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1. Identify two issues concerning women and general concerns of the government.

● Lack of Women in the position of power

- Various assumptions come to the forefront when a woman is in a leadership role such
as tagging them as aggressive, risk-averse, more prone to emotional decisions, pushy,
and deceitful, whereas ambition in men is a valued leadership trait. No matter how woke
and liberal the world may get, these stereotypes just don't seem to go away.
While the COVID-19 crisis has shown us the remarkable leadership capabilities of
female leaders around the world, the concept of having a woman as a superior figure
over them still doesn't go well with most men. As women are still the primary caregivers
in families, companies often believe that work/career is not their priority. A popular
perception is that a woman cannot undertake work responsibilities that might disturb her
“primary'' role at home.

Apart from this, mentorship has been a long-term problem, particularly in areas where
senior team members are men as they are more supportive, encouraging, and helpful
towards young men than they are towards young women. This is because humans
usually identify with younger colleagues of the same sex.

● Human Rights issue (Philippines)

- In the context of the Philippines, extrajudicial killings have been the chief human rights
concern in the country for many years and, after a sharp rise with the onset of the anti-
drug campaign in 2016, they continued in the reporting year, albeit at a lower level.
From January to September 29, media chronicled 673 deaths in police operations
suspected to be connected with the government’s anti-drug campaign. The PNP
Internal Affairs Service (IAS) is required to investigate all deaths or injuries committed in
the conduct of a police operation. IAS claimed it began investigations of all reported
extrajudicial killings. There were no reports that civilian control over other security forces
was inadequate. Human rights issues included unlawful or arbitrary killings by security
forces, vigilantes, and others allegedly connected to the government, and by insurgents;
forced disappearance; torture; arbitrary detention; harsh and life-threatening prison
conditions; political prisoners; arbitrary or unlawful interference with privacy; criminal
libel; killings of and threats against journalists; official corruption and abuse of power;
and the use of forced and child labor.
-Slow judicial processes remained an obstacle to bringing government officials allegedly
involved in human rights abuses to justice.

2. What are the problems of these issues based on the political issues of Aristotle?

- In the issue concerning women, the problem of this issue is that women are still
marginalized in terms of leadership roles like in politics, government, and the corporate
world. Women are tagged as aggressive, risk-averse, more prone to emotional
decisions, pushy, and deceitful, whereas ambition in men is a valued leadership trait. In
relation to Aristotle’s politics, it is stated in his Nichomachean Ethics the “Eudaimonia”
or happiness. In Aristotle, the goal of life is the attainment of Eudaimonia or happiness,
and to attain happiness, you must live a virtuous life. So it doesn’t matter if women will
rule or have power in politics, government, or even in the corporate world as long as
she is living with virtue and it is a voluntary action. Virtue is a state of character, as long
as women have the virtuous character and are capable of transforming society or
individuals to become virtuous then women must have privileges in power and
governance equal to men.

- In the issue concerning Human rights, the problem this issue is human rights violations
in the Philippines are very rampant which leaves a lot of people who are victims of such
human rights abuses by the state’s security forces and vigilantes that are linked or
connected to the government. Second, we can see in this issue the difficulties and
challenges in seeking redress for human rights violations because of slow judicial
processes which hamper justice. In relation to Aristotle’s politics, the problem here is
that the government is not ruled by justice and does not follow virtuous actions but
instead they are acting in ignorance especially ignorance of the law that human rights
abuse is unconstitutional. According to Aristotle’s political theory on state and human
nature, that the state must be ruled with justice so that it can contribute to the realization
of the self of the individual because an individual who lives by virtue can contribute to
the betterment of state because they will abide by the law. In order for the individual to
become virtuous and obedient, the state must first act on virtue and justice by providing
what society needs.

Paul, T., (2020).The Lack Of Women In The Position Of Power In The Corporate World.
Retrieved from
of-Power-in-the-Corporate-World/06-11-2020-339988/, (2018). PHILIPPINES 2018 HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT. Retrieved from

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