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Name: Janica Mae Ramirez Date: 20 January 20, 2021

Section: BSE-2AE Teacher: Mr. J. Jangad


1. Describe the role of the teacher in the Audio-lingual Method of language teaching.
The teacher acts as the role model. They are the ones who demonstrate the language, therefore, they should be highly
knowledgeable of the language—native-like as some would say. Aside from that, they also direct their students by correcting their
mistakes by means of great facilitating traits, especially if they are faced with young language learners. And of course, as a teacher,
they contribute to making the student’s learning more active and dynamic. This is made possible by incorporating different drills and
tasks, that is for the purpose of learning the language.

2. Describe the role of the students in the Audio-lingual Method of language learning.
The students’ role in the audio-lingual method is to just sit and listen—passive. They don’t do much but imitate what their
teacher says. They are just there at the class to follow the instruction of their facilitator since they have no control over it. They are
mere learners of the language therefore, in order to learn, they should pay attention to their instructor, that is for the sake of mastery of
the language.

3. Is there such thing as “one-size-fits-all” method of language teaching/learning?

There is no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” method of language in teaching and learning. Mainly because of diversity. We
are made and formed too differently. We do not function or think exactly the same way. We are not robots programmed with one
software alone. We are a variety of unique minds and that is the beauty of God’s creation. Therefore, with that in mind, the “one-size-
fits-all” does not make sense to me, nor applicable in teaching and learning. It is biased and benefits only some, how about the
remaining percentage of the population?

4. Why are the Grammar-Translation and Audio-lingual methods still used in many different parts of the world today?
I think it is still widely used around the world because of its versatility. It has proved itself to be effective. It is between the
listener and the information relayer, the more knowledgeable other, over a blank slate. It works well and in harmony because of the
relationship between them. And aside from that, learning hits different when they are exposed to the language itself. They have a native
speaker. They have their basis. They can hear it perfectly, and in return, they have a subject for imitation in their learning process.

5. Write a short essay on the topic, “Some of the Things that I am Thankful for in 2021.”
First of all, I am thankful for being alive. Some people may look at living as some sort of chore. It’s difficult and demanding.
But it’s a good thing my mom taught me well since I love doing chores. Therefore, I love living. This 2021, I have promised myself to
be different. Last year, I had the same sentiments but things do not always go according to plan. But this year, I know I have started it
right. And I will strive to do my best until the end. And right now, just to be honest, I am beyond grateful. I got back to the ministry. I
am closer to God. All of which I lost last year. But the thing is I am still thankful that it happened. Because in sadness, we learn to
recognize joy. Second of all, I am thankful that I have started a small business. It feels so overwhelming when you get money from
things you love doing. It’s like the feeling you get when you’re eating your favorite dessert after a good meal. In our language, it’s
nakakakilig. I was happy I made that decision. At least I get to benefit from my artwork and at the same time improve in it too. Third of
all, I am so thankful for my parents. These past few weeks, I have noticed something different. There is peace. The kind of peace I
don’t see that often. To be honest, I never had a close relationship with my parents. Because I’m scared. But now, things are going well,
I could say that. My dad is more like a dad now, although he’s still a little childish in some ways. He’s still unpredictable but I am
trying to live with it, despite my hate towards those kinds of people. I am a control freak and that is a huge contrast with our
personalities but as I have said, I am trying to accept that. I’m starting to have a different perspective now more than ever. Now I have
come to realize the blessing of time. How beautiful. It all comes down to you on how you make use of it. It’s all up to you. You either
break yourself in the process or build yourself into something better. All I could say for 2021, I am ready.

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