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Make sure you can answer the following questions:

- Why am I using this platform?

- Who will reach on this platform?
- What post types work best on this platform?
- How are my posts unique to this platform?

Be Consistent in Posting:

Don’t post all of your information in one or a few days. Spread out your information
based on a posting schedule. When creating a posting schedule, create a table chart
broken up into a few categories. First break it up by the days of the week. Then, into
the 5 W ?’s to make sure you are addressing and contextualizing the entire concept or
idea. Then include an image that you want your information to go along with. Create
your answer and then in a separate area of the chart next to it, answer the question that
you have written.

Use Hashtags:

After you have created the paragraph for your post, it is important that you include
about 5-7 hashtags to bring more engagement to your page. It can help advertise your
page when others are looking for posts under the hashtags that you are using. Create
your own hashtags based on your brand or to connect with the individuals engaging
on your page.


It is not necessary to have giveaways present on your page, but it does help you build
a relationship with your followers and supporters. When you do giveaways, you can
ask your followers to share 3 posts on your page and tag 3 of their friends so that more
users can be brought to your page. It helps your overall page grow and it is exciting
for you and your followers.

Connect with Other Similar Pages:

Following other pages who are speaking about the same idea or topic and want the
same result as you. It is awesome to support others and speak about

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