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T,n,ct 21st Century Lesson 1

The 21st Century World

The 21st Century World

- Reveals an unfathomable dawn of modern era.
❖ According to James Martin, " Humanity's demands on the planet are
growing rapidly. If we are able to make the planet and civilization
work. We face a magnificent future. If we fail, we could be headed
for a new Dark Age."
Why did James Martin say this?
- The world has greatly changed the lives of people and we are all aware that
everyday world is changing.
❖ Change = magnificent future / new dark age

21st Century = innovations, surprising milestones, change in modes of thinking

Greene (2014) mentioned in his research that growing internet access in the
Philippines poses opportunities and challenges many kinds of companies.
○ Internet - one of the most significant changes
- speed of internet has significantly affected the way people
choose and decide
- new markets, trends and networks
❖ One of the promising potential of the 21st century is leading
learners to become learned and responsible citizens in the context
of today's global society.
❖ Success in the 21st century requires everyone to understand how
to learn independently.

The Paradox of Our Time by Dr. Bob Moorehead

→ Tells us the reality about the world and the people in the 21st century.

TNC 21ST LESSON 1 Page 1

T,n,ct 21st Century Lesson 2
The 21st Century Learner

9 Important 21st Century Skills

○ Creativity and Critical Thinking Skills

→ Demands a lot of creativity and problem-solving skills
○ Collaboration and Teamwork Skills
→ Demands achievement as a team
○ Communication Skills
→ Ability to communicate clearly and concisely, talking to others,
giving out instructions and receiving instructions must be done
professionally with misconceptions
○ Information Literacy
→ Demands worker's ability to understand facts and figures and
interpret data
○ Media and Technology Literacy
→ Demands individuals to understand method and outlets through
which information is published.
○ Leadership
→ Someone's ability to set goals without giving excuses
○ Flexibility
→ Demands individuals be able to adapt changing circumstances
○ Productivity
→ Demands individuals to complete work within a specific period
○ Global and Cultural Awareness
→ Entails individuals ability to understand his/her immediate
environment and how could influence his/her productivity at work.

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T,n,ct 21st Century Lesson 3
Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking
→ The objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement.
→ According to Richard Paul, critical thinking is the mode of thinking about any
subject, content or problem in which the thinker improves the quality of his/her
thinking by skillfully taking charge of the structures inherent in thinking and in
posing intellectual standards upon them.
Why Critical Thinking is important?
→ Allows you to identify bias and manipulation, and come up with your
own informed questions.
→ To be able to understand the source or evidence and their
relationship between facts.
→ By analyzing the information that you come across, you don't just
accept what you're seeing or being told at phase value.
→ You question the opinion presented to you and seek out the reasons
and sources behind it.
→ Always allows you to create convincing arguments backed up by proof.
→ Arguments based on opinions w/o evidence are often easily taken
→ This skill can be useful when writing essays.
→ Allows you to present a balance view that considers all the angles.
When do you say you think critical or you just think normal?
THINKING is a mental process while CRITICAL THINKING means thinking about
→ An organized process that we use to → Gathering and assessing
make sense of the world. information in a logical
balanced and reflective
→ A thinker may accept facts or way to reach conclusions
realities based on fate alone and w/o justified by a reasoned
examination and analysis of the issue. arguments and based on
available evidence.
Is raising a question helps you think critically?
Raising a question was a pedagogy of Socrates
❖ QUESTIONS were used as a key learning tool and was the most important teaching
Dialectic method of Inquiry (Socratic Method) - Introduced by Socrates
→ Used to examine moral concepts.
→ This practice involves asking a series of question surrounding a central issue
and answering questions of the others involved
→ Disciplined questioning that can be used to pursue thought in many direction
and for many purposes.


T,n,ct 21st Century Lesson 4
Barriers to Cultivating Thinking

• Egocentric Nature and Thinking Patterns

○ Making a person think about himself and leads to inability to not sympathize
with others who understands their issues/ problems.
○ One's ego is one of the most significant barriers to critical thinking.

• Group Thinking
○ The person doesn't have his/her own opinion/ decision.
○ To overcome, it requires the individuals of the group to stand apart and
question their thoughts.
• Drone Mentality
○ When a person doesn't pay attention during the important work meetings and
○ It hails upon anytime and on anyone affecting the process of critical thinking.
○ Daily and mundane routines make a person fall prey to drone mentality.

• Social Conditioning
○ Involves stereotyping things and people around us and having unwanted
assumptions that make it quite difficult for people around the organization
to work.
• Biased Nature and Experiences
○ It probes and prohibits a person from making decisions that are fair, open-
minded, and transparent.
○ Prevents the person to use logical reasoning, experience, and the basic
consents to make decisions that are valid.
• Work Pressure
○ Overloaded with deadlines and it affects our skills of critical thinking.
○ Completing work without strategic thinking and long-term vision.

• Arrogance
○ Make a person with a closed mindset and with an opinion that he/she knows
everything and doesn't need to learn new things.
○ Arrogance makes a person fail on the long-term basis as he/she has closed
his/her channel of learning.

• Stubborn Nature
○ A person with such nature has his/her own sets of beliefs and ideologies.

• Fear
○ Makes us unconfident and demotivated to think out of the box.

• Laziness
○ Tendency not to finish work properly.

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T,n,ct 21st Century Lesson 5
Strategic Analysis and Intuitive Thinking

What is Strategic Analysis?

→ Process of examining, using one’s rationality or reason, the local surroundings
and resources, and how they relate with each other to formulate a strategy to
meet objectives and improve performance.
→ Involves identifying and evaluating necessary data for formulating a strategy.
→ Involves reviewing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats found both
the org's external and internal factors.
→ means to turn your weaknesses into strengths as a student.
> Main objectives in accordance with its mission and vision
• MISSION - Org's main task that it wants to perform.
• VIION - what the org foresees itself to be.
> A person who performs strategic analysis is usually systematic and
analytical and takes time to arrive at decisions.
Points to remember in Strategic Analysis:
- Where and how it started.
- Try to think on many possible solutions.
- Choose the best solution to apply.
What is Intuitive Thinking?
→ Sensing or knowing without using rational processes such as reading facts.
→ It is something that is known or understood without proof or evidence
→ It is making choices and decisions according to one’s hunch and gut feeling
without knowing the reason why.
→ Instinctive and unplanned process of solving problems.
→ Tends to be imaginative and more applicable in situations where facts are

TNC 21ST LESSON 5 Page 5

Tnct 21st Century Lesson 6
Strategic Planning & SWOT Analysis

Stages of Strategic Planning

> Phase 1: Establishing the identity of the organization

▪ Who or what the org is?
▪ Where it wants to be and where is it now?
▪ It concerns the organization's core values, mission and vision, objectives,
members and stakeholders.
▪ Both the internal and external environments are taken into considerations.
> Phase 2: Developing and implementing an action plan or strategy to attain priorities.
▪ How will the organization gets where it wants to go?
▪ Concerns the goals and outcomes, structural and financial changes, and the
initiatives of the org.
▪ Choosing the best strategy to attain priorities.
> Phase 3: Evaluating how the organization manages its actions towards its priorities.
▪ How well the organization knows its performance?
▪ These needs performance standards and measurements such as monthly and
annual reports
▪ Assessing the strategy if it is really working

Strategic Planning Tools

SWOT ANALYIS (Strengths, Weaknesses, opportunities, threats)
→ Applied particularly in phase 1 where situational scanning is undertaken.
→ The internal and external factors which are favorable and unfavorable for the
attainment of objectives and priorities are identified.
→ It focuses on the org's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats it
faces. And breaks down all the parts.

 Strengths - internal attributes of the org

that contributes to the attainment of the
org's objectives and priorities.
 Weaknesses - internal attributes of the org
that obstruct the attainment of the org's
objectives and priorities.
 Opportunities - external attributes of the
org that contributes to the attainment of
the org's objectives and priorities.
 Threats - external attributes of the org
that obstruct the attainment of the org's
objectives and priorities.

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