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Daniet master of

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Daniel, Master of Magicians


The Name of Names

r'it Wit'


Paul Foster Case

Copyright01995 by
Builders of the Adytum

ISBN 0-938002-10-4

Copyright under the International Convention

in Great Britain, Canada, The United States
and all countries which are members of the
International Convention and the International
Copyright Union and which are signatory to the
Copyright Conventions of Montevideo, Rio de
Janeiro, Buenos A r e s and Havana. All rights
are reserved.

Printed in the United States of America

John McCoy Printers
Los Angeles, California
Builders of the Adytum
Paul Foster Case (1884-1954), the
author of these texts, is known to
students of the Secret Wisdom a s a n
unexcelled authority on the esoteric
teachings of Tarot, Qabalah, and
Alchemy. Dr. Case's linkage with the
secret Mystery Schools that preserved
the true Christ teachings is indicated
also by several other of his works,
which include: THE TRUE AND

Besides being the producer of these

works in book form, Paul Case was the
founder of Builders of the Adytum, a
non-profit organization which is the
custodian and disseminator of his
incomparable works on esoteric
subjects. These are presented in
graded lesson form. Through the
lessons the same spiritual unfoldment
can be attained today as was possible
only for Mystery School students in
former world periods.

Dr. Case was chosen by the Third

Order for the transmission of Western
Mysteries for this period. His work
was to perserve, extend and update
the teachings that have always existed
since the beginning of the world.
Human consciousness, as a whole, has
evolved a capacity for individuality
and intellectual comprehension that
did not exist to the same extent in
former ages. These new human
capacities--indicated exoterically by
the advancements of the 'scientific
age--had to be taken into account.
Initiation today cannot be attained in
the same manner as it was in former
ages. For a modern aspirant to
experience the inner worlds in the
right way he must be prepared with a
mental comprehension that
harmonizes with the present
evolutionary deirelopment of
humanity. This is precisely what the
spiritual teachings of B.O.T.A.,
initiated by Paul Case, take into full

For this reason, the Western Mystery

training system is more valid for the
modern Western aspirant than the
older Eastern system. These methods
allow for the freedom and
independence of the Western student;
a freedom which this treatise indicates
a s being the fiuit of a continuously
growing grasp of Reality. Indeea, as
you will read, the true meaning of the
Name of Names is "that which was, is
and shall be; the nature of Reality

The reality that liberates includes

levels of existence beyond those we
can experience through the physical
senses. To be able to enter fully into
the Larger Reality is the essence of
the freedom which awaits us as we
become ever more conscious of Christ
a s the Divine Ego, the Central
Presence seated within the heart of
every human being.

May Light Be Extended upon You,


Daniel, ~ a i t e of
r Magicians


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i
Daniel, Master of Magicians . . 1
The Name of Names . . . . . . . 45
NQP?TR 31 5 ~ 7 3 ' 1

1 Daniel, Master of Magicians

Daniel, Master of Magicians
Materialists, infidels and atheists may scoff
a t astrology as much as they please. No
person who pretends to accept the Bible a s
his rule and guide in faith and pra.ctice can
possibly deny the validity ofthe ancient art
without betraying either his ignorance of
the Scriptures he affects to believe, or else
the hollow insincerity of his pose of
reverence. The fundamental principles of
astrology are explicitly stated in Holy Writ.
The astrological point of view is implied in
much of the Biblical teaching. Passage after
passage in both Testaments is unintelligible
unless one uses the key of astrology to
unlock their meaning.

The 14th verse of the first chapter of

Genesis speaks of the lights of heaven as
being for signs, and the Hebrew original
shows clearly that these signs are more
than mere indicators of time-periods. They
mark out the destinies of man.
Daniel, Master of Magicians

The 19th Psalm begins: "The heavens

declare the glory of God." and the fourth
verse, in the Authorized Version, is
translated: "Their line is gone out through
all the earth, and their words to the end of
the world." A better rendering, truer to the
spirit of the original Hebrew, would be:
"Their rule extends through all the earth,
and their commands to the end of the
world." That is to say, the rule or order of
the heavenly spaces permeates the entire
field of terrestrial activity. This is the first
premise of astrology. Furthermore, many
Rabbinical interpreters tell us that the
noun translated "line" in the King James
Version, which I have rendered "rule,"
signifies the power, running throughout the
whole universe, which gives shape and form
to things.

For the occultist who has had the benefit of

acquaintance with the Rosicrucian
tradition, the sentence, "The heavens
Daniel, Master of Magicians

declare the glory of God," has special

meaning, because the total value of its
words in Hebrew is 888, the number of the
Greek name Iesous, Jesus, and the Hebrew
words Jehovah Tzabaoth, ha-Messhiach,
"Jehovah of hosts, the Messiah." I n the
doctrine of the Western School of occultism
it is a basic principle that all phenomena
whatever are manifestations of a single
power, designated a t the beginning of St.
John's Gospel as the h g o s , or Word. In the
esoteric teaching that Word, identical with
Jehovah of hosts, in essence, is the One
Reality announced to the world through the
message of Jesus, and that message is
based upon Jesus' own clear perception of
the true nature of the innermost spirit of
man--the identity of that spirit with the
One Living Mind which projects itself in
the heavenly order of the skies.

We must never forget that the literal

translation of the words so often on Jesus'
Daniel, Master of Magicians

lips, "The kingdom of heaven," is actually

"The rule of the heavens." The phrase
occurs again and again, and one need only
study Jesus' parables of the kingdom to see
clearly two things: First--That the kingdom
of the heavens is not a future state,
following death; Second--That it is not a
political realm, as some have fondly and
foolishly imagined. On the contrary, it is an
order, a rule, perfectly manifested in the
stellar spaces, and in our Lord's Prayer we
ask that this same rule and order be
manifested upon the earth.

In the vision of Ezekiel, recorded in the first

chapter of his prophecy, are four living
creatures, every one having four faces,
which were the face of a man, the face of a
lion, the face of an ox, and the face of an
eagle. These four are also described in the
theophany recorded in the fourth chapterof
Revelation. The representations of these
four were on the standards of four tribes of
Daniel, Master of Magicians
Israel. The standard of Judah bore a lion,
that of Dan a n eagle, that of Ephraim a n
ox, and that of Manasseh a man. All this is
purely astrological. The lion, eagle, man
and ox are the representatives of the four
fixed signs of the zodiac: Leo, Scorpio,
Aquarius and Taurus. Scorpio is
represented by a n eagle because the extra-
zodiacal constellation Aquila, the eagle,
rises a the same time as Scorpio. Leo the
fixed sign of the fire triplicity is, in the
Qabalah, associated with the first letter of
the divine name IHVH (fl'lnl), Jehovah.
Scorpio, the fixed sign of the water
triplicity, is associated with the second
letter, Aquarius, fixed sign, of the airy
triplicity, is connected with the third letter,
and Taurus, the fixed sign of earth, is
assigned to the last letter. In this
connection i t should be noted that Leo,
Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus are the 5th,
Sth, l l t h , and 2nd signs of the zodiac, and
that the sum of the numbers indicating
Daniel, Master of Magicians

their positions in the zodiacal series, 5, 8,

11, and 2, is 26, the sum of the values of the
four letters composing the name IHVH
(fllfl'), Jehovah.

The twelve tribes of Israel are also the

representatives of the twelve signs of the
zodiac, though there has been much
confusion a s to the correct arrangement of
the signs in relation to the tribes. Thus the
stones in the high-priests breastplate must
also be related to the signs of the zodiac.
And so must the gates and foundations of
the New Jerusalem describedin the Book of

The four living creatures representing the

fixed signs are also traditionally related to
the Four Gospels, and they are shown in the
four quarters of the arms of Freemasonry.
Furthermore, in the correct horoscope of the
Declaration of Independence, Leo is on the
mid-heaven, Scorpio on the ascendant,
Daniel, Master of Magicians

Aquarius on the nadir, and Taurus on the

descendant. Thus if we begin a t the top of
the horoscope, and go around the wheel to
the left, in the direction that Hebrew is
read, the four cardinal points of the
horoscope spell out the name Jehovah, in
accordance with the attribution of its four
letters to these signs. Moreover, the degrees
of the signs on the mid-heaven and nadir
are 21, and those of the ascendant and
descendant are 13. This is a n interesting
coincidence, because the name of our
country, United States of America, has 21
letters, and the national motto, E Pluribus
Unum, has 13 letters.

These are about a few of the astrological

allusions in the Bible, found all the way
from Genesis to Revelation. But we do not
have to depend upon allusions and
interpretations for our certainty that
astrological philosophy is to be found in
Scriptures. The 20th verse of the 5th
Daniel, Master of Magicians

chapter of Judges gives us a clear, definite

statement, about which there can be no
question. It says: "The stars in their courses
fought against Sisera." Here the noun
translated "courses" is that which in later
Hebrew literature invariably designates the
twelve signs of the zodiac. The same noun is
used in Proverbs 16:17 to indicate the
course of human destiny, in the sentence:
"The highway of the upright is to depart
from evil," where the noun translated
"highway" is Masloth, the same as that
translated "courses" in the quotation from

Note the contrast. Sisera was by no means

upright. He was a tyrant, seeking to enslave
the Israelites. The stars of the zodiac fought
against him because the heavenly order is,
as St. James tells us, a perfect law of
liberty. Similarly, the name Jesus, which is
the numerical equivalent of the phrase "The
heavens declare the glory of God," signifies
Daniel, Master of Magicians

literally, "The nature of Reality is to set

free." Consequently, the upright, who
harmonize their lives with the order of the
skies, find that order like a great highway,
enabling them to depart from evil. For
astrology is sadly misunderstood if it be
thought to be concerned with the
irrevocable decrees of fate. The highway of
the upright is the wise man's co-operation
with the cosmic forces whose ebb and flow
is marked by the changing configurations of
the heavens. To be ignorant of the stellar
influences is to be bound by that ignorance,
as are all self-willed tyrants, of whom
Sisera is a type. To know the courses of the
stars is to be able, a t all times, to utilize
their influences constructively, and so to
depart from the bondage of chance, elf-will
and evil into the perfect freedom of those
who make obedience to the heavenly order
the basis of their thought and action.
Daniel, Master of Magicians

The Bible, however, contains stronger

evidence in the favor of astrologythan any
I have yet cited. One whole book of the Old
Testament was written by a man who held
the office of chief astrologer a t the
Babylonian court, under Nebuchadnezzar
and Belshazzar, and continued in that office
until the first year of the reign of Cyrus.

This man was Daniel. His very name has an

astrological flavor. Astrologers call the
analytical and predictive part of their work
the judgement of the horoscope, and Daniel
means "God is the judge." Competent
astrologers are well aware that in reading a
horoscope something more is necessary
than experience, something that goes
deeper than literal interpretation of rules.
Without intuition no astrologer can succeed,
and intuition is really the inner instruction
of the all-knowing Spirit. The omnipresence
of God necessitates His real presence in
human personality, and those only who
Daniel, Master of Magicians

have established contact with this inner

source of knowledge are fully qualified for
astrological judgement.

The story of Daniel shows that from his

youth he was accounted one of the leading
astrologers a t the Babylonian court. It
shows, too, that he cultivated assiduously
the attitude of receptivity to Divine
direction which is indispensable to proper
judgement of a horoscope. In the second
chapter of his book, which dealswith one of
the greatest long-range astrological
prophecies ever recorded, he reports himself
as saying to Nebuchadnezzar:

"The secret which the king hath demanded

cannot the wise men, the astrologers, the
magicians, the soothsayers, shew unto the
king; but there is a God in heaven which
revealeth secrets, and maketh knownto the
king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the
latter days."
Daniel, Master o f Magicians

As a reward for his success in interpreting

the king's dream, Daniel was made master
of the magicians. This was his official title,
according to the translation of the
Authorized Version; but the original text
calls him rub chartomia, "master of the

Now, the Mosaic law is specific in its

decrees against certain kinds of evil magic.
The loth, 11th and 12th verses of the 18th
chapter of Deuteronomy say:

"There shall not be found among you any

one that maketh his son or his daughter to
pass through the fire, or that useth
divination, or a n observer of times, or an
enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a
consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard,
or a necromancer. For all that do these
things are a n abomination unto Jehovah."
Daniel, Master of Magicians

Persons who confine their Biblical studies

1 to English translation often cite this

I passage in condemnation of astrology, but

Daniel certainly must have known it, and
yet he had no scruples against being made
1 chief of the Chaldean wise men who are
described in the King James Version a s
1 'I
magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans and
soothsayers." Daniel risked his life again
and again rather than violate the Mosaic
code. We must conclude, then, that the
practices of the Chaldeans involved no
transgression against the law of Moses.

This conclusion is justified by a n

examination of the original text. In
Deuteronomy, the word translated
"divination" is qesem, meaning any method
of judging by lot, such as the fall of dice or
arrows, the inspection of the entrails of
slaughtered victims, or the observation of
the flight of birds. "Observation of the
times" has nothing to do withastrology. The
Daniel, Master of Magicians

word so translated is anan, and it

designates those forms of magic which are
intended to give the magician control over
evll spirits. The word translated
"enchanter" is nachash, closely related to
another noun of the same spelling meaning
"serpent," and used in the story of the
temptation of Eve. The modern Egyptian
snake-charmer is such an enchanter, and
the practices of such persons have to do
with the misuse of psychology in gaining
undue influence over others, usually
through fear, or through perversions of the
power of suggestion such as are common in
modern high-pressure salesmanship,
propaganda, and patent-medicine
advertising over the radio. A "witch in
Hebrew, is one who whispers spells, like
those used even to this day by the
superstitious country-folk of Eastern
Pennsylvania, where, not long ago, there
was a dreadful murder growingout of these
so-called "Hex" practices. Consultation with
Daniel, Master of Magicians

familiar spirits survives to this day as the

practice of seeking guidance from the
departed. Wizardry is akin to witchcraft,
and consists of those practices which are
familiar to medicine-men all over the world.
These practices combine suggestion,
appeals to fear, and the use of subtle
poisons. Finally, the word "necromancy" of
the King James Version would be better
translated "worship of the dead."

All these forms of evil magic are based on

superstition and ignorance. Those who
profess and practice them are shrewd
judges of the weaknesses of human nature,
and prey upon and pander to those
weaknesses. They are liars and impostors,
who pretend to powers not possessed by
humanity a t large, and play upon the
credulity of their dupes. Their one thought
is to get their victims under their influence,
for the sake of power and money. Thus their
object is to enslave rather than to liberate.
Daniel, Master of Magicians

Not so the practitioners of genuine

astrology, however much the practice of this
royal and ancient art may be
misrepresented and abused by charlatans.
The evil magic enslaves all who believe in
it, and tends to make those believers
suppose themselves to be in bondage to
chance, and subject to the capricious moods
of hosts of invisible entities. True astrology
begins with recognition of a universal order,
in which nothing happens by chance, and in
which every part is related to every other
part. No astrologer worthy of the name
could for a moment suppose that human
beings are a t the mercy of invisible spirits
who must be propitiated by sacrifice, or
cajoled into temporary good humor by the
spells of a sorcerer, a t so much per spell.
Astrology emphasizes order, the law of
cause and effect; and behind that law it
discovers and adores the great lawgiver,
God Himself.
Daniel, Master of Magicians

Such was the science and a r t of the wise

men of Babylon. The noun translated
"magician" in the Book of Daniel really
means "astrologer," or "caster of
horoscopes." That which. is translated
"astrologer" would be more accurately
rendered "enchanter," for it signifies a
person skilled in the correlation of the
various kinds of vibration, and the control
of the various kinds of vibration through
the use of sound. This science and a r t of
controlling all modes of vibration through
certain uses of sounds is akin to what the
Hindus call Mantra-yoga, and it is closely
allied to astrology. "Chaldeans" was the
official designation of the priestly caste in
Babylonia, who were much occupied with
astronomical observations. "Soothsayers" is
a rather poor translation ofgezaria, which
means "determiners of destiny." Thus it
becomes evident that the wise men, who
had the general designation of "Chaldeans,"
were divided into three main classes: First--
Daniel,Master of Magicians

The makers of horoscopes; Second--The

practitioners of the art of controlling
vibration by sound; Third-thep persons who
specialized in judging horoscopes. In other
words, the wise men of Babylon believed in
division of labor and among them there
were three kinds of specialists, all
concerned with some aspect of astrology.

The long-range prediction to which I have

alluded is based upon the dream recorded in
the second chapter of the Book of Daniel,
supplemented by visions recorded in the
seventh, eighth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth
chapters The dream of the image is told as

"Thou, 0 king, sawest, and behold a great

image. This great image whose brightness
was excellent, stood before thee; and the
form thereof was terrible. This image's
head was of the fine gold, his breast and his
arms of silver, his belly and thighs of brass,
Daniel, Master of Magicians
his legs of iron, his feet part of imn and part
of clay.

"Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out

without hands, which smote the image upon
his feet of iron and clay, and brake them to
pieces. Then was t h e iron, the clay, the
brass, the sliver, and the gold broken to
pieces together, and became like the chaff of
the summer threshing-floors; and the wind
carried them away, that no place was found
for them; and the stone that smote the
image became a great mountain, and £illed
the whole earth.

"This is the dream: and we will tell the

interpretation thereof before the king.
Thou, 0 king, a r t a king of kings: for the
God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom,
power, and strength, and glory. . . Thou a r t
this head of gold. And after thee shall arise
another kingdom inferior to thee, and
another kingdom of brass, which shall bear
Daniel, Master of Magicians

rule over all the earth. And the fourth

kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch
as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all
things: and as iron that breaketh all these,
shall it break in pieces and bruise. And
whereas thou sawest the feet andtoes, part
of the potters' clay, and part iron, the
kingdom shall be divided: but there shall be
in it the strength of the iron, forasmuch as
thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.
And as the toes of the feet were part of iron,
and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be
partly strong, and partly broken. And
whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry
clay, they shall mingle themselves with the
seed of men; but they shall not cleave one to
another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
And in the days of these kings shall the God
of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall
never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall
not be left to other people but it shall break
in pieces and consume all these kingdoms,
and it shall stand for ever. Forasmuch as
Daniel, Master of Magicians
thou sawest that the stone was cut out of
the mountain without hands, and that it
brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay,
and silver and the gold; the great God hath
made known to the king what shallcome to
pass hereafter; and the dream is certain,
and the interpretation thereof is sure."

Students of chronological prophecy agree

that the four parts of the image represent
four world empires. The first, corresponding
to the head, is that of the Babylonians,
which began with the accession of
Nabonassar on February 26th, B.C. 747.
The great popular deity of this empire was
the sun-god, and gold is the metal
corresponding to the sun. The second
empire was that ofthe Medes and Persians;
and its religion emphasized the moon-
goddess, corresponding to silver. The third
empire was that of the Greeks, notable for
the predominance of the worship of
Aphrodite, or Venus, whose metal is copper,
Daniel, Master of Magicians

the correct translation of the noun rendered

"brass" in the King James Version. Under
the Greek empire the arts, of which Venus
is the patron, reached a high perfection,
and during the same period the most
extravagant types of sensuality, also under
the rulership of Venus, and related to those
parts of the body which are described as
being made of brass, eventually brought
about the destruction of the Greek world-
dominion. The Roman rule is appropriately
represented by the legs and feet of the
image, for iron is the metal of Mars, the
war-god chiefly honored by the Romans.
Furthermore, the Romans establishedtheir
empire by the force of great armies, whose
marches took them over the surface of the
whole world, and left their traces in the
famous Roman roads.

The Roman empire mingled itself with the

seed of men, but while the Romans were
great conquerors, they were not good
Daniel, Master of Magicians

colonizers. Thus the Roman Empire in its

later stages is perfectly symbolized by the
feet of the image, in which the iron of the
Roman military rule is mingled with the
customs and traditions of the subjugated
nations, without overc~mingthe essential
characteristics of those nations.

In the fourth chapter of Daniel is a vision of

four beasts. The first, a lion with eagle's
wings, represents the Babylonian empire.
The second, like a bear, stands for the
Medes and Persians. The third, like a
leopard, having four wings like afowl, and
four heads, corresponds to the Greek
empire, which, in its later stages, was
actually divided into four parts, or heads.
The fourth beast, with iron teeth, has ten
horns, amongst which rises another little
horn. These horns represent the kingdoms
into which the Roman empire was divided
after the fall of the central power.
Daniel, Master of Magicians

Concerning these ten kingdoms, Guiness


"That the number of these kingdoms, ten,

would not be invariable or constant is
implied by the statement that there would
spring up amongst them a 'Little Horn,'
which would make the number eleven, and
t h a t three others would be plucked up
before this 'Little Horn,' when, of course,
there would be only eight left for a time.
Fresh 'horns' or kingdoms, however, would
take the place of the uprooted ones, for a t
the end of the history the number is
presented a s still ten. . . European history
$om the fifth century onwards presents us
with the fulfillment of this remarkable
prediction, all the more remarkable because
it foretold a state of things which hadnever
existed in the world a t the time when the
prophecy was given, and which never did
exist tdl a thousand years afterwards.
Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome in its
Daniel, Master of Magicians

first phase, all sought and obtained

universal dominion, and could brook no
rival power. . . . Never since the fall of the
old Roman empire has Europe been united
under one monarch, nor has it ever been
divided into thirty or forty kingdoms. On
the contrary, amid incessant changes, the
number of kingdoms of the European
commonwealth has, as a rule averaged ten.
The northern nations, Norway, Sweden,
Denmark and Russia; and the eastern
nations which territorially belong to the
Greek and not to the Roman empire
(through subject to it inits golden days), do
not, of course, enter into the calculation of
the kingdoms occupying the territory of
Rome proper. There is a s permanent a
distinction between the geographical
spheres of the four empiresas between their
chronological periods. Neither overlay each
other; i.e. the body ofeach 'beast,' is distinct
from his dominion for a time over the other
'beasts.' Each empire actually governed all
Daniel, Master of Magicians

in its day of dominion, but it had

nevertheless its own proper sphere. Dan.
7:12 says, 'They had their dominion taken
away, yet their lives were prolonged; Persia
remains distinct from Greece, and Greece
from Rome."

From the establishment of the Babylonian

empire, the head of the image, a t the
accession of Nabonassar in B.C. 747, the
prophecy of Daniel speaks of a period called
"The times of the Gentiles," which is
described a s covering what is clearly
indicated in various parts of the prophecy
(as well a s elsewhere in the Bible) as a
great week. Each day of this "week is a
year of years or 360 years. The entire
duration of this prophetic "great week" is
therefore seven times 360 years, or 2520

This is purely astrological, and is based

upon the method of progression according to
Daniel, Master of Magicians

which every day succeeding the native's

birthday is reckoned as representing a year
o f his life. In the Book of Daniel, and
elsewhere in the Bible, a "time" is
understood as an astrol'ogical year of 360
days, in which each day corresponds to an
ordinary year.

This great week of 2520 years is reckoned

according to three scales. One is the lunar
scale, corresponhng to the sacred year of
the Jews and Mohammedans, and
consisting of 354 days. Another is the
Egyptian and astrological calendar year of
360 days. The third is the solar year of 365

The starting-points for this prophetic

reckoning are two: B.C. 747, the time of the
beginning of the Babylonian empire; and
B.C. 587, the year of the final destructionof
Jerusalem, and the fall of Zedekiah. 2520
year from these dates, reckoned according
Daniel, Master of Magicians

to the three scales just mentioned, bring us

to periods which are undoubtedly critical
points in world-history.

Seven "times" by the lunar scale from B.C.

747, bring us to 1699, the close of the
seventeenth century, which marks a great
step forward towards world freedom with
the signing of the Peace of Carlowitz, which
began the destruction of Ottoman tyranny,
which until then had been the greatest
threat to human freedom.

By the same scale, but measured from B.C.

587, seven "times" bring us to 1860, the
year of the secession of South Carolina,
leading to the Civil War which settled the.
question of slavery, and meant another step
forward in the history of human liberty.

By the solar scale, starting from B.C. 747,

seven "times" takes us to 1774, A.D. This
was the year of the first Continental
Daniel, Master of Magicians

Congress a t Philadelphia, which might well

be called the year of the initial conception of
the United States. This was also the year of
the accession of Louis XVI, in whose reign
came to its end the power of absolute
monarchy, aristocracy and ecclesiasticism
in France.

Starting from B.C. 587, the seven "times" of

the solar scale are completed in 1934 A.D.,
and the summer of that year marked the
completion of the "Times of the Gentiles."
The year 1934 marked the end of the
Roman domination over race-mind, and the
beginning of the spiritual kingdom
represented by the stone cut out without
hands. This is not, of course, a t all obvious
to uninstructed persons, butthose who have
had sufficient contact with theInner Scho 01
to sharpen their spiritual vision know that
we are already in the midst of the
beginning of that glorious kingdom which
shall never be destroyed.
Daniel, Master of Magicians

In the eighth chapter of Daniel a period of

2300 days is mentioned, corresponding to
2300 years. This cycle begins with the
Restoration Era which followed the
Babylonian captivity of Israel, and exactly
2300 years by the lunar scale brings us to
1776 A.D., the year of the Declaration of
Independence. This year, 1776 A.D., is also
seven "times" solar from the date of the first
captivity of Israel, under Tigla th-Pileser,
B.C. 745.

Thus 1776 is a n important year, the close of

two great cycles marked out by Daniel's
prophecy. Curiously enough the number
1776 is the value of the Greek words
making the phrase "the Salvation of Israel".

In the Declaration of Independence were

declared principles which began the end of
the Roman domination throughout the
world. In 1776 the fathers of our republic
began a government based upon ideas
Daniel, Master of Magicians

taught in the Bible, and essentially the

same as those on which Moses founded his
theocratic republic. . The American
government was the first to recognize the
political and social equality of Jew and
Gentile. And the horoscope of the United
States shows the zodiacal sign Leo, the sign
of the Tribe of Judah, on its mid-heaven, or
cusp of the 10th house.

This reminds us of the words of the 49th

chapter of Genesis: "The sceptre shall not
depart from Judah until Shiloh come." The
tenth house of any national horoscope
represents the executive, the king or
president; but more than this, it shows the
actual power behind the throne. And who
can deny that in the United States the
Tribe of Judah, through its control over the
money power, is the real ruler and
executive, no matter who sits in the White
Daniel, Master of Magicians

The entire passage in Genesis reads: "The

sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a
lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh
come; and unto him shall the gathering of
the people be."

In Hebrew "Shiloh shall come" is written

with two words, Iba Shiloh. The first word
adds to 13, the number of the original
American States. The second adds to 345,
the equivalent of the numbering of the
proper name Moses (MshH; ;ltUD), of the
divine Name El Shaddai, "Almighty God,"
and of a Rabbinical word signifying "the
end." 345 is also connected with
Freemasonry, because its digits are those of
the sides of the famous Pythagorean
triangle which sums up, as I maybe able to
show you a t some other time, the whole
esoteric philosophy of the Inner School.

The United States was founded on the law

of Moses, and in the Declaration of
Daniel, Master of Magicians

Independence, as in the symbolism of the

seal, it gives full recognition to Almighty
God, as the lawgiver whence proceeds the
order of the heavens. The fulfillment of the
American idea is what is represented by the
stone in Nebuchadnezzar's dream. This is
the coming of Shiloh, the coming of
unbroken tranquility, following the strife
and wars of the times of the Gentiles. And
here we may note that the phrase Iba
Shdoh, having the number 358, which is the
same as that of the word Messiach, or
Messiah, is understood by Qabalistic
interpreters of Scripture to refer to the long-
awaited coming of the Anointed One who
shall establish the law of liberty over the
whole earth.

What are we to understand from all this?

Simply that Daniel, by that study of books
which he mentions, and by his knowledge of
astrological cycles, was able to predict the
exact time of the beginning ofthe end of the
Daniel, Master of Magicians

"times of the Gentiles." That was the year

1776 A.D., and the same knowledge enabled
our Master of Astrologers to set the year
1934 as the final terminus ofthe rule of the
Roman ideas i n the world.

Here in America, the "strong child of

Europe" predicted in the Rosicrucian Fana
Fraternitatis, we are to witness the final
destruction of the falseYRomandoctrine of
conquest, the end of the lie that might
makes right. Here in America is the
predestined scene of the final fulfillment of
Daniel's prophecy.

In the time that remains let me sketch

what I believe to be the essential nature of
that fulfillment.

The kingdom that is never to be destroyed

is pictured as a stone. The Hebrew word for
stone is ehben, spelt with three letters
ABN(2SN). The first two letters spell the
Daniel, Master of Magicians

noun AB (AN), Father, which is the name

assigned by the Qabalistic Rabbis to that
aspect of Reality which they call Wisdom.
To Wisdom, furthermore, they assign
Masloth, the very word that is used i n the
Bible to describe the zodiac, and the way of
the upright. The last two letters of ABN
(JAN) spell the word BN (jA), ben, the Son,
which the same wise men assign to that
aspect of reahty which they call Beauty, the
sphere of the Sun.

In Qabalistic psychology, Wisdom, sphere of

the zodiac, is also the seat of the life-force of
man. That is to say, the Qabalists regard
the life-force in every human body a s being
energy directly derived from the radiations
of the stars, and as having its cycles of ebb
and flow synchronized with the movements
of those heavenly bodies. This is good
science now, though not so long ago it might
have seemed fantastic. Furthermore, the
light-energy of the celestial spaces is
Daniel, Master of Magicians

regarded by these wise men as being the

spiritual force whereby the Divine Mind
carries out its plans and carries on the
immense undertaking we call the universe.

Ben, the Son, refers to the human Self, to

the I AM we all feel centered within us.
Jesus, the great Way-shower, was the first
man to announce to the world in
unequivocal terms the identity of that Self
with the Paternal Life-force. "I and the
Father are One." said He, and St. Paul in
the second chapter of Philippians exhorts us
thus: "Let this mind be in you, which was
also in Christ Jesus: who, subsisting in the
form of God, thought it not robbery to be
equal with God; but emptied himself, and
took upon himself the form of a servant."

In other words, that which is the ruling

power of the universe, and the source of all
its laws, is identical with the life-force
which in us centers itself as the point of
Daniel, Master of Magicians

self-consciousness we call the "I AM." This

power is the servant of all mankind. It is
what Qabalists mean when they say that
the name Ben, the Son, stands for the secret
nature of the physical world. It is what St.
John meant when he wrote, concerning the
Logos: "That which hath been made was life
in him and the life was the light of men."

The Stone Kingdom, which shall break all

others in pieces, and which shall never be
destroyed, is a system of government
democratic in outer form. The units of its
body-politic, the persons from whose
consent this government derives its powers,
have come to a realization of the identity of
the I AM in man with its heavenly Source,
the identity implied in the junction of the
letters which spell Father and Son in the
one word ehben, Stone.

Such a new political system is even now in

process of formation. The human
Daniel, Master of Magicians

personalities which are its units have

emptied themselves of all false notions of
personal separateness, self-wdl, "every man
for himself, and the Devil take the
hindmost," which are the seeds of bondage
and tyranny. To this country of ours such
minds turn a s the scene of the physical
realization of Daniel's prophecy. The times
of the Gentiles are ended. The salvation of
Spiritual Israel is a t hand. Shiloh, meaning
inner peace and tranquility, is already come
to those of us who have awakened to the
great truth which is the stone refused
through the ages by the builders of
governments, prior to the Declaration of
Independence in 1776.

Remember that this mental union of the

Son with the Father is not just a n emotional
ecstasy. For some, nay, in all probabhty for
the greater number, it must begin as an
intellectual perception, as a clear vision of
reason. Its basis is the reasonable
Daniel, Master of Magicians

knowledge that nothing in all this vast

universe is outside the realm of law, that
nothing has been left to chance, that down
to the last detail the phenomena by which
we are surrounded and of which our lives
are a part, are manifestations of a celestial
order, proceeding from the mind of God.

Nothing more perfectly conduces to such

clear mental vision than the intelligent
study of astrology and the practical arts
related to it. Astrology liberates us by
dispelling our ignorance of the causes of the
effect we see around us. It liberates us, too,
from the intolerance which makes us so
harsh in our judgements of others. For
when we know how the stellar cycles are co-
ordinated with those of human life, we
understand as we can understand in no
other way, the secret springs of human
behavior. And to understand is to be free
from the spirit of condemnation. For
understanding is the golden clue that leads
Daniel, Master of Magicians

us straight into the sanctuary of love.

Thus astrology by revealing to its earnest

students and practitioners the hidden lines
of connection between the life of man and
the mind of God, enables us to follow the
highways of the stars, and thus depart from
evil. Its greatest living exponent, in my
estimation, was this same prophet, Daniel,
whose range of foresight and accuracy of
judgement has never been equalled, much
less surpassed.

I like to believe that the time is near when

the promise recorded in his book will find
its final fulfillment. For there we read: "Go
thy way till the end; for thou shalt rest and
stand in thy lot at the end of days." For I am
fully persuaded that in no long time from
now Shiloh shall come indeed, to be known
of all, and the new World Order shall be
truly established. Then, indeed, wdl Daniel,
who is as much a part of the cosmic life as
Daniel, Master of Magicians

he ever was, see the completion of all that

was promised to him. And theMaster of the
Magicians will rejoice with the rest of us a t
the transformations that have been
wrought in accordance with the teachings of
that same celestial science in which he
excelled twenty-five centuries ago a t the
court of Babylon.

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