Chapter 18 - FCRA, 2010

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18 The Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010

Objectives of FCRA: To Regulate the acceptance and utilisation of Foreign Contribution or Foreign Hospitality by certain persons from foreign source.

18.1 - Important Definitions

Foreign Contribution Foreign Hospitality Foreign Source Person

– Sec. 2(1)(h) – Sec. 2(1)(i) – Sec. 2(1)(j) – Sec. 2(1)(m)

Foreign contribution (FC) means the donation, delivery or Foreign source includes: The term person includes:
transfer made by any foreign source of: (i) Govt. of any foreign country or territory & its agencies; (i) an individual;
(i) any article, not being an article given to a person as a (ii) any international agency, not being the UN or its specialized (ii) a HUF;
agencies, World Bank, IMF or other agencies notified by C.G.; (iii) an association;
gift for his personal use, if the market value, in India, of
(iii) a foreign company; (iv) a company registered
such article, on the date of such gift, is not more than
(iv) a corporation, incorporated in a foreign country or territory; u/s 8 of Companies
such sum as may be specified from time to time, by the (v) a multi-national corporation; Act, 2013.
C.G. by the rules made by it in this behalf (Amount (vi) a company whose more than 50% of nominal value of share
specified is ₹ 1,00,000 – Rule 6A); capital is held, by one or more of the following, namely:
(ii) any currency, whether Indian or foreign; (A) the Government of a foreign country or territory;
(iii) any security as defined in the SCRA, 1956 & includes (B) the citizens of a foreign country or territory;
any foreign security as defined in the FEMA Act, 1999. (C) corporations incorporated in a foreign country or
(D) trusts, societies or other AOI, formed or registered in a
foreign country or territory;
Foreign hospitality means any offer, not being a purely casual one, made (E) Foreign company;
in cash or kind by a foreign source for providing a person (vii) a trade union in any foreign country or territory;
• with the costs of travel to any foreign country or territory (viii) a foreign trust or a foreign foundation;
or (ix) a society, club or other AOI formed or registered outside India;
• with free boarding, lodging, transport or medical treatment. (x) a citizen of a foreign country.

Compiled by: CA. Pankaj Garg Page 1

18.2 – Regulation of Foreign Contribution (FC) and Foreign Hospitality [Sec. 3-Sec. 8] (Part I)

Prohibition to accept Foreign Person to whom Sec. 3 shall not apply Procedure to notify an organisation of a political
Contribution (Sec. 3) (Sec. 4) nature (Sec. 5)

No FC shall be accepted by any: Nothing contained in Sec. 3 shall apply to the acceptance, by any • C.G. may, having regard to the activities/ideology/ programme of
(a) candidate for election; person specified in that section, of any FC where such any organisation, by an order published in the Official Gazette,
(b) correspondent, columnist, contribution is accepted by him: specify such organisation as an organisation of a political nature
cartoonist, editor, owner, printer or (a) by way of salary, wages or other remuneration due to him not being a political party.
publisher of a regd. newspaper; or to any group of persons working under him, from any • Before making an order, C.G. shall give the organisation, a notice
(c) public servant, Judge, Govt. foreign source or by way of payment in the ordinary course in writing informing it of the grounds, on which it is proposed to
servant or employee of any of business transacted in India by such foreign source; or be specified as an organisation of political nature.
corporation or any other body (b) by way of payment, in the course of international trade or • Organisation may within a period of 30 days from the date of the
controlled or owned by the Govt.; commerce, or in the ordinary course of business notice, make a representation to the C.G. giving reasons for not
(d) member of any Legislature; transacted by him outside India; or specifying such organisation as an organisation of political
(e) political party or office-bearer (c) as an agent of a foreign source in relation to any nature.
thereof; transaction made by such foreign source with the C.G. or • C.G. may entertain the representation after the expiry of the said
(f) organisation of a political nature as S.G.; or period of 30 days, if it is satisfied that the organisation was
may be specified u/s 5 by the C.G.; (d) by way of a gift or presentation made to him as a member prevented by sufficient cause from making the representation
(g) association or company engaged in of any Indian delegation; or within 30 days.
the production or broadcast of (e) from his relative; or • C.G. may, if it considers it appropriate, forward the
audio news or audio-visual news or (f) by way of remittance received, in the ordinary course of representation to any authority to report on such representation.
current affairs programmers’ business through any official channel, post office, or any • C.G. may, after considering the representation and the report of
through any electronic mode, or authorised person in foreign exchange under the FEMA, the authority, specify such organisation as an organisation of a
any other electronic form as 1999; or political nature not being a political party and make an order
defined in the IT Act, 2000 or any (g) by way of any scholarship, stipend or any payment of like accordingly.
other mode of mass nature. • Every order made under this section shall be made within a
communication; Rule 6 of FCRR, 2011 period of 120 days from the date of issue of notice informing the
(h) Correspondent or columnist, Any person receiving FC in excess of ₹ 1 Lakh or equivalent grounds. In case no order is made within the said period of 120
cartoonist, editor, owner of the thereto in a financial year from the relatives shall inform the C.G. days, the C.G. shall, after recording the reasons therefor, make an
association or company referred to regarding the details of the FC received by him in electronic order under this section within a period of 60 days from the
in clause (g). form in Form FC 1 within 30 days of receipt of such contribution. expiry of the said period of 120 days.

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18.3 – Regulation of Foreign Contribution and Foreign Hospitality [Sec. 3-Sec. 8] (Part II)

Restriction on acceptance of foreign hospitality Prohibition to transfer foreign Restriction to utilize foreign contribution for
(Sec. 6) contribution to other person (Sec. 7) administrative purpose (Sec. 8)

• Members of a Legislature, No person who—

• Office bearers of political parties, (a) is registered and granted a certificate, or has obtained prior permission under this Act; and
• Judges, (b) receives any foreign contribution,
• Government servants, shall transfer such foreign contribution to any other person.
• Employees of any corporation or any other body owned or
controlled by the Government Every person, who is registered and granted a certificate or given prior permission and receives any FC, shall-
shall not, while visiting any country or territory outside India, (a) utilise such contribution for the purposes for which the contribution has been received:
accept any foreign hospitality, except with the prior permission Provided that any FC or any income arising out of it shall not be used for speculative business.
from C.G. (b) not defray sum exceeding 20% of such contribution, received in a FY, to meet administrative expenses:
Exception Provided that expenses exceeding 20% of such contribution may be defrayed with prior approval of the C.G.
No permission is required for an emergent medical aid needed on Speculative Activities - Rule 4 Administrative Expenses - Rule 5 of FCRR, 2011
account of sudden illness contracted during a visit outside India. (a) Any activity or investment 1. Salaries, wages, travel expenses or any remuneration realised by the
However, an intimation to C,G. is to be made within 1 month from that was an element of risk Members of Executive Committee or Governing Council of the person;
the date of receipt of such hospitality, and the source from which, of appreciation or 2. Expenses towards hiring of personnel for management of the activities of
and the manner in which, such hospitality was received by him. depreciation of the original the person and salaries, wages or any kind of remuneration paid, including
Rule 7 of FCRR, 2011 investment, linked to cost of travel, to such personnel;
(1) Persons specified u/s 6 who wishes to avail foreign market forces, including 3. Expenses related to consumables like electricity & water charges, telephone
hospitality shall apply to the C.G. in electronic form in investment in mutual funds & postal charges, stationery and printing charges, transport and travel
Form FC-2. or in shares; charges and expenditure on office equipment;
(2) Application shall be accompanied by an invitation letter (b) Participation in any scheme 4. Cost of accounting for and administering funds;
from the host or the host country. that promises high returns 5. Expenses towards running and maintenance of vehicles;
(3) Application must reach the appropriate authority ordinarily like investment in chits or 6. Cost of writing and filing reports;
2 weeks before the proposed date of onward journey. land or similar assets not 7. Legal and professional charges; and
(4) In case of emergent medical aid due to sudden illness during directly linked to the 8. Rent of premises, repairs to premises and expenses on other utilities.
a visit abroad, acceptance of foreign hospitality shall be declared aims and Amounts not to be counted as administrative expenses
required to be intimated to the C.G. within one month of objectives of the • Salaries of personnel engaged in training or for collection or analysis of field
such receipt. organisation or association. data of an association primarily engaged in research or training;
(5) However, no such intimation is required if the value of such Note: A debt-based secure • Expenses incurred directly in furtherance of the stated objectives of the
hospitality in emergent medical aid is upto ₹ 1 lakh or investment shall not be treated welfare-oriented organisation such as salaries to doctors of hospital,
equivalent thereto. as speculative investment. salaries to teachers of school etc.

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18.4 – Registration [Sec. 11 - Sec. 16] (Part I)

Registration of certain Grant of certificate of registration (Sec. 12)

persons with C.G. (Sec. 11)
1. Application for grant of certificate or prior 6. Specified Condition [Sec. 12(4)]:
permission, shall be made to C.G. in prescribed (a) The 'person' making an application:
No person having a definite
form and manner along with prescribed fee. 1. is not fictitious or benami;
cultural, economic, educational, Rule 9 of FCRR, 2011 2. has not been prosecuted or convicted for indulging in activities aimed at
religious or social programme • Application for grant of prior permission conversion from one religious faith to another;
shall accept FC unless such shall be accompanied by a fee of ₹ 5,000. 3. has not been prosecuted or convicted for creating communal tension or
person obtains a certificate of • Application for the grant of registration shall disharmony in any specified district or other part of the country;
registration from the C.G. be accompanied by a fee of ₹ 10,000. 4. has not been found guilty of diversion or mis-utilisation of its funds;
2. Every person who makes an application shall be
Rule 9 of FCRR, 2011 5. is not engaged or likely to engage in propagation of sedition;
required to open ''FCRA Account'' in the manner
Application shall be in 6. is not likely to use the foreign contribution for personal gains;
specified in Sec. 17.
electronic form (Form FC-3A) 7. has not contravened any of the provisions of this Act;
3. If the application is not in the prescribed form
with an affidavit executed by 8. has not been prohibited from accepting foreign contribution;
or does not contain specified particulars, the
C.G. shall, by an order, reject the application. (b) The person making an application for registration has undertaken reasonable
each office bearer and key
4. If specified conditions are satisfied, C.G. may, activity in its chosen field for the benefit of the society.
functionary and member in
within 90 days from the date of receipt of (c) The person making an application for giving prior permission has prepared a
Proforma 'AA'.
application, register such person and grant him reasonable project for the benefit of the society.
Every person may, if it is not a certificate or give him prior permission, as the (d) In case, the applicant is an individual, he has neither been convicted under any
registered with the C.G., accept case may be, subject to such terms and law nor any prosecution for any offence is pending against him.
any FC only after obtaining the conditions as may be prescribed. (e) In case the applicant is a person other than an individual, any of its directors or
prior permission of the C.G. and Rule 9 of FCRR, 2011 office bearers has neither been convicted under any law nor any prosecution for
If the value of foreign contribution on date of any offence is pending against him.
such prior permission shall be
final disposal of application for prior permission (f) the acceptance of FC by the association/person is not likely to affect prejudicially:
valid for the specific purpose for is over ₹ 1 crore, the C.G. may permit receipt of (i) the sovereignty and integrity of India;
which it is obtained and from the foreign contribution in such instalments, as it (ii) the security, strategic, scientific or economic interest of the State;
specific source. may deem fit:
(iii) the public interest;
Rule 9 of FCRR, 2011 Provided that the 2nd & subsequent instalment
(iv) freedom or fairness of election to any Legislature;
Application for obtaining prior shall be released after submission of proof of
(v) friendly relation with any foreign State;
utilisation of 75% of foreign contribution
permission shall be in electronic (vi) harmony between religious, racial, social, linguistic, regional groups, castes
received in the previous instalment & field
form (Form FC-3B) with an inquiry of the utilisation of foreign contribution. or communities.
affidavit executed by each office 5. If C.G. does not grant, within 90 days, a (g) the acceptance of foreign contribution
bearer and key functionary and certificate or give prior permission, it shall (i) shall not lead to incitement of an offence;
member in Proforma 'AA'. communicate the reasons there for to applicant. (ii) shall not endanger the life or physical safety of any person.

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18.5 – Registration [Sec. 11 - Sec. 16] (Part II)

Grant of certificate of registration (Sec. 12) Suspension of certificate (Sec. 13) Cancellation of Certificate (Sec. 14)

Rule 9 of FCRR, 2011 • Where the C.G. is satisfied that pending The C.G. may, by an order, cancel the certificate if:
• A person seeking registration u/s 12(4)(b) shall be in existence for 3 consideration of the question of (a) the holder of the certificate has made a
years and have spent a minimum amount of ₹ 15 lakh on its core cancelling the certificate on any of the statement in, or in relation to, the
activities for the benefit of society during the last 3 financial years. grounds mentioned in Sec. 14(1), it is application for the grant of registration or
• A person seeking prior permission for receipt of specific amount from a
necessary so to do, it may, by order in renewal thereof, which is incorrect or false;
specific donor for carrying out specific activities mentioned in Sec.
writing, suspend the certificate for a or
12(4)(c) shall meet the following criteria, namely:
(i) submit a specific commitment letter from the donor indicating the
period of 180 days or such further (b) the holder of the certificate has violated any
amount of foreign contribution and the purpose for which it is period, not exceeding 180 days as of the terms and conditions of the certificate
proposed to be given; may be specified in the order. or renewal thereof; or
(ii) for the Indian recipient persons and foreign donor organisations • Every person whose certificate has (c) in the opinion of the C.G., it is necessary in
having common members, prior permission shall be granted to the been suspended shall- the public interest to cancel the certificate;
person subject to it satisfying the following conditions, namely:  not receive any foreign or
(A) the chief functionary of the recipient person shall not be a contribution during the period of (d) the holder of certificate has violated any of
part of the donor organisation;
suspension of certificate. the provisions of this Act or rules or order
(B) 75% of the office-bearers or members of the governing body
 utilise, in the prescribed manner, made thereunder; or
of the person shall not be members or employees of the
foreign donor organisation; the foreign contribution in his (e) if the holder of the certificate has not been
(C) in case of foreign donor organisation being a single custody with the prior approval of engaged in any reasonable activity in its
individual that individual shall not be the chief functionary the C.G. chosen field for the benefit of the society for
or office bearer of the recipient person; and Rule 14 of FCRR, 2011
2 consecutive years or has become defunct.
(D) in case of a single foreign donor, 75%. of the office bearers or The unspent amount that can be utilised in case
Any person whose certificate has been cancelled
members of the governing body of the recipient person shall of suspension of a certificate of registration may
be as under: shall not be eligible for registration or grant of
not be the family members or close relatives of the donor.
7. Where the C.G. refuses the grant of certificate or does not give prior (i) up to 25% of the unutilised amount may prior permission for a period of 3 years from the
permission, it shall record in its order the reasons there for and furnish be spent, with the prior approval of the date of cancellation of such certificate.
a copy thereof to the applicant. However, reasons for refusal not C.G., for the declared aims and objects for Rule 15 of FCRR, 2011
required in cases where there is no obligation to give any information or which the foreign contribution was If the certificate of registration of a person who
documents or records or papers under the Right to Information Act, received. has opened an FCRA Account u/s 17 is cancelled,
2005. (ii) Remaining 75% of the unutilised foreign
the amount of foreign contribution lying
8. The certificate granted shall be valid for a period of 5 years from the contribution shall be utilised only after
unutilised in that Account shall vest with the
date of its issue. Prior permission shall be valid for the specific purpose revocation of suspension of the certificate
of registration. prescribed authority under the Act.
or specific amount of foreign contribution proposed to be received.

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18.6 – Registration [Sec. 11 - Sec. 16] (Part III)

Surrender of Mngt. of FC of person whose

Renewal of certificate (Sec. 16)
certificate has been cancelled
certificate (Sec. 14A) or surrendered (Sec. 15)

1. Every person who has been granted a certificate, shall have such certificate renewed within 6 months before the expiry
On a request being made, the C.G. may permit any of the period of the certificate.
person to surrender the certificate granted under 2. Application for renewal of the certificate shall be made to the C.G. in prescribed form and manner with prescribed fee.
this Act, if, after making such inquiry as it deems 3. The C.G. shall renew the certificate, ordinarily within 90 days from the date of receipt of application subject to such
fit, it is satisfied that such person has not terms and conditions as it may deem fit and grant a certificate of renewal for a period of 5 years.
contravened any of the provisions of this Act, and In case the C.G. does not renew the certificate within the period of 90 days, it shall communicate the reasons there for to
the management of FC and asset, if any, created
the applicant.
out of such contribution has been vested in the
Rule 12 of FCRR, 2011
authority as provided in Sec. 15(1).
(1) Certificate of regn. issued to a person shall be liable to be renewed after the expiry of 5 years from the date of its issue.
Rule 15A of FCRR, 2011
Application for surrender of the certificate of (2) Application for renewal shall be made to the C.G. in electronic form in Form FC-3C accompanied with an affidavit
registration shall be made in electronic form in executed by each office bearer, key functionary and member in Proforma ‘AA’ within 6 months before from the date of
Form FC-7. expiry of the certificate of registration.
Rule 10 of FCRR, 2011 (3) Every person seeking renewal of the certificate shall open an FCRA Account and mention details in his application.
The validity of certificate surrendered u/s 14A of (4) An application made for renewal of the certificate of registration shall be accompanied by a fee of ₹ 5,000 only.
the Act shall be deemed to have expired on the
(5) No person whose certificate of registration has ceased to exist shall either receive or utilise the FC until the certificate is
date of acceptance of the request by the C.G.
(6) If no application for renewal of registration is received before expiry of validity of the certificate, validity of certificate
1. The FC & assets created out of FC in custody of every
shall be deemed to have ceased from the date of completion of the period of 5 years from the date of the grant of
person whose certificate has been cancelled or
certificate of registration.
surrendered shall vest in such authority as may be
(7) The amount of FC lying unutilised in FCRA Account and utilisation account of a person whose certificate of registration
prescribed. [Addl. Chief Secretary / Principal
is deemed to have ceased and assets, if any, created out of the FC, shall vest with the prescribed authority under the Act
Secretary (Home) of the concerned State].
until the certificate is renewed or fresh registration is granted by the C.G.
2. Such authority may, if it considers necessary manage
(8) If the validity of the certificate of registration of a person has ceased in accordance with the provisions of these rules, a
the activities of the person, as the C.G. may direct and
fresh request for the grant of a certificate of registration may be made by the person to the Central Government as per
such authority may utilise the foreign contribution or
the provisions of rule 9.
dispose of the assets created out of it in case adequate
(9) In case a person provides sufficient grounds, in writing, explaining the reasons for not submitting the certificate of
funds are not available for running such activity.
registration for renewal within the stipulated time, his application may be accepted for consideration along with the
3. Authority shall return the FC and the assets vested
requisite fee and with late fees of ₹ 5000 (Five Thousand only), but not later than one year after the expiry of the
upon it to the person, if such person is subsequently
original certificate of registration.
registered under this Act.

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18.7 – Accounts, Intimation, Audit and Disposal of Assets, etc. (Sec. 17 - Sec. 22)

FC through scheduled bank (Sec. 17) Intimation (Sec. 18) Maintenance of A/cs (Sec. 19)

(1) Every person who has been granted certificate or prior 1. Every person who has been granted a certificate or given prior approval Every person who has been
permission u/s 12 shall receive FC only in an account shall give an intimation to the C.G.: granted a certificate or given
designated as "FCRA Account" by the bank, which shall • as to the amount of each FC received by it, prior approval under this Act
be opened by him for the purpose of remittances of • the source from which and the manner in which such FC was received, shall maintain, in such form
and and manner as may be
foreign contribution in specified branch of SBI at New
• the purposes for which, and the manner in which such FC was utilised prescribed-
by him. (a) an account of any FC
Such person may also open another ''FCRA Account'' in 2. Every person receiving FC shall submit a copy of a statement with the received by him; and
any of the scheduled bank for the purpose of keeping or particulars of FC received duly certified by officer of the bank or (b) a record as to the manner
utilising the FC which has been received from his authorised person in foreign exchange and furnish the same to the C.G. in which such contribution
''FCRA Account'' in the specified branch of SBI at New along with the intimation. has been utilised by him.
Delhi. Rule 17 of FCRR, 2011
Such person may also open one or more accounts in one 1. Every person who receives FC, shall submit a signed report in Form FC-4 Audit of Accounts (Sec. 20)
or more scheduled banks to which he may transfer for with scanned copies of income and expenditure statement, receipt and
utilising any FC received by him in his ''FCRA Account'' payment account and B/S for every FY beginning on the 1st day of April
within 9 months of the closure of the financial year.
in the specified branch of the SBI at New Delhi or kept • If any person who has been
2. Annual return in Form FC-4 shall reflect the FC received in the exclusive
by him in another ''FCRA Account'' in a scheduled bank. granted a certificate or given
bank account and include the details in respect of the funds transferred
No funds other than FC shall be received or deposited in prior permission, fails to furnish
to other bank accounts for utilisation.
any such account. any intimation or intimation so
3. If the FC relates only to articles, the intimation shall be submitted in
(2) Specified branch of the SBI at New Delhi or the branch of Form FC-1. furnished is not in accordance
the scheduled bank where the person has opened his 4. If the FC relates to foreign securities, the intimation shall be submitted in with law or if, after inspection of
FCRA Account shall report to such authority as may be Form FC-1. such intimation, the C.G. has any
5. Every report submitted shall be duly certified by a CA. reasonable cause to believe that
6. Every such return in Form FC-4 shall also be accompanied by a copy of any provision of this Act has
(a) the prescribed amount of foreign remittance;
statement of account from the bank where the exclusive foreign been contravened, the C.G. may
(b) the source and manner in which the foreign
contribution account is maintained by the person, duly certified by an order, by specified officer, audit
remittance was received; and officer of such bank. of any books of account kept or
(c) other particulars, 7. The accounting statements referred to above shall be preserved by the maintained by such person.
in such form and manner as may be prescribed. person for a period of 6 years. • Every such officer shall have the
Rule 16 of FCRR, 2011 8. A 'Nil' report shall be furnished even if no foreign contribution is right to enter in or upon any
The bank shall report to the C.G. within 48 hours any received during a financial year.
premises at any reasonable
transaction in respect of receipt or utilisation of any FC by any Where FC has not been received or utilised during a financial year, it shall not
hour, before sunset and after
person whether or not such person is registered or granted be required to enclose certificate from CA or income and expenditure
sunrise, for the purpose of
statement or receipt and payment account or balance sheet with Form FC-4.
prior permission under the Act. auditing the said books.

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18.8 – Adjudication (Sec. 28 – Sec. 30) and Appeals and Revision (Sec. 31 – Sec. 32)

Adjudication (Sec. 28 – Sec. 30) Appeals and Revision (Sec. 31 – Sec. 32)

Confiscation of article or currency or security obtained in Appeal

contravention of the Act (1) Where any person is aggrieved by any order, may prefer an appeal as per below provision:
Sec. 28

Any article or currency or security which is seized under the Order passed by Appeal to be made
Act shall be liable to confiscation if such article or currency or Court of Session to the High Court to which such Court is subordinate
security has been adjudged u/s 29 to have been received or Any officer specified Court of Session within the local limits of whose jurisdiction
obtained in contravention of this Act. u/s 29(1)(b) such order of adjudication of confiscation was made
Adjudication of confiscation Appeal may be preferred within 1 month from the date of communication of the order. However, the
(1) Any confiscation referred to in Sec. 28 may be adjudged: appellate court may, allow such appeal within a further period of 1 month, but not thereafter.

Sec. 31
(a) without limit, by the Court of Session within the (2) Any organisation referred to in Sec. 3(1)(f), or any person or association referred to in Sec. 6 or Sec. 9,
local limits of whose jurisdiction the seizure was aggrieved
made; and
• by an order made in pursuance of Sec. 5 or
(b) subject to prescribed limits, by such officer, not
• by an order of the C.G. refusing to give permission under this Act, or
below the rank of an Assistant Sessions Judge, as
• by any order made by the C.G. u/ss 12(2) or 12(4), or Sec. 14(1), as the case may be,
notified by C.G.
may, prefer an appeal against such order to the High Court within the local limits of whose
(2) When an adjudication is concluded by the Court of
jurisdiction the appellant ordinarily resides or carries on business or personally works for gain, or,
Session or Assistant Sessions Judge, as the case may be,
Sec. 29

where the appellant is an organisation or association, the principal office of such organisation or
the Sessions Judge or Assistant Sessions Judge may make
association is located within 60 days from the date of such order.
such order as he thinks fit for the disposal by confiscation
or delivery of seized article or currency or security, as the Revision of orders by C.G.
case may be, to any person claiming to be entitled to • C.G. may either-
possession thereof or otherwise, or which has been used  of its own motion or
for the commission of any offence under this Act.  on an application for revision by the person registered under this Act,
Rule 19 of FCRR, 2011 call for and examine the record of any proceeding under this Act and may make necessary inquiry
An officer referred to in Sec. 29(1)(b), may adjudge and, may pass such order thereon as it thinks fit.
Sec. 32

confiscation in relation to any article or currency seized u/s • C.G. shall not of its own motion revise any order if the order has been made more than 1 year
25, if the value of such article or the amount of such currency previously.
seized does not exceed ₹ 10,00,000. • Application must be made within 1 year from the date on which the order in question was
Procedure for confiscation communicated to the person or the date on which he otherwise came to know of it, whichever is
No order of adjudication of confiscation shall be made unless earlier.
Sec. 30

a reasonable opportunity of making a representation has Rule 20 of FCRR, 2011

been given to the person from whom any article or currency Application for revision of an order shall be made to the Secretary, MHA, GOI, New Delhi on a plain paper
or security has been seized. and it shall be accompanied by a fee of ₹ 3,000 only.

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18.9 – Offences and Penalties (Sec. 33 – Sec. 41) and Misc. (Sec. 42 – Sec. 54)

Offences and Penalties (Sec. 33 to Sec. 41) Misc. (Sec. 42 – Sec. 54)

Making of false statement, declaration or Offences by companies (Sec. 39) (1) Power to call of information or
delivering false accounts document (Sec. 42)
Sec. 33

Imprisonment for a term which may extend to 6 (2) Investigation into cases under the Act
• Where an offence has been committed by a company,
every person who, at the time the offence was (Sec. 43)
months or with fine or with both.
committed, was in charge of, and was responsible for the • Any offence punishable under this Act
Penalty for article or currency or security
conduct of the business, shall be deemed to be guilty of may also be investigated into by such
obtained in contravention of section 10
Sec. 34

the offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against authority as the C.G. may specify in this
Imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 and punished accordingly. behalf.
years, or with fine, or with both. • However, such person shall not be liable to any • The authority so specified shall have all
punishment if he proves that the offence was committed: the powers which an officer-in-charge of
Punishment for contravention of any provisions
(a) without his knowledge, or
of the act a police station has while making an
Sec. 35

(b) he had exercised all due diligence to prevent the

commission of such offence.
investigation into a cognizable offence.
Imprisonment for a term which may extend to 5
Rule 22 of FCRR, 2011
years, or with fine, or with both.
The CBI or any other Govt. investigating
Power to impose additional fine where article Compounding of certain Offences (Sec. 41) agency that conducts any investigation
or currency or security is not available for shall furnish reports to the C.G. on a
confiscation • Any offence punishable under this Act, not being an offence quarterly basis, indicating the status of each
Sec. 36

Fine not exceeding 5 times the value of the article punishable with imprisonment only, may, before the case, including information regarding the
institution of any prosecution, be compounded by such case number, date of registration, date of
or currency or security or ₹ 1,000, whichever is officers and for such sums as notified by the C.G.
filing charge sheet, court before which it
more. • Compounding shall not apply to an offence committed within
has been filed, progress of trial, date of
Penalty for offences where no separate a period of 3 years from the date on which a similar offence
committed was compounded under this section. judgment and the conclusion of each case.
punishment has been provided
Sec. 37

• Every officer or authority shall exercise the powers to (3) Power of C.G. to give directions (Sec. 46)
Imprisonment for a term which may extend to 1 compound an offence, subject to the direction, control and (4) Delegation of powers (Sec. 47)
year, or with fine or with both. supervision of the Central Government. (5) Power to make Rules (Sec. 48)
Prohibition of acceptance of FC • If any offence is compounded before the institution of any (6) Power to exempt in certain cases (Sec.
prosecution, no prosecution shall be instituted in relation to 50)
Whoever, having been convicted of any offence u/s
such offence, against the offender.
Sec. 38

(7) Act not to apply to certain Govt.

35 or 37, is again convicted of such offence shall not Rule 21 of FCRR, 2011
transactions (Sec. 51)
accept any FC for a period of 5 years from the date Application for compounding of an offence may be made to the
Secretary, MHA, New Delhi in electronic form and shall be (8) Application of other laws not barred
of the subsequent conviction. (Sec. 52)
accompanied by fee of ₹ 3,000 only.

Compiled by: CA. Pankaj Garg Page 9

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