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S.Y. 2018-2019

Group Name: ______________________Year/Section: ___________________Date: ________

Evaluator: _________________________Title of Research: _____________________________
Grade: _____________
Scoring Guide:

1= no evidence of indicator being met.

2= some evidence of indicator being met, but needs improvement

3= acceptable evidence of indicator being met for course purposes.

4= consistent evidence of indicator being met.

5= exemplary evidence of indicator being met, meritorious researcher skills. the content, structure, and format
of the product.

QUALIFIERS: 1 2 3 4 5
1. Significance of the topic
2. Uses sufficient and
appropriate primary
resources to develop
background or context for
research question
3. Culminates with a clearly
INTRODUCTION OF THE STUDY stated purpose/ research

4. Research gap is clearly stated

with supporting statements
5. Scope and delimitations are
clear and logical.
6. Chapter summary is complete
and is detailed.

1. Literature review includes at

least 10 resources from books
and 4 from other sources, e.g.
Scholarly articles.
2. Uses sufficient and
resources to describe/explain
theoretical assumptions that
contextualize the research
3. Includes current literature
highly relevant to the topic.
4. Establishes an advanced
theoretical framework.
5. Establishes an advanced
conceptual framework.
6. Chapter summary is complete
and is detailed.

1. Clearly describes the

selection methods,
parameters, subjects and
setting, or context of the
METHODOLOGY study based on accepted
research practice.
2. Clearly describes data
gathering methodology based
on accepted research
3. Clearly describes data analysis
methodologies based on
accepted research practice
4. Is appropriate for publication
or presentation with little or
no revision.
5. Chapter summary is complete
and is detailed.

1. Accurately stated based on

the data.
2. Shows critical analysis of
ANALYSIS OF DATA research related to topic and
compared to current study.
3. Statistical data is well
presented through tables
and graphs.(QN )
4. Statistical treatment is
effective and valid. (QN)
5. The instrument used is
6. The instrument used is
7. Chapter summary is complete
and detailed.

1. Thoughtful, detailed and

comprehensive discussion is
presented .
2. Key findings are specifically
related to previous research.
Implications are well
3. Shows creative thinking and
thoughtful insight
SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, 4. Project is well organized,
CONCLUSIONS AND needing only very little
RECOMMENDATIONS clarification, if any
5. The entire project is
presented in format
appropriate for intended
scholarly venue.
6. Presentation of the material
is highly appropriate and
7. Paper is free of major
spelling, grammatical and
punctuation errors
8. All citations and references
are presented in proper
format and do not need

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