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San Ildefonso College

‘’Envision itself as faith community, globally competitive, Academically excellent,
Certified and accredited.’’
S.Y. 2020-2021



A Research Presented to
The Faculty of San Ildefonso College
Tanay, Rizal

Anne Claudette M. Buan

Cherish Loreine T. Corpuz
Shady Mae D.G. Velasco

March , 2021
San Ildefonso College
‘’Envision itself as faith community, globally competitive, Academically excellent,
Certified and accredited.’’
S.Y. 2020-2021

Chapter 1


Today, people are relying on the internet for a number of tasks. When you

communicate with friends and family across the world through social media,

search for that mustknow fact on Google, watch the most inspiring or motivating

video on YouTube, or even reading this article right now — this would not  have

been possible without man’s new best friend — internet. Internet has no doubt

completely revolutionized our habits, social behavior and the way society

functions. Now imagine the disadvantages of having limited access to internet, or

a poor internet connection. Being connected through the internet is a crucial part

of everyday life, slow internet can be detrimental to this. Many assignments are

submitted by being uploaded to the internet, with slow internet assignments can

take an extremely long time to upload.

The lockdown marks a strange period in the history of humanity because

this is time when a lot of things that didn’t happen before are happening and

institutions as well as individuals are finding more and more avenues of

discovering and expressing themselves. With children confined indoors and

schools endlessly shut, schools have begun to organise online classes and are

carrying on with regular teaching and assessments. Of course the vibrancy and

warmth of the real and physical classroom is missing and it has been replaced by
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‘’Envision itself as faith community, globally competitive, Academically excellent,
Certified and accredited.’’
S.Y. 2020-2021

A virtual classroom, the truth remains that just as the physical classroom

is inaccessible to many due to economic and social constraints, so is the virtual

classroom with its paraphernalia of technological accessibility. While urban

schools may have begun teaching through online applications and the

dissemination of the syllabus seems to look like a smooth affair, what we tend to

miss out is the fact that an education that is reliant on technology may not be

democratically or universally accessible to children across families in India.

Economic disparities, regional backwardness and poor or no access to internet

and associated technological literacy may be posing a severe challenge before

lakhs of Indian children and the game of online teaching needs to be introspected

in this regard. 

Purpose of the Study

 To determine the effects of poor internet connection to the students of

SampalocTanay Rizal

 To recognize the possible solutions that can help the students.

San Ildefonso College
‘’Envision itself as faith community, globally competitive, Academically excellent,
Certified and accredited.’’
S.Y. 2020-2021

Research Questions

1. How does the poor internet affects the students?

2. What can help the students to learn in todays new normal?

3. What can be the alternative learning program that the students can use?

Significance of the Study

This study aims to know the effects of poor internet connection to the

online distance learning of the selected students in SampalocTanay, Rizal. The

result of this study will benefit to the following:

To the Students: To know how the poor internet connection affects their study.

To the Teachers: To be more considerate to their students who’s having a poor

internet connection.

To the Parents: To know how their children doing in having a poor internet

connection while studying.

Definition of Terms

The Poor Internet Connection. Is a problem with the signal strength.

Effects. Is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.

San Ildefonso College
‘’Envision itself as faith community, globally competitive, Academically excellent,
Certified and accredited.’’
S.Y. 2020-2021

Chapter 2


(Labucay, 2011) Another study by the Social Weather Station (SWS) in

2011 surveyed 1,200 Filipinos and clustered Internet use into five categories: 1)

social networking (online social networking such as Facebook, Twitter); 2)

information seeking or learning (news, health information); 3) creativity and

production (blogging, share own photos, videos and stories); 4) entertainment

and leisure (online games), and 5) commercial activity (online purchasing). The

results reveal that nine out of ten Filipino users go on social networking sites like

Facebook and Friendster. A distant second use of Internet is to share photos,

videos or artwork (44percent), and get news or information on current events

(40percent). Thirty Seven percent of Internet users go online to get general

health information, and the same percentage play online games. About 28

percent go online to get news on sensitive health topics. Although informative,

the SWS study utilized five broad categories based on a typology used by a

study in Britain.

Although there is no literature of self-regulation and Internet use in the

Philippines, a study on Internet monitoring in the Philippines (Alampay and

Hechanova, 2010) revealed that 65 percent of companies provide Internet

access to employees. Of these, more than half of the organizations (58 percent)
San Ildefonso College
‘’Envision itself as faith community, globally competitive, Academically excellent,
Certified and accredited.’’
S.Y. 2020-2021

restrict use either in terms of online content and applications. Specifically, sites

that are blocked are: pornography (69 percent) and gaming (53 percent). In

addition to restriction, 57 percent of companies report monitoring employees

Internet use. A quarter of the organizations perform constant monitoring,

whereas 20 percent conduct monitoring routinely. Almost half (45 percent) of the

organizations used disciplinary procedures for employees because of improper

use of the Internet.



Moreover, most of the universities are experiencing strain to provide their

students and staff with a reliable Internet connection. As internet availability is

progressively turning into a vital asset for them, robust network connectivity to

the Internet is never again an extravagance to a college, in undeniable reality, it

is currently a fundamental need. Web availability is essential for any college to

take an interest adequately in the worldwide information society which enhances

the education quality. Indeed, internet network gives a door to vast amounts of

date, so it helps and improves research efforts by both students and lecturers.

Even with significant investment in buying more bandwidth to satisfy the

demands, a significant number of colleges are still considering themselves do not

have reliable Internet access. The need for more bandwidth in universities

iscontinually increasing as this request is happening due to the increased

San Ildefonso College
‘’Envision itself as faith community, globally competitive, Academically excellent,
Certified and accredited.’’
S.Y. 2020-2021

number of student, the expanded use of electronic resources for instructing and

learning as well as using websites that have many images, video, and interactive

content. Therefore, the necessity for a coordinated effort to get the most of

bandwidth utilization and the development of an efficient bandwidth management

system is gradually significant to confirm excellent service delivery. However, the

nonattendance of a good bandwidth management system will leave the network

in danger of being pitifully hindered as students and lecturers will be kept away

from access to a valuable resource. Indeed, even in circumstances where a

significant amount of bandwidth is provided, monitoring and optimization are still

essential as clients will always use all the available amount of bandwidth. Then,

the final system should aid the universities to utilize the bandwidth as it is a

valued organized assist that should be managed and optimized. Controlling the

bandwidth advances the performance of internet access by eliminating needless

traffic and making Internet much more reliable (Sanga, 2013).


Slow Internet Connection has become a major issue in the country to the

point it has been one of the key issues raised in a recent Vice-Presidential

debate. As more Filipinos use their mobile phones to connect to the worldwide

web, the speed of mobile data transmission has become an issue to a great

chunk of the population. Many politicians are pinning blame to the

telecommunication industry that has been dominated by two companies: the

San Ildefonso College
‘’Envision itself as faith community, globally competitive, Academically excellent,
Certified and accredited.’’
S.Y. 2020-2021

PLDT Group and Globe Telecom. Recently, Globe Telecom held a press

conference in Cebu to discuss the state of internet the country. Our country

needs more cell sites for better coverage and faster connection speeds. Do you

know that before a company can build a cell site, it needs to secure around 25

permits from different branches of government? The companies need to secure

permits from the DOTC, DOH, LGUs, and they even need to secure permission

from local government units and subdivision associations. Normally, it will take

around 6-8 months before they can complete one cell site.

The Philippines has approximately 15,000 towers. The figure might be many but

this figure is small compared to our neighbors. Malaysia has 22,000. Indonesia

has 76.000. Bangladesh has 27,000. The ideal figure for the Philippines is

around 64,000 and it is more than 4 times of what we have right now.

More competition is probably needed but the moment Sun was sold to PLDT-

Smart, the entry of a new player will be so difficult and capital-intensive, because

they will start from scratch meaning they need to build their own cellular towers at

a turtle pace. It will take years for a company to match the assets of the current

players in the market. So, we Filipinos are left with slow internet connection.


Telecommunications is considered a public utility and in the Philippines,

public utilities must be owned, operated, and controlled by Filipino citizens or

corporations that are at least 60 percent Filipino-owned. This makes it difficult for
San Ildefonso College
‘’Envision itself as faith community, globally competitive, Academically excellent,
Certified and accredited.’’
S.Y. 2020-2021

foreign players to enter the market. At the same time, the government also treats

the internet as a value-added service. This means suppliers are free to provide

the service on their own terms. The internet would have to be identified as a

basic service for the government to regulate it.

The country’s regulatory landscape also makes it difficult for internet service

providers to put up the necessary infrastructure. A single cell site can take as

much as eight months to build, with much of that time spent securing government


According to Globe’s statement, before 2020, it took 29 to 35 permits to build one

cell tower. Among these are a barangay (village) permit, neighbor’s consent,

radiation evaluation, mayor’s permit, occupancy permit, and more.

“This is the primary reason why the internet is ‘slow’ in the Philippines,” Crisanto

added. “When ICT infrastructure is underdeveloped while consumers continue to

demand for more data and higher bandwidth, the effect is a sub-optimal service


There are around 18,000 telecom towers installed across the Philippines. The

country would need 50,000 more for optimal coverage. Since most Filipinos rely

on their mobile phones to access online services, these cell towers are crucial in

providing connectivity to the masses.

San Ildefonso College
‘’Envision itself as faith community, globally competitive, Academically excellent,
Certified and accredited.’’
S.Y. 2020-2021

This creates a disparity between those who have internet access and those who

don’t, one that is emphasized more so now that COVID-19 has moved much of

the world online. There are now posts circulating of Filipino children in rural areas

climbing mountains to get an internet signal, just so they can attend classes or

submit assignments. And because connectivity isn’t cheap, many families are

making sacrifices to accommodate the new normal.



MANILA, Philippines – Philippine telecommunication giants urged

government to streamline the processes of securing rights to mount cell sites

which they said is critical to expedite service improvements in the industry.

“We want LGUs (local government units) to follow standard and transparent

procedure so telcos will know exactly where these fees go, and could contest

whether they are reasonable or not,” said Derek Lim, Globe Telecom’s senior

vice president for corporate and legal services.

Lim, along with other industry stakeholders, were present in a Senate hearing on

Wednesday, January 28, discussing the impact of slow and expensive Internet

San Ildefonso College
‘’Envision itself as faith community, globally competitive, Academically excellent,
Certified and accredited.’’
S.Y. 2020-2021

Globe and the Philippine Long Distance and Telephone Company (PLDT), raised

one major concern: the lengthy processes and exorbitant fees several LGUs

require them.

Case in point was the December 18, 2014 Court of Appeals (CA) decision that

favored Globe, when the appellate court nullified and declared void a Santiago

City, Isabela ordinance that asked them to pay tower fees at P200,000

($4538.60) per year.

Globe questioned the legality of the ordinance before the Department of Justice.

The Ayala subsidiary owed the Isabela LGU P5.9 million ($133,888.55) worth of

combined 2008-2010 fees for its 7 towers in the city.

The fee was based on the city's tariff it charges to companies at P200,000

($4,538.60) per tower and on an annual basis.

But the CA decision said, “we cannot allow the imposition of tower fees in the

amount of P200,000 as the same is patently oppressive, confiscatory, and



Ogungbeni at el, (2016) investigated the appropriate and inappropriate

use of Internet among undergraduates in Nigeria. Respondents were asked to

indicate their main source of connection to the internet. The result shows that

84.5% of the respondents connect to the internet through their telephone network
San Ildefonso College
‘’Envision itself as faith community, globally competitive, Academically excellent,
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S.Y. 2020-2021

service provider. Respondents who connect to the internet through the library are

8.2%. Just 3.1% of the respondents’ access internet through their university

information and communication technology (ICT) centre. These results show that

access to the internet through mobile devices is the trend among undergraduate

students. Respondents were asked if they use internet for reading and

downloading e-books, e-journals and e-dictionary. The results shows that

majority of the respondents (57.7%) agreed that most journal articles they access

are from the internet. 67.0% of the respondents read dictionaries on the internet.

However, only 41.2% agreed that they download electronic books from the

internet. The result shows that undergraduate students in Nigeria use the internet

for their academic development. Respondents were also asked if they are aware

of existence of policies on internet use in their university student’s handbook and

their university library guide. The result shows that 49.5% of the respondents

agreed that they are not aware of policy regulating the use of internet in their

university student’s handbook. For library guide, 64.0% of the respondents

agreed that there is no policy on the use of internet in their library guide. These

results coupled with the personal observation of the authors are pointers to the

fact that there are no enough policies to regulate the use of internet in Nigerian


San Ildefonso College
‘’Envision itself as faith community, globally competitive, Academically excellent,
Certified and accredited.’’
S.Y. 2020-2021

(Eisya A. Eloksari, 2020) According to Education and Culture Ministry

data, 51 percent of early education to middle school students living in the

outermost, border and disadvantage (3T) areas do not have a reliable internet

connection. In addition, 27.8 percent of them said they had access to a laptop or

computer but the devices were also unreliable.

Meanwhile, 20 percent and 18 percent of students outside of 3T areas are also

do not have access to computers and smartphones, respectively.


Quadri (2011) on the Challenges and Prospects of Using Internet

Facilities in Federal College of Education (Technical) Library Omoku, Rivers

state, Nigeria. Survey research design was adopted for the study because of the

large number of respondents. Respondents were asked whether they use the

internet more than the library to obtain academic information. The result show

that 39(30.5%) of the respondents did not make use of internet facilities at all

while 20(10%), 11(5.5%) use a day, 81(40.5) and 74(37%) use 2 days in both the

library and internet facilities in searching for information respectively while

69(34.5%) and 49(24.5%) use 3 days, 16(8%) and 15(7.5%), 9(4.5%) and

7(3.5%) and 5(2.5%) and 5(2.5%) uses 4 days, 5 days and 6 days respectively to

search both the library and internet facilities for information for academic work.

Respondents were also asked on challenges on the use of the internet. The

challenges according to them reveals slow speed of server 49%, distance to the
San Ildefonso College
‘’Envision itself as faith community, globally competitive, Academically excellent,
Certified and accredited.’’
S.Y. 2020-2021

library 21%, power failure 72%, and attitude of library staff 11.5%, other

challenges identified are system breakdown 59%, poor knowledge of usability

20%, insufficient workstations 50.5% and time constrains 27.5%.


In 2015, Thailand had an average Internet speed of 7.4 Mbps, Sri Lanka 7.4, and

Malaysia 4.3. Meanwhile, the Philippines had a meager average Internet speed

of 2.8 Mbps, placing the country at 104 among 160 countries, with developed

countries in Asia such as South Korea (23.6 Mbps) and Singapore (12.9 Mbps)

ranking 1 and 12, respectively. Findings show that the lack of competition in the

Internet connectivity market, among other reasons, is at the root of the dilemma

of slow and costly Internet connection. Assessing the accomplishments of the

Republic of Korea and other broadband-leading countries has provided practical

insights and recommendations that can promote competitiveness. Furthermore,

related literature argues how ISP practices may affect Internet speed and cost.

This study offers an approach in improving Internet connectivity in the Philippines

by bridging the gap between the Internet infrastructure market and government

policies. (Kim, Yun Seon)


Jee-Ho Kim (2020) According to him broadband internet has accessibility

that compromised the quality of education for University students, because most
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‘’Envision itself as faith community, globally competitive, Academically excellent,
Certified and accredited.’’
S.Y. 2020-2021

classes are online and rely on high speed internet for synchronous remote

learning — just 27 percent of classes have an in-person component.


San Ildefonso College
‘’Envision itself as faith community, globally competitive, Academically excellent,
Certified and accredited.’’
S.Y. 2020-2021

Chapter 3

Rationalization for Qualitative Research

This study is Qualitative research, it is associated with naturalistic inquiry

and it deals with the issue of human complexity by exploring it directly. It also

stressed the inherent depth of humans, the ability of humans to shape and create

their own experiences.

Naturalistic investigations emphasize understanding the human

experience as it is lived usually through the collection and analysis of depth

qualitative materials that are narrative and subjective. The findings from in-depth

qualitative research are typically grounded in the real life experiences of people

with first-hand knowledge of a phenomenon.

Qualitative research, use Emergent designs, a design that emerges during

the course of data collection. The study also used the descriptive survey method.


Descriptive survey design was used to determine the effects of poor

internet connection to the students. Descriptive surveys do not make accurate

predictions and do not determine cause and effects. purposive sampling was

used in determining the data. The researchers used a researcher made

questionnaire in gathering the necessary.

San Ildefonso College
‘’Envision itself as faith community, globally competitive, Academically excellent,
Certified and accredited.’’
S.Y. 2020-2021

Site and Participants

The study was conducted in San Ildefonso College located in M.H. Del

Pilar St, Tanay, 1980 Rizal. The respondents of the study are the selected

students in SampalocTanay, Rizal.

The Plan of the Study

The researchers will conduct a survey to those students in different

schools in SampalocTanay, Rizal that is experiencing a poor internet connection,

the questionnaire was administered by the researcher to the respondents thru

google forms.

Data Analysis

The data gathered was organize through statistical analysis using

Arithmetic mean.
San Ildefonso College
‘’Envision itself as faith community, globally competitive, Academically excellent,
Certified and accredited.’’
S.Y. 2020-2021

Chapter 4


This chapter focuses on the effects of poor internet connection to the

online distance learning of the selected students in SampalocTanay, Rizal. So, in

order to analyze how students are doing while having difficulty, the researchers

focused on the possibilities that can affects the learning of students due to poor

internet connection.



4 3.50-4.00 Always
3 2.50-3.45 Often
2 1.50-2.45 Sometimes
1 1.00-1.45 Never
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‘’Envision itself as faith community, globally competitive, Academically excellent,
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S.Y. 2020-2021

Table 1: The Total Population of the Respondents

Grade and Section Frequency Percentage

Grade 9 - Saturn 40 100%
Total: 40 100%

Table 1: shows that Grade 9 have total 40 students and there are 100% of

San Ildefonso College
‘’Envision itself as faith community, globally competitive, Academically excellent,
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S.Y. 2020-2021





1 2.63 Often
2 3.45 Often
3 2.78 Often
4 2.85 Often
5 3.00 Often
6 2.90 Often
7 2.25 Sometimes
8 2.68 Often
9 2.83 Often
10 2.40 Sometimes
11 2.83 Often
TOTAL: 2.78 Often

Table 2.Indicates that from the Grade 9, numbers 7 and 10 got a verbal

interpretation of sometimes which is good and bad because they can still

manage their time to study and they also feel left out during class which is bad.

Chapter 5


Summary of Findings
San Ildefonso College
‘’Envision itself as faith community, globally competitive, Academically excellent,
Certified and accredited.’’
S.Y. 2020-2021

As shown on the result, respondents often experience difficulty in their

learning due to poor internet connection. It can also be seen here that there are

many negative effects that it has on students. Yes, internet connection helps a lot

nowadays but they are not used often because of poor internet connection, not

always but often.


1. Having a poor internet connection has an impact not only on us, but also

our ability to learn.

2. The data reveals that number 2 had the highest mean from the questions,

which is bad because their studies are disrupted by a poor internet

connection. And number 7 had the lowest mean, indicating that students

can manage their time studying at home even if their internet connection is


3. Based on research, 12.5%of students experience a poor internet

connection often.

4. According to the study, 42.5% of students believe that the number of

gadgets linked to the internet is the cause of poor internet connection.

San Ildefonso College
‘’Envision itself as faith community, globally competitive, Academically excellent,
Certified and accredited.’’
S.Y. 2020-2021

Parents- parents should help their children whenever they see them

having some troubles because of having a poor internet connection.

Teachers- teachers should consider if their students miss some classes


if they haven’t pass their activities on time because they are having troubles.

Students- students should tell beforehand if they can’t attend their online

classes so they will be able to notify the teachers.

Administration- administration should also help the students if they know

that a certain student are having troubles during online classes.

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