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SECTION I d e s ig n c o n d it io n

I general condition :
Bridge type :
Pier type Solid pier
Left span length Ll = 33 m
Right span length Lr = 33 m
Live load HS20-44 plus 1.25
Application Code AASHTO 96

II material
II-1 Concrete
Compressive Strength of concrete for f'c = 24 MPa
Pier head at 28 days = 3481 Psi

Modulus of Elasticity Ec = 4729,77x f'c = 23171Mpa

= 3360704 Psi
Allowable Compressive Stress fc =0,4 f'c = 9.6Mpa
= 1392 Psi
Allowable tension Stress ft =0.131x f'c = 0.642Mpa
= 93 Psi
Crack Stress fr =0,623x f'c = 3.052Mpa
= 443 Psi
Compressive Strength of concrete for f'c = 24 MPa
Pier column and Pile cap at 28 days = 3481 Psi

Modulus of Elasticity Ec = 4729,77x f'c = 23171Mpa

= 3360704 Psi
Allowable Compressive Stress fc =0,4 f'c = 9.6Mpa
= 1392 Psi
Allowable tension Stress ft =0.131x f'c = 0.642Mpa
= 93 Psi
Crack Stress fr =0,623x f'c = 3.052Mpa
= 443 Psi

Equivalent coefficient of steel n 6.70

II-2 Round steel

Specified Yield strength of reinforcement fy = 390 MPa
Tensile stress in reinforcement at service load fs = 180 MPa
Allowable Tension stress RS = 180 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity Es = 210000 MPa

III Formular used in the calculation load:

Secsion I - Page 1
III-1 Calculating dead load (D) AASHTO 3.3.

D= V*sp (T).
Here: - V: Volume of detail (m ).
- Sp: Gravity of concrete (Sp=2.5T/m 3).

III-2 Impact Factor (I) AASHTO 3.8.2.

Fomular of calculation:
I =
L + 125
Here: - I: Ratio of impact factor (I<30%)
- L: Span length (ft).


III.3.1 - Live load due to lane
+ Vertical force
L = (L*0.5W L+PL)*n*k (T).
+ Moment
Mx = L*e (T.m)
+ Moment
My = L*X (T.m).
Here: - X: Eccentricity of bearing pad (m).
- L: Span length (m).
- k: Number of lanes
- e: Eccentricity of live load (transverse ) (m).
- q: Pedestrian Load (one size)
- L: Loaded length (T).
- I: Impact Factor AASHTO 3.8.2
- n: Reduce coefficient of lanes AASHTO 3.12
- W L: Uniform load AASHTO:3.7.6 (T/m).
- PL: Concentrated load AASHTO:3.7.6 (T).

III.3.2 - Live load due to trucks

+ Vertical force
L = (P3+P2*(L-V)/L+P1*(L-V1-V2)/L)*n*k (T).
+ Moment
Mx = L*e (T.m)
+ Moment
My = L*X (T.m).
Here: - X: Eccentricity of bearing pad (m).
- L: Span length (m).
- k: Number of lanes
- e: Eccentricity of live load (transverse ) (m).
- q: Pedestrian Load (one size)
- L: Loaded length (T).
- I: Impact Factor AASHTO 3.8.2

Secsion I - Page 2
- n: Reduce coefficient of lanes AASHTO 3.12
- P1, P2, P3: Single load of truck (T).
- V1, V2: See picture (P - 2) in the secsion I (m)

III-4 Buoyancy (B)

B= V*sp (T).
Here: - V: Volume of pier in the water (m ).
- Sp: Gravity of water (Sp=1T/m ).

III-5 Stream Low ( SF )

AASHTO with AASHTO Eq (3-4) give :
Pavg = K * ( V avg )2
Here: - K : Face coefficient depends on end shape
- Vavg : Average velocity of water (From the hydrologist )
- Pavg : Average stream pressure

III-6 Wind load (w)

W = Pw*As (T).
Here: - As: Exposed Area (m ).
- Pw: Wind pressure (T/sqm).
(Article, Article in AASHTO 3.15.2)

III-7 Longitudinal Force (LF)

AASHTO 3.9 is used for determine the longitudinal force
Live load : HS20 + 25% for over load

LF=P*t*k*r*γ*n (T).

Here: - LF: Longitudinal force

- P: One lane on pier
* P=La*W l+Pl (T).
* W l:Uniform load (T/m).
* Pl: Concentrated load (T).
- La: Applied length of load (m).
- k: Numbers of lanes in the same direction
- r: Reduced factor
- γ: Overload Factor
- t: Ratio of LF per Live load (AASHTO 3.9: t=5%).
- n: Calculating coefficient

III-8 Earthquake (EQ)

AASHTO: Article 3.21 is determined the Earthquake

EQ = P D * A

Earthquake Force EQ
Dead Load of superstructure PD

Secsion I - Page 3
Acceleration Coefficient A

III-9 Notes:

1. Section A - A, B - B, C - C see picture (P-1: section I)

2. All the group of the section III are following AASHTO 3.22.

Secsion I - Page 4

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