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 Jenerose Giducos
 Ahljane Belogolo
 Emily Cabillon


You are applying as a researcher for a Math professor.

As part of your screening, he requires you to perform
a Mathematical investigation task on the graph of
functions. Likewise, he requires you to use the
software graphmatica or geogebra in performing your
investigation. He expects you to submit the
completed investigation answer sheet highlighting
your observations, conjectures (mathematical
statement which appears to be true but has not been
formally proven) and generalizations ( a general
statement or concept obtained from specific cases)
with corresponding justification and explanation. In
addition, a print out of the graphs of the different
functions is also to be submitted.

criteria Very good Good Poor score

5 4 3

Reasonableness Conjectures are Conjectures are Conjectures are

of Conjectures logical acceptable illogical
(50%) though some
flaws are
Quality of Generalizations Generalizations Generalizations
Formulated are clear, valid, are acceptable are illogical,
Generalizations correct and but still incorrect and
(30%) well justified. insufficient. not supported
They are with
moderately justification
Accurate use of All the graphs One or two of More than two
Technology are correct as the graphs of the graphs
(20%) reflected in the is/are are erroneous.
print out. erroneous.
Written Sheet
1. Graph the given sets of functions: (One rectangular coordinate plane per set of
a.) y=𝑥² and y= (-x)²
b.) y=x and y=−x
c.) y=𝑥³ and y= (-x)³
How are the graphs similar? How are they different? How are they related? What
generalization can be formulated with respect to y= x^𝑛 and y= (−x)^𝑛?
The three sets of function shows reflection transformation. Set A shows parabolic
graph reflection transformation. Set B shows linear graphs reflection
transformation. Set C shows cubic graph reflection transformation.
They are related in a way that the three sets of function is a parent function. With
respect to y = x ^ n and y = -x ^ n, it can be generalized that if a parent function is
multiplied by the negative of 1, then the graph shows reflection transformation.
Likewise if the value of n is an even number, then the graph is a parabola, but, if
the value of n is odd number except 1, then the graph is a cubic model.

2.) Graph the two sets of functions.

a.) y=x, y=2x, y=3x, y=4x
b.) y= x, y=(1/2)x, y=(1/3)x, y=(1/4)x
Observe what happen s to the graph. Formulate conjectures. What generalizations
can be formulated based on the two sets of graphs?
Generalization 2a:
The conjecture is that the graph of Set A will cause the base graph to shrink
horizontally towards the y-axis. It can be generalized that when a>1, the
transformation is horizontal shrink because the graph shrinks toward the y-axis. In
this case, the y-intercept stays the same.
Generalization 2b:
The conjecture is that the graph of Set B will cause the base graph to shrink
vertically towards the x-axis. It can be generalized that when 0<a<1, the
transformation is vertical shrink because the graph shrinks toward the x-axis. In
this case, the x-intercept stays the same.

3.) Try to guess/ predict what will happen to the graph y=x if whole numbers are
added or subtracted to x.
a.) y=x, y=x+2, y=x+5, y=x+7,
b.) y=x, y=x−2, y=x−5, y=x−7,
Graph the two sets and describe what happens.
Formulate generalizations about the graphs.
Generalization 3a:
In the graph of Set A, we can predict that the graph of y=x is shifted up or moving
up horizontally by units without affecting the slope of the line when whole number
is added to the x.
It can be generalized that when a positive k number is added to x, then the graph
of y= x + k shows a horizontal translation in upward direction.
Generalization 3b:
In the graph of Set B, we can predict that the graph of y=x is shifted down or
moving down horizontally by units without affecting the slope of the line when
whole number is subtracted to the x.
It can be generalized that when a positive k number is subtracted to x, then the
graph of y= x–k shows a horizontal translation in downward direction.

4.) Investigate if the same generalizations hold for quadratic functions. If not,
formulate a generalization for each.
a.) y=𝑥², y= 1/2 𝑥², y= 1/4 𝑥²
b.) y=𝑥², y= 2𝑥², y=4𝑥²
c.) y=𝑥², y=𝑥²+1, y=𝑥²+2
d.) y=𝑥², y=𝑥²−1, y=𝑥²−2
Generalization 4a:
In Set A graph, it will cause the base graph to stretch away from the y-axis. It can
be generalized that when 0<a<1, the parabola shows horizontal stretch unlike in
linear function that shrink vertically.
Generalization 4b:
In Set B graph, it will cause the base graph to stretch away from the x-axis but
compress to y-axis. It can be generalized that when a>1, the parabola shows
vertical stretch unlike in linear function that shrink horizontally.
Generalization 4c:
In Set C graph, it will cause the parabola to shift upward along the y-axis. It shows
horizontal translation. It can be generalized that same with linear function, when a
positive k number is added to y= x², then the graph of y=x²+k translates in upward
direction along the y-axis.
Generalization 4d:
In Set D graph, it will cause the parabola to shift downward along the y-axis. Same
with linear function, it can be generalized that when a negative k number is added
to y= x², then y=x²-k graph shows horizontal direction in downward direction
(Performed in Geogebra)
Set A Set C
Set B

Set A Set B
Set A Set B

Set A Set B
Set C Set D

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