Mariah Bissoon C.S. Introduction Draft 1

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     The chosen theme of this portfolio is ‘The Impact of Anxiety on a Student’s Mental
Wellbeing. The purpose of this portfolio is to educate society on the various ways anxiety
disorders can have negative effects on a student’s productivity and ability to learn. 
     The theme is evident in the Reflection which entails the impact of anxiety: lack of
motivation, ability to concentrate and helplessness a student would face, thus effectively
interacting with the audience and educating them on the challenges faced daily.
Additionally, the theme is also evident in the Exposition where research through the
usage of primary and secondary data collected as it provides a considerable amount of
evidence on the impact of anxiety on students’ wellbeing. 
     Personally, this topic peaked my interest as I have witnessed my peers and family
suffer with these issues and the negative impact it has left on their lives. Additionally, in
my CAPE Biology class, we discussed the effects of diseases on the body and learnt that
they do not only affect a person physically but mentally as well. I noticed that many
people are unaware of how ever-present mental health issues are and how to properly
deal with them. Thus, I am considering a career path in psychology, to assist victims of
mental illnesses and to shed light on the issues they face.

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