C P Violation With A GeV-scale Majorana Neutrino I

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PHYSICAL REVIEW D 103, 073001 (2021)

CP violation with a GeV-scale Majorana neutrino

in Λb → ðΛc+ ; p + Þπ + μ − μ − decays
Diganta Das* and Jaydeb Das†
Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007, India

(Received 5 February 2021; accepted 15 March 2021; published 13 April 2021)

We explore the possibility of CP violation in baryonic Λb → ðΛþ þ þ − −

c ; p Þπ μ μ decays which are
mediated by two Majorana sterile neutrinos and are jΔLj ¼ 2 lepton-number-violating processes.
Appreciable CP asymmetry can be obtained if there are two on-shell Majorana neutrinos that are
quasidegenerate in mass with the mass difference of the order of average decay widths. We find that,
given the present constraints on the heavy to light mixing element jV μN j, the Λb → pþ π þ μ− μ− and
Λb → Λþ þ − −
c π μ μ decay rates are suppressed but could be within the experimental reach at the LHC.
If searches of the modes are performed, then experimental limits on the rates can be translated to constraints
on the Majorana neutrino mass mN and heavy to light mixing element squared jV μN j2 . We show that the
constraints on the ðmN ; jV μN j2 Þ parameter space coming from the jΔLj ¼ 2 baryonic decays are
complementary to the bounds coming from other processes.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.103.073001

I. INTRODUCTION However, low-energy seesaw mechanisms, where the

sterile states N R are in the range of a few hundreds of
The neutrino oscillation experiments confirm that at least
MeV to a few GeV, also have been proposed [12–18].
two of the three active light neutrinos are massive [1–3].
These so-called GeV-scale sterile neutrinos have several
This opens up the possibility of CP violation in the leptonic
advantages: They could simultaneously explain the baryon
interactions which can be searched in neutrino oscillation
asymmetry of the Universe [13,19–22] and can be exper-
experiments [4]. Leptonic CP violation can arise in the
imentally searched at both the intensity and the energy
same manner as in the quark sector, namely, complex
phases in the leptonic mixing matrix. Whether the neutrinos
An important distinguishing feature between Dirac and
are of the Dirac or Majorana type, CP violation is expected
Majorana sterile neutrinos is that the latter participates in
in both cases. But two additional sources of CP-violating
jΔLj ¼ 2 lepton-number-violating (LNV) decays. For a
phases can arise if the neutrinos are Majorana rather than if
they are Dirac. Majorana character plays an important role light Majorana exchange, the neutrinoless double-beta
as far as the origin of the smallness of the active neutrino decay (0νββ) [23–26] is one of the most sensitive
masses is concerned. If N R is a Standard Model right- probes of lepton number violation. But it was recently
handed gauge-singlet (and, hence, sterile) neutrino, then pointed out that, with the exchange of heavy Majorana
the Standard Model allows both a Dirac mass term of the neutrinos at the GeV scale, this rate can be enhanced
type mD ðν̄L N R þ H:c:Þ and a Majorana term of the type [27,28]. Unfortunately, the 0νββ process is yet to be
mN N R N R . Then, via a “seesaw” mechanism, one can have experimentally verified, and the best limits on the half-
small active neutrino mass mν ∼ m2D =mN if mD is at the lives of different isotopes (76Ge, 136Xe, and 130Te) come
electroweak scale or lower [5–11]. In the simplest version from several different experiments [29–33]. Because of the
of the mechanism, the so-called type-I seesaw, the heavy lack of evidence of LNV decay so far, it is imperative to
electroweak singlets N R of a few TeV are introduced pursue complementary search strategies. This is further
that give rise to the light eigenstates mν ≲ 1 eV. reinforced by the fact that observation of 0νββ confirms
lepton number violation only in the first family of
diganta99@gmail.com neutrinos, and, to observe the same in other families,
† alternative processes must be investigated. Lepton-
number-violating rare decays of mesons and baryons which
Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of are mediated by Majorana neutrinos are important in this
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to
regard. For light or heavy Majorana neutrino exchange,
the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, decay rates are too suppressed to be accessed by current
and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3. experiments. But, if the Majorana mass is within a few

2470-0010=2021=103(7)=073001(13) 073001-1 Published by the American Physical Society

DIGANTA DAS and JAYDEB DAS PHYS. REV. D 103, 073001 (2021)

hundred MeV to a few GeV, then the decay rates can be upper limits. We summarize our results in Sec. IV. Some
within the sensitivity reach of future experiments [34,35]. details of our derivations are given in the Appendixes.
Because of ongoing searches of LNV processes at flavor
factories including the LHC and Belle-II, there has been
II. B1 → B∓ ∓  
2 π l1 l2 FORMALISM
theoretical interest in the LNV decays of hadrons [34–66],
τ-lepton decays [67–71], and different scattering processes We consider a model scenario where, in addition to the
[72–81]. The LHCb has searched for the process components νlL of the left-handed SUð2ÞL doublets of the
B− → π þ μ− μ− [82] and the NA48=2 has searched for Standard Model, there are two right-handed singlet sterile
K − → π þ μ− μ− [83], and these experiments provide strin- neutrinos denoted by N 1 and N 2 . The flavor eigenstates νlL
gent constraints on the heavy to light mixing matrix can be written in terms of the mass eigenstates as
elements. With large integrated luminosity coming from
Belle-II as well as the upgrade of the LHCb, sensitivity X
to jΔLj ¼ 2 processes in mesons and baryons is expected νlL ¼ Uli νiL þ V lN 1 N 1 þ V lN 2 N 2 ; ð2:1Þ
to increase. i¼1

In this paper, we study lepton-number-violating four-

where νiL are the light mass eigenstates. We assume that the
body B1 → B∓ ∓   0 þ
2 π l1 l2 decay, where B1 is Λb , B2 is heavy to light mixing elements V lN 1 and V lN 2 are free
either a Λþ þ
c or p , and l1 and l2 can, in general, be of
parameters and can be constrained by experiments. They, in
different flavors. Previously, in Ref. [48], these decays
general, can be complex:
were considered in a model involving single on-shell
Majorana exchange at the GeV scale. We are interested in
V lN j ¼ jV lN j jeiϕlj ðj ¼ 1; 2Þ; ð2:2Þ
a scenario where the decays are mediated by the exchange
of two almost degenerate Majorana neutrinos of mass in
the range between a few hundred MeV to a few GeV so where ϕlj is a CP-odd phase. According to our convention,
that they can be on shell. An interesting consequence of V lN is the mixing element between negatively charged
two-Majorana exchange is the possibility of CP violation. lepton l and Majorana neutrino N.
We show that the CP violation can be appreciable if the We are interested to calculate the decay widths of
two Majoranas are almost degenerate with the mass B1 ðpB1 Þ → B2 ðpB2 Þπ þ ðpπ Þl−1 ðp1 Þl−2 ðp2 Þ and its CP con-
difference of the order of decay widths, ΔmN ∼ ΓN . jugate mode B̄1 ðpB1 Þ → B̄2 ðpB2 Þπ − ðpπ Þlþ þ
1 ðp1 Þl2 ðp2 Þ in
There are well-motivated models where quasidegenerate this model. The decays can be viewed as a two-step
Majorana neutrinos in the range of a few hundreds processes: First, the B1 decays via a charged current
of MeV to a few GeV are predicted [84]. We calculate interaction B1 → B∓ 
2 N j l1 , followed by the decay of the
the branching ratios for ΔmN ∼ ΓN and find that, for the heavy neutrino N j → l2 π ∓ . For these processes there

present experimental bound on jV μN j2 , the Λb → are two dominant “s-channel” topologies, the direct channel
ðΛþ þ þ
c ; p Þπ μμ rates might be within the reach of the (D) and the crossed channel (C), as shown in Fig. 1.
LHC in the future. Even if the modes are not immediately A “t-channel” Feynman diagram is also shown in Fig. 2.
seen, experimental limits on the decay rates can be used Here, the neutrino is off shell and the amplitude is suppressed,
to obtain constraints on the neutrino mass mN and the so we neglect the t-channel diagrams in our calculations.
neutrino mixing matrix elements jV μN j2 . Lepton-number- Appreciable decay rates can be obtained if the neutrinos
violating decays in baryons have been searched by the have kinematically allowed mass
HyperCP, E653, and BESIII Collaborations in three-body
Ξ− → pμ− μ− [85], Λþ − þ þ −
c → Σ μ μ [86], and Σ → pe e
− − mπ þ l1 < mN j < ðmB1 − mB2 − l2 Þ or=and
[87] decays, respectively. To the best of our knowledge,
mπ þ l2 < mN j < ðmB1 − mB2 − l1 Þ: ð2:3Þ
LNV processes in four-body baryonic decays have not yet
been searched. The LHCb has observed the Λb → Λμþ μ−
decay where the Λ is reconstructed in the Λ → pπ − We denote the momentum of the heavy neutrino in the D
[88,89] processes. The final state of this decay is similar channel by pN ¼ pB1 − pB2 − p1, and for the C channel by
to one of the mode considered in this paper. Therefore, it p0N ¼ pB1 − pB2 − p2 . Defining ΓB1 ≡ ΓðB1 → B2 π þ l−1 l−2 Þ
is possible in the near future for the LHCb to search for and ΓB̄1 ≡ ΓðB̄1 → B̄2 π − lþ þ
1 l2 Þ the decay widths can be
four-body LNV decays. written as
The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we work Z
out the formalism for a generic B1 → B∓ ∓   1 1
2 π l1 l2 decay
þð−Þ 2
ΓB1 ðB̄1 Þ ¼ ð2 − δl1 l2 Þ 4 jMtot j :
dPS ð2:4Þ
mediated by on-shell Majorana neutrino. In Sec. III, we 2! 2mB1
perform a numerical analysis of the CP asymmetry for
Λb → ðΛc ; pÞπμμ and discuss the constraint on the The symmetry factor 1=2! comes because the two charged
ðmN ; jV μN j2 Þ parameter space assuming experimental leptons can be the same. The jMþ 2 − 2
tot j (jMtot j ) is the total


FIG. 1. The direct (D) and cross (C) channel Feynman diagrams for B1 → B∓ ∓  
2 π l1 l2 decay.

matrix element mod squared of B1 → B2 π þ l−1 l−2 ðB̄1 → B̄2 π − lþ þ

1 l2 Þ after averaging over the initial spin and summing
over the final spins

1X  2
jM̄ 2
tot j ¼ jM j
2 spins tot
 2 2
1 X X   

¼  ðMDj þ MCj Þ
2 spins j¼1
1X X X 2 X 2 X 2
¼ M ðM  Þ þ M  ðM Þ þ M  ðM Þ þ M  ðM Þ
2 spins i;j¼1 Di Dj
Ci Cj
Di Cj
Ci Dj

X 2 X2
¼N v    
i ðvj Þ mN i mN j PDi PDj T  ðDD Þ þ v    
i ðvj Þ mN i mN j PDi PCj T  ðDC Þ
i;j¼1 i;j¼1

þ ðD ↔ CÞ : ð2:5Þ

In the second line of Eq. (2.5), the suffix Dj ðCj Þ stand for T  ðXY  Þ, where XðYÞ ¼ D, C, and the functions PXj ,
the direct (cross) channel with jth neutrino exchange, and which are functions of the masses mN 1 and mN 2 and decay
in the last line we have introduced the following notations: widths ΓN 1 and ΓN 2 of the exchanged neutrinos:

1 1
N ¼ G4F jV ud j2 jV qb j2 f 2π ; vþ
i ¼ V l1 N i V l2 N i ; PDj ¼ ;
2 ðp2N − m2N j Þ þ iΓN j mN j
vi ¼ ðvþ
i Þ ; ð2:6Þ
PCj ¼ : ð2:7Þ
ðp02 − m2N j Þ þ iΓN j mN j
where V qb ¼ V ub for Λb → pþ π þ l− l−, V qb ¼ V cb for N

Λb → Λþ þ − −
c π l l , and f π is the pion decay constant. In the
last line of Eq. (2.5), the spin summed and averaged Using Eq. (2.5), the total decay widths can be conveniently
written as
matrix element mod squared splits into universal functions
ΓB1 ¼ ð2 − δl1 l2 Þ vþ þ   
i ðvj Þ ðΓ̂ðDD Þij þ Γ̂ðCC Þij

þ Γ̂þ ðDC Þij þ Γ̂þ ðD CÞij Þ; ð2:8Þ

ΓB̄1 ¼ ð2 − δl1 l2 Þ v−i ðv−j Þ ðΓ̂ðDD Þij þ Γ̂ðCC Þij

þ Γ̂− ðDC Þij þ Γ̂− ðD CÞij Þ; ð2:9Þ

FIG. 2. A t-channel diagram for Λb → Λþ þ − −

c π l1 l2 decay. where the quantities Γ̂ are

DIGANTA DAS and JAYDEB DAS PHYS. REV. D 103, 073001 (2021)
 N To physically interpret the terms, Γ̂ðXX Þij are the contri-
Γ̂ ðXY Þij ¼ mN i mN j PXi PY j T  ðXY  ÞdΦ4 ;
2mB1 2! butions of N i exchange in the X channel and the conjugate of
X; Y ¼ C; D: ð2:10Þ N j exchange in the X channel. The interference terms
Γ̂ðXY  Þij are the contributions of N i exchange in the X
The expressions of T  ðXY  Þ and the requisite kinematics to channel and the conjugate of N j exchange the Y channel.
evaluate these expressions are given in Appendixes A and B, Numerically, D − C channel interference contributions
respectively, and the four-body phase space dΦ4 is given in Γ̂ðXY  Þij for X ≠ Y are insignificant compared to
Appendix C. In Eqs. (2.8) and (2.9), using the relation
Γ̂ðXX Þij and are ignored in our calculations.
T þ ðXX Þ ¼ T − ðXX Þ (see Appendix A), we have defined
In addition to the decay rates, the quantities of interest
are their sum and differences:
Γ̂ðXX Þij ≡ Γ̂þ ðXX Þij ¼ Γ̂− ðXX Þij ; X ¼ D;C: ð2:11Þ

ΓB1 þ ΓB̄1 ¼ 2ð2 − δl1 l2 Þ½jV l1 N 1 j2 jV l2 N 1 j2 ðΓ̂ðDD Þ11 þ Γ̂ðCC Þ11 Þ þ jV l1 N 2 j2 jV l2 N 2 j2 ðΓ̂ðDD Þ22 þ Γ̂ðCC Þ22 Þ
þ 2 cosðθ21 ÞjV l1 N 1 jjV l2 N 1 jjV l1 N 2 jjV l2 N 2 jðReΓ̂ðDD Þ12 þ ReΓ̂ðCC Þ12 Þ; ð2:12Þ

ΓB1 − ΓB̄1 ¼ 4ð2 − δl1 l2 ÞjV l1 N 1 jjV l2 N 1 jjV l1 N 2 jjV l2 N 2 j½sinðθ21 ÞðImΓ̂ðDD Þ12 þ ImΓ̂ðCC Þ12 Þ; ð2:13Þ

where the CP-odd phase, based on the convention adopted in Eq. (2.2), is

θij ¼ argðV l1 N i Þ þ argðV l2 N i Þ − argðV l1 N j Þ − argðV l2 N j Þ

¼ ðϕ1i þ ϕ2i − ϕ1j − ϕ2j Þ; i; j ¼ 1; 2: ð2:14Þ

A CP-even phase Δξ ¼ ξ1 − ξ2 essential for CP violation is also present in the interference of N 1 and N 2 contributions:
ReΓ̂ðXX Þ12 ¼ mN 1 mN 2 jPX1 jjPX2 j cosðΔξÞTðXX ÞdPS
4 ; X ¼ C; D; ð2:15Þ
2mB1 2!
ImΓ̂ðXX Þ12 ¼ mN 1 mN 2 jPX1 jjPX2 j sinðΔξÞTðXX  ÞdPS
4 ; X ¼ D; C; ð2:16Þ
2mB1 2!

where ξ1;2 are given as the lattice QCD calculations [90], and we take the decay
constant of pion f π ¼ 130.2ð0.8Þ MeV from Ref. [91].
mN 1 ΓN 1 mN 2 ΓN 2 We also need to know the total decay widths of the
tan ξ1 ¼ ; tan ξ2 ¼ ; ð2:17Þ heavy neutrinos ΓN 1;2 as a function of their masses. For a
k2N − m2N 1 k2N − m2N 2
Majorana neutrino mass between mπ þ mμ < mN <
and k2N ¼ p2N for D channel and k2N ¼ ðp0N Þ2 for C channel. ðmB1 − mB2 − mμ Þ, both purely leptonic as well as semi-
hadronic decays may be relevant. For mN < 1 GeV, the
decays to leptonic modes as well as to light pseudoscalar
and vector mesons have been calculated in Ref. [92]. For
Following the formalism in the previous section, we higher values of mN , decays to semihadronic modes are
turn to numerical analysis with specific decay modes. At increasingly difficult due to the limited knowledge of
the LHC, about 5% of the total b hadrons produced are Λb the resonances. An inclusive approach based on quark-
baryons, and both at the LHCb and CMS the muon hadron duality was adopted in Refs. [35,93] to calculate
reconstruction efficiency is comparatively higher than the the widths of the semihadronic channel. For this analy-
other two charged leptons. We therefore are interested in the sis, we leave the decay width as a phenomenological
modes Λb → Λc πμμ and Λb → pπμμ channels. Since parameter that can be measured by experiments.
l1 ¼ l2 ¼ μ, the CP-odd phase is θ21 ¼ 2ðϕμ2 − ϕμ1 Þ. For Following the analysis of Ref. [48], we take the
numerical analysis, form factors parameterizing the Λ0b → neutrino the lifetimes τN ¼ ℏ=ΓN ¼ ½10; 100; 1000 ps
Λþ 0 þ
c and Λb → p hadronic matrix elements are taken from for numerical illustration.


We are interested in the signal of leptonic CP asymmetry the neutrino lifetime τN and the kinematically allowed
neutrino mass mN , the approximation ΓN j ≪ mN j is always
ΓB1 − ΓB̄1 valid so that
ACP ¼ : ð3:1Þ
ΓB1 þ ΓB̄1
jPDj j2 ¼ δðp2N − m2N j Þ;
The reason this asymmetry will be present in the decay can mN j ΓN j
be understood as follows. There are two interfering π
amplitudes coming from the two intermediate neutrinos jPCj j2 ¼ δðp02 2
N − mN j Þ; ð3:2Þ
mN j ΓN j
N 1 and N 2 . The interfering amplitudes have CP-odd phase
θ21 that changes sign for the conjugate process. A CP-even
which yields
phase Δξ comes from an absorptive part that is generated
due to the interference of the two neutrino contributions
and does not change sign in the conjugate process. In Γ̂ðXX Þii ΓN j
¼ : ð3:3Þ
general, θ21 can be anything, but a maximal ACP can be Γ̂ðXX Þjj ΓN i
obtained for θ21 ¼ π=2 as can be seen from Eq. (2.13). To
understand the behavior of ACP with the neutrino mass, we When the mass difference between the neutrinos is such
note that Im½Γ̂ðDD Þij  ∝ Im½PDi PDj . For our choices of that ΓN j ≪ ΔmN , then we can write

1 1
Im½PD1 PD2 jΓN ≪ΔmN ¼P 2 2 2
πδðpN − mN 2 Þ − P 2 πδðp2N − m2N 1 Þ
j pN − m2N 1 pN − m2N 2
¼ 2 ðδðp2N − m2N 1 Þ þ δðp2N − m2N 2 ÞÞ
mN 2 − m2N 1
1 2π
¼ ðδðp2N − m2N 1 Þ þ δðp2N − m2N 2 ÞÞ; ð3:4Þ
y ðmN 1 þ mN 2 ÞðΓN 1 þ ΓN 1 Þ

where y ¼ ΔmN =ΓN and ΓN ¼ ðΓN 1 þ ΓN 2 Þ=2. This yields We define another factor

ImΓ̂ðXX Þ12 ImΓ̂ðXX Þ12 jΓNj ≪ΔmN ImΓ̂ðXX Þ12 ReΓ̂ðXX Þ12
¼ δj ðyÞ ¼ ; ð3:8Þ
Γ̂ðXX Þjj Γ̂ðXX Þjj ImΓ̂ðXX Þ12 jΓN ≪ΔmN Γ̂ðXX Þjj

1 4π mN j ΓN j
¼ η; which measures the interference of the two neutrinos in the
y ðmN 1 þ mN 2 ÞðΓN 1 þ ΓN 1 Þ π real part of Γ̂ðXX Þ. Following Eq. (3.3), we get
δ 1 ΓN 1
¼ : ð3:9Þ
where the suppression factor δ 2 ΓN 2

ImΓ̂ðXX Þ12 Since we are considering a same-sign dimuon in the final

η≡ ð3:6Þ
ImΓ̂ðXX Þ12 jΓN ≪ΔmN state, η and δj are the same for the D and C channels, which
follows from the fact that
accounts for the departure from the approximation ΓN j ≪
ΔmN in the term ImΓ̂ðXX Þ. Assuming the neutrinos to be Γ̂ðDD Þjj ¼ Γ̂ðCC Þjj ; ReΓ̂ðDD Þ12 ¼ ReΓ̂ðCC Þ12 ;
almost degenerate mN 1 ∼ mN 2 ¼ mN ,
ImΓ̂ðDD Þ12 ¼ ImΓ̂ðCC Þ12 : ð3:10Þ
ImΓ̂ðXX Þ12 2ΓN j ηðyÞ
¼ : ð3:7Þ The CP asymmetry can now be written in a convenient

Γ̂ðXX Þjj ðΓN 1 þ ΓN 1 Þ y form as

4 sin θ21 ηðyÞ

ACP ¼ jV ; ð3:11Þ
lN 1 jjV lN 1 j ΓN 2 jV lN 2 j jV lN 2 j ΓN 1
jV lN 2 jjV lN 2 j ð1 þ ΓN 1 Þ þ jV lN 1 jjV lN 1 j ð1 þ ΓN 2 Þ þ 4δðyÞ cos θ21 y

DIGANTA DAS and JAYDEB DAS PHYS. REV. D 103, 073001 (2021)

FIG. 3. The factors δðyÞ and ηðyÞ=y as a function of y ¼ ΔmN =ΓN . The CP asymmetry observable ACP for Λb → Λc πμμ is
shown as a function of y for different values of the weak phase. An identical plot is obtained for Λb → pπμμ. In these plots, we
have taken jV μN 1 j2 ¼ jV μN 2 j2 ¼ 1.

where we define 1
BrðB1 → B2 πμμÞ ¼ ðBrðB1 → B2 π þ μ− μ− Þ
δ1 ðyÞ þ δ2 ðyÞ þ BrðB̄1 → B̄2 π − μþ μþ ÞÞ ð3:14Þ
δðyÞ ¼ : ð3:12Þ
For nearly degenerate neutrinos, it is natural to assume of Λb → Λc πμμ and Λb → pπμμ as a function of sterile
jV μN 1 j ∼ jV μN 2 j ¼ jV μN j. This further simplifies the ex- neutrino mass mN 1 for neutrino lifetimes τN 1 ∼ τN 2 ∼ 100 and
pression of ACP : 1000 ps, jV μN j2 ∼ 10−5 , θ21 ¼ π=4, and the neutrino mass
difference ΔmN ¼ 10−15 GeV. We find that the branching
4sinθ21 ηðyÞ
ACP ¼ ΓN 2 ΓN 1 : ð3:13Þ ratio of Λb → Λc πμμ can be within the 10−10 − 10−9 range,
ð1 þ ΓN Þ þ ð1 þ ΓN Þ þ 4δðyÞcosθ21 y whereas BðΛb →pπμμÞ∼10−12 −10−11 is suppressed due to
1 2
small Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) element V ub .
In Fig. 3, we show the suppression factor ηðyÞ=y and The LHCb has already observed the lepton-number-
δðyÞ as a function of y. This figure demonstrates that the conserving mode Λb → Λð→ pπÞμþ μ− [88,89]. In the next
ACP will be maximum for y ∼ 1, i.e., when ΔmN ∼ ΓN . In LHCb upgrade, about ∼1012 number of Λb is expected to be
Fig. 3, we also show the ACP for the Λb → Λπμμ mode for produced [94,95]. Hence, the LNV rates could be within the
different values of θ21 and as a function of y. An identical reach of the future LHC sensitivity. For a detailed discussion
plot is obtained for Λb → pπμμ. For a particular mode, the of the number of expected events at the LHCb and CMS,
possibility to observe ACP does not depend entirely on its please see Refs. [48,49].
size but also depends on the decay rates. In Fig. 4, we show Even if the decays are not fully observed, upper limits
the CP-averaged branching ratios can be translated to bounds on the mN vs jV μN j2 parameter

FIG. 4. The branching ratios BðΛb → Λc πμμÞ and BðΛb → pπμμÞ for jV μN 1 j2 ∼ jV μN 2 j2 ¼ jV μN j2 ¼ 10−5, the weak phase θ21 ¼ π=4,
the mass difference ΔmN ¼ 10−15 GeV, and the neutrino lifetimes τN ¼ ½100; 1000 ps.


FIG. 5. Exclusion regions on the ðmN 1 ; jV μN j2 Þ parameter space for BrðΛb → pπμμÞ < 10−8 ; 10−9 and BrðΛb → Λc πμμÞ <
10−7 ; 10−8 for different values of τN , θ21 ¼ π=4, and ΔmN ¼ 10−15 GeV.

space. In Fig. 5, we show the exclusion region in the possibility of CP violation in these modes. We find that
(mN ,jV μN j2 ) plane obtained by assuming upper bounds appreciable CP asymmetry can be achieved if neutrinos are
BrðΛb →pπμμÞ<10−8 , 10−9 and BrðΛb → Λc πμμÞ < 10−7 , quasidegenerate and the mass difference is of the order of
10−8 for different choices of the heavy neutrino lifetimes. decay widths. We have shown that, in the absence of
The regions shown in brown, light green, and light red observation, upper limits to the branching ratios can give
correspond to exclusion regions obtained for τN ¼ 10, 100, limits on the mN vs jV μN j2 parameter space that is
and 1000 ps, respectively. To compare our bounds, in comparable to limits obtained by other methods.
Fig. 5, we also show the exclusion limits from LHCb
[43,82], Belle [96], L3 [97], Delphi [98], NA3 [99],
CHARM [100], NuTeV [101], and NA48 [83] experiments.
These comparisons show that the LNV modes Λb → pπμμ The authors thank Debajyoti Choudhury for fruitful
and Λb → pπμμ can give complementary bounds on the discussions. D. D. acknowledges the DST, Government
sterile neutrino parameters. And, with the possibility to of India for the INSPIRE Faculty Fellowship (Grant
observe CP asymmetry, the modes should be searched at No. IFA16-PH170). J. D. acknowledges the Council of
the LHC. Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Government of
India, for a JRF fellowship grant with File No. 09/045
IV. SUMMARY (1511)/2017-EMR-I.
In this paper, we have studied lepton-number-violating
baryonic decays Λb → Λc πμμ and Λb → pπμμ that are
APPENDIX A: B1 → B∓ ∓  
2 π l1 l2 AMPLITUDES
mediated by on-shell sterile Majorana neutrinos. The
decays are studied in a model where there are two The effective Hamiltonian for the B1 → B2 lN decay
Majorana neutrinos. An interesting consequence of con- and the subsequent decay of the intermediate neutrino
sidering two Majorana neutrinos is that it gives rise to the N → lπ are

DIGANTA DAS and JAYDEB DAS PHYS. REV. D 103, 073001 (2021)
Xτ X 3 Xτ X n 
GF μ ¯ μ
Heff ¼ pffiffiffi V qb q̄γ μ ð1 − γ 5 Þb Uli ν̄i γ ð1 − γ 5 Þl þ V lN j N j γ ð1 − γ 5 Þl þ H:c:;
2 l¼e i¼1 l¼e j¼1

N →lπ GF Xτ X n
Heffj ¼ pffiffi
ffi V ud d̄γ μ ð1 − γ 5 Þu V lN j l̄γ μ ð1 − γ 5 ÞN cj þ H:c: ðA2Þ
2 l¼e j¼1

The B1 → B2 πll amplitudes for the D- and C-channel diagrams are

M 2  να 
Dj ¼ ðGF V qb M N j ÞðV l1 N j V l2 N j ÞPDj H ν LD J α ; ðA3Þ

M 2  αν 
Cj ¼ ðGF V qb M N j ÞðV l1 N j V l2 N j ÞPCj H ν LC J α ; ðA4Þ

where the þ corresponds to the modes Λ0b → ðΛþ þ þ − −

c ; p Þπ l1 l2 and the − corresponds to the conjugate modes.
According to our convention, H ν ¼ Hν and H ν ¼ H ν . The CKM elements V qb ¼ V ub for Λ0b → pþ πll and V qb ¼
þ − 

V cb for Λ0b → Λþ
c πll modes. The leptonic parts of the amplitudes are

Lνα ν α
D ¼ ūl1 ðp1 Þγ γ ð1  γ 5 Þvl2 ðp2 Þ; Lαν
C ¼ ūl1 ðp1 Þγ α γ ν ð1  γ 5 Þvl2 ðp2 Þ: ðA5Þ

The hadronic amplitudes Hμ are calculated using the form factor parametrization of B1 → B2 transitions from Ref. [90]:
qμ mB þ mB2 qμ
hB2 ðk; sk Þjs̄γ μ bjB1 ðp; sp Þi ¼ ūðk; sk Þ f Vt ðq2 ÞðmB1 − mB2 Þ 2 þ f V0 ðq2 Þ 1 pμ þ kμ − 2 ðm2B1 − m2B2 Þ
q sþ q
2mB2 μ 2mB1 μ
þ f V⊥ ðq2 Þ γ μ − p − k uðp; sp Þ; ðA6Þ
sþ sþ

μ A 2 qμ A 2
mB1 − mB2 μ μ qμ 2 2
hB2 ðk; sk Þjs̄γ γ 5 bjB1 ðp; sp Þi ¼ −ūðk; sk Þγ 5 f t ðq ÞðmB1 þ mB2 Þ 2 þ f 0 ðq Þ p þ k − 2 ðmB1 − mB2 Þ
q s− q
2mB2 μ 2mB1 μ
þ f A⊥ ðq2 Þ γ μ þ p − k uðp; sp Þ: ðA7Þ
s− s−

Using Eqs. (A6) and (A7), we can write the expression of A3 ¼ f V⊥ ; ðA11Þ
Hμ as
mB1 þ mB2 m − mB 2
A B1
m1B2 − m2B2
Hμ ¼ hB2 ðk; sk Þjc̄γ μ ð1 − γ 5 ÞbjB1 ðp; sp Þi A4 ¼ f At þ f 0 1 −
q2 s− q2
¼ ūðk; sk ÞðA1 qμ þ A2 kμ þ A3 γ μ 2mB2
þ γ 5 fA4 qμ þ A5 kμ þ A6 γ μ gÞuðp; sp Þ; ðA8Þ þ f A⊥ ; ðA12Þ

where the q2 -dependent functions Ai can be written in  

mB1 − mB2 2mB2 2mB1
terms of the form factors as A5 ¼ 2f A0 þ f⊥
A − ; ðA13Þ
s− s− s−
mB1 − mB2 m þ mB 2
V B1
m1B2 − m2B2
A1 ¼ f Vt þ f0 1−
q2 sþ q2 A6 ¼ f A⊥ : ðA14Þ
− f V⊥ ; ðA9Þ Finally, the amplitudes for the pion production are

  Jþ þ
mB1 þ mB2 2mB2 2mB1 α ¼ hπ ðkÞjūγ μ ð1 − γ 5 Þdj0i ¼ ikμ V ud f π ;
A2 ¼ 2f V0 − f⊥
þ ; ðA10Þ
sþ sþ sþ J−α ¼ −ikμ V ud f π ¼ ðJþ †
αÞ : ðA15Þ


The matrix element mod squared after summing over the Referring to the diagrams in Fig. 1, in this section,
final spins and averaging over the initial spin is given in we work out the kinematics of B01 ðpB1 Þ →
Eq. (2.5). The quadratic terms T  ðXY  Þ and TðXY  Þ given B2 ðpB2 Þπ þ ðpπ Þl−1 ðp1 Þl−2 ðp2 Þ decay in the B1 ðpB1 Þ rest
in Eq. (2.5) are frame (B1 -RF). In this frame, the four momentum of
X X ρβ 
B2 ðpB2 Þ and W 1 ðqÞ are
T  ðDD Þ ¼ ½H  
ν ðH ρ Þ  ½Lνα
D ðLD Þ kπα kπβ ;

pBB12 -RF ≡ ðmB1 − EqB1 -RF ; 0; 0; pBB12 -RF Þ;

spins spins
X X βρ  qB1 -RF ≡ ðEqB1 -RF ; 0; 0; −pBB12 -RF Þ; ðB2Þ
T  ðCC Þ ¼ ½H  
ν ðH ρ Þ  ½Lαν
C ðLC Þ kπα kπβ ;
spins spins

ðA17Þ where the q0 and the pBB12 -RF are

T  ðDC Þ ¼ ½H  
½Lνα βρ  m1B2 þ q2 − m2B2
ν ðH ρ Þ  D ðLC Þ kπα kπβ ; EqB1 -RF ¼ ;
spins spins 2mB1
ðA18Þ λðm1B2 ; m2B2 ; q2 Þ
X X jpBB12 -RF j ¼ ; ðB3Þ
T  ðD CÞ ¼ ½ðH   
ν Þ Hρ  ½ðLνα  βρ
D Þ LC kπα kπβ ;
spins spins

ðA19Þ and λða; b; cÞ ¼ a2 þ b2 þ c2 − 2ðab þ bc þ caÞ. In the

W − -RF, we define θ1 as the angle made by l1 with respect
TðDD Þ ≡ T þ ðDD Þ ¼ T − ðDD Þ; to the B2 , i.e., in the þẑ direction. The four momentum of
l1 ðp1 Þ and NðpN Þ read
TðCC Þ ≡ T þ ðCC Þ ¼ T − ðCC Þ; ðA20Þ
− -RF − -RF − -RF − -RF
1 ¼ ðEW
1 ; jpW
1 j sin θ1 ; 0; jpW
1 j cos θ1 Þ;
T þ ðDC Þ ¼ T − ðD CÞ; T − ðDC Þ ¼ T þ ðD CÞ:

− -RF − -RF − -RF
In Appendix B, we describe the kinematics required to pW
N ¼ q2 − EW 1 ; −jpW
1 j sin θ1 ; 0;
calculate the momentum dot products required to evaluate

the quadratic terms T  ðXY  Þ. − jp1W -RF j cos θ1 ; ðB5Þ


− -RF
and pW
− -RF
are given, respectively, as
1 1
As mentioned in the text, the contributions coming pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
from the interference of the direct and cross channel − -RF q2 þ m21 − p2N − -RF λðq2 ; m21 ; p2N Þ
diagrams are negligibly small and neglected in our calcu- EW
1 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffi ; jpW
1 j ¼ pffiffiffiffiffi :
2 q2 2 q2
lations. Therefore, kinematics of the direct and cross
channel can be evaluated independently. In this section, ðB6Þ
we work out the kinematics for the direct channel. The
cross channel can be obtained trivially from the results The Lorentz boost matrix to transform four vectors from the
presented here. W − -RF to the B1 -RF reads

0 1
γ1 −γ 1 β1x −γ 1 β1y −γ 1 β1z
B −γ β 1 þ ðγ 1 − 1Þ
ðγ 1 − 1Þ
β1x β1y
ðγ 1 − 1Þ β1x⃗ β2 1z C
B 1 1x β⃗ 21 β⃗ 21
B β1 C
ΛW − →B1 ¼B
B −γ β β1x β1y β21y β1y β1z C;
C ðB7Þ
B 1 1y ðγ 1 − 1Þ 1 þ ðγ 1 − 1Þ ðγ 1 − 1Þ ⃗ 2 C
B β⃗ 21 β⃗ 21 β1 C
@ β1y β1z β21z
−γ 1 β1z ðγ 1 − 1Þ β1x⃗ β2 1z ðγ 1 − 1Þ 1 þ ðγ 1 − 1Þ ⃗ 2
β1 β⃗ 21 β1

DIGANTA DAS and JAYDEB DAS PHYS. REV. D 103, 073001 (2021)

where the velocity β⃗ 1 is the velocity of the W − ðqÞ as seen in the B1 -RF and

1 jpBB12 -RF j
γ 1 ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; β1x ¼ 0; β1y ¼ 0; β1z ¼ : ðB8Þ
1 − β⃗ 1
2 EqB1 -RF

In the heavy neutrino rest frame N-RF, the four momentum of l2 ðp2 Þ and the W þ ðpπ Þ are given as

2 ≡ ðEN-RF
2 ; jpN-RF
2 j sin θ2 cos ϕ; jpN-RF
2 j sin θ2 sin ϕ; jpN-RF
2 j cos θ2 Þ; ðB9Þ

π ≡ ðEN-RF
π ; −jpN-RF
2 j sin θ2 cos ϕ; −jpN-RF
2 j sin θ2 sin ϕ; −jpN-RF
2 j cos θ2 Þ; ðB10Þ

where θ2 is the angle made by the lepton l2 with respect to the þẑ direction. The angle ϕ is made by the plane containing l2
and W þ with respect to the plane containing l1 and N as seen in the B1 -RF and is defined as

cos ϕ ¼ ðp̂1B1 -RF × p̂NB1 -RF Þ:ðp̂2B1 -RF × p̂W

B1 -RF
þ Þ; ðB11Þ

sin ϕ ¼ −½ðp̂1B1 -RF × p̂NB1 -RF Þ × ðp̂2B1 -RF × p̂W

B1 -RF
þ Þ:p̂NB1 -RF : ðB12Þ

The energies EN-RF

2 and EN-RF
π and three momentum jpN-RF
2 j are
qffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
p2 þ m22 − p2π λðp2N ; m22 ; p2π Þ
2 ¼ N pffiffiffiffiffiffi ; EN-RF
π ¼ p2N − EN-RF
2 ; jpN-RF
2 j¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi : ðB13Þ
2 p2N 2 p2N

The Lorentz boost required to go from the heavy neutrino rest frame to the W − rest frame is given as
0 1
γ2 −γ 2 β2x −γ 2 β2y −γ 2 β2z
B −γ β β2 β β
ðγ 2 − 1Þ β2x⃗ β2 2z C
B 2 2x 1 þ ðγ 2 − 1Þ β⃗ 2x2 ðγ 2 − 1Þ 2x⃗ 2 2y C
B 2 β2 β2 C
ΛN→W − ¼ BB β2x β2y
β2y β2y β2z C;
C ðB14Þ
B −γ 2 β2y ðγ 2 − 1Þ β⃗ 2 1 þ ðγ 2 − 1Þ ⃗ 2 ðγ 2 − 1Þ ⃗ 2 C
B 2 β2 β2 C
@ β β β22z
β2x β2z
−γ 2 β2z ðγ 2 − 1Þ ⃗ 2 ðγ 2 − 1Þ ⃗ 2
2y 2z
1 þ ðγ 2 − 1Þ ⃗ 2
β2 β2 β2

where the velocity β⃗ 2 is the velocity of the N as seen in the W − -RF

− −
1 jpW -RF
j jpW -RF
γ 2 ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; β2x ¼ N
W − -RF
sin θ1 ; β2y ¼ 0; β2z ¼ N
W − -RF
cos θ1 : ðB15Þ
1 − β⃗ 2


The differential width for the four-body final state is

dΓ ¼ jMj2 dΦ4 ðB1 → B2 l1 l2 πÞ: ðC1Þ

The four-body phase space can be split up as

dΦ4 ðB1 → B2 l1 l2 πÞ ¼ dΦ3 ðB1 → B2 l1 NÞ dΦ2 ðN → l2 πÞ; for D channel; ðC2Þ

¼ dΦ3 ðB1 → B2 l2 NÞ dΦ2 ðN → l1 πÞ; for C channel: ðC3Þ


The expressions of different phase spaces are given below:

qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
λð1; m2B2 =m1B2 ; q2 =m1B2 Þ λð1; m2l1 =q2 ; p2N =q2 Þ Z
dΦ3 ðB1 → B2 l1 NÞ ¼ dq2 d cos θ1 ; ðC4Þ
4π ð8πÞ2
λð1; m2l2 =p2N ; p2π =p2N Þ Z d cos θ dϕ
dΦ2 ðN → l2 πÞ ¼ : ðC5Þ
8π 2 2π

The limits of the integration of the angles are as follows:

−1 ≤ cos θ1 ≤ 1; −1 ≤ cos θ2 ≤ 1; 0 ≤ ϕ ≤ 2π: ðC6Þ

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