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The easiest and the simple way to open Jupyter Notebook from the desired location is to

open Anaconda Prompt(possible only if you installed Python using Anaconda Distribution).

Open the desired location in Windows File Explorer, copy the desired location from the
address bar of Windows File Explorer. Alt + D goes to the address bar and Ctrl + C copies
the location.

Now open the Anaconda Prompt and type the following command:

cd D:\desired location
Somehow, the Anaconda Prompt returns to the original location. Enter 'd:' and the prompt
will reach your desired location(as shown in the image below). Note that you must enter the
drive letter of your desired location(C: for C:\ drive-the primary partition).
Afterward, type 'jupyter notebook' and the Jupyter Notebook will be

Note that the Jupyter Notebook's home page does not list anything as the folder is
Once a Python3 notebook is created, the home page will list the

This way you can open Jupyter Notebook from any location, without having to deal with all
the complexities of going to the installed location and making the necessary tweaks.

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