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Psychology: Real and Ideal Self Concepts

In Psychology, it define the real self and ideal self concepts as used to describe
personality domains.

what The real self is who we actually are. It is how we think, how we feel, look, and
act. The real self can be seen by others, but because we have no way of truly
knowing how others view us, the real self is our self-image.
the real self is what you actually are; the ideal self is what you would like to be.

believed that we all own a real self and an ideal self.   The real self of course is what
we are intrinsically.  It’s the self that feels most true to what and who we really are;
the honest self that leaves us most comfortable in our skin.  It may not be perfect,
but it`s the part of us that feels most real.  And it`s the one we need to learn to love
the most.The ideal self on the other hand, is the self that we think we want to be,
that we strive to be, and that we feel we are expected to be.  This self is borne out of
influences outside of us.  It is the self that holds values absorbed from others; a
culmination of all those things that we think we should be, and that we
feel others think we should be.  We want to accommodate those expectations
because we believe we will be more loved and accepted if we do. 

It is simply this: the real self is what you actually are; the ideal self is what you would
like to be.

In psychology, the real self and the ideal self are terms used to describe personality
domains. The real self is who we actually are. It is how we think, how we feel, look,
and act. The ideal self, on the other hand, is how we want to be.
There are two selves concepts the first one is the real self who i currently is
composed of such things as the way you

Psychology: Real and Ideal Self Concepts

According to Carl Rogers, our self or self-concept refers to how we see or describe ourselves. Based on he
believed for a person to achieve self actualization they must be in a state of congruence. And he states
that there are two kinds of selves: The real self is who you actually are, and the ideal self the person who
you want to be. Both of them have a different states and meanings. Though people know that these two
terms are not the same, they might find it hard to determine a difference. Like the term Real a something
that is permanent, and the term Ideal are relates to something that is suited for a certain purpose. But
both of them are used in various situations when talking about culture, beliefs, one’s self, life, and various
things. And if one people recognizes a disconnect in their real and ideal self, effort should be made to
reflect on what is important and whether the behavior accurately reflects those values. And answering the
questions, ‘Who am I?’, and ‘What is my purpose?’ with honesty and confidence, so a goal that in our self
can attain. But this is lifetime realization and learning among our self that we might know or understand
our self better.
According to Carl Rogers, our self or self-concept refers to how we see or describe ourselves. Based on
he believed for a person to achieve self-actualization they must be in a state of congruence. And he
states that there are two kinds of selves: The real self is who you actually are, and the ideal self is the
person who you want to be. Both of them have a different states and meanings. Though people know
that these two terms are not the same, they might find it hard to determine a difference.

Like the term Real a something that is permanent, and the term Ideal are relates to something that is
suited for a certain purpose. But both of them are used in various situations when talking about culture,
beliefs, and one’s self life. And if one people recognizes a disconnect in their real and ideal self, effort
should be made to reflect on what is important and whether the behavior accurately reflects those
values. By answering the questions, ‘Who am I?’, and ‘What is my purpose?’ with
honesty and confidence, so a goal that in our self can attain. But this is lifetime realization and learning
among our self that we might know or understand our self-better.

One of the books that I’ve read The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner
Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield “Our job in this life is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we
imagine we ought to be, but to find out who we already are and become it.”

today's video deals with an important

question how satisfied are you with
yourself Carl Rogers a very influential
humanist has spoken of two selves the
real self is who you currently are it is
composed of such things as the way you
think act and how you look then there is
the ideal self which is who you would
like to be over time you decide upon the
values you would like to embody and you
admire certain people and wish to be
like them Rogers explains that the
closer your real self is to your ideal
self the more peace and happiness you
will have simply stated if you fail to
become the person you would like to be
then you won't be satisfied with your
life this makes perfect sense we all
grow up and learn good values we have
ideals and it gets deeper than that
we also have heroes people we admire
admiring others is nice but what is
important is the meaning behind that
admiration wouldn't it be the perfect
situation if we admired ourselves what

greater happiness could there be than to look at yourself and be amazed at what you
have accomplished the values that really inspire us and the people we admire offer an
important glimpse into our ideal self which Carl Rogers was speaking about I'd like to
share a powerful technique with you it will assist you in the process of becoming your
ideal self when you do is visualize yourself in the future imagine what you would be
like if you are suddenly free from your fears free from any anxiety or depression you
might have if you suddenly had all the energy you needed to accomplish everything
fulfilling the dreams you longed for what sort of attitude would you have how would
you spend your days once you have visualized this impressive version of yourself
make becoming that person your main goal in life consider the steps that would be
Required what sort of preparation would you need to do make all your decisions as
you have already become your ideal self act as if if you have fears face them if certain
things make you anxious do those things you will notice that if you act like the person
you would like to become you will inevitably become that person if ever you feel
weak consider what the strong person's response to it be and that is how you will
respond to the situation acting as if you are breathe makes bravery a habit doing what
a successful person does make success added the way you live each day becomes
natural after a while when all is said and done I believe you will come to an important
conclusion as long as your goal is to always be growing you will create a life of self
confidence and Happiness you

the closer your ideal self to your real self the more your ideal self came true why because your ideal
self is the idealized version of yourself you are not contented to your real self so you created an ideal
self out of what you have learned from your life and experience and being your ideal self need
patience and hard work because there are many challenges that you need to overcome and lastly
don't act like your ideals but be yourself and create an opportunity to be that ideal person

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