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Title of Your Essay

Student’s Name

Name of University

Class # - Class Name

Instructor Name

Date of Submission

Title of Your Essay

Start the first paragraph here, which should introduce your reader to the subject you are

writing about, as well as your particular position or claim. Do not label it “Introduction.” Instead,

simply write your paper’s title. Your Intro should consist of 3 parts: (1) An introduction of your

topic and why this topic is an important issue to analyze, (2) the thesis statement, & (3) A

statement that tells the reader where you will go in your paper (i.e., “This paper will take a

closer look at…”).

The Writing Process

Spend time planning your paper. A good practice is to brainstorm ideas and decide how

to express the main idea or thesis. A good idea is to create an outline to help you organize the

evidence you plan to present.

Writing the Body Paragraphs

Each paragraph of your assignment should be clear and easy to follow. Remember, be

sure to include proper in-text referencing for each source that you have listed in your References

Page, like this (Lincoln, 2010. But, Washington (2020) says that in-text referencing can be make

like this, too!

Use Headings in your Paper

The use of headings in your paper is strongly suggested! Also, if your paper has specific

directions, then the use of headings to match the directions are highly suggested! By using

headings, you are (1) making it easier on the eyes for your reader(s), (2) adding organization to

your paper, and (3) telling your Instructor that you know what the directions are and that you

addressed each one of them in your paper! Be sure to use bold letters for your headings!

Using Citations Correctly


Remember, in addition to being well-written, each paragraph should include an in-text

reference, like this (Trump, 2020). But, remember, Roosevelt (2020) says that you can make

your in-text citations like this, too!


The conclusion to your paper should consist of 3 items: (1) your final thoughts, (2)

restatement of thesis – to ideally match thesis from intro, & (3) brief summary of key points in

your paper.


Author's Last Name, Initials. (Publication Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume

#(issue #), pp–pp.

Author's Last Name, Initials. (Publication Year). Title of book. Location: Publisher.

Author's Last Name, Initials. (Publication Year). Title of digital book.

Author's Last Name, Initials. (Publication Year). Title of book.

Editor's Last Name, Initials. (Ed.). (Publication Year). Title of anthology. Location: Publisher.

Producer’s Last Name, Initials (Producer), & Director’s Last Name, Initials (Director). (Year).

Title of motion picture [Motion picture]. Country of Origin: Studio.

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