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Time Management

Trainer: Quynh-Anh Nguyen

• “Time and Tide wait for none”.

• An individual should understand the value of

time for him to succeed in all aspects of life.

• People who waste time are the ones who fail

to create an identity of their own.

Complete the following statements

directly on a worksheet or feel free

to use a journal. Be honest with

yourself while reflecting on places in

your life where you currently use

your time well and other areas where

you’d like to be more productive. Use

this time management exercise to

hold yourself accountable and revisit

it every few months to keep yourself

on track.
1. The projects I am prioritizing right now are ………………….

(e.g., studying, creating a blog, testing recipes, etc.)

2. This week, I accomplished …………, which supports my goal of…………..

(e.g., This week, I accomplished completing all videos and activities

for Module 1, which supports my goal of completing my IIN program.)

3. This week, I did not complete ………… because…………… .

(e.g., This week, I did not complete a Module 2 video because my dinner

with a friend ran longer than expected.)

4. I often interrupt my work to ……………

(e.g., watch television, text a friend, check Facebook, etc.)

5. I retain information better when I ………….

(e.g., take notes, discuss the material with a friend, review the information

multiple times, etc.)

6. I keep track of my schedule with …………. It works for me because………………..

(e.g., I keep track of my schedule with my phone calendar. It works for

me because I carry it with me everywhere and can easily update it as needed.)

7. I say no to projects and/or people when ………...

(e.g., I have no space left in my calendar, I know I need to make time for myself,

their goals or priorities don’t line up with mine, etc.)

8. I feel stressed or stretched thin when …….. I know I am stressed when ……….

(e.g., I feel stressed or stretched thin when I try to cram too much into my

calendar and forget to make time to eat. I know I am stressed when little things

make me angry and I want to snap at everyone.)

9. I feel energized when I ………….

(e.g., attend my morning yoga class, meditate in the evening, stretch

between long sessions at the computer, etc.)

10. I focus better when I …….

(e.g., have a looming deadline, take a 15-minute break every hour, put my

phone on silent, etc.)

Time Management refers to

• managing time effectively so that the right time is allocated to the right


• making the best use of time, as time is always limited.

• I work better under pressure.

• No matter what I do, I won't have enough time!.

• I’ll do it later as the target date is still far, I

still have a lot of time.

• Ignore the task, hope it will go away

• Underestimate how long it will take/overestimate your

abilities and resources

• Tell yourself that poor performance is okay/insisting on


• Do something else that isn’t very important

• Believe that repeated “minor” delays won’t hurt you

• Talk about rather than doing it

• Put all your work on only one part of the task

• Become paralyzed when having to make choices.

• Save time

• Reduce stress

• Work effectively

• Increase productivity

• Improve self-esteem

• Balance in life

• …
• 1. Make you punctual & disciplined

To make the judicious use of time

• 2. Make You More Organized

◦ Keep things at their proper places minimizes time

wasted on unnecessary search for documents, files,

folders, stationery items.

◦ Keep your workstation, zones, cubicles, meeting clean

and organized.
• 3. Boost Your Morale & Confidence
◦ Accomplish tasks within the stipulated time frame makes you

popular in the organization as well as amongst your peers.

◦ People who understand the value of time are the ones who

manage to stand apart from the crowd.

◦ Individuals who finish off work on time are looked up to by

others and are always the centre of attention everywhere.

• 4. Reduce Time to Reach Goal & Objectives

◦ Managing time effectively helps employees to meet target ahead of


◦ Effective time management plays a pivotal role in increasing an

individual’s productivity.
• 5. Make you plan better

◦ You have to learn how to plan things well, and know where

exactly they stand five years from now.

• 6. Reduce Stress & Anxiety

◦ Remember,there is no point in wasting time and cribbing later.

◦ Finish off pending work on time and then you would have lot of time for your friends, relatives and

family members.
• 7. Better Prioritize of Tasks & Activities

◦ It is foolish overburdened.

◦ Do not accept anything and everything that comes on your way.

• Avoid keeping stacks of file and heaps of paper at

your workstation.

• Throw what all you don’t need.

• Put important documents in folders.

• Keep the files in their respective drawers with labels on

top of each file.

• It saves time which goes on unnecessary searching.

• Concentrate and finish assignments on time.

– Don’t wait till the last moment.

• Do not kill time by loitering or gossiping around.

• Remember your organization/parents are not paying you

for playing games on computer or peeping into other’s


• First complete your work and then do whatever you feel

like doing.
• Develop the habit of using planners, organizers,

table calendars for better time management.

• Set reminders on phones or your personal

• 1. Set SMART goals

• 2. Plan effectively

• 3. Make a schedule
• Set priorities

• Delegate of responsibilities

• Prioritize activities as per their importance

• Spend the right time on the right activity

• 4. Revisit & revise your plan

• Make your goals specific and concrete. Don’t be vague.

• Set both long-term goals and short-term ones to support


• Set a deadline for your goals.

• Integrate your goals: school, personal and career.

• Realize that goals change, but know which goals to stick to!
• Big rock demonstration
To make sure your goals are clear and reachable, each one should be:

• Specific (simple, sensible, significant).

• Measurable (meaningful, motivating).

• Achievable (agreed, attainable).

• Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based).

• Time bound (time-based, time limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive).

1. Specific
Your goal should be clear and specific, otherwise you won't be able to focus your efforts or feel truly
motivated to achieve it. When drafting your goal, try to answer the five "W" questions:
◦ What do I want to accomplish?
◦ Why is this goal important?
◦ Who is involved?
◦ Where is it located?
◦ Which resources or limits are involved?


Imagine that you are currently a marketing executive, and you'd like to become head of marketing. A
specific goal could be, "I want to gain the skills and experience necessary to become head of
marketing within my organization, so that I can build my career and lead a successful team."
2. Measurable
It's important to have measurable goals, so that you can track your progress and stay motivated.
Assessing progress helps you to stay focused, meet your deadlines, and feel the excitement of
getting closer to achieving your goal.
A measurable goal should address questions such as:
◦ How much?
◦ How many?
◦ How will I know when it is accomplished?
You might measure your goal of acquiring the skills to become head of marketing by determining that
you will have completed the necessary training courses and gained the relevant experience within five
years' time.
2. Measurable
It's important to have measurable goals, so that you can track your progress and stay motivated.
Assessing progress helps you to stay focused, meet your deadlines, and feel the excitement of
getting closer to achieving your goal.
A measurable goal should address questions such as:
◦ How much?
◦ How many?
◦ How will I know when it is accomplished?
You might measure your goal of acquiring the skills to become head of marketing by determining that
you will have completed the necessary training courses and gained the relevant experience within five
years' time.
3. Achievable
Your goal also needs to be realistic and attainable to be successful. In other words, it should stretch
your abilities but still remain possible. When you set an achievable goal, you may be able to identify
previously overlooked opportunities or resources that can bring you closer to it.

An achievable goal will usually answer questions such as:

 How can I accomplish this goal?

 How realistic is the goal, based on other constraints, such as financial factors?
3. Achievable
Your goal also needs to be realistic and attainable to be successful. In other words, it should stretch
your abilities but still remain possible. When you set an achievable goal, you may be able to identify
previously overlooked opportunities or resources that can bring you closer to it.

An achievable goal will usually answer questions such as:

 How can I accomplish this goal?

 How realistic is the goal, based on other constraints, such as financial factors?

You might need to ask yourself whether developing the skills required to become head of marketing is
realistic, based on your existing experience and qualifications. For example, do you have the time to
complete the required training effectively? Are the necessary resources available to you? Can you
afford to do it?
4. Relevant
This step is about ensuring that your goal matters to you, and that it also aligns with other relevant
goals. We all need support and assistance in achieving our goals, but it's important to retain control
over them. So, make sure that your plans drive everyone forward, but that you're still responsible
for achieving your own goal.
A relevant goal can answer "yes" to these questions:
◦ Does this seem worthwhile?
◦ Is this the right time?
◦ Does this match our other efforts/needs?
◦ Am I the right person to reach this goal?
◦ Is it applicable in the current socio-economic environment?
You might want to gain the skills to become head of marketing within your organization, but is it the
right time to undertake the required training, or work toward additional qualifications? Are you sure
that you're the right person for the head of marketing role? Have you considered your spouse's
goals? For example, if you want to start a family, would completing training in your free time make
this more difficult?
5. Time-bound
Every goal needs a target date, so that you have a deadline to focus on and something to work
toward. This part of the SMART goal criteria helps to prevent everyday tasks from taking priority
over your longer-term goals.
A time-bound goal will usually answer these questions:
◦ When?
◦ What can I do six months from now?
◦ What can I do six weeks from now?
◦ What can I do today?
Gaining the skills to become head of marketing may require additional training or experience , as we
mentioned earlier. How long will it take you to acquire these skills? Do you need further training, so
that you're eligible for certain exams or qualifications? It's important to give yourself a realistic
time frame for accomplishing the smaller goals that are necessary to achieving your final objective.
 Plan your day well in advance.
1. Prepare a To Do List or a “TASK PLAN”.
2. Order activities according to their priority.
3. Allocate suitable time to each activity.

 Complete pending tasks one by one.

- Do not begin fresh work unless you have finished your
previous task.

 Tick the ones you have already completed.

 Ensure you finish tasks within the stipulated time frame.

 Set realistic goals, there are only 24 hours in a day.

 Use spare time to review.

 Do some tasks at the same time each day: make it a


 Divide study time into manageable chunks

 Leave extra time at the end!

 Avoid the temptation to socialize when you’ve scheduled
 If friends ask you to join them last minute, decline outright,
but ask if you could get together later in the week.
 Socializing is important when you don’t have other things to
worry about!
 Study somewhere you won’t be tempted to chat, watch
movies or YouTube, or use social utilities like Facebook.
 Texts are a major distraction.
 Immediately note all changes.
◦ Exam/Paper due date revisions
◦ Meeting additions/cancellations
◦ Work schedule changes
◦ Upcoming visitors, etc., etc…
 Preview the upcoming week making any necessary adjustments.

 Preview each day to see what might happen…

 Time and energy management can make you more productive and reduce
your stress level.
 Be tough with your time. Actively avoid procrastination and time
wasters. Learn to say “no” to distractions.
 Employ a variety of time management strategies to maximize your time.
 Relax and enjoy the extra time that you’ve discovered!

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