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PART I----- _______

NAME: __________________________________ PART II---- ________
YEAR & SECTION:_______ PART III----________

PART I Identify if the statement is true or false. Write your answer before the numbering .
1. Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages through verbal or
nonverbal means, including speech, or oral communication; writing and graphical
representations; and signs, signals, and behavior.
2. In a public speaking situation, the source of the message is the person listening to the
3. The process of turning communication into thoughts is encoding.
4. Tone of voice, body language, and choice of clothing of the speaker do not convey a
5. There is communication even without the presence of a receiver of the message.
6. Social media such as Facebook and Twitter serve as channel of communication today.
7. Feedback provides an opportunity for the audience to ask for clarification, to agree or
disagree, or to indicate that the source could make the message more interesting.
8. Psychological noise is what happens when your thoughts occupy your attention while
you are hearing, or reading, a message.
9. Your thoughts or mode can interfere the way you receive a message.
10. Noise has no effect on the communication process.
11. Stereotypes, reputations, assumptions, and biases are interference to communication.
12. Social media provides great ways to connect interact and communicate with friends
and family while living separately.
13. Social media goes back to some of the earliest internet technologies and even
predates the internet.
14. There has been a huge rise in creativity among the public since the advent of social
media. 3. Microsoft and Apple are two examples of how open-source companies can
become global leaders in their industries.
15. E-mail is the most popular online communication technology.

PART II MULTIPLE CHOICE. Analyze the statement carefully then write the letter of the correct answer BEFORE THE

1. The act of transferring information from one place, person or group to another is referred to as:
a. context b. communication c. media d. noise
2. The means of communication, such as radio, television, magazines, or the internet are referred to as:
a. media b. noise c. context d. interference
3. The process of developing and sending a message is referred to as:
a. decoding b. encoding c. interpretation d. noise
4. The process of turning communication into thoughts is
a. decoding b. encoding c. environment d. noise
5. The encoder of communication is the _____
a. context b. environment c. context d. source
6. When did people discover fire and develop paper from plants?
a. Pre-industrial Age b. Electronic Age c.Industrial Age d. New/Information Age
7. Which of the following statements is TRUE about industrial age?
a.People developed paper from plants.
b.people used electronic devices as means of communication.
c.Books were published through printing press. d. People used portable computer laptop to gather information.
8. Which of the following medium is used during the electronic age?
a.clay tablets b. virtual reality and big data d. LCD projectors
9. It is where people are can share ideas, speculate, tell stories and give information.
a.Monitoring Function b. Information Function c. Opinion Function d.Media as channel
10. Jade browses the internet on how to cite references for her research paper so that she will not commit plagiarism.
What function of media is this?
a.Monitoring Function b. Information Function c.Opinion Function d. Media as channel
11. It refers to the closeness of the report to the actual data.
a. accuracy b.relevance c. authority d. purpose
12. A type of library that is suitable to a particular grade level.
a. Academic Library b. School Library c. Public Library d. Special Library
13. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of indigenous media.
a. oral tradition of communication b. store information in memories C. information acquired from Google
14. What do you call this traditional media which uses frequency to send information? \
a. broadcast c. online .d print
15. Which of the following best describes the advantage of e-book?
a. E-book can be easily shared for free. b. E-book has backlight so you do not need a study lamp.
c. E-book is interactive and can be personalized. d. E-book is saved on mobile phone only.
16. What do you call the idea that is delivered to the audience, in a form of images still and moving, audio, documents
and files?
A. content B. information C. message D. news
17. It allows a creator to share creation and idea in real time ___
A. blog B. infographics C. livestreaming D. podcasting
18. Why do news stations include visual images in their news stories?
A. It is easier to watch and read. B. It makes the story believable. C. It is more fun. D. It is cheaper.
19. It is a medium used to transmitting moving images in monochrome or color ____
A. cellphone B. laptop C. radio D. television
20. What medium is more accessible in far flung areas?
A. cellphone B. laptop C. radio D. television
21. DXBM, DXMF, DXRR are examples of _______.
A. broadcast media B. film media C. new media D. print media
22. Which of the following is an advantage of print media?
A. Printed document is more valid and difficult to alter. B. Printed document can be recycled. C. Printed document
can be put in your bag. D. Printed media can be a scratch paper.
23. All forms of media will create opinion to the _____
A. audience B. politicians C. influencers D. sponsors
24. How do media sell political ideologies?
a. political advertisement B. political singing C. political dancing D. political rally
25. Which media is best use in Industry Revolution 4?
A.broadcast B. online C. print D. all of the above
26. How does social media change our lives in a good way?
A.Facebook changed the definition of friend.
B.Facebook created online jobs and opportunities.
C.Facebook created negative effects on culture as well as society.
D.Facebook made us care less of our privacy.
27. Time spent online seems to displace which other medium?
A.newspaper B. radio C. television D. all of the above
28. We need to evaluate information because ________.
A. sources vary in the levels of authority, accuracy and objectivity B. not all information is suitable for your paper
C. the information available is relevant D. "Fake news" is widespread
29. A journalist looking for sources should try to use ___.
A. close friends in gathering information B. officials with closed connections
C. variety of sources with different facts and opinions D. different opinions from the neighborhood
30. When the receiver of your text message perceive your typing in all capitals as that you are shouting or angry, the
situation falls under
a. decoding b. encoding c. feedback d. context
31. The following are the positive effect of media to communication EXCEPT
a. used as tools for sharing information, ideas, and messages
b. great ways to connect with friends and families
c. utilized to deceive, confuse and misinform people
d. source of entertainment
32. The following are the negative effect of social media to communication EXCEPT
a. become sources of misinformation and fake news b. give confidence to the user to bully or harass
individual c. promote identity stealing d. used as a means of teaching and learning in this new normal brought
by COVID-19
33. The positive impact of information and technology to society are enumerated below, the one that is not is:
A. integral in democratic processes B. build communities C. strengthened civil society
D. tool in insinuating chaos and war among countries and people E. contributed to economic welfare of the people
34. This time a lot of items are being copied and uploaded on facebook. Included are movies which are not meant to
be for free viewing. As responsible netizen, you must:
a. tag or notify your friends so that they could also enjoy free viewing.
b. report the matter to facebook authorities.
c. download those and distribute to others.
d. just allow things to happen, anyway many are doing it.
35. With the recet disagreement of country’s leaders on ‘War on Drugs’ and ‘Extrajudicial Killings’ a lot of information
are being fed in mass and social media. As a citizen, you must:
a. be critical and investigative on the information being fed.
b. be one-sided in accepting information.
c. contribute to the bullying and word wars on social media.
d. produce malicious report against one of the personalities.
36. Responsible media and information user seeks to:
a. sensationalize chunks of information for news reports to create response from the audience.
b.profit more at the expense of delivering malicious information.
c. insist personal views on issues without hearing all sides.
d. present balance and up to date information.
37. A good learner of today is:
a. dependent so much on what the teacher is inputting. b. maximizes technology for learning.
c. plays online games while attending classes online. d. spends much time on social media.
PART III Identification. A. Write T if it is traditional media and N if it is new media.
1. Magazine 5. Online Video Games 8. Facebook
2. Radio 6. Print advertising 9. Blog
3. Mobile games 7. PodcasT 10. Mobile games
4. Television

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