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E vo LuITorV

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I irs+ 6 e.cerq{ioD comPuterrs

Jh. Rttsr $eno*\roo oF (o mpulets ustd vqraqm +ukr g.S C( ,$oJoY

Pie@ oF -k['oo\ogj Vocrrrm lutes werc w 'At ,.rs.J t)

computcrs frlrerr licto +\*u3b l<156 Vqccum fubc.j ur(r€

compancnhs enl Rerr ll.J io $\ts| $eneralra6 com polcyg


b"ns tl,^l, I*!F n Srile

TIre €niqc ri e So"l €aerople op q f,nst 3 entru,Jrror: .s rnptJ[c 1-

3+ CroS,: htd cF neol! Zo0oo Vacuum pLts loooo ro ;,ot rf o t5

<rnd Toooo r€Si9torS

S..rnJ &eneoolion Compu\erS

seron6[ oF romPokrs Satr, d+, v9
Seneoaf,oit 4
*tons,shotrs ins l'.qJ oF va(au rn f rhrs Jzansrslots W)a *d"!
uld tn rornpu krs Frrrn lqsb {- ,q53

T'L Frrji rornp,rltrg +" v9 tna0SrSFprrS ues d+a 'Tx-o

qnd ,nhsod.,t.d d) ic 50 othb .eoPukrs dtJ ,tvl

f ransis hors in ct,rde fhe IBM 7o7a

irJ &e,"errqirco Co nnP.r[trrS

romgu\ers rnH^rttJ &k tJSa oF 2< CBn tqrt*td

Ge Th.rJ Senerrahoo
heln{d YQillJ..(
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?-trerr tno r( &hcro 9orcal
+k 5r:r oF rompc\trs
dkarr' Fas te
Cornpil\trt cl{d drro mddr,

No.Lt dl Corn P.rle:tS

Snt< dt" +, lrtt ti bo s
tti/ har"t

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frtat\5 P"Pb
\rsrJ d) compr;\rea l"'g
gct s or\g S'{rit

Founstr herucenrEonJ /orn PvtG R

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fnv?otroo oF dfu rnruopno(c$soe $not< (1, ,nrnor\ lrrc;* OA a rPu

rnr(ro erofe5ot wr&b rnheyroJd .r",d" Ivl#d n ff*l,a pa:si bh

o Ats I" od b, dl^P

&r Pc(s tu ift eaar\ on

in\wdurhoo p? Lapb p

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F\tcrir ttec iBrr,t Stca
F,frn hcNs Rll Tr-ot0 'r:mgr:t&R

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, b* d4u, a,
corn p,o\tr3\og1 o"d

ot\.! oF tl, r'oJr dt Vm.*n euanfiA aF A2 1t:,

tuh,4 uroD k"luitd ot\ 6to ?v Sluur'

eo^r,puht4s U aBff\') Wa[son

Snreqndl qb a

SIXTH GrEtuEReTCoru ao'rr P$IE F5

Bs o F 2o7\ lnasl- Slrh roDstdu) G.t fDV rn t1" Fr dt: P

ron'|tnua ta V d.rr"l. p.J arv po:s rbie

Ttwta a,b B?
d Fu tturo Stxtln cilJ\L^crhdt' 11 wtd,fr dU *rr?
ccrr\en.iu: [tr
g,"rantum compu\113 Hou,tugn un+il 4 bT orrra
dorv r'Pi&t'

fl\g'1F e*rLpn) c^d ,,t u*J th shtt anIS a pbtue^q

|tehn l

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