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Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 823 – 834

Adhesion of solid particles to gas bubbles. Part 1: Modelling

Florin Omotaa , Alexandre C. Dimiana,∗ , Alfred Bliekb
a Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Amsterdam, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, 1018 WV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
b Faculty of Science and Technology, Twente University of Technology, P.O. box 217, 7500 AE, Enschede, The Netherlands

Received 10 March 2005; received in revised form 15 May 2005; accepted 5 July 2005
Available online 30 August 2005

Particle-to-bubble adhesion is important in the areas of anti-foaming, in flotation processes and in multiphase slurry reactors. In the
present work we particularly address the latter. The behaviour of fine catalyst particles adhering to gas bubbles in aqueous media is
governed by the surface hydrophobicity. This adhesion on its turn influences the G–L mass transfer, bubble coalescence and the particle
agglomeration. Existing models for the quantitative description of adhesion of particle to a G–L interface usually assume nonporous,
spherical particles with a smooth surface and a well-defined contact angle. As catalyst particles are normally highly porous, have a rough
surface, and an irregular shape, we developed a generalised model describing the adhesion of particles to a gas bubble based on maximum
adhesive and cohesive forces as the main parameters. This model describes adhesion of: (i) a single spherical particle, (ii) a monolayer of
particles, and (iii) a particle agglomerate. The cohesive forces between particles play a key role. For small cohesive forces, the particles
can either adhere as a single particle or as a monolayer, while stronger cohesive forces allow multilayer adhesion or adhesion of particle
clusters via one or few particles.
䉷 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Modelling; Particle; Adhesion; Agglomeration; Bubble; Flotation

1. Introduction Alper et al., 1980; Lavelle and McMonagle, 2001) or hydro-

genation reactions in aqueous media (Wimmers et al., 1988;
Three-phase reactors are the workhorses of chemical Dietrich et al., 1992; Vinke et al., 1992; van der Zon et al.,
industry. The presence of solid catalyst particles may in- 1999). However, the nature of this influence is still subject
fluence reactor hydrodynamics through their impact on the of debate. Different mechanisms have been proposed to ex-
apparent viscosity and liquid density, but moreover by its plain G–L mass transfer enhancement: (i) a reduced coa-
impact on the bubble coalescence and G–L mass transfer. lescence rate when adhering solid particle cover gas bub-
Typical examples of chemical processes carried out via such bles and the specific surface area aL increases (Lindner et
three-phase reactors are selective hydrogenation and oxida- al., 1988); (ii) so-called “shuttle effect” that consist in gas
tion. G–L mass transfer enhancement was observed when transfer from G–L interface to bulk liquid through adsorb-
fine solid particles are present at the G–L interface (Alper ing particles (Alper et al., 1980; Vinke et al., 1992); (iii)
et al., 1980; Alper and Öztürk, 1986; Wimmers and Fortuin, large particles can create turbulence effect on G–L inter-
1988; Tinge and Drinkenburg, 1992, 1995; Beenackers and face increasing both, kL and aL ; (iv) large particles can di-
van Swaaij, 1993; Joly-Vuillemin et al., 1996; van der Zon vide or stretch the bubbles at Weber numbers higher than 3,
et al., 1999). The adhesion of catalyst particles to gas bub- increasing aL .
bles plays a key role in the mass transfer mechanism for Vinke et al. (1991a) and van der Zon et al. (1999) showed
the oxidation of organic compounds (Lee and Tsao, 1972; that small hydrophobic particles may adhere to bubbles in
aqueous slurries, while hydrophilic particles do not. Vinke
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +31 20 525 6034; fax: +31 20 525 5604. et al. (1992) introduced the concept of bubble coverage de-
E-mail address: (A.C. Dimian). fined as the fraction of bubble surface covered with adhering
0009-2509/$ - see front matter 䉷 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
824 F. Omota et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 823 – 834

particles. This concept is useful when a monolayer of par-

ticles covers the lower part of a bubble. Based on the equi-
librium of all forces involved, the bubble coverage may be
The higher G–L mass transfer observed when catalyst
particles adhere to the G–L interface may be described
in terms of an enhancement factor, defined as the ratio
of gas-absorption mass transfer in the presence of solid Fig. 1. Schematic view of particles adhering to a gas bubble: (a) single
particles and gas-absorption mass transfer without parti- particle, (b) monolayer, (c) multilayer, and (d) cluster of particles sus-
cles, under similar hydrodynamic conditions (Wimmers et pended through a single particle.
al., 1988; Vinke et al., 1992, 1993; Joly-Vuillemin et al.,
1996; van der Zon et al., 1999; Dagaonkar et al., 2003).
weight of particles carried by a bubble. The model devel-
The models proposed by these authors for the estimation
oped here could also be useful in the flotation practice.
of G–L mass transfer in slurry reactors, correlates the
enhancement factor with the solid concentration in the
slurry and the surface fraction of a bubble covered by 2. Model development
Clearly, particle to bubble adhesion is affected by particle A theoretical framework will be developed here to de-
agglomeration. Vinke et al. (1991a) observed for Pd/Al2 O3 scribe adhesion of solid particles to gas bubbles under stag-
and Pd/BaSO4 catalysts that particle-to-particle cohesion nant conditions, based on the equilibrium of capillary forces,
dominates the particle-to-bubble adhesion due to the forma- gravity forces and pressure forces. The following four cases
tion of large clusters, which are no longer able to adhere to can be distinguished:
hydrogen bubbles in water. In case of Pd/C catalyst parti-
cles, the particle-to-bubble adhesion dominates the particle- • Adhesion of a single particle to a gas bubble
to-particle cohesion resulting in full bubble coverage. van • Monolayer adhesion for negligible cohesive forces
der Zon et al. (2001) demonstrated that particle agglomera- • Multilayer adhesion for moderate cohesive forces
tion significantly affects adhesion, in particular under stag- • Adhesion of a cluster of particles for strong cohesive
nant conditions and for high G–L superficial tension. Despite forces
this evident effect of agglomeration, the cohesive forces be-
tween particles are not usually accounted for in quantitative The model will initially refer to the simple case of:
models describing particle-to-bubble adhesion.
Vinke et al. (1992) investigated the effect of liquid velocity • Spherical particles with identical size and physical prop-
on the particle-to-bubble adhesion. The experiments have erties
shown that Pd/C and Rh/C particles are still able to adhere • Homogeneous and smooth particle surface and therefore
to the gas bubble for superficial liquid velocities exceeding a well defined contact angle
the terminal rise velocity of a bubble in a liquid. Under • Particle density higher than the liquid density
these hydrodynamic conditions, the adhesion of particles to • Spherical bubbles
hydrogen bubble in aqueous solutions was described by a
Langmuir-type adhesion isotherm. This hypothesis suggests Finally, the model will be generalised to the case of porous
that the fraction of bubble surface covered with particles particles with irregular shape and heterogeneous surface, due
under nonstagnant hydrodynamic conditions is proportional to the interest of exploiting particle-to-bubble adhesion in the
to that under stagnant conditions. case of heterogeneously catalysed reactions. A shortcoming
The objective of this work is to develop a novel model of the model based on the contact angle is its applicability
describing the adhesion of particles to a gas bubble un- to spherical particles.
der stagnant conditions, thereby explicitly taking cohesive The major problem of modelling particle-to-bubble adhe-
forces into account, and allowing a superior prediction of sion is the fractal-like structure of catalyst particles. Three-
the behaviour of hydrophobic particles subject to competi- phase contact angle can be easily and accurately measured
tive adhesion and agglomeration. For small cohesive forces, on clean, homogeneous and smooth surfaces. In all other
particles adhere to a bubble individually or as a monolayer cases, the contact angle ranges between two extreme val-
as shown in Fig. 1a,b. For cohesive forces exceeding a cer- ues; the advancing and receding contact angle depending
tain limit, a second layer can be attached to the first one on the measurement technique which makes this parame-
(Fig. 1c). When the cohesion forces are higher than the ad- ter even harder to obtain (Ortiz-Arroyo et al., 2003). The
hesion forces, the particles agglomerate in rigid clusters that contact angle of powdered non-porous particles can be mea-
can adhere to a gas bubble through a single or only few par- sured by Washburn method, based on the capillary rise tech-
ticles (Fig. 1d). Thus, the strength of cohesion forces affects nique. However, this method gives only advancing contact
the fraction of bubble coverage as well as the maximum angles rather than equilibrium angles. As result of porosity
F. Omota et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 823 – 834 825

and roughness of the surface, the appearing contact angle

measured by Washburn method is smaller than in the case of
smooth solid surface (Chibowski and Perea-Carpio, 2002).
Different investigators use different methods of calculating
contact angles from the heat of immersion but the meth-
ods reported in the literature used gross assumptions, which
may be the source of inaccuracy in determining water con-
tact angles (Malandrini et al., 1997; Yan et al., 2000). Even
accurate measurements would be available by one or other
techniques, the adhesion behaviour might be also influenced
by the particle architecture: shape, porosity and roughness,
not only by the three-phase contact angle.
The adhesion behaviour depends on the adhesive forces.
Therefore, instead of calculating the adhesion forces of a
spherical particle from the contact angle, we use the ad-
hesion force as a model parameter. Both two approaches,
based on the contact angle or maximum adhesion force, al-
low us to correlate the structure of particle aggregate adher-
ing to a gas bubble with the particle–particle cohesive and
particle–bubble adhesive forces.

3. Adhesion of a single particle to a gas bubble

3.1. Force balance

Solid particles can adhere to a gas bubble if the capillary Fig. 2. Representation of the forces acting on a particle: (a) adhering to
a flat gas–liquid interface—the hydrostatic pressure has positive effect on
forces are strong enough to compensate the apparent weight adhesion, and (b) to a spherical bubble—the bubble overpressure reduces
of particles and the gas pressure. Under static conditions, the adhesion strength.
the equation describing the equilibrium forces of a single
particle attached at the gas–liquid interface (Fig. 2) is given
Fc = 2Rp LG sin  sin( − ). (5)
Fg + Fp − Fb − Fc = 0 (1)
For nonporous particles, S refers to the solid density. For
where Fg is the gravitational force of a single particle, Fp porous particles with a three-phase contact angle  90◦ ,
is the force resulting from the capillary pressure inside the S is the density of particles with liquid-filled pores. When
gas bubble, Fb is the buoyancy force, and Fc is the capil-  > 90◦ , S stands for the density of particles having the
lary force. Fig. 2a shows a solid particle adhering to a free pores filled with gas due to capillary forces. Obviously,
G–L interface, corresponding to a bubble having an infinitely highly porous particles may have a lower density than liquid
large radius. Fig. 2b shows a solid particle of radius Rp , ad- and these particles float at the liquid surface.
hering to a gas bubble of finite radius Rb . The corresponding For a varying penetration angle , the forces defined by
force denoted by Fp is positive in the case (a), and negative Eqs. (2)–(5) may not be in equilibrium, according to Eq. (1).
in the case (b). Shultze (1984) studied the adhesion forces on The detachment force Fd is defined as the net force acting
spherical bubbles fixed at a plane solid surface and spherical downward:
particles at the flat fluid interface, as shown in Fig. 2a. When
we limit ourselves to the case (b), i.e., small particles and Fd = Fg + Fp − Fb − Fc . (6)
small bubbles, the following force balance equations apply:
When Fd > 0, the particle moves away from the bubble,
4Rp3 S g the penetration angle  decreases and ultimately the particle
Fg = , (2) detaches from the G–L interface. Fd < 0 corresponds to a
3 particle forced to enter in the gas bubble, and the equilibrium
2LG is reached for Fd = 0. For negative values of Fd it is more
Fp = Rp2 sin2 , (3)
Rb convenient to use the adhesion force of a particle to a bubble,
defined as Fadh = −Fd .
Rp3 Fielden et al. (1996) measured the external force neces-
Fb = (1 + cos )2 (2 − cos )L g, (4) sary to detach a particle adhering to a gas bubble. This force
826 F. Omota et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 823 – 834

force is negative, the particle is attracted to the bubble un-

til it reaches the other equilibrium position. For  > 2 , the
detachment force is positive and the particle moves back at
lower penetration angle, 2 . Thus, the equilibrium positions
are unstable at 1 and stable at 2 . The potential energy
has a local maximum at 1 and a local minimum at 2 .
The existence of a minimum energy at 2 demonstrates the
stability of particle–bubble aggregate.

3.3. Maximum adhesion force

The detachment force versus the penetration angle always

shows a minimum (Fig. 3). For a negative value of Fd an
external force is required for particle detachment. The max-
imum adhesion force defined as Fadh,max = max(−Fd ) char-
acterises the capability of a single particle to remain attached
Fig. 3. Influence of the contact angle  and penetration angle  on the
to gas bubble under external forces. For positive values of
detachment force Fd of a spherical particle adhering to a gas bubble. Fd , the particle does not adhere to the gas bubble and the
particle–bubble interactions are repulsive. The penetration
angle corresponding to the maximum adhesion force can be
found by differentiating Fd with regard to the angle , as
was called normalised detachment force (Fdet /Rp ) and has given by the next equation:
positive values while Fd considered in this work is negative.
Rp L gR 2p 3
The adhesion forces of small spherical particles were also sin( − 2opt ) = sin(2opt ) + sin opt . (7)
measured by atomic force microscopy by Preuss and Butt Rb 2LG
(1998). They defined the adhesion force as the force neces-
sary to pull off the particle adhering to bubble. We used in Fig. 3 illustrates the behaviour of relatively large particles
this work the same definition, but including the impact of (Rp = 2 mm). Smaller particles (Rp < 0.1 mm) have neg-
the apparent particle weight and bubble pressure. ligible weight compared to the capillary forces. Therefore,
the penetration angle corresponding to the unstable position
1 is close to 0 while the penetration angle corresponding
3.2. Influence of particle hydrophobicity to the stable position 2 is close to . The parabolic form of
the detachment force leads to the conclusion that the min-
Fig. 3 shows the influence of the penetration angle  imum of the penetration angle is around of /2. A better
and particle surface hydrophobicity expressed as three-phase approximation of the penetration angle opt derived from
contact angle  on its adhesion properties. For  = 0, the Eq. (7) is given below:
particle is completely immersed in the liquid. As the parti-
cle density is considered higher than the liquid density, the L gR 2p 3 
resulting force Fd is positive. At the interface, the detach- ∗opt = − sin  − sin . (8)
ment forces Fd are: (a) always positive for low three-phase 2 2Rb 4LG 2
contact angles, (b) positive except for a single equilibrium In the case of particles smaller than 100 m, the capillary
position, and (c) negative on a certain interval of the pene- force exceeds the other forces, except when the contact an-
tration angle, with two equilibrium positions at 1 and 2 . gle  is zero or near zero. Thus, the capillary force may ap-
In case (a), hydrophilic particles larger than a critical size proximate the maximum adhesion force of a small spherical
do not adhere to the air bubble, as the detachment force particle:
Fd is positive for any penetration angle . For larger con-
tact angles the capillary forces increase too, as results from
Eq. (5). The detachment force approaches zero in the case Fadh,max = 2LG Rp sin2 . (9)
(b). The forces acting on the adhering particle are in equilib-
rium only for a penetration angle eq . This is an unstable po- The maximum adhesion force of spherical particles de-
sition, as any perturbation will lead to particle detachment. pends on the three-phase contact angle. However, the influ-
In the case (c) of more hydrophobic particles compared with ence of three-phase contact angle on the adhesion behaviour
the case (b), there are two equilibrium positions correspond- depends on the particle shape. Adhesion of a nonspherical
ing to the penetration angles 1 and 2 . If  < 1 , the de- particle to a gas bubble is better characterised by the max-
tachment force is positive Fd > 0, the particle moves down- imum adhesion force than by the three-phase contact angle
ward and sinks in the liquid. If 1 <  < 2 , the detachment only.
F. Omota et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 823 – 834 827

4. Particle aggregates adhering to a gas bubble through by increasing the contact angle. For small particles, the bub-
a single particle ble size does not have a significant influence on the adhe-
sion behaviour expressed in terms of NT , while for large
For large cohesive forces between particles agglomerates particles, an increase in the bubble size results in a stronger
may form, and aggregates rather than single particles may particle-to-bubble adhesion.
adhere to a gas bubble. Let us analyse first the case of an
aggregate suspended to a gas bubble through a single parti-
cle. All other particles are completely immersed in the liquid 5. Monolayer adhesion
and the buoyancy force of these particles becomes
We will consider a gas bubble of uniform radius Rb , and
4Rp3 identical particles with the radius Rp each of them adhering
Fbs = L g. (10) to the bubble. All the particles placed at the same height
will be referred as a level. The centre of particles belonging
The apparent gravity force of a particle completely im- to a level describes a circle. The shortest length between
mersed in liquid and having liquid filled pores will be further two points belonging to consecutive circles will be further
denoted by referred as the distance between two levels, di . We remark
that di is not the distance between the planes containing the
Fa = Fg − Fbs . (11)
The detachment force for an agglomeration of N particles In vertical cross-section, Fig. 5 shows three particles
is presented below: placed on the levels i − 1, i and i + 1. Any particle at level
i forms an angle i with the bubble of centre C and the
FdN = (Fg + Fp − Fb − Fc ) + (N − 1)Fa . (12) symmetry axis S. The distance between the centres of two
particles in direct contact is 2Rp . The distance di between
The total number of particle NT attached to a bubble two consecutive levels can be smaller because of the overlap
through a single particle has a maximum value that can be of consecutive levels (see Fig. 6). The angle  = i+1 − i
found from Eq. (12) using Fadh,max : corresponding to any two adjacent levels can be calculated
NT = 1 + . (13)  di
Fa sin = . (14)
2 2(Rp + Rb )
According to Eq. (13), the maximum adhesion force
Fadh,max of a single particle can be found from the maxi- The particles are identical and the packing of particles
mum number of particles Nmax in the cluster. The number is homogeneous. Thus, the distance di and the angle 
of particles NT is a measure of the adhesion strength, but between two levels are considered irrespective of the level
comparing to Fadh,max it is a dimensionless parameter. position i. The angle i becomes
Fig. 4 shows the maximum number of porous silica parti- i = i , i > 0. (15)
cles suspended to a gas bubble, for a varying contact angle
and the solid particle size. Both Fadh,max and NT increases

Fig. 5. Schematic representations of forces acting on particles adhering

to a spherical gas bubble as monolayer. C is the centre of bubble, S is the
Fig. 4. Influence of three-phase contact angle , particle radius Rp and symmetry axis, A–A is the horizontal plane containing only the particles
bubble radius Rb on the number of particles in a cluster adhering to a at level i, Fc − Fp is the attraction due to capillary force corrected with
gas bubble through a single particle. Note that the number of particles is the effect of bubble pressure, Fa is apparent gravitational force, and Ft,j
a discrete variable. are tangential forces with j = {i, i + 1}.
828 F. Omota et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 823 – 834

Fig. 6. Distribution of identical spheres as monolayer on a flat surface for high (a), medium (b), and low (c) volumetric fraction of solid S . On real
gas bubbles, the spherical particles cannot adopt such idealised distribution due to the surface curvature.

Table 1
different levels:
Monolayer packing of spherical particles on a flat surface, according to
Fig. 6
1 = . (17)
Case (a) (b) (c) 3di
Packing Highest
√ Medium Low

di 3Rp 2Rp 3Rp
A level may contain a certain number of vacancies. Thus,
√ the number of particles at level i contains only a fraction 2
3 3 6 3 3
2 1 1 2 of maximum number of particles defined by Eq. (16):
S = 1 2 0.6046 0.5236 0.4031
2 = . (18)

Both parameters 1 and 2 define the volumetric fraction

There is a single particle at level i = 0 and maximum
of solid particles S by a simple relation:
Ni,max particles at level i. As these particles are placed on a
circle, an approximate Ni,max value can be calculated as the
ratio of this perimeter to the distance between two particles, S = 1 2 . (19)
except for zero level where only one particle is present:
5.2. Equilibrium forces on the lowest particle in monolayer
 2(Rb + Rp ) sin i
, i > 0,
Ni,max = 2Rp (16) As in case of a single particle, the equilibrium is based
1, i = 0. on the forces: Fg , Fb , Fp and Fc . However, the particles on
level i + 1 force down the particles on level i and so on. The
5.1. Particle packing in monolayer tangential force of a particle below level i will be denoted
by Ft,i . Since action and reaction are equal and opposite,
The volume fraction S of solid particles in the mono- the sum of tangential forces Ft,i+1 of all Ni+1 particles at
layer, depends on the particle packing. Vinke et al. (1991) level i +1 has as reaction the sum of tangential forces Ft,i of
described monolayer adhesion of particles to a gas bub- all Ni particles at level i. Clearly, no tangential forces exist
ble corresponding to a distance between two adjacent levels above the last level imax because there are no particles. The
di = 2Rp and a maximum number of particles at each level, tangential forces are increasing from a minimum value at the
Ni,max . Van der Zon et al. (1999) incorporated the fraction of maximum level imax , to a maximum value at the level i = 0.
solid particle S in the model as an additional parameter and The detachment of a solid particle at level i depends on
present the results for S = 0.52 corresponding to di = 2Rp . the sum of radial forces, perpendicular to the G–L interface.
Fig. 6 shows spherical particles regularly distributed on The relation between the radial and tangential forces is given
a planar surface, corresponding to high, medium and low by
packing. The particle packing depends on the distance √ be-
tween consecutive levels di in the range of di,min = 3Rp Fd,i = Fa cos i − Fc + Fp
up to di,max = 2Rp . Table 1 shows the corresponding values Ni+1 Ft,i+1 + Ni Ft,i 
+ sin (radial). (20)
for the distances between consecutive rows and the particle Ni 2
packing for these cases. However, the product of the dis-
tance between consecutive levels di and the fraction of solid One can imagine an iterative method to calculate tangen-
volume S remains constant. Thus, the parameter 1 defines tial forces Ft,i by starting with the level n downward to
the density of particles as function of the distance between the level 0. The next equation acts as force balance for one
F. Omota et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 823 – 834 829

particle at level i on tangential direction to the bubble:

Ni+1 Ft,i+1 − Ni Ft,i 
Fa sin i + cos =0
Ni 2
(tangential). (21)
From Eqs. (16), (18) and (21) one can calculate the sum
of tangential forces of particles at level i = 1, . . . , imax :
2 Fa (Rp + Rb ) 
Ni Ft,i = sin2 k . (22)
Rp cos /2

The detachment force for the particle at level i =0 is high-

est as consequence of summation of the tangential forces.
For small particles and hence small  angle, cos(/2)
can be approximated with 1.
At level i = 0 (bubble bottom) there is a single particle, Fig. 7. Influence of three-phase contact angle  on maximum bubble cov-
erage angle max for particle size in the range of Rp =4–200 m, for small
N0 = 1. The particles at the level i = 1 cannot come closer (o, Rb =0.25 mm) and large (O, Rb =0.5 mm) bubbles. Other parameters:
than a distance of 2Rp . This value is independent on particle L =998 kg m−3 , Pv =1 cm3 g−1 , S =1374 kg m−3 , LG =0.072 N m−1 .
After replacement of Ni Ft,i term from Eq. (22) in Eq.
(20) and substitution of sin(/2) from Eqs. (14) and (17), By substitution of Eqs. (2), (9), (10) and (19) in Eq. (24),
the detachment force Fd,0 for i = 0 becomes the following equation allows the estimation of maximum
coverage angle ∗max of small spherical particles from three-
 phase contact angle:
Fd,0 = (Fa − Fc + Fp ) + 2 Fa sin2 k . (23)
k=0  (S − L )gR p (Rp + Rb )
sin2 = S ·
The bubble is covered with a maximum number of par- 2 LG
ticles at maximum coverage angle max when Fd,0 is zero · (∗max − sin ∗max cos ∗max ). (25)
and (Fa − Fc + Fp ) term has a minimum value for maxi- The left hand term is derived from the maximum adhesion
mum adhesion force Fadh,max . The last term containing the force Fadh,max of a spherical particle. A similar approach for
sum of the squared sinus is approximated by an integral and a cylindrical particle shows that maximum adhesion force
then integrated analytically, thus given is proportional with sin . These two cases of spherical and
Fadh,max = − min(Fa − Fc + Fp ) cylindrical particles demonstrate that maximum adhesion
 force and the left hand term in Eq. (25) depend on the contact

= max 2 Fa sin k
2 angle but also on the particle shape and orientation. There-
fore, the influence of particle shape on maximum adhesion
 k=0 force can be described by a generic function ().
1 max
= 2 Fa sin2  d The right side of Eq. (25) contains the ratio of gravita-
tional force to capillary force that may be attributed to a di-
3S Fa (Rp + Rb )
= (max − sin max cos max ) mensionless number similar to the Eötvos or Bond number.
2Rp This dimensionless number, referred as Epb , includes the
(24) liquid and solid densities L and S , gravitational acceler-
Fig. 7 shows the maximum coverage angle max as func- ation g, particle and bubble size Rp and Rb , and superficial
tion of three-phase contact angle  for different particle and tension of liquid LG . The last factor in Eq. (25) contains a
bubble size. The maximum coverage angle max was calcu- single variable, the bubble coverage angle. If the bubble is
lated according to Eq. (24). The maximum adhesion force not perfect spherical, this expression can be represented by
Fadh,max calculated with opt from Eq. (7) or ∗opt from a generic function f (max ). Thus, the equation describing
Eq. (8) gives almost the same results. the adhesion of a monolayer of particles to a gas bubble was
The coverage angle increases by increasing the contact generalised to nonspherical particles and bubbles as follows:
angle , or by decreasing the particle size Rp . For small par-
() = S Epb f (max ). (26)
ticles, the coverage angle increases by decreasing the bubble
size. Small bubbles can be better covered by adhering parti- The bubble coverage angle max depends on the particle
cles than large bubbles. This fact is well known in flotation shape, orientation and surface roughness through function
practice. For large particles, the effect of bubble pressure , on the three-phase contact angle , on the volumetric
according to Eq. (3) is higher, resulting in lower adhesion fraction of solid particles in monolayer S , on dimensionless
force and lower coverage angles. Epb number and on the bubble shape through the function f.
830 F. Omota et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 823 – 834

The total number of solid particles adhering to a bubble Table 2

as a monolayer NT can be related to maximum coverage Multilayer packing of spherical particles on a flat surface without vacan-
cies, 2 = 1
angle max :
Case (a) (b) (c) (d)
NT = 3 S 1+ (1 − cos max ). (27) Monolayer packing Fig. 6(a) Fig. 6(a) Fig. 6(b) Fig. 6(b)
Rp 1 
3 3 3 3 6 6
Distance between layers Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
√ √
6. Multilayer adhesion dj √2 2Rp 2Rp 2Rp 2Rp
√ √
3 √3 1 2 1
Let us consider an aggregate of particles adhering to a gas 2

bubble through successive layers. The first layer of particles S = 1 2 3 0.7405 0.6046 0.7405 0.5236
adheres directly to the gas bubble through adhesion forces.
The cohesion forces between particles keep the subsequent
layers together. Fig. 8 shows the forces acting on a single The angle j is defined similar to  from Eq. (14), but
particle surrounded by other particles. Due to the symmetry now dependent on the layer position j:
axis S, only the tangential and radial forces in vertical cross- j di
section are considered here. sin = . (29)
2 2Rj
As in the case of monolayer adhesion discussed before, the
particles of each layer j are counted starting with i =0 on the The line connecting the centres of particle and bubble,
symmetry axis to imax,j . Different layers may have different and the symmetry axis S forms an angle i,j defined by
coverage angles. The first layer of particles j = 1, adheres
directly to gas bubble. The following layers j = 2, . . . , jmax i,j = i j . (30)
are kept together by cohesion forces on radial direction. The As in the case of monolayer adhesion, all particles at co-
distance between two consecutive layers defined as dj is ordinates (i, j ) are placed on a circle around of the sym-
assumed to be constant. The particles forming the layer j are metry axis and they form a level. The maximum number of
placed at the same distance from the bubble centre on the particles Ni,j,max on this level can be calculated as below:
sphere of radius Rj as described below:
 Rj sin i,j
, i > 0,
Rj = Rb + Rp + (j − 1)dj . (28) Ni,j,max = Rp (31)
1, i = 0.

6.1. Multilayer packing

The particles can be packed in each monolayer according

to parameters 1 and 2 . Successive monolayers are packed
together as multilayer agglomerates. Thus, a new parameter
3 defines the layer packing of as function of the interlayer
distance dj . If the distance between two adjacent layers is
maximal and equal to particle size dj = 2Rp , the volumetric
fraction of solid S is equal for the monolayer and multilayer.
The calculation of particle packing for two minima and two
maximum distances dj , is shown in Table 2. The packing of
consecutive layers can be defined as below:
3 = . (32)
Hence, overall volumetric fraction of solid becomes:
S = 1 2 3 . (33)
Fig. 8. Schematic representations of forces acting on particles adhering
to a spherical gas bubble as multilayer. C is the bubble centre, S is the 6.2. Cohesive forces in multiplayer adhesion
symmetry axis, A–A is an horizontal plane containing the particles of
level i and layer j, Fa is apparent gravitational force, Fr,i,k are radial
forces responsible for the cohesion between particles with k = {j, j + 1}, When a particle is suspended below other particle, the
and Ft,k,j are tangential forces between particles on the same layer with minimum cohesive force Fcoh equals the apparent gravita-
k = {i, i + 1}. tional force Fa as can be shown in Fig. 9a. One particle can
F. Omota et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 823 – 834 831

Fig. 9. Relation between the particle packing and aggregate cohesion strength. Increasing the number of bounded particles from 1 in (a) to 4 in (d)
results in stronger cohesion forces, better particle packing and higher volumetric fraction of solid S .

Table 3 from layer to layer according to a constant solid angle, pro-

Minimum cohesive force of a pendant particle attached to an upper layer portional to Rj2 .
through n equivalent particles as shown in Fig. 9
The tangential forces from Eq. (34) can be computed for
n Required force, Fa cos  Minimum cohesion force, Fcoh each particle independent on radial forces, by iteration, start-
ing with the maximum values of imax as described below
1 Fcoh cos  1 Fa

Fa ij,max
2 2Fcoh cos  2
3 √ Fa 

Ft,i,j = (Nk,j sin k,j ). (36)
3 3Fcoh cos  √2 Fa
√ Ni,j cos j /2
3 6 k=i

F a
4 4Fcoh cos  2
2 √ The radial forces from Eq. (35) depend on the tangen-
tial forces available now from Eq. (36). However, the radial
forces of each layer are maximal for particles on the sym-
be suspended through n equivalent particles of a higher layer metry axis, as below:
 
by a smaller force Fcoh,n , as presented in Table 3 and Fig. 9. jmax imax,k
2 Fa  Rk2

Consequently, the distance dj between the adhering particle Fr,0,j = sin2 (i,k )
and the previous layer decreases for higher values of n. Thus, Rj2 k=j i=1
a relationship exists between the particle packing and the jmax
cohesive force of one particle to the upper layer. We will Fa  2
+ Rk . (37)
further refer to the cohesion of a particle to a monolayer, Rj2 k=j
not to the cohesion between two individual particles.
Overall aggregate stability depends on the radial forces
of first two axi-symmetric particles suspended at the bottom
6.3. Equilibrium forces in multilayer
of the bubble. The first particle at (i = 0, j = 1) is directly
attached to the bubble. This particle is characterised by the
A single spherical particle is in equilibrium if the sum of
highest particle–bubble adhesion force Fadh,max =Fr,0,1 −Fa .
forces on radial or tangential direction is equal with zero,
The second particle at (i =0, j =2) adheres to the first mono-
described by two below:
layer. This particle is characterised by the highest cohesion
Ni+1,j Ft,i+1,j − Ni,j Ft,i,j j force Fcoh,max = Fr,0,2 . Eq. (37) can be applied when the
Fa sin i,j + cos =0
Ni,j 2 shape of particle agglomerate is available from microscopic
(tangential), (34) images. The particle distribution—in terms of the number
of layers jmax and the coverage angles of each monolayer
Rj +1 2 max,j —can be estimated by maximising the total number of
Fa cos i,j + Fr,i,j +1 − Fr,i,j particles. Thus, it becomes possible: (i) to calculate the ad-
Ni+1,j Ft,i+1,j + Ft,i,j Ni,j j hesion and cohesion forces from the agglomerate structure,
+ sin or (ii) to estimate the most probable configuration of parti-
Ni,j 2
cles adhering to a gas bubble when the forces are known.
= 0 (radial). (35) The second case allows the calculation of bubble coverage
Eq. (34) is similar to the Eq. (21) applied to a mono- angle of first monolayer, max,1 .
layer. Eq. (35) differs from the Eq. (20) mainly because the
particle–bubble attractive interaction Fc − Fp is replaced by 6.4. Multilayer with constant thickness
attractive cohesive forces between particles. The aggregate
is stable if any radial force do not exceed the cohesion force, If the thickness of particles hT and the coverage angle
Fr,i,j < Fcoh,max . Note that radial force in Eq. (35) varies i,j = max are constants, the previous equation leads by the
832 F. Omota et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 823 – 834

summation of all layers k and by integration of all levels i to:

3 S F a R j h j j 2j
Fr,0,j = f (max ) 1 + 1 + j +
2Rp2 2 2
3 F a h j j
+ 1 + j + , (38)
2Rp 3

where the function f has been already introduced by Eq.

(26). The term j resulting by integration of Eq. (37) is
defined as below:
j = , (39)
Rb + Rp + (j − 1)dj
where hj is the thickness of particle aggregate below of
layer j, and hT is total thickness of all layers.
hj = hT − Rp − (j − 1)dj . (40)
Eq. (40) allows the calculation of maximum adhesion
force Fadh,max for j = 1 and maximum cohesion force Fig. 10. Influence of maximum cohesion force on number of layers,
Fcoh,max for j = 2. The radial forces becomes proportional bubble coverage angle (♦), and number of particles adhering to a gas
with the number of layers for max > 20◦ and Rb > 20Rp . bubble ().
In this case, the forces are
3S Fa (Rb + Rp )(hT − Rp )
Fadh,max = f (max ) adhering to a gas bubble is WT = NT W0 , where the number
2Rp2 of particles NT is given by
3 Fa (hT − Rp ) 2 Rb +hT max
+ − Fa , (41)
2Rp S 0 Rb r2 0 sin  d dr d

NT =
31 2 Fa (Rb + Rp ) 4Rp3 /3
Fcoh,max = Fadh,max − f (max ). (42) Rb (Rb + hT )hT
Rp ≈ 3S (1 − cos max ). (44)
These latter equations allow the calculation of maximum
coverage angle max and agglomerate thickness hT from Fig. 10 shows the influence of cohesion forces on the mul-
maximum adhesion and cohesion forces, or the other way tilayer configuration as bubble coverage angle, number of
around. The thickness hT depends on the cohesion forces layers and total number of particles. In the case of one layer,
Fcoh,max . At low cohesion forces, the particles may adhere the coverage angle was calculated from maximum adhesion
to a bubble only as a monolayer. At higher cohesive forces force, using Eq. (23) or (37). Consequently, the number of
two or more layers can adhere to the bubble, but the cover- particles results from Eq. (43). For more than one layer, the
age angle is decreasing. Very high cohesive forces between maximum number of particles NT was determined by opti-
particles increase the aggregate thickness and decrease the misation, varying the number of layers and particles on each
coverage angle. In this case, the aggregate can be detached layer. There is one equality constraint given by a constant ad-
from the gas bubble as a whole. Thus, an aggregate of par- hesion force and inequality constraints given by the coverage
ticles has the same properties as a single but bigger particle, angle of each layer, max,1 max,2  · · · max,j max . The
with a lower solid density. cohesion forces result from Eq. (37), where Fcoh,max =Fr,0,2 .
Fig. 10 shows the maximum bubble coverage of 82◦ at
6.5. Number of particles in multilayer zero cohesion forces, corresponding to a monolayer of par-
ticles. The cohesive force decreases the coverage angle but
In the general case, the total number of particles NT ad- increases the number of layers. Note that the number of lay-
hering to a bubble in the form of a multilayer can be calcu- ers was represented on a secondary axis but on the same
lated by summation of all levels of all layers: coordinate as the cohesion force.
The second curve in Fig. 10 shows the total number of
max i
j max,j
particles in aggregate. Up to five layers, the cohesion force
NT = Ni,j . (43)
increases the number of particles. The maximum number
j =1 i=0
of particles shown in the figure (max NT = 1123) occurs
In particular, if the thickness of particles hT and the cov- at Fcoh,max = 2.98 nN. The coverage angle is about half of
erage angle max are constants, the total weight of particles the monolayer coverage angle. Beyond this maximum, the
F. Omota et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 823 – 834 833

coverage angle and the maximum number of particles are Fr,i,j radial forces in mono- (absent if j = 1 is unique)
decreasing. and multi-layer adhesion, N
Ft,i,j tangential forces in mono- (absent if j =1 is unique)
and multi-layer adhesion, N
7. Conclusions g gravitation constant equal to 9.807, m s−2
hj thickness of particle aggregate below of the centre
The adhesion of small particles to gas bubbles under of a particle of layer j, m
stagnant conditions was described by a generalised model. hT thickness of particle aggregate in multilayer adhe-
The model correlates the maximum particle–bubble adhe- sion, m
sion force and the intraparticle cohesive forces to the bubble i level position in a monolayer (see Fig. 5)
coverage angle and aggregate thickness, explaining mono- j layer position in an aggregate
and multilayer adhesion. For known geometries e.g. spheri- N number of particles in a cluster, except the particle
cal particles with smooth, homogeneous and clean surfaces, adhering to bubble
the maximum adhesion force can be directly computed from R radius, m
three-phase contact angle. However, the use of the maxi-
mum adhesion force instead of the three-phase contact angle Greek letters
reduces the number of model parameters and extends the
model applicability to porous particles.  coverage angle defined as the angle formed by the
Particles adhere to gas bubbles as a monolayer only when centre of a particle, the centre of a spherical bubble,
the particle–particle cohesion forces are negligible as com- and the lowest pole of the bubble (see Figs. 5 and
pared to the apparent weight of a single particle immersed 8), rad
in the liquid. When this is not the case, particles may ad- LG superficial tension of G–L interface, N m−1
here as an aggregate or multilayer. Higher adhesive forces j ratio of the thickness hj to the radius Rj corre-
result in higher bubble coverage with particles and higher sponding to a particle on layer j
number of particles adhering to a bubble. An increase in the  angle formed by the centre of a spherical bubble
cohesion forces between particles results in higher aggre- and two consecutive levels, in vertical plane, rad
gate thickness but lower bubble coverage. If the cohesion P difference in pressure of gas and liquid at the three-
forces exceed the adhesion forces, the particles may form phase contact line, PG − PL , Pa
large aggregates, unable to adhere to gas bubbles due to their z position of three-phase contact line of an adhering
apparent weight. particle relative to free liquid meniscus, m
The model developed in this work also explains the in- 1 volumetric fraction of spherical particles in a mono-
fluence of agglomeration on the gas-liquid mass transfer in layer
slurry bubble reactors. Thus, an increase of the intra-particle 2 factor accounting for the presence of voids
cohesive forces produces the particle agglomeration, result- 3 factor accounting for the interlacement of consec-
ing in lower bubble coverage and lower gas-liquid mass utive layers
transfer, in agreement with the conclusion of Vinke et al. S volumetric fraction of solid particles in monolayer
(1991b) and the experiments of van der Zon et al. (1999). or multilayer aggregate
 three-phase contact angle for a single particle ad-
hering at the G–L interface, rad
Notation L liquid density, kg m−3
S density of particles having the pores filled with liq-
di distance between any two adjacent levels, m uid, kg m−3
dj distance between any two adjacent layers, m  angle of penetration of a particle into the G–L in-
Epb dimensionless Eotvos number for particle–bubble terface, rad
interactions, (S − L )gR p (Rp + Rb )/LG  function characteristic to particle shape, orienta-
f function characteristic to bubble shape; f (x) = x − tion, roughness and/or porosity
sin(x) cos(x) for spherical bubbles
Fa apparent weight of a particle in liquid, N Superscripts
Fadh adhesion force of a particle to a gas bubble, N * approximated by a shortcut method
Fb buoyancy force of a particle in liquid, N N number of particles
Fc capillary force of a particle attached to a bubble, N s solid particle, pores filled with liquid
Fd detachment force defined by Eq. (6), N
Fg gravity force of a particle having the pores filled Subscripts
with liquid, N
Fp force resulting from the capillary pressure in the adh adhesion of particle to gas bubble
bubble, N b bubble
834 F. Omota et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 823 – 834

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