Cad1501 Assignment 02

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I (full name): Mashaba Maria

Student number: 68272553 Module: CAD1501

Declare that…

1. I understand what plagiarism entails and am aware of the University’s policy in this regard.
2. I declare that this assignment is my own, original work. Where I used someone else’s work,
whether printed source, the internet or any other source, I give the proper
acknowledgement and include a complete reference list.
3. I did not use another current or previous student’s work, submitting it as my own.
4. I did not allow and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention of submitting it
as his or her own work.

Signature: ___ ___ Date: 14 April 2020.



Question 1

1.1. The theory of Howard Gardener is the theory of several intelligences proposed by Dr.
Gardener, which defines that people have a potential gift. It’s either children or adults; they
are gifted in many ways, which include biological and psychological factors.
1.2. Six (6) kinds of intelligence identified by Howard Gardener:
 Linguistic intelligence- is an ability whereby people are smart in using words. They can
speak and write for themselves, and also understand spoken and written language.
 Logical-mathematical intelligence- refers to the capability of understanding and working
with numbers.
 Musical intelligence- is the ability to use musical patterns, composing, performing and
appreciating music. These individuals are very smart at music.
 Bodily- kinaesthetic intelligence- refers to the ability where by person processes
information physically through their hand and body movement, they create and express
 Spatial intelligence- refers to sensitive people; they are able to create valuable products
for a particular culture. These people are smart with pictures.
 Naturalistic intelligence- focuses on how individuals relate to their natural. They are
able to grow plants, vegetables and fruits. They also have a strong relationship for
animals and are good at training and understanding them.

Question 2

2.1. Five (5) areas in which damaging factors can be present:

 Physical factor
 Cognitive development
 Language
 Emotional stability
 Social relationships

2.2. Explaining the damaging factors:

 Physical factors- children who do not receive adequate nutrition or medical attention may
be at risk for stunted or delayed growth development, e.g. children who live in countries
where malnutrition is not a problem tend to be taller than children who live in countries
where malnutrition is a problem.
 Cognitive development- may include the brain damage and memory problems, e.g. Children
face difficulties in performing simple tasks (dressing appropriately and washing up)
forgetting how to do things they’ve done many times.

 Language development- this may include hearing problem, and poor vocabulary, reading
and writing problem, e.g. it won’t be possible to develop speech and language properly, with
hearing loss.
 Emotional stability- is the very important factor for the development of a child, from infant
to adolescence. The child who have experience abuse (alcohol or drug, sexual, physical and
emotional) at any environment, may not cope easily at any area of development, e.g. the
child may prefers to be alone rather than with family or friends, may be depressed.
 Social relationship- plays a very important role in childhood socialization, whereby children
establish social ties with peers. They develop the basic values, motivations and conceptions
of self, e.g. some children, try their effort to fit in a group or being accepted by misbehaving
in order to certify their peers.

Question 3

3.1. Self-efficacy- Refers to an individual’s belief, whereby ones reflection is confidence and
able to control over one’s own motivation, behaviours and social environment.

3.2. Identifying and explaining the sources that enhance self-efficacy:

 Mastery experiences- refer to the experiences we gain from taking on new challenges
and later succeed.
 Vicarious experience- refers to when- refers to when you watch and observe another
and feeling what they feel, e.g. If we watch someone in pain we feel their experience.
 Verbal persuasion – is a form of influence that can shift an individual’s efficiency.
 Emotional and physiological states – these are the states of feeling that result in
physical and psychological changes that influences our behaviour, and the emotions are
the positive or negative experience that is associated with physiological activity.

3.3. Activity 2.3


 Mastery experience- I can work on building a song that i know i can perform very well.
When I’m feeling less than confident, i will pull out of these stand bys. Whether i perform
them, or just use them to calm my naives, singing a song i know sound awesome will remind
me that i got the skills.
 Variation experience- When i listen to a sad music, i experience vicarious sadness.
 Verbal persuasion- Since it does happen to everyone to feel down about themselves
sometimes. When that happens to me, i will need a supportive voice to remind me how far i
have come and where i am going.
 Emotional and physiological states- I will stress less and focus more ensuring that the
energy of a song is conveyed in my singing and just in dancing. I will also prepare as much as
possible to deal with anything that happens. I know i will have more confident and i will
enjoy it more.

3.4. I have learned that if you are passionate with something, don’t let fear vanishes all your dreams.
But seek for help if needed, and learn how you will gain back your confident. Take on a challenge in
order for you to experience yourself efficacy.

Question 4

4.1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs is a theory by Abraham Maslow, which puts forward that people
are motivated by five basic categories of needs: Love, esteem, safety, physiological, and self-
4.2 The street children will never develop to their full potential and abilities or self actualization if
they continue to live in the streets; streets are not a good place for their development.


Statement True/False Reason Reference

5.1 According to False “ Jean Piaget was of Section 2.1 page 11
Piaget, the the opinion that child
development of the development starts
child starts from the from inside the child
outside and is and is directed
directed to the inside outside to the
of the child. environment”
5.2 Maturation True Gesell used the Section 3.1 page 30
happens according to following ideas to
set patterns as and explain maturation.
individuality *patterns

5.3 The adolescent is True Stage numbers six of Section 2.6 page 20
confronted with a the eight stages of
conflict between development
intimacy and isolation highlighted by Erikson
through the
psychosocial conflict
or crisis column.
5.4 Asynchrony leads True “ Asynchrony is Section 6.2 page 66
to a curvy body responsible for the
appearance awkward and
uncoordinated look
we often see in
5.5 HIV and AIDS are False “HIV disease becomes Section 6.3 page 87
exactly the same AIDS when the
patience’s immune
system is seriously

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