Animal Classification

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Grade 3

Name: _______________________

Section: ___________
Unit 4: Life cycles and inherited traits standard: 4-LS1-1.

Lesson: How are animals classified? CCC: Systems and system models

Date: ________________________.

Objectives: To classify animals (into vertebrates and invertebrates)

depending on their features and mode of reproduction.

Animals are classified (grouped) into two groups


Vertebrates Invertebrate

1. Animals that have a 1. Animals that do not have a

backbone. backbone.

2.They have an internal skeleton. 2. They don’t have an internal


Vertebrates – (Animals with a back bone) are again divided into:


1. Lives in water

2. Fins and tail help them to swim.

3. Have gills to breathe.

4. Cold blooded.

Ex:- gold fish, shark

1. Live in water and on land.

2. Baby has gills; adult has lungs to breathe.

3. Adults can breathe through their skin also.

Ex: frog, toad, salamander

1. Lives on land.
2. Have dry scales on their body.

3. Have lungs to breathe.

Ex; Lizard, snake, turtle

1. Most birds can fly.

2. Have feathers on their body.

3. Lays eggs.

4. Have lungs to breathe.

5. Warm blooded.

Ex – parrot, Penguin,

1. Have hair or fur on their body.

2. Give birth to babies.

3. Mother gives milk to her babies.

4. Have lungs to breathe.

5. Warm blooded.

Ex; cat, lion, dog.

We are also mammals.

Invertebrates – (Animals without back bone) are again divided into:
There are more than million kinds of invertebrates.

Sea Sponges

Simple, many celled.

Ex : sponge

Jelly fish & Sea anemone

Their bodies are like sacs.


They have soft body.

Many have hard outer shells.


They have soft body

Ex : Worm


They have jointed legs.

Insects are the largest group of arthropods.

Ex: Spider


Q1-Answer the following questions using the animals shown below.
Write the name for the correct animal in the spaces.

A. Which animal has an internal skeleton and produces milk for its

B. Which animal has an external skeleton and three pairs of legs?--

c. Which animal has a soft body and no skeleton? -----------------------


Q2-Choose the correct answer.

a- Reptiles have _______ for breathing.

Ο lungs
Ο gills
Ο stomata

b- Which vertebrates lay eggs?

Ο Birds and fish
Ο mammals and amphibians
Ο Reptiles and mammals

c-A fish swims itself through water with the help of its
Ο fins
Ο feathers
Ο scales
Unit 4: Life cycles and inherited traits.

Lesson: How are animals classified? Date: ________________________.

Reflecting on My Learning

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