Abeera Jamil, 20202-26787, MBTI 16personalities

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Dr. Yayah Noori

MBTI Results
I am completely agreed with the result of MBIT, I got a personality type Advocate INFJ-T,

Introversion (I): I feel exhausted in a social gathering, I always try to convince my parents that I don’t
want to go the gathering and make so many excuses. I am reserved type girl, and feel comfortable being
alone, staying at home, like things I can do on my own and most important I love to keep pets and talk to
them like that pets are listening me and talking to me. I like getting my energy from dealing with the ideas,
pictures, memories, and reactions that are inside my head, in my inner world. I often prefer doing things
alone or with one or two people I feel comfortable with. I take time to reflect so that I have a clear idea of
what I'll be doing when I decide to act. Ideas are almost solid things for me. Sometimes I like the idea of
something better than the real thing.

Intuitive (N): Paying the most attention to impressions or the meaning and patterns of the information I
get. I would rather learn by thinking a problem through than by hands-on experience. But sometimes I
trust experience first and trust words and symbols less and I solve problems by working through facts until
I understand the problem. I'm interested in new things and what might be possible, so that I think more
about the future than the past. I like to work with symbols or abstract theories, even if I don't know how I
will use them. I remember events more as an impression of what it was like than as actual facts or details
of what happened. But sometimes I remember events as snapshots of what actually happened.
Feeling (F): I believe I can make the best decisions by weighing what people care about and the points-
of-view of persons involved in a situation. I am concerned with values and what is the best for the people
involved. I like to maintain harmony and nervous when it is missing. In my relationships, I appear caring,
warm, even though I make decisions with my heart and want to be compassionate. The result was INFJ
but even though I recognize I am not tactful and I believe telling the truth is more important. Often feelings
set me to tears for days even can't sleep at night and doesn't feel right.

Judging (J): I use my decision-making preference in my outer life. I seem to prefer a planned or orderly
way of life, like to have things settled and organized, feel more comfortable when decisions are made, and
like to bring life under control as much as possible. This only describes what I prefer in the outer world, I
may, inside, feel flexible and open to new information (which I am). I like to have things decided. I appear
to be task oriented and like to make lists of things to do even I get my work done as fast as I can. I plan
my work to avoid rushing just before a deadline. I am focused on my goals so much.

Turbulent (T): I face so much stress even I get mood swings but I won’t let a stressful event negatively
affect on me and often catch myself dwelling on past mistakes. I focus on the difficult parts of a problem
and often fueled by my worries and concerns, and make significant progress from it because I learn from
my mistakes.

How do you think this knowledge can be helpful in your life?

I can't easily connect with anyone, there's always a wall between me and everybody, even with the people
closest to me. My parents are always upset with me because of being introvert, I feel like I have different
versions of myself when I face different people and it's exhausting. I often wondered why I'm like this but
when I found out I am INFJ-T, I have a deeper understanding of my personality, it felt less weird. We're
just not the same with the rest and we're not just different, we're peculiar. I no longer have to force myself
to fit in, I quite enjoy this uniqueness that most people don't understand. My mind is extraordinary, I see
through things and I go beyond normal, I have a deeper understanding of everyone and everything, my
brains work like crazy – I am on a different wavelength! Shutting out people for me is normal and
necessary, I feel so much and I see so much in people, having to deal with many is way too much for me.
Socializing is just optional and not necessary, most of the time I tend to avoid it. I seek deeper connections,
peace, and harmony.

It's part of growing up and it's amazing how we are so fully aware and willing to understand ourselves.
That's a crucial and important step to then pave a better path. What makes you unique can be a strength.
Take the time to learn about yourself and embrace you!

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