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Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies

1.1. Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies

Entrepreneurship is defined as the development of a business from starting it from a business idea to
eventually growing it into a profitable venture. For new practitioners, finding the perfect business model is
the first step in starting a business. Practitioners are those people who are already engaged in the same
line of business that an entrepreneur wishes to be in too.

PECs are composed of the desirable characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills, and traits that
an entrepreneur must possess in order to be successful in developing a business undertaking. In
most cases, the PECs of an existing practitioner are assessed so that a striving entrepreneur
would know the PECs he must possess to be able to succeed as well. In order for use to move
forward we have to first assess our capabilities as an aspiring entrepreneur with the help of the
following PEC’s.

 Entrepreneurial Competencies that we must possess

A. Opportunity seeking 
An entrepreneur readily identifies opportunities which offer new business or improve
their present business. They do not merely spot opportunities to set up a business but more
importantly, act upon these opportunities. Moreover, they will seize unusual opportunities to
tap resources for financing, acquire equipment, land, buildings, storage area or business
information and assistance.

B. Persistence
An entrepreneur does not give up easily when confronted with obstacles. They are not
easily discouraged at early signs of failure. Instead, they use their imagination to take repeated
actions and if necessary, change their strategies to get the desired outcome.

C. Commitment to the work

As soon as an entrepreneur commits himself/herself, he/she takes full responsibility for
this commitment. When needed, he/she pitches in with workers or perform extraordinary
chores just to get the job done at a mutually agreed time and standard of quality.
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Farhana Jealyn Kalbi


D. Risk Taking
The entrepreneur is known for being a risk-taker. They prefer tasks that provide them
with challenges. Equipped with the necessary knowledge and experience and awareness on
how much hard work they are willing to put into the task, that’s how they know they have a fair
chance to succeed

E. Goal Setting
Being a success-oriented individual, the entrepreneur plans out the accomplishment of
tasks. They set clear and well-defined goals and breaks these goals into short-term as well as
long-term goals.

F. Demand of efficiency and quality

Setting high but realistic standards of excellence for themselves, they will find it difficult
to compromise on those standards. So, in order to meet new standards, the entrepreneur
always strives to find ways to do things better, faster, and at a lower cost.

G. Planning and Monitoring

As a careful planner, the entrepreneur sets what are to be accomplished and
meticulously assesses how today’s activity can contribute to the accomplishment of their long-
term goal.

H. Information seeking
To assure accomplishments of the entrepreneurial goals, the entrepreneur continuously
seeks relevant information regarding the market, clients, suppliers, and competitors and
consult expert’s advice on business and other matters.

I. Persuasion and Networking

Equipped with a persuasive personality, the entrepreneur easily establishes a network
of personal and business contracts around them. An entrepreneur must be aware of the extent
of their intra-personal abilities for communication.

J. Self-confidence
The entrepreneur has confidence that they can make things happen. They are aware of
their capabilities; they do not doubt that they can accomplish the most challenging tasks on

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Farhana Jealyn Kalbi


 Most desirable Practitioner’s PECs & how to assess them

 Analytical   Goal Setter

Identifying how a practitioner will Be familiar on how a practitioner sets
handle/solve the problem that may arise while goals and objectives that is relevant to the
running their business activities. growth of the business.

 Confident  Information Seeker

Discovering how the practitioner utilizes Understand how a practitioner seeks and
his self-confidence to achieve all the goals finds relevant information to further improve
and objective they set out for their business. his business activities.

 Determined Motivator  Opportunity Chaser

Appreciates the efforts of practitioners to Know how the practitioner seeks and
aspire others to pursue anything that may pursues every opportunity that may come to
contribute to the success of the business. help improve the business.

 Effective Organizer  Risk Taker

Determine the actions performed by a Recognize the practitioner’s approach in
practitioner that enables him to plan things addressing and turning a risk into a desirable
that are appropriate in a certain situation. situation.

 Practitioner’s PECs that must be aligned with the aspiring entrepreneurs

Characteristic Lifestyle Proficiencies

This refers to the feature or This states how the practitioner These are the skills and abilities
quality of the practitioners. lives. This may include some of his possessed by a practitioner.
Aspirants must only take the practices that greatly contribute to
positive trait of a practitioner. his success. In computer hardware servicing,
these pertain to the following:
Some characteristics to align are: These are thing we must observe:
Installation – skills needed to
Initiative – perform actions Habits – how a practitioner build
further than the necessities divides time for business and for
leisure. Configuration – abilities to
Persistence – determined to organize
achieve a goal Decisiveness – how a
practitioner handles situations Diagnosis – capacities to detect
Opportunity  seeker – able to and derives decisions. faults
act on all opportunities
Troubleshooting – knowledge to
Information chaser – willing to resolve faults
learn and develop
Maintenance – competence to

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Farhana Jealyn Kalbi


ICT: Computer System Servicing for Digital 4
Farhana Jealyn Kalbi

ICT Teacher

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