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Top Managers manage the work of first- line managers:


Management involves coordinating and overseeing the work activities of others so that
their activities are completed efficiently and effectively:

The goal of efficiency is NOT:

- doing things right
- to optimally utilize every resource
- getting the most output from the least amount of input
- doing the right things

Which of the following is NOT a management function:

- integrating
- leading
- controlling
- planning

Which refers to the ability to think and conceptualize about and complex situations
concerning the organization:
- conceptual skills
- technical skills
- human skill
- innovative skills

Identify the focus on sustainability:

- treating employees well is not only the right thing to do, also good for business
- managers must oversee the social interactions and challenges involved in using collaborative
- forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share
ideas, information, personal messages, and other content
- a company's ability to achieve business goals and increase long term shareholders value by
integrating economic, environmental, and social opportunities into its business strategies

The ___ is the reality that management is needed in all types and sizes of organizations at
all organizational levels, in all organizational areas, and in organizations no matter where
- The Universality of Management
- The General Administration Theory
- The Value of Studying Management
- The Reality of Work
If a manager from Sony Inc, places a focus on making choices, what managerial role do
they most likely fulfill according to mintsberg model:
- monitor
- entrepreneur
- figurehead
- spokesperson

The __ is the reality that when you begin your career, you will either manage or be manage
- The Reality of Work
- General management concept
- value of studying management

One of Kutz's managerial skills include:

- Human, ability to work well with people
- Information, ability to gather info/ research
- Spokesperson: ability to represent
- Monitor: ability to oversee business process

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