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This story is about Olive, a happy orphan girl.

She lived in
an orphanage, but the house burns up when she was 6.
She was the only survivor of the fire but is not about that
story we are going to talk about.
Nobody wanted Olive in their house, so she was taken to
a small village where had a small church that she was
going to live. Olive lived in her room that only had a bed
(was not particularly good, but that it was she had), a bed
table and some old boxes, but what Olive really liked was
climb to the highest part of the church, where there was
a big clock like Big Bang in London. She spent a lot of her
time on this “little tower”, she liked a lot to count the
She spent so long time on this tower, watching the clock,
that her brain changed a little bit. A part of her brain
starts to count the time, even when she was not on the
tower. She always knew the exact hour, minute, and
sometimes the seconds of the day, all because she grew
up on her last 7 years looking to a clock.
But in one day when olive woke up, in 6h and 37 minutes
a.m., she involuntarily thought on a time: 16h and 17
minutes. She did not care to that so, she continued with
her routine, but her mind would not let she pay attention
on anything! It was always different times: on her
breakfast, 15h and 54 minutes; when she sited down in
front of the clock on the tower, 15h and 39 minutes;
when she was on the park just walking a little bit, 7h and
24 minutes, even when she was shopping at the market,
5h and 5 minutes; and so many others. Olive could not
take it! But then she thought: “My mind probably is not
just thinking on aleatory times, it might have something
on that…” … and it had! She marked the last time that her
mind thought: 3h and 24 minutes, and when her mind
thought again later, 2h and 47minutes, it had a little
surprise. The difference of time in that two times is about
37 minutes, and the difference of time when Olive’s mind
thought in the first time and the second was 37 minutes,
that means that her mind is not thinking on aleatory
times, it is really counting the time to something
happens! Olive made an easy math and discovered that in
2h and 47minutes its going to be 21h and 54minutes p.m.
so, she stayed awake until this time. Fifteen minutes
before the time, she took a small piece of wood in the old
boxes on her room, went down in the church and hided
behind in one of the tables that was there. When was 21h
and 54minutes in this exact time, a medium man enters
in the church. He was with a black jacked and pants,
covering his face with a black mask. The man went near
to a small box with little decorations, Olive recognized the
box, it was where all the church money was! So, Olive’s
mind was trying to warn her about a theft? Well, she does
not care about that on the situation. When the thief was
almost opening the box, Olive hit him with the piece of
wood on his head, making he pass out. She called the
police, with the owner of the church and the priest. The
thief was arrested, and Olive got may accolades from
some cops.
On the next day, Olive woke up happy, because she saved
the church’s money and now, she was “famous” on the
village! Well, she woke up and did not thought on any
time, so that means that she was free to that discomfort?
Yes, she was! But at least, to the next 2 days. Two days
later this event, when Olive was on the clock’s tower, in
19h and 43 minutes p.m. she thought again: 23minutes.
In the first time she got surprised, it was a small time! She
thought and thought again in what was going to
happened on this time, but when she decided to go to the
church’s kitchen to drink some water and calm down, the
crime already started. A tall man enters on the church
with a knife, with the intention of kill Olive. Olive leaved
the kitchen on the exact time that the killer looked at her
way. She got panic and stared to run and went to the
clock’s tower, and the killer running after her. When she
finally arrived at the tower the killer was awfully close,
Olive was paying so much attention on the man that did
not notice that the tower was ending and then… She fell
down the Clock’s tower dying when she touches on the
floor. The killer, like Olive, was not paying attention and
feel down to the tower too, but he fell on the other side
of the tower and his body was stuck in a stone sword of a
Like 2, or 3 years later people started to say that the soul
of Olive still was on the world and was walking around on
the village on night. Maicon, a rebel boy with thirteen
years old heard about the Olive’s story and did not
believe on that. He started to made fun of that saying
that this is a lie, and that everyone who believes on that it
is totally stupid.
But Maicon was playing with fire…
In one day Maicon was going to sleep late, so anyone on
his house was awake. He lay down on his bed to sleep,
when a shadow of a girl appears and said: ….3minutes
and 42 seconds…….
She was Olive.
She was the time girl, who was saying to him how many
times he still had to survive of a killer, like Olive’s mind
was doing with her.
Like Olive, Maicon started to got panic and he starts to
ask for forgiveness of his sins, to apologize to people and
make a lot of promises like: “I promise be a good boy on
the next life” or “I promise be great and thankful for all
the things that I have, I promise”. When it passes 3
minutes, another shadow enters on Maicon’s room. It
was a man with black jacket and pants and a mask
covering his face. Did you remember this scenario? Yes,
the Olive’s killer that died after Olive, now was on the
world with Olive killing kids, but now he was scarier that
he was when he was alive. The man enters on Maicon’s
room crawling on the floor, like if he was looking under
tables to find someone, if you understand me….
When the man looked at Maicon, the thirteen’s little boy
could see the man’s face. It was all black with deep eyes
and blood coming out of his mouth, and the man had a
big hole on his stomach, where there was a lot of blood
that spilled on the floor of Maicon’s room. The mas
looked at Maicon and he looked more like a demon stead
a human! It was totally terrifying.
The man ran in Maicon’s way and when he was going to
stab him, Olive’s soul enters on the way and stayed in
front of Maicon, just like if she wanted to protect him.
When Olive appears, the man’s shadow disappears and
Olive turned around looking deeply on Maicon’s eyes and
said: “You made a promise, do it. I do not save you for
nothing. I know that you have more to show than just
arrogance and badness. Show it to the world. Show it to
the persons you know, and love. Show it to me, and for
yourself”. After saying that, Olive disappears, like the
killer man.
After that night, Maicon starts to get better, he works
harder on his school, to get more intelligent, to be a good
boy, be great and thankful for want he had, well
everything that he promised to Olive. He was afraid of the
shadow killer, and a little about Olive too, so its better be
a good person, instead die, isn’t it?
After that, Maicon starts to believe on the Olive’s story,
and even tell for the people about the happening, but he
never says anything about Olive. “If she doesn’t appear
for all the people its because she doesn’t want be
recognized” Maicon said. Olive knew what he did, and
she gets very glad and thankful for that, because Maicon
is completely right, she doesn’t want to become a thing
that people want to know and pray to she “save their
soul”. She just wants to become a good soul and save the
other persons from death unlike her destiny, and
principally, made the think that she always liked: Count
and always knew what time it is now!

The story about Olive, the story about the

really time lady

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