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Sara Hamri

Honors Apollo Art and English IIII

Mr. Ward and Mr. Grandi

September 5, 2021

Annotated Bibliography

“14 Product Photography Tips to Make You Look Like a Pro.” WordStream,

This source gives detailed information about ways and tips on photographing images to then post

on social media platforms. It described different materials to use when taking pictures of your work such

as using a tripod, ring lights and props such as fresh flowers to make your product look more visually

appealing. The source also included ways to edit your pictures on apps such as Adobe Photoshop and also

gain inspiration from other photographers on other social media platforms such as Pinterest or Instagram.

Lastly, it explains mistakes that many individuals make when they are taking photos such as having a

busy background instead of a white and simple background.

I used this source within the product of my project in several ways. I was able to take the tips and

put them into my final pictures that I posted on my Instagram page focusing on mental health self care.

When putting my self care basket together before taking photos, I made sure I had a white background so

that the individual items would stand out and that the background wouldn’t be too busy to distract from

my product. I made sure that there were no shadows in the pictures as well from the angle of the lighting.

Lastly, I went through each photo and edited them such as, adding a cool toned filter that complimented

the blue themed self care basket.

“48 Infographic - Self Care Ideas: Self Care, Self, Self Care Activities.” Pinterest, 6 Nov. 2020,
This source provided a surplus amount of examples of different self care infographics. There were

self care infographics that discussed mental health self care and as well as physical health self care. The

source also gave information between male and female descriptions on ways to take care of yourself.

Some examples included, drinking water, physical activity and taking time to do something that you


I was able to use this source within the product of my project when creating my infographic

focusing on the idea of taking care of your mental health. It explained the ways in doing so such as

listening to music that you enjoy, being active and talking to others about how you feel. I also included

within my infographic ways that you can incorporate taking care of your mental health throughout a busy


“All Products.” Design Your Own T-Shirt Online - Free Shipping!,

This source is an application where you can design and produce your own shirts, sweatshirts and

other apparel. You can be creative based on your goal of what you want your product to look like. For

example, you can add text, logo and colors based on your mission. Individuals that have groups or

organizations often use this site because it is simple to use and is also cost effective.

I was able to use this source for the art portion of my project to create a shirt design for a portion

of my mental health care basket. I created a black tee shirt with a dark pink/ purple toned logo and

writing. The shirt says, “Be Kind to Your Mind”. The logo is an individual's head and brain with a heart in

the center of the brain to symbolize being “Kind to Your Mind”.

Gueren, Casey. “11 Small but Important Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health.” SELF, 10 Oct. 2017,

This source explained ways you can take care of your mental health on a daily basis. It ranged

from simple tasks such as drinking water to going on a run to clear your mind and also taking care of your
physical health at the same time. It gave the reader an overall idea that taking care of your mental health

doesn’t have to be mentally draining, it can be simple and natural as well. It can even become a daily

habit for some individuals.

I used this source within my project for my infographic for the English portion. This source

included facts that I was able to present throughout the infographic to give the viewer a better

understanding of the context discussing mental health, before getting into ways to take care of your

mental health. I also was able to use different ways to take care of your mental health based on each

individual’s lifestyle.

“How to Be Successful on Instagram in 5 Steps.” Sprout Social, 30 Aug. 2021,

This source gave advice and tips on how to create a successful Instagram page. It discussed small

and specific details that make the overall image of the page professional and appealing to the eye. The

source has images and examples of successful Instagram pages and also the opposite, Instagram sites that

aren’t presented well and don’t get as much attention overall. It explained the important do’s and don’ts of

having a social media page as well.

I used this source within my project for my English Instagram page. While I was creating my

page, I made changes to my page based on the source’s material I read and felt fit my social media page

well. I created a posting schedule categorized by the date, question, answer and picture. It helped me

organize all of my research and target all of that information with contextualizing all of it, which is my

overall goal for this project cycle. The source helped with the overall aesthetic and presentation of the

Instagram page.

“Indonesia.” Pinterest, health self care


This source provided a surplus amount of examples of different mental health self care baskets.
There were self care baskets that included different products based on each individual’s liking and

preference. The source also gave information between male and female descriptions on products you can

use to take care of yourself. Some examples included body scrubs, face masks, body lotion and makeup.

I was able to use this source within the art portion of my project in several ways. Before creating

and purchasing the items for the self car basket, I created a list of what I envisioned my basket to look

like. I narrowed it down to about 10-12 products/items I wanted to include in my basket. I also decided on

the color theme for my product, which was blue. Lastly, I put all of the products and items in my basket in

a way that was visually appealing and appropriately presentable as well.

“Indonesia.” Pinterest, health tee


This source provided a surplus amount of examples of different mental health tee shirts. There

were mental health shirts that included different messages, colors and images based on each individual’s

liking and preference. The source also listed male and female styled shirts as well. Some examples

included sweatshirts and long sleeve tees as well for different times of the year.

I was able to use this source for the art portion of my project for research before I designed my

mental health care tee shirt. I was able to view examples and choose a few that I found that I was pleased

with, and use them as inspiration for my product. Being able to view many different styled tee shirts with

powerful meanings was extremely helpful when creating my own product and style.

“Logo Maker: Used By 2.3 Million Startups.” Logo Design & Brand Identity Platform for


This source is an application that lets you create a logo for something such as a business or a

social media page. You type in the name of your social media page and it will create many different logos

in several styles. You are able to then make any changes to that automatically generated logo such as

color, size text and font style. The goal of using the source is to help you brainstorm several logo ideas
based on your liking,

I was able to use this source for the art portion of my project by creating a logo for my Instagram

page. I inserted the name of my page which is, “Mental Health is Health”, and several logo options

appeared. I chose two that I liked and made edits to them based on the color theme and aesthetic on my

page. I ended up choosing a light baby blue themed logo with cursive lettering in the center with a circle

styled image located on the left of the text.

Marcella. “How to Create a Self-Care Routine [Infographic].” Northwest Primary Care, 15 Jan. 2019,

This source was an example of an infographic that discussed what a mental health self care

routine might look like. Also, it showed statistics on how many individuals suffer from mental health

problems and how common it is, even though mental health illness is still stigmatized. The source also

broke down simple things to add into your daily life routine to help take care of your mental health as


I used this source within my English portion of my project. It helped me think about the format

and layout of my created infographic and what specific routine I wanted the viewers to see and read. The

layout and idea of my infographic ended up being related more to my routine including my job and school

daily life tasks. I thought that this routine would be beneficial to viewers because many individuals have a

work and school life balance that might be busy, so it is important to stop and take time to think about

ways that you can take care of your overall well being.

“Social Media Marketing Tips for Every Platform.” Sprout Social, 26 May 2021,

This source explains tips you can use to have a successful social media page. It lists that you

should be consistent in posting so that your page is not forgotten about, but at the same time you must not

over post because your work may not be as appreciated then. Also, an important tip is to always prioritize
the quality of your posts rather than focusing on the quantity.

I was able to use this source within the English portion of my project by using these tips

throughout my Instagram page. Before I started to create my posts, I created a schedule of when and what

I was posting. I sectioned off different requirements on a chart “Post’s Image”, “Dates for Posts”,

“Questions”, and “Answers”. Doing so helped me make sure I was answering the 5 W’s throughout the

process of the project and that I was covering all of the material as well. For example, I would have

scheduled on Monday a “What?” question and then on Tuesday I would post a “Who?” question.

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