SASMO 2014 Round 1 Secondary 2 Solutions

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SASMO 2014 Round 1 Secondary 2 Solutions

1. The first day of 2014 was a Wednesday. There are 365 days in 2014. In what day of
the week will 2015 begin?


365 days = 52 weeks and 1 day

Since the first day of 2014 was a Wednesday, then the first day of 2015 will be

2. What is the maximum number of parts that can be obtained from cutting a circular
cake using 3 straight cuts?

First Cut
Maximum number of parts = 8
Second Cut
Third Cut

3. Evaluate 2014  2014  2013  2015.


Method 1

2014  2014  2013  2015

= (2013 + 1)  2014  2013  (2014 + 1)
= 2013  2014 + 2014  2013  2014  2013
= 2014  2013

Method 2

2014  2014  2013  2015

= 2014  2014  (2014  1)  (2014 + 1)
= 2014  2014  (2014  2014  1)

4. Solve = 3.



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5. Find the exact value of 1  0.99999…


Let x = 0.99999…
Then 10x = 9.99999…
 9x = 10x – x = 9
x= =1
 0.99999… = 1
i.e. 1  0.99999… = 0

Note: 0.00000… is not acceptable since it suggests that the participant does not
know that the answer is exactly 0.

6. Mersenne primes are prime numbers of the form Mp = 2p  1, where p is a prime. For
example, 3 = 22  1 is a Mersenne prime. Find the 4th largest Mersenne prime.


M2 = 22  1 = 3 is the smallest Mersenne prime.

M3 = 23  1 = 7 is prime.
M5 = 25  1 = 31 is prime.
M7 = 27  1 = 127 is prime.
 the 4th largest Mersenne prime is 127.

7. Simplify (x  a) (x  b) (x  c) … (x  z).


Since x  x = 0, then (x  a) (x  b) (x  c) … (x  z) = 0.

8. How many squares are there in a 5  5 square grid?


No. of 1  1 squares = 25 = 52
No. of 2  2 squares = 16 = 42

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No. of 3  3 squares = 9 = 32
No. of 4  4 squares = 4 = 22
No. of 5  5 squares = 1 = 12
 total no. of squares in a 5  5 square grid = 12 + 22 + 32 + 42 + 52 = 55

9. If x and y are positive integers, find the values of x and y which satisfy the equation

x2  4y2 = 41.


x2  4y2 = 41
(x + 2y)(x  2y) = 41
Since 41 is prime, there are only two factors of 41, i.e. 1 and 41.
Since x and y are positive integers and x + 2y > x  2y, then x + 2y = 41 and x  2y = 1.

Solving, x = 21 and y = 10.

10. Find the dimensions of all the rectangles with integral sides whose area and perimeter
are numerically equal.


Method 1

Let the dimensions of a rectangle be l units by b units.

Then area = perimeter
lb  2l  b
Since b  2 > 0, then b > 2.
When b = 3, l = 6.
When b = 4, l = 4.
When b = 5, l = is not an integer.
When b = 6, l = 3, which is essentially the same as b = 3, l = 6.
If b > 6, l < 3.
By symmetry, b  , i.e. l > 2.
So there are no other solutions.
 the dimensions of all the rectangles with integral sides whose area and perimeter are
numerically equal are 3 by 6 and 4 by 4.

Method 2

Let the dimensions of a rectangle be l units by b units.

Then area = perimeter
lb  2l  b

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2b  4  4

2b  2  4

 2
Since b  2 > 0, then b > 2.
For l to be an integer, must also be an integer.
This means that 4  b – 2, i.e. b  6.
So the only possible solutions are when b = 3, 4, 5 and 6.
When b = 3, l = 6.
When b = 4, l = 4.
When b = 5, l = is not an integer.
When b = 6, l = 3, which is essentially the same as b = 3, l = 6.
 the dimensions of all the rectangles with integral sides whose area and perimeter are
numerically equal are 3 by 6 and 4 by 4.

11. A whole number is between 40 and 70. When it is divided by 3, the remainder is 1.
When it is divided by 7, the remainder is 2. Find the number.


Method 1

Since the number leaves a remainder of 1 when divided by 3, then the possible values
of the number are 40, 43, 46, 49, 52, 55, 58, …, 70.
Since the number leaves a remainder of 2 when divided by 7, we can either check each
of the above possible values one by one, or we can start with 7  6 + 2 = 44, and then
add 7 until we get a number in the first list, i.e. 44, 51, 58, …
 the number is 58.

Method 2

Let the number be N. Then N  1 (mod 3) and N  2 (mod 7).

Since the moduli 3 and 7 are relatively prime, we can use the Chinese Remainder
Theorem as followed.
7N  1 (mod 3)  N  1 (mod 3)  N 1 = 4;
3N  2 (mod 7)  N 2 = 3.
Then N  7  4 + 3  3 = 37 (mod 21).
Since N is between 40 and 70, then N = 37 + 21 = 58.

12. Find the value of .
 2 
2  12 
  
 2  12 2

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2 2
Let = x. Then = x, i.e. 12x2 + 2x  2 = 0.
 2  2  12 x
2  12 
  
 2  12 2 
2 
 6x + x  1 = 0 implies (3x  1) (2x + 1) = 0, i.e. x = or  (rejected because x > 0)

 = .
 2 
2  12 
  
 2  12 2 
2 

13. Find the value of .


Method 1

1 + 2013 = 2014
3 + 2011 = 2014
5 + 2009 = 2014 There are = 503 pairs of numbers that add up to 2014

1005 + 1009 = 2014

1007 = 1007
So 1 + 3 + 5 + … + 2013 = 503  2014 + 1007
 =

= 503 +
= 503.5

Method 2

1 + 2013 = 2014
3 + 2011 = 2014
5 + 2009 = 2014 There are = 1007 pairs of numbers that add up to 2014

2013 + 1 = 2014
So 1 + 3 + 5 + … + 2013 = = 1007  1007
 =
= 503.5

14. Find the sum of the terms in the nth pair of brackets:

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(1, 2, 3, 4), (5, 6, 7, 8), (9, 10, 11, 12), …


The sums of the terms in each pair of brackets form the following sequence: 3, 7, 11,
15, …

Method 1

Common difference between consecutive terms, m = 4

Term before the first term, c = 3  4 = 1
 sum of the terms in the nth pair of brackets = mn + c = 4n  1

Method 2

Common difference between consecutive terms, d = 4

First term, a = 3
 sum of the terms in the nth pair of brackets = a + (n  1)d
= 3 + (n  1)  4
= 4n  1

15. In the diagram, PQ and RS are parallel, PA = PB and RA = RC. Find BAC.


Let PAB = x. Then PBA = x (base s of isos. ABP)

APB = 180  2x ( sum of ABP)
ARC = 180  APB (corr. s; PQ // RS)
= 180  (180  2x)
= 2x
RAC = (base s of isos. ARC)
= 90  x
 BAC = 180  PAB  RAC (adj. s on a str. ln)
= 180  x  (90  x)
= 90

16. There are 367 students in the school hall. What is the probability that two of the
students have their birthday falling on the same day of the year?

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There are at most 366 days in a year.

Suppose none of the first 366 students have their birthday on the same day of the year.
Then the last student’s birthday must fall on the same day of the year as the birthday
of one of the first 366 students.
 probability two of the students have their birthday on the same day of the year = 1

1 1
17. Let x be a number such that x   5 . Find the value of x 3  3 .
x x


 1 1 1
x  = 52  x 2  2  = 25  x 2  2 = 23
 x 2
x x
 2 1  1 1 1 1  2 1  1  1
x  2  x   = x  x   3  x  3 =  x  2  x     x  
3 3

 x  x x x x  x  x  x
 1  1 
=  x   x 2  2  1
 x  x 
= 5  (23  1)
= 110

18. Divide the following shape into 4 identical parts.


The shape actually consists of three identical squares.

But 3 and 4 are relatively prime, so it is not easy to divide the three squares into four
identical parts.
So we divide the shape into LCM(3, 4) = 12 parts first.
From the 12 parts, we then try to regroup into 4 identical parts as shown below:

19. Find all the solutions to the trigonometric equation sin2 x  cos2 x = 1 for 0  x  360.

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Since sin2 x  1 and cos2 x  0, then the only possible solution to sin2 x  cos2 x = 1 is
when sin2 x = 1 and cos2 x = 0, i.e. when sin x = 1 and cos x = 0.
 x = 90 or 270

20. The diagram shows a square AEFG with an inscribed circle. ABCD is a rectangle such
that AB = 2 cm and AD = 4 cm. Find the radius of the circle.



Draw CJ and OH parallel to AE, and OI parallel to AG. Then OCJ is a right-angled


Let the radius of the circle be r cm. Then OC = OH = OI = r.
So CJ = r  2 and OJ = r  4.
By Pythagoras’ Theorem, OC 2 = CJ 2 + OJ 2, i.e. r2 = (r  2)2 + (r  4)2.
Simplifying, we have r2  12r + 20 = 0, i.e. (r  2) (r  10) = 0.
Since r > 4, then the radius of the circle is 10 cm.

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21. In the following cryptarithm, all the letters stand for different digits. Find the final
four-digit product.

 E H
* 8
+ * *
* * * *


Replace the * with letters, which can be the same.

 E H
A 8
+ B C

First I = 8.
Since the addition of two digits will give a maximum of 18, or a maximum of 19 if
there is a carryover (or renaming) of 1, this means that the maximum carryover is 1.
So B = 9 and there is a carryover of 1 for B to give 10, i.e. D = 1 and F = 0.

For HE  H = A8 to be a two-digit number, H < 4.

If H = 1, E = 8; if H = 2, E = 4 or 9; if H = 3, E = 6.
For HE  E = BC to be a two-digit number,
if H = 1, then E  6, so E  8;
if H = 3, then E  2, so E  6;
if H = 2, then E  4, so E  9, but E = 4.
So H = 2 and E = 4.
 the final four-digit product is HE  EH = 24  42 = 1008

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22. A farmer wants to plant 10 trees in 5 rows such that there are exactly 4 trees in each
row. Draw a diagram to show how the trees should be planted.


If you start with 10 trees and then try fitting 5 lines onto them, you will realise that the
lines must overlap because there are not enough trees, and it’s not easy to fit 5 lines
onto 10 trees.
 try to draw 5 overlapping lines first, and a common figure with 5 overlapping lines
is the following star:

Then put in the trees and yes, it works.

23. Find the last three digits of 2525.


Since the last three digits of a product ab depends only on the last three digits of a and
of b, then
25 = 025
025  25 = 625
625  25 = 15 625
 the last three digits are always 625, with the exception of the first power.
 the last three digits of 2525 are 625.

24. Find the remainder when 32014 is divided by 5.


Method 1

Observe the following pattern: when divided by 5,

31 leaves a remainder of 3,
32 = 9 leaves a remainder of 4,
33 = 27 leaves a remainder of 2,
34 = 81 leaves a remainder of 1,
35 = 243 leaves a remainder of 3,
36 = 729 leaves a remainder of 4,
37 = 2187 leaves a remainder of 2,
38 = 6561 leaves a remainder of 1, …
This means that the remainder will repeat with a period of 4.
Since 2014 = 503  4 + 2, then 32014, when divided by 5, will leave a remainder of 4.

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Method 2

When divided by 5, 31 leaves a remainder of 3.

If 3k leaves a remainder of 3 when divided by 5, it means 3k = 5p + 3 for some integer
p. Then 3k+1 = 3(5p + 3) = 15p + 9 = 15p + 5 + 4 = 5(3p + 1) + 4, i.e. 3k+1 will leave
a remainder of 4 when divided by 5.
Let 3k+1 = 5q + 4 for some integer q. Then 3k+2 = 3(5q + 4) = 15q + 12 = 15q + 10 + 2
= 5(3q + 2) + 2, i.e. 3k+2 will leave a remainder of 2 when divided by 5.
Let 3k+2 = 5r + 2 for some integer r. Then 3k+3 = 3(5r + 2) = 15r + 6 = 15r + 5 + 1 =
5(3r + 1) + 1, i.e. 3k+3 will leave a remainder of 1 when divided by 5.
Let 3k+3 = 5s + 1 for some integer s. Then 3k+4 = 3(5s + 1) = 15s + 3, i.e. 3k+4 will leave
a remainder of 3 when divided by 5.
This means that the remainder will repeat with a period of 4.
Since 31 leaves a remainder of 3 when divided by 4, and 2014 = 503  4 + 2, then
22014, when divided by 4, will leave a remainder of 4.

25. Find the largest number of composite numbers less than 2014 that are relatively prime
to one another, i.e. the highest common factor of any two of them is 1.


If 6 = 2  3 is one of the composite numbers, then all the multiples of 2 and all the
multiples of 3 will not be relatively prime to 6.
Thus, to get the largest number of composite numbers, we have to choose 2n and 3m
instead of 6k.
In other words, we have to choose pn, where p is prime.
Since the composite numbers must be less than 2014, then n must not be too big, esp.
when p is big enough.
Now, the largest value for p is 43, since 432 = 1849 < 2014 but 472 = 2209 > 2014.
Without loss of generality, to get the largest number of composite numbers less than
2014 that are relatively prime to one another, choose the following numbers: 22, 32,
52, 72, …, 432 (although we can choose, e.g. 210 = 1024 < 2014 instead of 22).
 largest number of composite numbers less than 2014 that are relatively prime to one
another = number of primes  43
= 14

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