Visual Tracking: Individual/Unit Training

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Visual Tracking

Individual/Unit Training
Definition of Terms
1. Visual tracking is following the path
of men or animals by detecting the
signs they leave.

2. Sign is mark on the ground and

disturbances of vegetation made by an
animal or group of men passing through
an area.
3. Tracking is the technique of locating
and enemy with the aid of markings and
traces left as he moves through and out of
the area.

4. Scent Tracking is following men or

animals by their smell
Fundamentals of
1. Displacement –takes place when
something is moved from its original
position to another place.

2. Staining – roots, stones and vines may be

stained by crushed leaves or berries when walk
on. Yellow stains may be urine mark left by
personnel in the area.
3. Weathering –weather may either aid or
hinder tracking. It affects the signs but wind,
rain and sunlight can also obliterate signs

4. Littering– Poorly trained units may leave

trails of litter as they move. Gum or candy
wrappers, ration can, cigarette butts, remains
of fires, or human feces are unmistakable signs
of recent movement.
5. Camouflage –It is used to conceal movement
and to slow down and confuse the tracker.

6. Interpretation/ Immediate use of

Intelligence– Report facts or reports on what
you have seen only.
- A typical tracking team has three
trackers, three security men and a
team leader with the radiotelephone
operator (RATELO)
- Tracker dogs may be used to help
track an enemy. Tracker dogs are
trained and used by their handlers. A
dog tracks human scent and the scent
of disturbed vegetation caused by
man’s passing.

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