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Dear students,

Here you have a guideline with our first commitments for this week.


1. Fill in the form (Excel file – Job Application), just the first part. Also, create the padlet
account and include the link and password in the excel file. The link below is a tutorial
which contains the steps to create the account and upload the documents.

Padlet video tutorial. UCatólica Bogotá. - YouTube

2. In padlet, include the file with the design of your CV.

3. Bear in mind that I will check this task and you need to follow the conventions to correct
the file and submit again in AVA. The submission of this task will be available in AVA on
Saturday June the 19th. (Check the file of writing code which also contains the rubric of the

4. On Monday It’s time for the socialization bear in mind the socialization rubric to be read for
this task.

5. Also in AVA you have a forum in the Welcome session to submit the file AUTORIZACIÓN USO
MATERIAL DE PRODUCCIÓN ACADÉMICA. This must be filled out and signed.

6. The documents are uploaded in Ava in the welcome session (Folder: Institutional Files &
Folder: Project):

This is the link of Ava:

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