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Exercises (1)

1. Define Social Work?

……Social work is a human profession which works with the society

and its components individual, groups, and community………………

2. Translate into English:

‫علم وفن ته''دف الى مس''اعدة العمي''ل كي يط''ور قدرات''ه ويغ''ير‬, ‫ الخدم''ة االجتماعي''ة هي مهن''ة‬.‫ا‬

Social work is a profession, science and art. It aims to help clients to

develop their abilities, change their attitudes
‫ الرسالة االساسية للخدمة االجتماعية هي ان تساعد على اشباع االحتياجات االساسية لكل الناس‬.‫ب‬

The primary mission of the social work is helping to meet the basic human
needs of all people

3. Translate the following words:-

Terms meaning Terms meaning

Definitions ‫تعريف‬ Integrity ‫نزاهة‬
Goals ‫اهداف‬ Competence ‫كفاءه‬
Social Work Practice ‫ممارسة الخدمة االجتماعية‬ Accountable ‫مسؤول‬
Practice ‫ممارسة‬ Principles ‫مبادى‬
Assist ‫يساعد‬ Guide ‫يوجه‬
Individual ‫فرد‬ Designed ‫مصمم‬
Group ‫جماعة‬ Obligations ‫التزام‬
Perspective ‫منظور‬ Conflict ‫نزاع‬
Resolve ‫حل‬ Practitioner ‫ممارسة‬
Problems ‫مشكالت‬ Formal M‫رسمي‬
Disequilibrium ‫عدم توازن‬ Procedures ‫اجراءت‬
Environment ‫بيئة‬ Capacity ‫االحقية‬
Strengthen M‫تعزيز‬ Human Wellbeing ‫رفاهية االنسان‬
Accountable ‫مسؤول‬ Human needs ‫حاجات االنسان‬
Communities ‫المجتمع‬ Social Function ‫ االجتماعية‬M‫الوظائف‬
Profession M‫محترف‬ Empowerment ‫تمكين‬
Approach ‫مقارنه‬ Responsibilities ‫مسؤوليات‬
Activity ‫نشاط‬ Expertise ‫خبرة‬
Enhance ‫تحسين‬ Purpose ‫هدف‬

5- Say True (T) or False (F) :

1. Strengthen the maximum potential of individuals, groups, and community ( T )

are goals of social work.
2. Social work is the professional activity of helping communities. ( T )
3. The primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance wellbeing. ( T)
4. Social workers primary goals is to help people in need and to address social ( T )
5. Social workers challenge social injustice. ( F )
6. Social work profession has always practiced with any practioner's ( F )
7. Social work appeared for response to social conditions in society ( T )

6- Complete the following sentence with these words:-

Empowerment – Enhance – Poverty - Oppressed

The primary mission of the social work is to …enhance…… human

wellbeing and help meet the basic human needs of all people, with particular
attention to the needs and empowerment…….. of people who are vulnerable, …
oppressed….. , and living in …poverty………..

7- Choose the correct answer:

1- Social work appeared as a profession in the beginning of the century:

A- Seventeenth
B- Eighteenth
C- Nineteenth
D- Twentieth

2- Social work depended on:

A- Health and Education

B- Cultural and Security
C- Science and Skill
D- Education and Justice

3- Social work committed with:

A- Freedom
B- Human life
C- Economic justice

D- Social justice

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