Dictionary: Comfortable, You Feel Good and Your

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Dictionary Dictionary

A builder noun a person whose job

is to help make houses and other
click on verb to press your mouse
to make it do something on your
advert noun information on the TV, buildings computer screen
in a newspaper or a magazine about
burst verb (pt burst pp burst) When coconut noun a big nut that grows on
something you can buy
fireworks burst they go up high into trees in hot countries. It has sweet milk
alive adj If a plant or animal is alive, the sky and explode. inside that you can drink.
it can move and grow. It isn’t dead.
arrivals noun the first part of an C coin noun a round piece of metal we
use as money
airport that you see when you arrive cabbage noun a type of food with
cold noun When you have a cold, you
by plane big green leaves which you cook
don’t feel well and you have to blow
asteroid noun one of the many very calcium noun something that is in your nose.
large rocks in space that go around some foods, for example, cheese and
comfortable adj If you are
the sun milk
comfortable, you feel good and your
astronaut noun a person who travels camcorder noun a small camera that body has everything it needs.
in space you use for filming moving pictures
concert noun People go to a concert
attach a photo verb to put a photo capital city noun the most important to watch and listen to a band, or a
with your email city in a country singer, play music.
audience noun the group of people cartoon noun a TV programme that control verb If you control something,
who watch a show or concert uses moving pictures, not real people it does what you tell it to do.
author noun a person who writes a cave noun a large, deep hole in the corn noun a type of food that grows
book side of a mountain which you can on a tall plant. You can dry the small
usually go inside yellow pieces and use them to make
B championship noun a sports
bread or other foods.
beans noun a small type of food from competition for a lot of teams cough noun a loud noise that
a plant that you cook and eat suddenly comes from your mouth
channel noun Every TV channel
bike ride noun When people ride their when you are ill
has a different number and shows
bikes, the activity is called a bike different programmes. court noun a place where you play
ride. tennis, basketball and some other
charity noun A charity is an
blender noun you can put fruit or ball sports
organisation which helps people who
other food in this to make it into a have problems. crisps noun a type of food made of
liquid, such as a smoothie or soup very thin, flat pieces of potato
cheap adj If something is cheap, it
boss noun the most important person doesn’t cost much money. cup (of coffee) noun You drink from a
in an office cup.
cheer verb When a group of people
bottle (of water) noun This is usually cheer, they shout loudly because customer noun a person who buys
made of glass or plastic, with a long, they are happy. something from a restaurant or shop
thin neck. You keep liquids such as
chilli noun a small red or green plant cute adj pretty or funny, especially
water inside.
that you cook with. Chilli feels very children
bowl (of soup) noun similar to a plate hot in your mouth.
cymbals noun a very loud musical
but much deeper, so you can eat
chop verb to cut food into pieces instrument. Cymbals are two flat,
soup from it with a spoon
round pieces of metal that you play
chore noun a small job, for example
break verb (pt broke, pp broken) to with your hands.
clean a table or make your bed
make something go into pieces

1 Dictionary a–c Family and Friends Second Edition Online Practice © Oxford University Press 2014

D E feel dizzy verb (pt, pp felt) When you

feel dizzy, you feel bad and your
daughter noun a girl or woman who earache noun a bad feeling you have head feels like it’s going round and
is someone’s child when one of your ears hurts round.
dead adj If a plant or an animal is Earth noun the world; the planet that feel sick verb When you feel sick,
dead, it isn’t alive, and can’t move or we live on your stomach feels bad and you feel
grow any more. that food from your stomach could
earthquake noun a time when
delicious adj If food is delicious, it is the ground moves and shakes and come out of your mouth.
very, very nice. sometimes buildings fall down fireworks noun small things that you
dentist noun a person whose job is to energy noun When you have energy, send up into the sky to make loud
look after people’s teeth you feel strong and want to do lots of sounds and different colours
exercise. You use energy to make cars fisherman noun a man who works
departures noun the part of an
and machines work. catching fish in the sea
airport that you leave from to get on
a plane and fly enormous adj very, very big fit adj If you are fit, you can do a lot
desert noun a large area of sand, equipment noun the machines or of exercise without getting too tired.
with not much water and not many objects you need to do sports and fridge noun a box with a door, where
plants other activities you put food and drink to keep it cold
dig verb (pt, pp dug) to make a hole event noun something that happens, and fresh
in the ground especially something important frozen adj When water is frozen, it has
dinosaur noun a type of animal that expedition noun a very long and changed to ice.
lived a long time before people sometimes dangerous journey future, the noun the time that will
disappear verb If something expensive adj If something is come after now
disappears, it is suddenly not there expensive, it costs a lot of money.
any more.
explorer noun a person who spends
disappointed adj If you are their life travelling to parts of the generous adj If you are generous, you
disappointed, you feel sad because world that people don’t know about are happy to give something you have
you wanted something to be good to other people who need it.
but it isn’t. F get into trouble verb to have
documentary noun a television fair noun a fair is outside. You can problems after behaving badly
programme about real life, not with pay to ride on machines and play get lost verb (pt, pp got) to not know
actors games to try to win something. where you are
doughnut noun a type of thick round fall verb (pt fell, pp fallen) to go down giant noun a very big person, who is
food which is very sweet and has suddenly and very fast. For example, much taller than other people
sugar on top leaves fall from trees to the ground.
glass (of milk) noun something you
drums noun a musical instrument fall asleep verb to close your eyes can drink from and is made of glass
which you hit with sticks to make the and start to sleep
rhythm in a band go back verb (pt went, pp gone) to
fan noun A football fan is a person return to the place where you were
who loves football and likes to watch before
football matches.
go straight on verb to go forward and
father-in-law noun the father of your not turn to the side
husband or wife

Family and Friends Second Edition Online Practice © Oxford University Press 2014 Dictionary d–g 2

H K medal noun a round metal object,

usually gold or silver, which people
hard adj If something is hard, it does keyboard noun the part of a get when they win an important
not move when you are touching it computer that you use to write sports event
and is not soft.
kick verb to hit something with your melt verb When ice melts, it changes
headache noun a bad feeling you foot to water.
have when your head hurts inside
kick-off noun the start of a football memory stick noun a small object
healthy adj a person who looks after match which you can put work and photos
his or her body, or something which is on from your computer and carry
knee noun the part of your leg in the
good for you them around
middle that bends
height noun If a mountain is 3,000 menu noun the list of food in a
metres high, its height is 3,000 L restaurant or café which you choose
metres. from
lazy adj If someone is lazy, they
hero noun a person who does don't want to do any work or exercise. metal noun a hard, shiny, strong
something very brave material which you use to make
leather noun a soft material, which
hit verb (pt hit pp hit) to touch or push comes from cows or goats, used to things, such as chairs and beds
a ball with a bat, a racket, or your make shoes or bags milk noun the white liquid from a cow
hand that you can drink
lid noun You put this on something to
hotel noun a building where people stop liquid coming out. For example, miss someone verb to be sad
can pay for a room to sleep in when a lid on a pen stops ink coming out. because someone is not with you
they visit a place
lift up verb to take something and mobile phone noun a small
hurry verb to go quickly, for example move it to a higher position telephone that you can carry with
because you are late you
location noun an exact place on a
husband noun the man who a map model noun a small copy of
woman is married to something, for example a plane or a
log on verb to type your name and
I password before you use a computer
or website modern adj If something is modern,
instrument noun something that you its style is new, not old.
luggage noun bags and suitcases
play to make music with, for example
that you carry with you when you money noun notes and coins that
a guitar, piano or trumpet
travel you use for buying things, for
island noun a piece of land that has example dollars, euros and pounds
water on all around it M moon, the noun the large object that
J magazine noun a thin book, usually
with lots of pictures and photographs
shines in the sky at night
mother-in-law noun the mother of
jacket noun a short coat and with a paper cover
your husband or wife
journalist noun a person who writes mango noun a sweet fruit which you
mouse noun part of a computer you
for newspapers or magazines need to peel and is yellow or orange
hold with one hand and use to move
journey noun when you are travelling around the computer screen
from one place to another mechanic noun a person whose job is
museum noun a building where you
to repair cars in a garage
can go to see interesting or old things

3 Dictionary h–m Family and Friends Second Edition Online Practice © Oxford University Press 2014

N passenger noun a person travelling

on a plane, in a bus or in a car
programme noun a small book of
information about a concert or a
nephew noun the son of your brother sports match
passport noun a small book with
or sister
your photo and information about pull verb to use your hands to hold
news, the noun a TV or radio you showing which country you are something and make it come to you
programme, or information in a from
puppet noun a model of a person or
newspaper, that tells you what is
pattern noun lines, colours and an animal that you move by using
happening in the world
shapes that are repeated in the same your hands or sticks
newspaper noun large folded sheets way
of printed paper telling you about
peel verb to take off the skin from a
events in the last few days
fruit or a vegetable queue noun a line of people waiting
niece noun the daughter of your for something
petrol station noun a place where
brother or sister
noodles noun a type of food in long
people stop to put petrol in their car
then pay for it
thin pieces which become soft when racket noun a thing which you use for
piece noun a piece of music is a short
you cook them hitting the ball in tennis
part of a longer musical concert
normal adj something that is usual radio noun an electrical box
pill noun a kind of tablet which has
which you switch on to listen to
O medicine or vitamins inside
planets noun the large round objects
oasis noun one of the places in the rainforest noun trees and plants
that go around the sun. Earth is one
desert where you can find water and which grow in hot countries where
of the planets.
plants there is a lot of rain
plate (of salad) noun something
ocean noun the salt water that covers raise money verb help to make
which you put your food on and eat
most of the Earth; the sea money, usually to help people
office noun a room with computers, read a map verb (pt, pp read) to
play a trick on verb to play a joke
chairs and desks where people work use a map to find out how to get to
on someone to make them laugh.
olive oil noun liquid used for cooking somewhere you don’t know
Sometimes, tricks can make people
or putting on food. It is made from angry. receptionist noun a person whose
olives (a fruit that grows on trees in job is to help people who arrive in an
player noun a person who plays a
some warm countries). office or a hotel
orchestra noun a group of people recorder noun a musical instrument
popular adj If something is popular,
who play different musical that you play with your mouth with
a lot of people like it.
instruments, like the violin or the flute holes for your fingers
pour verb to let liquid fall from one
oxygen noun a type of gas which relatives noun people who all belong
container into another, for example,
people need to breathe and to live. in the same family
from a bottle into a cup
P power verb to make a car or a
remote control noun a thing which
you hold in your hand and use to
machine work
pack up verb collect all your things change TV channels
and put them away at the end of a prepare verb to get ready now so
repair verb When you repair
picnic or a camping trip that you will have what you need in
something which is broken, you make
the future
pancake noun a type of flat, round it work again.
and soft food that you cook in a printer noun you put paper in this to
frying pan print things from a computer

Family and Friends Second Edition Online Practice © Oxford University Press 2014 Dictionary n–r 4

rescue verb to take someone away screen noun a thin wall used to show speakers noun special boxes for
from a dangerous place to a safe pictures. Computers and televisions playing music through or for making
place have screens made of glass which your voice loud
you look through.
roar verb to make a very loud noise spellchecker noun an action made by
like a lion search the Internet verb to look for the computer to see if your spelling is
information on the web pages of a correct
robot noun a machine that can do
some work that a person can do sponsored adj When a person goes
secretary noun a person whose job is on a sponsored bike ride or walk,
rock noun a very big piece of stone
to write letters and organize work for people called sponsors pay the
rocket noun a thing that people the other people in an office person. Then he or she gives the
travel in to go into space money to a charity.
send a message verb to tell someone
roundabout noun a place where something in an email or a letter squeeze noun when there is not much
roads all come together and cars space
shadow noun a dark shape made
drive around
behind something when light or stadium noun a big place where
rucksack noun a bag that you carry sunshine shines in front of it people go to watch sport, for
on your back example a football match
share verb to use something together
rules noun a list of actions which you with another person stage noun the place at the front of
must or mustn’t do, for example at the theatre where actors perform a
shine verb (pt shone pp shone) When
school or when playing games play
the sun shines you can see a bright
S light in the sky star noun one of the many points of
light we can see in the sky at night
silly adj If someone is silly, he or she
sardine noun a type of small fish
does something that is not good or is stay in touch verb to communicate
satellite noun something that a funny. with someone, by telephone, letter or
country sends into space to help email
sink verb (pt sank pp sunk) When a
communication, such as mobile
ship sinks, it goes down under the steal verb (pt stole pp stolen) to take
sea. something from another person
sausage noun a type of food made of without their permission.
skeleton noun all the bones that are
pieces of meat in long, thin skins
inside a person’s or an animal’s body stick noun a long, thin piece of wood
save a document verb to save that you can hold in your hand
skin noun Skin covers the outside of a
the writing you are doing on your
person’s or animal’s body. stomach ache noun a bad feeling
computer so you can look at it later
you have in the front of your body, in
smoothie noun a cold drink made
scary adj If something is scary, it the middle
from fruit and milk
makes you feel afraid or scared.
strawberry noun a soft, sweet red
soft adj If something is soft, it moves
scientist noun a person who studies fruit
when you touch it and is not hard.
science for a job
subject noun the thing or topic that
son noun a boy or man who is
score a goal verb in football, to kick you are writing or talking about
someone’s child
the ball into the other team’s net
submarine noun a kind of ship that
sore throat noun a bad feeling you
scream verb If you scream, you make travels under the sea
have when your throat, which is
a very loud and high sound with your
inside your neck, hurts sugar noun a type of food that is
voice because you are excited or
used to make things sweet
scared. spaceship noun something that is like
a plane that carries people in space
speak verb to say something; to talk

5 Dictionary r–s Family and Friends Second Edition Online Practice © Oxford University Press 2014

suitcase noun a bag with a handle, trophy noun something you get when virtual reality noun special moving
and sometimes wheels that you carry you win a competition or a race. It is pictures, made by computers, that
your clothes in when you travel usually a cup made of metal. look like real life
summit noun the highest place on a trumpet noun a metal musical voice noun the sounds which you
mountain instrument that you play with your make with your mouth and throat
mouth with three buttons for your when you speak or sing
sun, the noun the biggest star in the
sky that makes the Earth light in the volcano noun a mountain with a
daytime turn left verb to change direction to hole at the top where fire and stones
one side; to go the opposite of right sometimes come out
surprised adj You are surprised when
turn right verb to change direction to
you suddenly hear or see something
unusual. one side; to go the opposite of left
waiter noun a man who brings food
survive verb to stay alive when TV programme noun a show that you
to your table in a restaurant
something very dangerous happens can watch on television
waitress noun a woman who brings
type the address verb to use a
T computer keyboard to write where
food to your table in a restaurant
take medicine verb (pt took, pp you will send an email or document website noun pages of information
taken) something you eat or drink on the Internet. They have an address
which makes you feel better when U so you can find them.
you are ill underground adj If something is well noun A well is a deep hole in the
team noun a group of people who underground, it is below the streets ground with water at the bottom.
play a sport together and have a or the land.
whistle noun a high sound sometimes
name underwater adj If something is used as an alarm
thick adj If ice is thick, there are a few underwater, it is inside the sea or a
wife noun a woman who is married to
centimetres of it on the ground. lake.
a husband
toast noun a piece of bread that you uniform noun special clothes that
win verb (pt, pp won) to be first in a
cook to make it warm and hard on people wear who do the same job
race or the best in a competition
the outside unusual adj If something is unusual,
wish for verb to say something that
toddler noun a young child who is it does not happen in the normal
you want to have. People usually
learning to walk way.
wish for good things to happen.
town noun a place with a lot of upload verb take information,
wooden adj made of wood
streets and buildings. A town is photos or songs and put them into a
smaller than a city. computer or a phone worry verb to think about something
bad that is maybe going to happen
traffic light noun a set of three lights
(red, yellow and green) that tell cars
V in the future

when to stop and go vet noun a person whose job is to

look after sick or hurt animals
trainers noun sports shoes
village noun a small group of houses
travel verb to go from one place to
and other buildings in the country
another, for example by plane, by car
or on foot violin noun a musical instrument with
four strings which you play with a
treat noun When you give someone
a treat you offer them food or an
activity which they like very much.

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