Supplements For Osteoporosis & Bone Health: Do Any Supplements Help Prevent or Treat Osteoporosis?

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15. 03. 2020. Osteoporosis Supplements & Bone Supplements | ConsumerLab.


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Supplements for Osteoporosis & Bone Health
Do any supplements help prevent or treat osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disease in which the density and quality of the bone are reduced, making it weak and
brittle. A variety of supplements offer potential benefit, although in limited situations. (Use the links below
for details.)

Adequate intakes of calcium (and vitamin D) during youth are important for building strong bone, and it's
important to get adequate calcium throughout life to help maintain bone. However, in postmenopausal
women, calcium supplements (with vitamin D) may only modestly protect against osteoporosis. Most
adults currently get enough calcium for bone health, and some postmenopausal women who take
supplements may be getting too much calcium, which can increase the risk of kidney stones and stroke.

Vitamin D may help to increase bone density, but only in people with low blood levels of vitamin D (below
20 ng/mL) and with adequate calcium intake. It may also help to reduce the risk of fractures and falls.
However, getting too much vitamin D could be detrimental to bone health.

Although uncommon, magnesium deficiency can increase the risk of osteoporosis. In people with
inadequate intake, supplementing with magnesium can increase bone mineral density.

At doses higher than nutritional needs, vitamin K supplements have been found to increase bone
density in healthy postmenopausal women, and higher intakes of vitamin K from foods has been
associated with reduced risk of fractures in elderly men and women.

In postmenopausal women, soy isoflavones may increase bone density, although higher doses are
required than those typically used to reduce hot flashes.

A form of strontium (strontium ranelate) available by prescription in Europe, but not in the U.S., has
shown promise in reducing the risk of developing osteoporosis as well as increasing bone density and
reducing the occurrence fractures in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Strontium supplements
in the U.S. typically contain strontium citrate and, while it is absorbed into bone (Moise, Bone 2014), there 1/6
15. 03. 2020. Osteoporosis Supplements & Bone Supplements |

is no research showing it to be effective against osteoporosis. Also, be aware that too much strontium
may weaken bones. In some studies, up to 680 mg of elemental strontium from either strontium ranelate
or strontium citrate has been taken for between 3 to 4 years without serious adverse effects (Meunier, N
Engl J Med 2004; Moise, Bone 2014); however, Health Canada has warned that an increased risk of
cardiovascular events has been reported in some people who have a history of, or risk factors for
cardiovascular disease who took a daily dose of 680 mg of strontium ranelate. The agency advises those
with risk factors for cardiovascular disease should not take strontium supplements, and that those taking
strontium for longer than 6 months consult their healthcare provider (See the Warning for more
information). Extremely large doses (1.5 - 3% of dietary intake) have been reported to decrease bone
calcium in animals (Brandi, AM J Med 1993). If you decide to use strontium, take it at least 2 hours before
or after taking calcium or magnesium, as these may reduce absorption of strontium (and other
minerals) (Protelos Product Information 2014).

Very preliminary research also suggests that boron might be beneficial for osteoporosis, although this
has not been studied in clinical trials.

Research suggest that long-term use of melatonin may help increase bone density but, unfortunately, it
may also make bone more susceptible to fracture.

Be aware that excessive vitamin A as retinol (but not beta-carotene) may increase the risk of
osteoporosis and hip fractures.

See our Encyclopedia for more information about osteoporosis.

Learn More About Supplements and Bone Health:

I'm considering taking vitamin K for my bones, but I take blood thinner (anti-coagulant)
medication. Is there a problem taking both? >>

Are plant-based calcium supplements, like AlgaeCal, better than regular calcium supplements? >>

I've heard that melatonin may increase the risk of broken bones. I take melatonin regularly. Should
I be concerned? >>

Is it possible to get too much vitamin D? >>

How much calcium from supplements is too much? >>

Which vitamins and minerals should be taken together or separately? >>

See other recent and popular questions >>

COMMENTS Add Comment

Bev17836 May 10, 2019

What about increasing intake of Whole Milk? I prefer food over supplements and have read that the
body absorbs better. Buying from a small dairy, brief high heat pasteurization. Not homogenized. A2
protein. Wonderful stuff. Consuming 3 cups daily. Active lifestyle. Mom had severe osteoporosis at age
97. I have not yet had bone density.
Comment on Post May 10, 2019

Hi Bev - Thank you for sharing this. Milk and dairy products such as yogurt are certainly a good
sources of calcium, as are white beans, soybeans, and tofu, as noted in our Calcium Review:
Calcium_with_%20Vitamin_D_K_magnesium/calcium/#food. You may also be interested in our
CL Answer about calcium-fortified milks:
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15. 03. 2020. Osteoporosis Supplements & Bone Supplements |

Terri17160 September 11, 2018

I am 61 and was diagnosed with Osteoporosis Last January. I have been incorporating a regimen - albeit
slowly - based on a book 'The Healthy Bones Nutrituion Plan and Cookbook' by Dr. Laura Kelly and
Helen Bryman Kelly. Everything, including supplements, are made from scratch. With my lifestyle, it is
very difficult to be consistent and I have been concerned I am not getting enough nutrients, like MK7, D
and the other nutrients I need to build bone. Today I ordered AlgaeCal Plus (without the Strontium) for a
trial period. My question for you is, I take 40 mg. per day of Pantoprazole for GERD. I have been told
that this blocks the absorptions of crucial nutrients and can actually contribute to osteoporosis. Do you
have any information on this? I am quite stressed about all of this. Thank you for any help.
Comment on Post September 13, 2018

Hi Terri - Please see the CL Answer about proton pump inhibitors (such as pantoprazole) and
potential interactions with vitamins, minerals and other supplements:
Comment on Post

Coleen16865 May 24, 2018

I am post-menopausal and was taking calcium supplements until my eye doctor told me I have calcium
deposits around my retina, and he recommended that I stop taking calcium supplements. Women are
often encouraged to take calcium supplements by their doctor, but rarely do doctors mention situations
where one should consider not taking them.
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Diane8041 November 10, 2015

I also take a supplement called Ostinol. Do you have any research on Ostinol? As I mentioned
previously, with my regimen, my regular DEXA scans show significant bone density increases. I am
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Rita17426 January 6, 2019

Has any one else tried Ostinol? I am interested in hearing any results of using it. I know it is a bit
expense, so don't want to buy it if the results are not known.
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Diane8027 November 1, 2015

I take a product called AlgaeCal along with their Strontium Boost. I have taken it for about 3-4 years after
discovering that I had osteoporosis in my right hip. I have done about 3-4 Dexa Scans which show a 1-
3.5.% increase in bone density in all areas that were scanned each time I did the DEXA. I would be
happy to share the scans with you. My formerly osteoporotic hip is now almost in the normal range as is
the rest of the areas that were scanned. I think everyone should know about this formulation. I think
maybe Dr's Best has a similar formulation, but I am staying with AlgaeCal cause it works.
Comment on Post November 9, 2015

Hi Diane - Thank you for sharing your experience with AlgaeCal. You can find more information
about this product in this CL Answer :
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Steven7978 September 27, 2015

Vitamin K2 should be specified
Comment on Post October 1, 2015 3/6
15. 03. 2020. Osteoporosis Supplements & Bone Supplements |

Hi Steven - Please follow the link to the Review of Vitamin K Supplements in the answer above
for information about both vitamin K1 and K2 (MK-4 and MK-7) for increasing bone density.
Comment on Post

Glenda7973 September 27, 2015

I began taking Strontium two years ago, after a bone density test showed some osteo-pina.The doctor
wanted me to go on an aggressive form of meds to correct this. I refused, and continued doing all the
forms of building bone that you mentioned. The only different thing I did was to add the Strontium. Two
years later, much to the doctor surprise, my bone density was greater than the two years before! I
followed the directions on the container. So, how much is "too much" Strontium? I am 75 years old.
Thanks, G.R.
Comment on Post October 13, 2015

Hi Glenda - Thank you letting us know about your experience with strontium. We've added
information about dosage to the answer above.
Comment on Post

Lani8025 October 30, 2015

Hi Glenda,

I am a bone densitometrist. Strontium falsely increases bone density. We do not know how
much exactly in any given person. The other issue is that someone your age will typically
increase bone density in the spine due to arthritic changes. Osteopenia is not considered
a diagnosis necessarily. If you have had fractures that were low-trauma that is another
matter. The main question is will strontium citrate reduce fracture risk? Many things can
increase bone density yet increase fracture. A good example of this is high doses of
flouride - increases bone density, but the bone quality is poor.
Lani Simpson, DC, CCD
Author: Dr. Lani's No-Nonsense Bone Health Guide
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Robin14033 May 14, 2017

Just saw this post today. Thanks so much for this important information!! I wish CL
would highlight it. Not all primary docs are aware of this issue.
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Anita16208 November 16, 2017

Actually, although strontium does give a false reading on DXA scans, these are
crude forms of imagery. Different imaging, and in fact biopsies, show that bone
structure actually improves with strontium treatment. There are many studies in
rodents but here are biopsy results of a human patient.

I myself take strontium citrate and other supplements, following the Canadian
micronutrient protocol created by Dr. Stephen Genuis.

I rebuilt my bone mass, though it is only measured by DXA.

Before I began this protocol, I asked my (now) late father-in-law, who was the
longtime pharmacology department chair at a large eastern medical school,
whether it would be stupid to take strontium citrate, and he told me that a colleague
who suffered from a rare early-onset osteoporosis was treated with strontium salts
at the Mayo Clinic in the 1960s. His fractures ceased and he took strontium the rest
of his life, another thirty or so years. 4/6
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Comment on Post

ellen17828 May 8, 2019

Hi Anita,
I have just come across your post. I'm considering adding strontium to my
regime. Are you still taking it? Can you share the brand you use?
Thanks so much!
Comment on Post

Anita18463 September 25, 2019

Hi Ellen, I'm sorry, I just saw your question. Actually my life has
gotten complicated the last couple of years and I have been
struggling even to consume enough calcium every day, and you don't
want to take strontium unless you have sufficient calcium--the idea is
that you take strontium to promote bone regrowth, not to replace
calcium in the bone matrix. So, when I was taking strontium I took
Doctor's Best but that is no longer being made. I have since bought
strontium from VitaCost, but I was thinking next time I purchased
strontium I might get it from Algaecal. (Per Consumerlab's request, I
state that I have no financial in these or similar products.)

Here are links to columns by the late Sara DeHart, a professor of

nursing, that you might find useful:

There are caveats to taking strontium, the primary one being that if
you have had or have a cancer that metastasizes to bone, you do
NOT want to promote bone growth. Also, the drug form of strontium,
strontium ranelate, has been associated with a slightly increased risk
of blood clots, so if you have had phlebitis you might not want to take
strontium either. I do not take it when I fly or drive long distances for
this reason. There are other issues associated with strontium
ranelate that have not been reported with strontium citrate, but as
strontium citrate cannot be patented, we are unlikely to ever see any
studies undertaken.

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Jeanne17914 June 5, 2019

I know this is an old post, but felt it important to mention that biophosphonates, like Fosomax etc
have also been criticized for increasing bone density, but creating poor quality bone.
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ellen18150 July 21, 2019

Yes, I've read & heard about this.
Comment on Post

This CL Answer initially posted on 9/26/2015. Last updated 5/10/2019. members may submit questions to We read all

questions and try to answer those of popular interest. 5/6
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