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Lesson Focus Learning Area / Strand Year Level Implementation Date

Compare different ways a Science 1/2 Duration
material can be changed. 45 mins

Prior knowledge of learners

 Students can identify everyday materials and state their properties.

 What happens to different materials when they are warmed.
 What happens when different materials are cooled.

Lesson objective/s
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

 Compare the different ways a material can be changed.

- Rolling
- Squashing
- Moulding
- Cutting
- Sculpting
- Squeezing
- Stretching
- Twisting
- Breaking
- Pinching
- Mixing

Links to Curriculum (identify relevant Strands and Content Descriptors)

 Different materials can be combined for a particular purpose (ACSSU031)

Evidence of learning

 Observation
 Questioning

Classroom Management Strategies

 Offer Praise
 Set Guidelines
 Model Ideal Behaviour
 Encourage Initiative


 Play Dough
 Actions Presentation
 Actions List
 Actions Posters

Differentiation strategies

 Explicit Teaching
 Incorporate Visual Aids
 Explain Each Step
 Hands-On Activities
 Feedback

Lesson Introduction  Make sure all students are settled and have full attention towards the front of the
 Introducing the topic classroom.
 Engagement of the  Ask students, ‘Who would like to raise their hand and explain to the class what we
learners learnt about in our last science lesson’.
 Explain that in today’s lesson we are going to compare different ways a material can
be changed using playdough.
 Give students roughly one minute to think of some ideas of how we are able to
change a material. Create a classroom discussion about this concept.
 Once the discussion has concluded, hand out some play dough to each student and
explain we are now going to go through some different way a material could be
 Place the Action Posters onto the IWB so all students are able to see the different
Lesson Body  As a class, go through the posters on the IWB
 Delivering the  Once each action is placed on the screen, ask students to have a go at stating the
content through name of the action, if they struggle help them out.
specific strategies  Explain the action to the students.
 An example of this would be rolling, this is the turning of a material over and over
again on a surface.
 Demonstrate this action to the students using play dough.
 Encourage the students to complete this action with their play dough also.
 Complete these four previous steps for each of the different actions.
 After the completion of the Action Posters, place the Action Presentation onto the
 Students will need to answer questions based on the knowledge they have learnt
during the Action Posters regarding the different changes of a material.
 As a question is asked, students are able to use their play dough to help figure out
which action is best suited to the answer. Students might need some guidance for
some of the questions.
Lesson Conclusion  Once the Action Presentation has been completed, place the Action Posters back
 Concluding activities onto the IWB and as a class get the students to go through each of the changes of
 Summarizing the material and state the type of change and use the play dough to demonstrate what it
lesson looks like.
 When the activity is finished, get the students to place the play dough back into the
Evaluation / Reflection

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