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Presenting Problem

Nadia’s mother has brought her to your office at the suggestion of the Iranian liaison at the
school. She missed the first few days of school this year and has been demonstrating
behavior problems. You learn that Nadia has been in the school system since at least first
grade. Nadia had special educational accommodations until last year. She has learned
English since she has been here, and is able to function in a fifth grade classroom.

The family emigrated from Iran about 6 years ago when Nadia was four. The family
is struggling financially, but lives in an apartment complex with relatives as well as other
Iranian families. Her mother’s main concern is that Nadia is not sleeping, hardly talking
and not eating well. She does not pay attention in class and her performance in class has
deteriorated greatly since the start of the school year.

Early last summer, Nadia’ mother allowed her to stay home one evening with her younger
two siblings for a few hours while she went out with her aunt and uncle. This was one of
the first times that Nadia had been allowed to take care of her siblings, and she felt good
about herself. It was a nice summer evening. The children stayed in the apartment, and
their older cousins came over for about an hour to keep them company. They played
games and watched TV. Nadia’s mother was home before dark.

That night, a pounding on the door awakened Nadia. Her mother would not answer the
door at first, and then would not leave the apartment. Daquan had to run to get his aunt,
who helped Nadia’s mother out of the building. There was a fire in the apartment building,
and all the families had to leave the building. Nadia’s family was able to return their
apartment after the fire was out.

Questions for Discussion:

1. What are the important facts we know so far?
2. What Hypotheses do you have? What would your next steps be to support or refute
these Hypotheses?
3. How do the required readings for this class session inform your Hypotheses?
4. What specific questions arising from the case might you want to research in the

For each question above, identify how the core concepts assigned to your small group inform
your answers.

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