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Measurment Uncertainty based on ISO/IS19036:2006 log 10 Method

Sample Matrix Water

Sample Name Bore well water
Test Name Total Coliform
Test Method IS:1622:1981

S.No XiA XiB YiA YiB yiA-yiB (yiA-yiB)2

1 18 20 1.26 1.30 -0.046 0.0021
2 20 22 1.30 1.34 -0.041 0.0017
3 21 17 1.32 1.23 0.092 0.0084
4 22 20 1.34 1.30 0.0414 0.0017
5 17 18 1.23 1.26 -0.0248 0.0006
6 24 24 1.38 1.38 0.0000 0.0000
7 22 21 1.34 1.32 0.0202 0.0004
8 21 18 1.32 1.26 0.0669 0.0045
9 20 20 1.30 1.30 0.0000 0.0000
10 24 22 1.38 1.34 0.0378 0.0014
Average 21 1.32 1.30 Sum 0.0209
sR 0.0323
U=2sR 0.0646

XiA 1st replicate result

XiB 2nd replicate result
YiA log(1st replicate result)
YiB log(2nd replicate result)
sR reproducibility standard deviation
U 2sR - expanded uncertainty, with a coverage factor of 2 (giving a confidence level of 95 %)
sp Pooled Standard Deviation
RSD Relative Standard Deviation
EU Expanded Uncertainty

Uncertainty Statement:
The calculated expanded uncertainty U, with a coverage factor of 2 (confidence level of 95 % ) for
is 5 at 21 MPN/100ml
Mean 1.31 Average cfu/g
sp 0.0323 21
RSD 2.465
k 2
EU 4.931

Average Value= 21
Log of Average value 1.322219
U= 0.0646
Lower Value= 1.257619 Lx
Upper Value= 1.386819 Ux
Convert to CFU as follows Formula = (10)power of x

Lower Value= 18.09753

Upper Value= 24.36797

ce level of 95 %)

of 95 % ) for XiB by is 5 at 21 MPN/100ml

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