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The five types of essay questions commonly seen in IELTS writing

task 2
- To what extent do you agree or disagree? (note to what extent..)
- Discuss both views and give your point of view?
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages?
- Discuss the problems and possible solutions OR discuss the causes and what
problems it causes?
- Two questions, for example: Why is this happening? Is this a positive or a negative

250 words myth?

Although the official criteria from mentions nothing about 250 words, on
official exam papers the 250 words instruction can be seen.

Either way, for a band 7 a word count of around 350 words is expected.

A 350 word essay allows you to fully develop your ideas and argue your position, with
multiple reasons, facts and examples.

Because you are writing more you have more chance to improve your lexical resource
(vocabulary) score.

In all the examples below we are allowing a paragraph for the introduction, and a
paragraph for the conclusion.

Four paragraph model

We teach this model because:

Often there are just two sides to the argument or two parts to the question, therefore a
body paragraph for each part of the question works well.

Most of the points in Task 2 are picked up in the body paragraphs.

Therefore spending time and energy on two well constructed, fully developed cohesive
paragraphs makes complete sense.
Also, you can go deeper into the reasons why your argument is correct, the five
paragraph model could mean your arguments are too shallow.

The vast majority of the students are aiming for a Band 7, and a four paragraph model
can do this, assuming all the other criteria are met.

Five paragraph model

In our online course we strongly advise against this structure because the time limit of
40 minutes would mean short paragraphs for most writers.

Short paragraphs make it difficult to develop your idea and argue your position.

It could get complicated quickly as to which paragraphs hold which position.

However, if you feel extremely confident and can write very quickly a five paragraph
model could work.

Band 5 students who have difficulty developing ideas, may find this model to work
because they can limit each paragraph to one single idea.

How do you decide which essay structure to follow? 

Depending on your target band score will influence your decision. 

Also, try answering the same essay question twice, first with a four paragraph essay,
second with a five paragraph essay. 

Most band 7 students find the four paragraph model is easier. 

If you are still a little lost or frustrated then don't worry, lots of students find preparing
for IELTS incredibly frustrating. 

One solution is to invest in yourself and get help to improve. 

The fastest way to improve is with feedback from expert IELTS essay correctors. 

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