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trends in analytical chemistry, vol. 13, no.

70, 1994 425

1.J.B. Meuwsen is at the Pharma Bio-Research Protection, State Inspectorate of Public Health
Labora tories B. V., Assen, The Netherlands. (Ministry of Welfare, Health and Cultural Affairs),
M.L. Salm is at the Chief lnspectorate of Health Rijswijk, The Netherlands.

The chemistry of enzyme and protein

immobilization with glutaraldehyde
David R. Walt *, Venetka I. Agayn Despite the success of this reagent, the proce-
Medford, MA, USA dures employed have been developed largely
through empirical methods rather than with a full
Immobilization of proteins to solid matrices understanding of the nature and chemistry of the
has been performed for the last thirty years reagent. It is the intention of this article to clarify
and has provided numerous examples of some of the chemistry of glutaraldehyde and to
successful preparations with use in enzyme propose mechanisms through which immobiliza-
reactors, sensor preparation and immunodi- tion occurs. Our purposes here are to review the
agnostics. Among the arsenal of coupling literature on the structure of GA and to speculate
reagents and procedures, glutaraldehyde on its nature so as to provide the protein immobi-
plays a critical role due to its reliability and lization practitioner with guidelines regarding the
ease of use. It displays a complex chemistry chemistry of this reagent.
that is transparent to most practitioners of
immobilization. In this article we detail the
structure and reactivity of glutaraldehyde 2. History of GA uses
protein immobilization.
Glutaraldehyde has been used as a fixative for
decades [4]. Its ability to ‘fix’ tissue has to do with
1. Introduction its bifunctional nature resulting in its cross-linking
capability. Proteins within tissue become cross-
Of the many commercially available cross-link- linked leading to a tissue ‘polymer’ that cannot be
ing agents, glutaraldehyde (pentandial) has dissolved or dissected into its components except
undoubtedly found the widest applications. It is by gross mechanical means. Initial studies on the
used to immobilize proteins to solid supports for chemistry of cross-linking with GA were prompted
use in enzyme reactors, affinity chromatography, by its use for preparing stable crystals for X-ray
in immunochemical research, and as a cross-link- diffraction studies [ 51 or fixing tissue samples for
ing agent for biosensors. Glutaraldehyde (GA) is microscopic investigation [ 61. It was established
a generally dependable material that invariably that treatment of the fragile protein crystals with
gives high yields of immobilized protein on the GA renders them mechanically stable and insoluble
support. Two principal procedures exist for accom- in 1 A4 NaCl, however, the treated samples still
plishing immobilization with GA including: retained approximately 30-70% of their original
0 activation of the support followed by treat- enzyme activity [ 71. Such crystals develop a yel-
ment with the protein (e.g., polyacrylamide low color, however, treatment with NaBH, leads
and controlled-pore glass) ; to the disappearance of the color and a slight
0 protein cross-linking in which GA acts to increase in the enzyme activity [ 51.
cross-link proteins thereby czausing them to GA has also found multiple uses in immuno-
gel (e.g., membranes for enzyme electrodes chemistry:
[ 1 ] and fiber optic sensors [ 2,3] ). 0 to prepare adjuvants by cross-linking proteins
in order to render them more immunogenic
* Corresponding author. [81,

0 1994 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved 0165-9936/94/$07.00

426 trends in analyticalchemistry, vol. 13, no. 70, 1994

0 to cross-link antibodies (Ab) or antigens zation, many thought that its cross-linking ability
(Ag) absorbed on solid supports to enhance was due to Schiff base formation between lysine
their stability [9], residues on proteins and the aldehyde groups on
0 to fix cells on microtiter plates in the prepa- GA. This notion persists even today [ 2 I]. These
ration of screening assays [ IO], Schiff bases, however, are known to be highly
0 to conjugate Ab or Ag to enzymes for ELISA labile and would be expected to be reversible under
assays [ Ill, most aqueous conditions [22]. Because of this
0 to prepare affinity columns in which Ags or lability, the common protocol was to reduce the
Abs are coupled to GA activated beads to incipient Schiff base with NaBH4 or NaB (CN) H3
obtain highly specific immunoadsorbents for to an amine. Although this procedure is practised
isolating Ags or Abs in high yields [ 121. routinely even today, there is little evidence that
GA also has been used extensively in enzyme such reduction enhances the stability of the immo-
and viable and non-viable cell immobilization bilized protein. In fact, it is well known that pro-
[ 13,141. Among its many industrial applications teins immobilized with GA are sufficiently stable
are the immobilization of lactase on carbon by even in the presence of exogenous amine to confirm
adsorption followed by GA cross-linking and the that the Schiff base mechanism cannot be operative
use of GA immobilized penicillin acylase for the [ 71. Furthermore, the use of reducing agents might
production of 6-aminopenicillanic acid - a start- be inappropriate in cases where disulfide bridges
ing material in the production of a number of p- in the protein are responsible for maintaining struc-
lactam antibiotics. Many different supports can be tural integrity and reactivity.
used [ 151 in conjunction with GA including nylon, Another mystery regarding GA is its enhanced
fumed silica, controlled-pore glass, cross-linked effectiveness upon standing. Many experienced
proteins such as gelatin and bovine serum albumin, immobilization chemists ignore the label on the GA
and polymers with pendant amino-groups. The container that recommends it be stored at 0°C and
recovery of enzyme activity is different in each leave it out on the lab bench before ever using it
preparation, but as a rule the enzymes are found to for immobilization. This practice is believed to
be more temperature stable, more resistant to dena- allow GA to react intermolecularly to form poly-
turation and more stable to prolonged use. meric structures which provide a reagent with
GA is used routinely in research for the prepa- enhanced cross-linking and immobilization capa-
ration of biosensors in which enzymes or cells are bility. Although such practice leads to an efficient
attached to transducers such as optical fibers or protein immobilization, freshly distilled GA is also
electrodes [ l-31. Enzyme electrodes and therm- highly effective.
istor probes have been prepared by immobilizing Finally, GA obviously possesses unique char-
alcohol oxidase on the electrode [ 161; sensors also acteristics that render it a far more effective cross-
have been prepared by immobilizing alkaline phos- linking reagent than other dialdehydes, such as
phatase [3] or penicillinase [ 21 on glass optical glyoxal, malonaldehyde, succinaldehyde, etc.
fibers. [23]. We hope to clarify this unique chemistry in
A different application of GA’s ‘fixing’ capabil- the following section.
ities is its use in preparing microcapsules (or
microspheres) from proteins such as gelatin or
albumin for drug delivery devices. In this case GA 3. Structures of glutaraldehyde
cross-links the protein spheres to ‘harden’ them
[171. The effectiveness of GA immobilization and the
All these diverse applications underscore the controversies surrounding its chemical behavior
importance of understanding the chemistry of GA can be rationalized with a multiplicity of structures
to achieve the best results in each particular that depend on the solution conditions. Different
instance. A substantial literature exists regarding studies [ 19,24-261 have shown that commercial
the structure and use of GA [ 7,18-201. Active aqueous solutions of GA (25 or 70%) represent
research continues to provide new examples and multicomponent mixtures. The pH of these aque-
applications of this reagent. ous solutions is 3.1 which can be explained if some
In addition to the published literature, a great of the aldehyde groups are partially oxidized to
deal of anecdotal information exists concerning the carboxylic acids. NMR analysis identified the fol-
use of GA. When GA was first used for immobili- lowing GA structures in water: free GA (I), linear
trends in analytical chemistry, vol. 13, no. 10, 1994 427

gested that dilute solutions might improve the stor-

age of monomeric GA [ 61.
Obviously, each structure would participate dif-
I\ ferently in cross-linking reactions and result in dif-
ferent products. One could propose the products
shown in Fig. 2 upon reaction of these different
compounds with protein. Aldehydes would be
expected to form Schiff bases upon nucleophilic
attack by the lysine residues in the protein as shown
OH OH in Eq. ( 1) . Schiff bases are unstable under acidic
I II III conditions and they break down to regenerate the
aldehyde and amine. With this in mind, many pro-
cedures have recommended the use of a reducing
agent such as NaBH, to convert the Schiff base to
a stable secondary amine. Some researchers have
found that preparations treated with reducing
HO~"~oH agents exhibit higher activity than the untreated
ones. However, it has been established that GA
treated proteins do not regenerate lysine (6 MHCl,
Fig. 1. Structures of GA in water solution.
110°C 24 h) [ 181. Hence, Schiff base formation
is not the likely mechanism of this reaction. A sub-
mono- (II) and dihydrates (III), a cyclic hemi- sequent reduction step would not be necessary to
acetal (IV) and oligomers (V) (Fig. 1). Upon stabilize either products IVa or Va of reactions (2)
raising the temperature, the amount of free GA or (3). Thus it is likely that under acidic conditions
increases greatly at the expense of the cyclic monomeric and multimeric GA react via reactions
hydrates [ 24,251. In more concentrated solutions (2) and (3).
(higher than 25%)) or under acid conditions, cyclic Basic conditions cause GA to undergo rapidly
hemihydrate multimers V can be formed. Upon intermolecular aldol condensations and result in
dilution with distilled water, however, these poly- a,P-unsaturated oligomeric aldehydes of type VI
meric materials revert to a monomeric form of GA shown in Fig. 3. Their formation can be monitored
as would be expected from the reversibility of the by an increase in absorbance at 235 nm, where pure
hydration reaction. Therefore, it has been sug- GA does not absorb. Structures VI were proposed
initially as the major constituent of pure GA solu-
tions [ 271, but the contemporary view attributes
their formation to a reaction of GA under basic

conditions. In these products, the internal aldehyde
groups exist in conjugation with the C-C double
bonds and Schiff bases formed at these positions
(such as Via) would be greatly stabilized by res-
(2) onance thus explaining their acid stability. Upon

reduction with NaBH, a stable secondary amine is
formed. Under excess of amine a second reaction
is possible, i.e., a Michael addition to the double
IV bond. This reaction would result in disruption of
the resonance stabilization and render the adduct
VIc labile to acid hydrolysis. Based on these reac-
tivity principles and from IR spectral evidence,
Monsan et al. [28] argue that the product of the
reaction of an Q-unsaturated aldehyde polymer
with amino groups in proteins is not a Michael
V ?
V&3 product but the imine stabilized conjugate Via.
Fig. 2. Reactions of GA with proteins under acidic or Others accept the original suggestion of Richards
neutral conditions. and Knowles that the polymeric unsaturated alde-
428 trends in analytical chemistry, vol. 13, no. 10, 1994



_ x


(1) NHzeEz



- x EZ’N H -x


(2) NHy-“-Ez

Er %N

-“C -CHO


EZ’# _ x


Fig. 3. Reactions of polymeric GA with proteins under basic conditions.

hyde reacts in a Michael fashion to form a product coupling GA with enzyme the maximum binding
VIb which is stable to acid hydrolysis. was achieved at pH 7.7 for 2 h at 4°C. Activation
To complicate the matter further, another prod- of the gel at a pH higher than 7.0 leads to extensive
uct of the reaction of GA with proteins was sug- aggregation of the beads, presumably due to
gested to be quaternary pyridinium compound increased GA polymerization. These results are in
VIII. Direct evidence for the product formed accord with the suggested structures for GA and
between GA and lysine residues in proteins was their behavior in reaction with proteins. Lower pH
obtained in the work of Hardy et al. [29] who is more appropriate for activation of the gel since
isolated and identified a quaternary pyridinium GA is more stable under these conditions (i.e. less
compound (Fig. 4). They suggested that this prod- prone to polymerization), while higher pH is
uct results from a reaction of the a&unsaturated required for efficient nucleophilic attack by the pro-
multimeric aldehyde with proteins to form a simple tein’s lysine residues.
Schiff base VII which can undergo cyclization,
dehydration and internal redox reactions.
It is interesting to speculate whether proteins can
catalyze the aldol condensation/polymerization of
GA. Proteins contain both acid residues, such as (CHzh
I Hz0 KHz)4

aspartic and glutamic acids, as well as base resi-

dues, such as histidine and lysine. These residues :~,II,‘,:r~za,,o” ) (J--o

can catalyze aldol condensation via Knoevenagel o/lJ=ol

type condensations. Thus excess monomeric GA (CHzh

may polymerize upon exposure to the very protein
it cross-links! ._.._NH-CH-CO _.__ ,,... NH-CH-CO _.__

A study of the effect of pH on the immobilization

efficiency of acid phosphatase [ 301 showed that \I1 VIII

the optimal pH for activating polyacrylamide beads Fig. 4. Cross-linking with GA through quaternary pyr-
with GA is 6.9 at 4°C for up to 40 h, while for idinium compound.
trends in analyticalchemistry vol. 13, no. 10, 1994 429


Fig. 5. Structure of polymeric GA product of incomplete condensation undergoing a Cannizzaro reaction.

More recent studies suggest polyGA is a more occur with free aldehyde groups producing both
efficient cross-linking reagent than monomeric primary hydroxyls and carboxylic acid groups in
GA. PolyGA was used to immobilize antibodies these polymers (Fig. 5).
on soluble substrates [ 3 11. PolyGA was prepared During the aldol condensation of GA solutions,
by allowing GA solutions to react at pH 7.0-13.5 oligomers are also formed with improved cross-
resulting in either soluble or insoluble reactive pol- linking characteristics [ 321. Alkali treated solu-
ymers with a variable number of hydrated and non- tions of GA are reported to result in higher activity
hydrated aldehyde groups that may be conjugated of immobilized alcohol dehydrogenase and gluta-
with ethylenic linkages. Due to incomplete dehy- mate dehydrogenase than untreated GA. The oligo-
dration of the aldol products, secondary hydroxyl mers are considered to be of the structure VI shown
groups may be present. Cannizzaro reactions also in Fig. 3. A recent study [33] identified dimers X
and XI as major components in the alkaline acti-
vated GA as shown in Fig. 6. Reaction of X and
CHO XI with proteins may involve a Michael addition
OHC CHO to the double bonds to give Xa and XIa. If these
reactions occur, no reduction with NaBH, or
VI NaB( CN) H, is necessary to stabilize the adducts.

m OH ===== oHcaOH 4. Conclusions

GA is the reagent of choice in many applications

ErmNH> EzmNH2
for fast and dependable protein immobilization. It
I I is inexpensive, readily available and easy to use.
‘NH ‘NH GA exists in different forms depending on the solu-
tion conditions. Under acidic and neutral solutions
GA exists as a monomer in either its free aldehyde
tl? ti OH
form, hydrate or hemiacetal. At higher concentra-
Xa XL3 tions it polymerizes to oligomeric hemiacetals. All
EzmNHn of these forms can react with proteins in different
ways and lead to immobilization. Under basic con-
‘NH ditions GA undergoes aldol condensations to form
OHC a&unsaturated multimeric aldehydes. These
products react with proteins either via stabilized
o H Schiff base formation or by a Michael adduct for-
Xlb mation. Polymeric GA in either linear or cyclized
Fig. 6. Reactions of dimeric cyclic GA with proteins forms shows improved immobilization capabili-
under basic conditions. ties. The protocol for using GA should be specified
430 trendsin analyticalchemistry,
vol. 13, no. IO, 1994

for each particular protein and application. Despite [I21 T. Ternynck and S. Avrameas, FEBS Lett., 23
protocol differences, there are several general use- (1972) 24.
ful guidelines for the practitioner: [I31 S. Gestrelius, in B. Mattiasson (Editor),
0 GA should be stored in dilute solutions at low Immobilized Cells and Organelles, Vol. 11,CRC
temperature and at pH 3-4 to prevent poly- Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1983, p. 1.
merization. I141 P.W. Carr and L.D. Bowers, Immobilized Enzymes
0 Activating the support for immobilization, in Analytical and Clinical Chemistry, Wiley, New
should be conducted at a lower pH, (e.g. pH York, 1980, p. 164.
6.8) while the protein coupling should be car- [15 C. Peracchia and B.S. Mittler, J. Ultrastruct. Res.,
39 (1972) 57.
ried out at an elevated pH to promote nucleo-
philic attack and improve immobilization. [I6 G.G. Guilbault, B. Danielsson, CF. Mandenius
and K. Mosbach, Anal. Chem., 55 ( 1983) 1582.
0 The use of a reducing agent is usually not
[I7 A.F. Yapel, Methods Enzymol., 112 (1985) 12.
required and might prove disadvantageous for
[I81 F.A. Quiocho, Methods Enzymol., 44 ( 1976) 546.
the particular application. The necessity for
[I91 P.M. Hardy, A.C. Nicholls and H.N. Rydon,
reduction should be confirmed before it is Chem. Commufz., (1969) 565.
incorporated into a particular protocol. [ 201 K. Peters and F.M. Richards, Ann. Rev. Biochem.,
0 The use of polymeric GA may be advanta- 46 (1977) 523.
geous. Caution should be used however, since I211 K. Makino, S-i. Marou, Y. Morita and T.
the polymeric form will have large dimen- Takeuchi, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 31 ( 1988) 617.
sions and lower diffusion rates which may be [221 E.H. Cordes and W.P. Jencks, J. Am. Chem. Sot.,
a disadvantage in certain applications (e.g. 84 (1962) 2910.
when fixing tissue samples or activating bulk ~231 J.H. Bowes and C.W. Cater, Biochem. Biophys.
polymer matrices). Res. Commun., 168 ( 1968) 341.
The complexity of GA should not discourage its ~241 A.H. Kern, Feairheller and E.M. Filachione, J.
use for immobilizing proteins; in fact, all known Mol. Biol., 65 (1972) 525.
forms exhibit the ability to react and cross-link L251 P.M. Hardy, A.C. Nicholls and H.N. Rydon, J.
proteins. By judicious choice of storage and reac- Chem. Sot. Perkin Trans. II, ( 1972) 2270.
tion conditions, GA can be used successfully for [261 E.B. Whipple and M. Ruta, 1. Org. Chem., 39
many protein immobilization needs. ( 1974) 1666.
1271 F.M. Richards and J.R. Knowles, J. Mol. Biol., 36
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57 (1975) 1281.
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l51 F.A. Quiocho and F.M. Richards, Biochemistry, H. Tanaka, T. Tashima and M. Imai, Chem.
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[81 R. Jemmerson and E. Margoliash, Methods
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191 Z. Gilead, Y. Gaziff, G. Klein and D. Sulitzeanu, Department of Chemistry at Tufts University,
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L111 P. Tijssen, Practice and Theory of Enzyme Venetka I. Agayn is a graduate student at Tufts
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223. control, optical sensors and immunoanalysis.

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