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1. On what specific part of the program were the java.

awt and
javax.swing packages used? Explain how. (Essay: 25 points)\

Swing and AWT is incharge of layout of the GUI and the process to do
so is implementation and managing the look of the program.

Creating a frame is one of their jobs as in the screenshot above the

package AWT is used during the setSize, setLocation, setTitle, and
many more , these are a few of where the java.awt was used, it was
used to create/place certain object such as creating the jframe
setting the size to 230,185 setting it as visible and creating the
background as light gray, those were some of the placed where the awt
was pused.
While that was AWT swing is more flexible and lighter than AWT ,
methods of using javax swing include creating the frame itself and and
adding panel, names borders. Yet it may look similar to AWT, it is
because they are almost the same but some key notes to take is that
AWT is much heavier to maneuver than swing.

The rest are also the places where awt and swing were used
2. On what specific part of the program was the java.awt.event
package used? Explain how. (Essay: 25 points) contains all of the classes for creating user

interfaces and for painting graphics and images, an event is triggered
when an actionListener is triggered such as typing in a text field or
pressing a button, in the program the action event is used during the
text field find IP clear and button okay,

by using the button okay it clears the textfield back to empty and
makes the button find ip reusable again, almost the same purpose
applies to the button clear, as it clears the previous input to make
it reusable again. It is also used in the find ip as it is being typed
on and anything inside when pressed will find a ip using the program
or code made.
3. In line with the concept of the program that you created (a
program that generates IP address), search for at least one (1)
framework that can be used in creating the same program. Explain
in at least five(5) sentences how you will implement the
framework. (Essay: 25 points)

The framework that would fit for me is Struts, it is another open-source

framework for web applications and what’s good about it, is that it follows
the MVC model and has the same processing control as a basic java server page,
and to create and manufacture a code like that would have the same process and
feel due, and what’s more is that it can be written with HTML. I would most
likely use the same process to get the ip as the method. getHostAddress.
Struts is easy to set up and provide as much more flexibility and
extensibility over the traditional MVC approach using JSP alone.

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