoming flow path between the liner and the flow sleeve. As such, the crossfire tubes may cause a
wake in the flow path that may envelop one or more of the premixing fuel injectors. As described
above, such a wake may cause recirculation zones and, hence, fuel holding and other types of flow

All combustion chambers are interconnected by means of crossfire tube. This tube enables
flame from the fired chambers to propagate to the unfired chambers. A crossfire tube may be used
to connect adjacent combustor cans. The crossfire tubes provide for the ignition of fuel in one
combustion can from the ignited fuel in an adjacent combustion can. The crossfire tubes thus
eliminate the need for a separate igniter in each can. The crossfire tubes also serve to equalize the
pressure between adjacent combustor cans.

The crossfire tubes generally are positioned upstream of the premixing fuel injectors and
pass through the incoming flow path between the liner and the flow sleeve. As such, the crossfire
tubes may cause a wake in the flow path that may envelop one or more of the premixing fuel
injectors. As described above, such a wake may cause recirculation zones and, hence, fuel holding
and other types of flow disturbances.

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Each stage consists of a row of fixed nozzles followed by a row of rotatable turbine buckets.
In each nozzle row, the kinetic energy of the jet is increased, with an associated pressure drop, and in
each following row of moving buckets, a portion of the kinetic energy of the jet is absorbed as useful
work on the turbine rotor.


Turbine legs assist in maintaining alignment between the turbine and the generator. Support
legs maintain the axial and vertical positions of the turbine.


The base upon which the gas turbine is mounted is a structural-steel fabrication of welded
steel beams and plate. It forms a single platform which provides support upon which to mount the
gas turbine. In addition, the base supports the gas turbine inlet and exhaust plenums. Lifting
trunnions and supports are provided, two on each side of the base in line with the structural cross
members of the base frame. Machined pads, three on each side of the bottom of the base, facilitate its
mounting to the side foundation. Two machined pads, atop the base frame are provided for mounting
the aft turbine support


The gas turbine is mounted to its base by vertical supports. The forward support is located at
the lower half of the vertical flanges of the forward compressor casing, and the aft two support-legs
are located on either side of the turbine exhaust frame. The forward support is a flexible plate that is
bolted and doweled to the turbine base, at the forward base cross frame beam, and bolted and
doweled to the forward flanges of the forward compressor casing. The aft supports are leg-type
supports, located one on each side of the turbine exhaust frame.

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Both vertical support legs rest on machined pads on the base and attach snugly to the turbine
exhaust-frame-mounted support pads. The legs provide center-line support to supply casing

Fabricated to the outer surface of each aft support leg is a water jacket. Cooling water is
circulated through the jackets to minimize thermal expansion of the support legs and assist in
maintaining alignment between the turbine and the generator. The support legs maintain the axial
and vertical positions of the turbine, while a gib key coupled with the turbine support legs maintains
its lateral position.

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Rotor blades supply the force needed to compress the air in each stage. Stator blades guide the
air so that it enters the following rotor stage at the proper angle.


In an axial flow compressor, air is compressed while continuing its original direction of
flow. From inlet to exit the air flows along an axial path and is compressed at a ratio of
approximately 1.25 to 1. An axial flow compressor has two basic elements - a rotor and a stator. The
rotor has blades that are fixed on a spindle. These blades impel air rearward in the same way a
propeller does. They are basically small airfoils. The rotor turns at a high speed and impels the air
through a series of stages. A high velocity airflow is produced.

After the air is impelled by the rotor blades, it goes through the stator blades. The stator
blades are fixed and act as diffusers at each stage. They partially convert high velocity air into high
pressure. Each rotor/stator pair is a compressor stage. Each consecutive compressor stage compresses
the air even more. The number of stages is determined by the amount of air and total pressure rise
required. The greater the number of stages, the higher the compression ratio.

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The impeller's (rotor) function is to pick up and accelerate the air outwardly to the diffuser. It
may be either single entry or double entry. Both are similar in construction to a piston engine
supercharger impeller. The double impeller is like two impellers back-to-back. However, because of
the much greater combustion air requirements in turbojet engines, the impellers are larger than
supercharger impellers. The main differences between the two types of impellers are the size and the
ducting arrangement. Double-entry types have a smaller diameter but are usually operated at a higher
rotational speed to ensure sufficient airflow. The single-entry impeller permits convenient ducting
directly to the impeller eye (inducer vanes) as opposed to the more complicated ducting necessary to
reach the rear side of the double-entry type. Although they are slightly more efficient in receiving,
single-entry impellers need to be large in diameter to deliver the same amount of air as the double-
entry type. Of course, this increases the overall diameter of the engine.

The diffuser (stator) of a centrifugal-flow compressor section is an annular chamber

provided with several vanes that form a series of divergent passages into the manifold. The diffuser
vanes direct the flow of air from the impeller to the manifold at an angle designed to retain the
maximum amount of energy that is provided by the impeller. They also deliver the air to the
manifold at a velocity and pressure satisfactory for use in the combustion chambers. The compressor
manifold diverts the airflow from the diffuser, which is an integral part of the manifold, into the
combustion chambers.

The manifold has one outlet port for each chamber so that the air is evenly divided. A
compressor outlet elbow is bolted to each of the outlet ports. These air outlets are constructed in the
form of ducts and are known by a variety of names, such as air outlet ducts, outlet elbows, or
combustion chamber inlet ducts. These ducts perform a very important part of the diffusion process -

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they change the radial direction of the airflow to an axial direction, where the diffusion process is
completed after the turn. To help the elbows perform this function in an efficient manner, turning
vanes (cascade vanes) are sometimes fitted inside the elbows. These vanes reduce air pressure losses
by presenting a smooth, turning surface.


Compressor rotors have been made by shrinking discs on to forged shafts, bolting discs
together or by welding discs together at the outer diameter to form a monolithic construction.
Compressor rotor is an assembly of 15 individual wheels, 2 stud shafts, each with an integral wheel,
a speed ring, tie bolts and the compressor rotor blades.


Compressor rotors must be carefully inspected for any damage. To accomplish this, these
guidelines should be followed:

• The rotor should rest on the packing area that must be protected by soft packing, annealed
copper, or lead to avoid any marring of polished surfaces. Do not use Teflon strips since
Teflon impregnation of the metal surfaces can alter the adhesion characteristics of the
lubricant in contact with the journal. Lubrication problems could ensue.

• The rotor should be given an initial inspection for the following:

a.) Impeller hub, cover, and vane pitting or damage.

b.) Are there any rubs or metal transfer on the hub or cover indicating a shifting of rotor
position? All foreign metal should be ground off and the area inspected for heat

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The functions of the compressor discharge casings are to contain the final 7 compressor
stages, to form both the inner and outer walls of the compressor diffuser and to join the compressor
and turbine stators. They also provide support for no.2 bearing, the forward end of the combustion
wrapper, and the inner support of the first stage turbine nozzle.


Compressor Discharge Casing is a Gas turbine component that houses the end section of the
compressor section and the combustion section. This is the area were combustion takes place and hot
gases purge, along with the compressed air discharging at high velocity and energy to the turbine
area. It mates with the aft end of the compressor casings and fwd end of the turbine casing.


A compressor discharge casing assembly includes a diffuser disposed proximate an aft region
of a compressor section; the diffuser configured to route a compressed airflow to an interior region of
the compressor discharge casing assembly. Also included is a strut disposed in the interior region of
the compressor discharge casing assembly and located proximate an exit region of the diffuser.
Further included is a heat shield disposed proximate an upstream portion of the strut, the heat shield
configured to reduce impingement of the compressed airflow on the strut.

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The combustion wrappers form a plenum in which the compressor discharge air flow is
directed to the combustion chambers. Its secondary purpose is to act as a support for the combustion
chamber assemblies. In turn, the wrapper is supported by the compressor discharge casing and the
turbine shell. The combustion wrapper forms a plenum in which the compressor discharge air flow is
directed to the combustion chambers. Its secondary purpose is to act as a support for the combustion
chamber assemblies. In turn, the wrapper is supported by the compressor discharge casing and the
turbine shell.


Flame detectors are solutions for virtually any application where fire may result in a large
loss of capital equipment and where risk to personnel is high. Industrial and commercial applications
include oil and gas pipelines, turbine enclosures, offshore platforms, automotive manufacturing
facilities, aircraft hangers, munitions plants, nuclear facilities, and many, many more.

These systems use devices that respond to radiant energy visible to the human eye
(approximately 4000 to 7000 angstroms) or to radiant energy outside the range of human vision
[usually infrared (IR), ultraviolet (UV), or both]. Flame detectors are sensitive to glowing embers,
coals, or actual flames with energy of sufficient intensity and spectral quality to initiate the detector.


Infrared (IR) flame detectors work within the infrared spectral band. Hot gases emit a
specific spectral pattern in the infrared region, which can be sensed with a thermal imaging camera
(TIC) a type of thermo graphic camera. False alarms can be caused by other hot surfaces in the area.
A typical frequency where single frequency IR flame detector is sensitive is in the 4.4 micrometer
range. Typical response time is 3-5 seconds.

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Flame sensors are utilized in several hazardous environments, such as hydrogen
stations, industrial heating and drying systems, industrial gas turbines, domestic heating
systems and gas-powered cooking devices. Their primary purpose is to minimize the risks
associated with combustion. Often, a flame sensor responds more swiftly than a heat or
smoke detector.


UV flame detectors are sensory devices that are designed to respond to Ultraviolet radiation
that has a wavelength that is less than 300nm. The sensor in the device is a phototube that includes a
cathode and an anode placed in a large P of about 300 volts and sealed in a tube filled with inert gas.
The photons are lit up or illuminated by ultraviolet radiation and hit the cathode which, in turn,
releases electrons that move towards the anode. The electron ionizes the gas molecules in the bulb.
Then an output signal is generated in the voltage pulse and sent by the detector.

Most times, UV flame detectors are used for combustible liquids like hydrocarbon fires, but
their use is not exclusive to this. UV detectors are one of the few devices that can be used to detect
metal fires, hydrogen, and ammonia. The main reason why most people prefer UV flame sensors to
others is due to their fast response time which is less than a millisecond. The sensitivity of the device

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can reach up to Pico watt/cm cube. Granted, this detector is great, but its performance is reduced in
the presence of smoke.

Therefore, in the event of a large inferno in a closed environment, the device may fail to see
the flame on time and trigger an alarm obviously because of the heavy smoke from the fire. The
sensitivity of the device can be altered by certain factors. For example, UV radiation that ought to
read the device may be absorbed by oil films or other organic compounds that may be present on the
window of the detector or present in the environment in which the device was installed.


UV/ IR Flame detectors consist of Infrared and ultraviolet sensors that are joined together in
a single unit. UV sensors work by detecting the UV radiation that is emitted by flames and is very
sensitive to many other flammable fuels like sulfur, ammonia, hydrocarbons, and hydrazine. The
major radiant emission band for hydrocarbons related fires ranges from 4.3 to 4.4 microns; it is an IR
emission that Infrared sensors can detect with ease. What makes the emission to be detected by the
Infrared detector is the energy released by the combustion of Carbon (IV) oxide at a frequency of 4.3

The most significant benefit of having IR and UV sensors combined in a single unit or device
is that they share the same alarm source. As previously mentioned, each device operated separately,
but adding a signal processing algorithm will enable the combination of both sensors to deliver an
outstanding fire detector performance to a wide range of volatile solids, gases, and flammable
liquids. Keep in mind that, the IR and UV sensors in the device can individually provide a reliable

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false alarm rejection. Another benefit delivered of the IR and UV flame detectors includes their
continuous self-testing and a wide range of diagnostic options and configuration.


Advantages of IR detector are.

• Highly immune to optical contaminants like oil, dirt, and dust

• High speed response under 30 milliseconds for some brands
• Insensitive to solar, welding, lightning, X-rays, sparks, arcs and corona

Disadvantages IR detector are.

• Generally, not suitable for non-carbon fires

• Some brands will respond to modulated infra-red sources
• Rain, ice and water vapour on the detector lens will inhibit detection

Advantages of Ultraviolet detectors

• Solar insensitive.
• Responds to metal, hydrocarbon and hydrogen fires.
• Quick response i.e. They respond in less than 10 milliseconds.

Disadvantages and limitation of Ultraviolet detectors.

• Certain vapor and gasses will reduce the sensitivity and performance of the device.
• May respond to welding at a long range.
• Some UV sensors have a broad detection range that results in solar false alarms.
• May respond corona, X-rays, and sparks

Pros of UV/IR detectors

• Very high response speed- less than 500 milliseconds

• Insensitivity to welding, sunlight, sparks, lightning, corona, and arcs

Cons and limitation of UV/IR detectors

• Some vapors and gases will reduce their performance

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• It is not suitable for detecting non-carbon fires.


A high-pressure turbine over speed trip capable of mechanically dumping the oil in the trip
circuits, the over speed bolt which actuates the trip upon over speed is installed in the main shaft.


An overspeed failure on a big steam or gas turbine is one of the most frightening industrial
accidents. A huge amount of thermal, chemical, and mechanical energy courses through a big turbine
when it runs. If the rotational speed of the turbine exceeds the safe operating limits of the unit, the
main shaft and impeller wheels can be pulled apart by centrifugal force.

In the worst case, the disintegrating parts can break through the turbine housing, flinging hot,
fast-moving shards of metal in all directions. A turbine overspeed accident can be caused by a
lightning-induced power surge, a fouled pilot valve, an electrical fault, operator failure, or any of a
few dozen other problems. Turbines are equipped with shutoff systems that are designed to
automatically stop them if they exceed the design speed. These systems are built to cut the energy
supply to the turbine so that it will coast to an orderly stop. Such a stop is usually referred to as a
“trip” by operating staf


Inside a mechanical overspeed trip mechanism there are four basic components. The internal
components consist of two bushings, a plunger, and a spring as shown in Figures 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
One of the bushings is screwed completely into the overspeed trip body at a set depth. This controls
the position when the turbine is not rotating. Then a bushing is installed over the plunger and spring,
and then tightened down. The spring pushes against the plunger “stopper disk” and the adjustable
bushing where the plunger extrudes from the body (Figure 5). Now the spring is in compression
holding the plunger inside the mechanism body. The overspeed trip is then attached, typically bolted,
to the outboard end of the rotor. As the speed of the rotor increases, centrifugal force pulls the
plunger to the outside, against the spring. As the rotor speed increases, the force from the plunger
increases on the spring. Once
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Loss of the load, prior to this, has been considered instantaneous. This means that the loss
of the load took zero time. The maximum speed change of the turbine rotor is the result of an
instantaneous loss of load. Thus, what is the difference between the turbine rotor speed response to
an instantaneous loss of load as opposed to a sudden loss of load? In 0.05 seconds or less, a couple of
cycles, a turbine driving an electrical generator can lose full load. This is the type of situation where
the loss of load must be considered instantaneous. The protection system(s) should then be designed
accordingly. One advantage to this situation is that the loss of load can occur without the failure of
the coupling between the turbine and the generator and, in some installations, the gearbox. In this
situation the time constant would include the turbine rotor and the generator rotor, WR2.

The increase in the overall system rotor time constant will reduce the probability of an
overspeed. Mechanical drive steam turbines, turbines that drive compressor(s), pumps, fans, blowers,
etc., are entirely different. There are four ways a sudden loss of load can occur. • A throttling of the
suction, but in this case there would only be a partial load reduction. Surging a compressor or
breaking suction of a pump may still require as much as 30 percent of the full load. The time
required to throttle the inlet would require a minimum of one second to two seconds. This would
only be a problem with very slow 10 second turbines.

• A coupling failure, which is rare in this day and age. There are no data on the time; however,
in analysis of a few coupling failures, the complete failure would take one second to two
• A loss of load due to a process upset takes seconds to be accomplished. In most cases of a
process upset, the loss of load is only partial. This again gives the system time to respond.
• A catastrophic failure of the discharge piping in close proximity of the driven equipment. It
is apparent, from the discussion above, that a required response time of the overspeed trip
protection system of one second is sufficient as a result of a 100 percent sudden loss of load.
Again, the response time constant must include the WR2 for all the rotors of that drive train.

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During an overspeed situation, there are two reasons the speed of the rotor will increase
above the 110 percent of maximum continuous speed or high-speed stop. The first is the time lag in
the mechanism that closes the steam inlet valves and/or the stop valve. And the second is the steam
energy stored in the turbine, nozzle box, valve chest, and piping located between the stop valve and
the steam chest of the turbine.

By equating the stored energy of the steam to the change in the kinetic energy of the turbine
rotor, the change in the rotor speed can be determined mathematically. Equation shows the maximum
speed the turbine rotor can reach above the trip speed due to the stored energy. Equation assumes
that the turbine has an efficiency of 60 percent at the design rated load and steam conditions as the
stored energy is used.


The hot gases from the combustion chamber expand into the 14th separate transition pieces
attach to the aft end of the combustion chamber liners and flow towards the 3-stage turbine section of
the machine. Each stage consists of a row of fixed nozzles followed by a row of rotatable buckets, in
each nozzle row, the kinetic energy of the jet is increased, with an associated pressure drop, and in
each following row of moving buckets, a portion of the kinetic energy jet is absorbed as useful work
on the turbine rotor. After passing through the 3rd stage buckets, the exhaust gases directed into the
exhaust hood and diffuser. Then, the gases pass into exhaust plenum.


The first stage forward wheel space is cooled by air that passes through the high-pressure
passing seal at the aft end compressor rotor. The second stage forward wheel space is cooled by the
compressor discharge air that passes through the stage 1 shroud and then secondary inward through
stage 2 nozzles vanes, the 3rd aft wheel space is cooled by cooling air exit from the exhaust frame
cooling circuit.

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Space between the turbine wheel with the bucket and the stator, into the main gas stream area,
is called the wheel space. Wheel space It is the space (very small axial distance) between rotating
wheel that is turbine buckets and the stationary diaphragms which the turbine nozzles are installed
on). Wheel space T/Cs are used to measure temperature around wheel space region of gas turbine


An axial compressor is designed and optimized of a given speed, which is called nominal
speed, at nominal speed, the compressor can pressurize or constant air flow with the operating range
of pressure rations. Nominal speed is a suitable, rounded speed value for classifying the speed range.
Nominal speed is no longer the speed previously agreed on in the supply contract, but typically a
deviating, rounded, and generally applicable speed such as 2,900, 1,450, or 980 min–1 (rpm) for a
mains frequency of 50 Hz or 3,500, 1,750, 1,180 min–1 (rpm) at 60 Hz. Axial-flow compressors are
very high-speed, large volumetric flow rate machines. This type of compressor flows gas into the
intake ports and propels the gas axially through the compression space via a series of radial arranged
rotating rotor blades and stationary stators (or diffuser) blades.

As in the centrifugal compressor, the kinetic energy of the high-velocity flow exiting each
rotor stage is converted to pressure energy in the follow-on stator (diffuser) stage. Axial-flow
compressors have a volumetric flow rate range of approximately 104–106 actual cfm (4.7 × 105 to
4.7 × 105 actual liters/sec). Their compression ratios are typically around 10–20. Because of their
small diameter, these machines are the principal compressor design for jet engine applications. There
are also applications for axial-flow compressors in large process plant operations where very large
constant volumetric flow rates at low compression ratios are needed.
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The starting engine drives the turbine, from 50% of nominal speed, the pressure inside the
combustion zone will rapidly increase du toe temperature increases. At this intermediate speed the
capability of the compressor will be very low. The variation of the gas turbine thermal efficiency
with power output for different power turbine speeds.

The decrease in thermal efficiency with power for a given power turbine speed is due to the
reduction in the gas generator speed, resulting in lower compressor pressure ratio and turbine entry
temperature. However, for a given power output, the thermal efficiency improves with the increase in
power turbine speed, and this is due to the improvement in the power turbine efficiency. At high
power turbine speeds around 3000 RPM, there is only a small variation in the thermal efficiency with
the power turbine speed and this is due to minimal variation in power turbine efficiency at these

Thus, the loss in performance in the power turbine at low speeds is responsible for the low
thermal efficiency at these power turbine speeds. The decrease in the compressor airflow rate results
in a decrease in the compressor power absorbed. Similarly, the reduction in the turbine flow also
results in a decrease in turbine power. The compressor efficiency decrease is due primarily to the
effects of compressor fouling.

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Ambient temperature is measured in the shade near the filter inlet because the thermometer
should not be positioned directly in the inlet air flow, as its speed provokes pressure drops that affect
the temperature. Ambient temperature is the air temperature of any object or environment where
equipment is stored. The adjective ambient means "relating to the immediate surroundings." Also
sometimes referred to as the ordinary temperature or the baseline temperature, this value is important
for system design and thermal analysis.

Ambient temperature is measured in the shade near the filter inlet because the thermometer
should not be positioned directly in the inlet air flow, as its speed provokes pressure drops that affect
the temperature. Air temperature is always measured in a shady location because in the shade the
thermometer is measuring the actual air temperature, and only the air temperature. A thermometer
placed in the sun measures the temperature that the sun heats the thermometer to, not the true air


Based on this research prime movers is important to have electricity especially onboard ship
specially gas turbine that coupled to the generators. It is necessary to our machineries and also to our
main engine that gives propulsion to the vessels. Maintenance is important also to avoid trips to our
gas turbine. As seafarer we must know the initial speed of our prime movers and different


I recommend this research to those marine students who wants to learn about
components of prime movers specially gas turbine. It will help them to understand the
principle on how turbine works. There are some conditions of gas turbine that help us to
know it. This will be a guide to understand and familiarize the purpose of a turbine onboard

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