Inspection of Canawaima Ferry (Part B) : 2.0 Ship's Certificates, Documents and Surveys

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2.0 Ship’s Certificates, Documents and Surveys

Note to Surveyors:
1. Please enter “N.A.” against any Certificate which does not apply to the vessel.
2. Please advise details of any invalid Certificate in Comments box below & in Part A Summary of
Recommendations as a Deficiency.

2.01 Safety Management Certificate: Date of issue/expiry
(SOLAS Chap. IX, ISM Code) Date of intermediate

Issuing Authority:
Document of Compliance: Date of issue/expiry
2.02 Date of last annual
(SOLAS Chap. IX, ISM Code)

Issuing Authority:

Issued to: (company name & address)

Not seen
2.03 Certificate of Registry: Date of issue

Date of expiry
Not seen
Date of issue
2.04 Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate:
Date of last survey
Not seen
Date of issue
2.05 Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate:
Date of last survey
Not seen
Date of issue
2.06 Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate:
Date of last survey
Not seen
Date of issue
2.07 International Load Line Certificate:
(All vessels LOA > 24 m)
Date of last survey
2.08 International Tonnage Certificate: Not seen
Not seen
Date of issue
2.09 IOPP (Oil) Certificate:
(Tanker GT >150 / other ships GT>400)
Date of last survey

DATED :- AUGUST 30,2021


Not seen
International Ship Security Certificate: Date issued
2.10 (SOLAS Chaps XI-1 and IX-2, ISPS Code, vessels Date of Expiry
>500 GT engaged on international voyages)
Issuing Authority
Minimum Safe Manning Certificate:
2.11 (SOLAS Chap V Reg 14)
Date issued
Not seen

2.12 Civil Liability Certificate: (CLC, Tankers carrying

>2,000 tons of persistent oil as cargo) Date issued N/A

2.13 CLC Certificate of Financial Responsibility:

(Tanker “Blue Card” issued by P&I) Date issued N/A

2.14 Bunker Pollution Liability Certificate: (Bunker

Oil Pollution Convention 2001, cargo vessels Date issued N/A
engaged on international voyages >1000 GT)

2.15 BPL Certificate of Financial Responsibility: Date issued

(Cargo vessel “Blue Card” issued by P&I) N/A

2.16 Document of Compliance for Ships Carrying

Dangerous Goods (SOLAS Reg. 54 for vessels Date issued N/A
constructed before 01 July 2002)

International Air Pollution Prevention

2.17 Certificate (MARPOL Annex VI, all vessels >400 Date of issue Not seen
GT engaged on international voyages)

International Anti-Fouling System Certificate

2.18 (AFS Convention 2001, all vessels > 400 GT engaged Date of issue Not seen
on international voyages)

International Sewage Certificate

(MARPOL Annex IV, all vessels > 400GT engaged on
2.19 international voyages)
Date of issue Not seen

Maritime Labour Certificate

(Certificate issued by the vessel’s Flag state
2.20 Date of issue Not seen
after successful approval of the DMLC. All
vessel’s over 500GT trading internationally.

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International Energy Efficiency Certificate

2.21 (IEEC) Date of issue Not seen
All vessels over 400 GT

Comments: This vessel is of 500 Gross Tonnage and is operating on short International voyages and
as per IMO statutory requirements is required to be equipped with mandatory certificates as per
requirements but at the time of this survey no such Statutory Certificates were found to be onboard the

Note to Surveyors:

The abbreviations set out below are to be used when completing this form. Reasons for the responses
“NO”, “NA” and “NI” must be provided in the associated Comments boxes. All responses “NO” and “NI”
must also be reported in the Part A Summary of Recommendations as a deficiency.

“YES” – In satisfactory condition and in compliance with regulations.

“NO” – Not in satisfactory condition and not in compliance with requirements / regulations.
“NA” – Not applicable. Does not apply to this vessel under requirement / regulations.
“NI” – Not inspected or assessed.

Is the Stability Booklet (all ships LOA > 24 m) stamped approved by
2.22 Class/ Flag State Authority and in a working language understood
Not onboard
by the Senior Officers? (Load Line Convention ‘66 & Protocol ’88)

Is the Cargo Securing Manual (all non-tankers) in a working

2.23 language understood by the senior officers and approved by Not onboard
Class/ Flag State Authority? (SOLAS Chap VI Reg 5)

Is the SOPEP (tankers > GT 150, other ships > GT 400 ) in a working
2.24 language understood by the senior officers and approved by Not onboard
Class/ Flag State Authority? (MARPOL Chap 5 Reg 37)

Is a Garbage Management Plan and Garbage Record Book (all

2.25 ship’s > GT 400 or more or complement 15 persons or more) available
on board and properly maintained?

Is the Oil Record Book Part I – Machinery Space Operation

(tankers GT 150 or more, other ships GT 400 or more) completed
2.26 No
and up to date? (MARPOL Chap 3 Reg 17)

Is the Oil Record Book Part II – Cargo and Ballast Operation

2.27 (tankers GT 150 or more) completed and up to date? (MARPOL N/A
Chap 4 Reg 36)

Is the most recent Class Society printout (survey status,

2.28 N/A
recommendations and survey report) available on board?
All Class recommendations rectified? N/A

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2.29 (If “NO”, provide full details in the Comments box below)

Is the Class Enhanced Survey Report File up-to-date ?(All bulk

carriers & crude oil tankers above 20,000 tons dwt and product tankers above
2.30 30,000 dwt, SOLAS Chap XI – 1 Reg 2, MSC/Circ 655)

Is the most recent ultrasonic steel thickness gauging report

available on board? (Preferably prepared by an IACS Class
2.31 Yes
licensed surveyor and not more than 2 years old)

If so, what is the date?

How much steel renewal was accomplished at that time? (Please Dec.2020 ~
advise in Comments box below) Jan.2021

Were the UTS results satisfactory i.e. within required steel

2.32 diminution parameters of between 20 to 25 % maximum? NO

Have all Port State Control inspection deficiencies been rectified? No records seen

Date and place of last Port State Control inspection? No record

Please advise details of number of deficiencies and if vessel was N/A
detained in comments box below.

Comments: UTS results did reflect some diminution of in excess of 35 percent and were
thus renewed, a total of 35m² of 8mm steel were renewed on the vessel.

3.0 Operational/Safety Procedures and Records

Was the vessel found to be incompliance with required safety
3.01 standards NO

Are there sufficient procedures and guidelines for crew to carry

3.02 out their duties as per requirements? NO

3.03 Medical stores and controlled drugs kept in a secure locker and
inventory maintained and up to date?

3.04 Hot Work Permit System implemented and documented? NO

Entry Permit/Permit to Work System for Confined Spaces

3.05 implemented and documented? (IACS Rec 072, Confined Space Safe NO

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Oxygen analyser/multi-meter available on board and in working

3.06 order? (SOLAS Chap VI Reg 3) NO

Full set of ship’s drawing available on board with a spare set kept
3.07 at the manager’s office ashore? NO

Are all derricks, cranes and other lifting appliances properly

marked and records being maintained?
Date of last quadrennial inspection and inspecting authority?
Date of last annual inspection and inspecting authority?

Comments: There is no documented procedures or guidelines for the efficient and safe
operation of the vessel as per IMO requirements. Vessel’s operation is guided and controlled by
on a need to basis by shore based management .

4.0 Operational Publications and Manuals


4.01 SOLAS consolidated edition (2014) No

4.02 MARPOL 73/78 consolidated edition (2011) No

4.03 ISM Code & Guidelines on Implementation (2014 Edition) No

4.04 ISPS Code (2012 Edition) No

ILO/IMO/WHO International Medical Guide for Ships (2008 Edition) of
4.05 No
recent equivalent
4.06 IMDG Code (2014 Edition) N/A

4.07 IMO Code Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC Code 2012 Edition) N/A
IMO Code for Safe Loading & Discharge of Bulk Carriers (BLU Code
4.08 N/A
2011 Edition)
IMO Guidelines on Enhanced Inspection of Tankers and Bulk Carriers
4.09 N/A
(2001 Edition)
4.10 IMO Code for Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk (1991 Edition) N/A
IMO Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck Cargoes
4.11 N/A
(2011 Edition)
IMO Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing (2011
4.12 No
4.13 Ship to Ship Transfer Guide – Petroleum (For Tankers) N/A
Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seafarers (2015
4.14 NO
Index of Dangerous Chemicals permitted for Carriage in Bulk on
4.15 N/A
4.16 STCW 78/ 95 Including 2010 Manila Amendments (2011 Edition) NO
4.17 ICS Tanker Safety Guide (Chemicals) N/A

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4.18 International Gas Carrier Code N/A

4.19 ICS Tanker Safety Guide (Liquefied Gases) N/A

ISGOTT -International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals

4.20 N/A
(Tankers Only) (2006 Edition)

MFAG – Medial First Aid Guide for use in accidents involving

4.22 N/A
Dangerous Goods – IMDG Code

Comments: The vessel does not have any IMO publication onboard nor does it carry any
equipment or items for the safe storage of vehicles as no wheel chocks were seen onboard .

5.0 Manning and Crew Competency

No certificate
5.01 Does the present manning comply with the Safe Manning Certificate?
What is the common working language used on the vessel and can all
5.02 of the crew communicate in that language? Dutch / English

Are all of the officers and crew in possession of valid STCW Crew were not in
5.03 possession of their
certificates as issued by the ship’s flag state? certificates at the
time of survey
Are all officers’ certificates STCW endorsed for service on board the
5.04 particular vessel being surveyed e.g. tankers/chemical tankers/gas
carrier/fast ferry /passenger vessels, as appropriate?

Are all officers and crew on board holding valid certificates of medical
5.05 fitness (vaccination & pre-joining medical examination)? NO

Is there evidence that all officers and crew are provided with STCW
5.06 mandated Familiarisation Training immediately on joining the ship? No record seen

Is an STCW mandated record of hours of work and rest hours

5.07 maintained on board & are SCTW regulations being complied with? No

Have the Master & deck officers received formal/STCW endorsed

5.08 Bridge Resource Management training? No

Are the English language skills of the Master and deck officers in
compliance with SOLAS and SCTW minimum standards i.e. sufficient
to communicate clearly with other vessels & shore stations in both
5.09 Yes
operational and emergency situations using IMO Standard Marine

Comments: The crew appears to have a very good working knowledge to carry out their basic
duties as vessel’s mooring manoeuvres and basic repairs onboard but lacks knowledge of the
Safety Management and other operational systems …. Such as Pollution prevention, practices
associated to hot work and enclosed space entry .

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6.0 Safety of Navigation

Navigation & Radio Equipment:
Gyro compass and heading repeater at steering station in good
6.01 working order? ( SOLAS Chap 5 Reg 19, ships of 500 GRT & above) N/A

Gyro compass bearing repeaters in good working order? ( SOLAS Chap

6.02 V, Reg 19 Para 2.5.3, ships of 1600 GRT & above) N/A

Is a compass pelorus available for taking bearings? (SOLAS Chap 5 Reg

6.03 19 Para 2.1.2, all ships) N/A

Standard magnetic compass in good working order? (SOLAS Chap 5,Reg

6.04 19 Para 2.2.1, all ships) NO

Are compass errors verified regularly at sea & at anchorage and

6.05 recorded in a compass error book? N/A

Is the standard magnetic compass Deviation Card valid (Max 2 years

6.06 since last adjustment) and posted on bridge? NO

Is there a spare magnetic compass, interchangeable with the standard

6.07 compass, on board? (SOLAS Chap 5 Reg 19 Para 2.1.1, all vessels >150 GT) N/A

Radar #1, 9 GHz, with electronic plotting aid, in good working order?
6.08 (SOLAS Chap 5 Reg 19 Para 2.3.2, all ships > 300 GT) YES

Radar #2, 3 GHZ, with 2nd electronic plotting aid, in good working
6.09 order? (SOLAS Chap V Reg 19 Para 2.7, all ships > 3,000 GT ) N/A

ARPA plotting unit fitted to either Radar #1 or #2, complete with

6.10 interface to a speed log and in good working order? (SOLAS Chap V Reg N/A
19 Para 2.8, all ships > 10,000 GT)

6.11 Echo sounder in good working order? (SOLAS Chap 5 Reg 19 Para 2.3.1, all
ships > 300 GT) YES

6.12 GPS in good working order? (SOLAS Chap V Reg 19 Para 2.1.6, all ships ) YES
AIS in good working order [and mounted on the bridge in location
N/A due to area of
6.13 where the AIS display can be clearly seen from the radar observation operation
position]? (SOLAS Chap V Reg 19, Para 2.4, all ships > 300 GT)
LRIT installed or existing GMDSS Inmarsat system modified to
facilitate LRIT transmission/reception & in good working order? (SOLAS
6.14 Chap V Reg 19-1 and MSC .1/Circ.1296, all ships certified to operate in areas A1, A2 N/A
and A3 must undergo Conformance Testing by an approved ASP no later than first
Radio Survey after 31 Dec 2008)
S-VDR (Simplified Voyage Data Recorder) in good working order and
annual performance approved test valid?
(SOLAS Chap V, Reg 20, as amended by MSC 79thSession Dec 2004: Now N/A
6.15 mandatory for all cargo ships of 20,000 GT and above constructed before 1 July 2002
and being phased in for all cargo ships 3,000 to 20,000 GT at first scheduled drydock
after 1July 2007 and no later than 1 July 2010)

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Rate of turn indicator and forward and athwartships berthing speed

6.16 indicator in good working order? (SOLAS Chap V Reg 19 Para 2.9, all ships N/A
>50,000 GT)

6.17 Bridge main engine direction and RPM indicator satisfactory? (SOLAS YES
Chap V Reg 19 Para 2.5.4)
Bridge rudder angle indicator(s) satisfactory and pre-departure testing
6.18 in conformance with SOLAS? (SOLAS Chap V Reg 19 Para 2.5.4 and SOLAS YES
Chap V Reg 26)
6.19 Navigation lights and failure alarm panel in good working order? YES

6.20 Sound signalling equipment/ship’s whistle in good working order? YES

6.21 Complete set of signalling flags available? NO

6.22 Aldis lamp in good working order with spare bulb and battery pack? NO
(SOLAS Chap 5 Reg 19 Para 2.2.2)

GMDSS Inmarsat system fitted in accordance with vessel’s trading

6.23 area (normally, Sea Areas A1, A2 and A3) with GPS positioning input N/A
and in good working order ? (SOLAS Chap IV Regs 8, 9 & 10)

6.24 Navtex unit in good working order? N/A

(SOLAS Chap IV Reg 7 Para 1.4, all ships)

Main VHF installation in good working order & fitted with DSC?
6.25 (SOLAS Chap IV Reg 7 Para 1.1) YES

6.26 Portable VHF radios X 3 required in good working order? (SOLAS NO

Chapter III Reg.2.1.1, all vessels > 500 GT)

SART Radar transponders X 2 required (one fitted on each side of the

6.27 ship) & in good order? (SOLAS Chap III Reg 6 Para 2.2, all ships > 500 GT) NO

EPIRB programmed with correct MMSI number, properly secured to

6.28 float free & hydrostatic release within expiry/maintenance date? NO
(SOLAS Chap IV Reg 7 Para 1.6)

Emergency batteries for main radio equipment regularly charged,

6.29 battery locker properly vented and “No Smoking” signs posted on NO records
door? (SOLAS Chap IV Reg 13)

Bridge Records & Procedures:

6.30 Manoeuvring characteristics displayed on bridge? NO

Block diagram instructions for change over procedures from auto to
manual steering and change of steering gear power units displayed on
6.31 bridge in working language used on board? (SOLAS Chap V Reg 26 Para N/A

Evidence of proper passage planning from berth to berth in

6.32 accordance with IMO Guidelines? (SOLAS Chap V Reg 34 and IMO Res N/A

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Procedures in place/checklist for pre-departure testing of all bridge

equipment and steering gear? (SOLAS Chap 5 Reg 26 ) NO
Procedures in place/pilot information checklist for transfer of the
6.34 conduct of the vessel to a Pilot? N/A

6.35 Deck log and Bridge Bell Book maintained? NO

6.36 Ballast tank and hold bilges daily sounding record book maintained? NO
Master’s Standing Orders posted and Master’s Night Order Book
6.37 maintained? N/A

Compass error record book maintained showing daily azimuths while

6.38 N/A
at sea?

6.39 GMDSS radio log record book maintained? N/A

Charts and Navigational Publications: (SOLAS Chap V Reg 27)

Latest edition of Notices to Mariners on board and system in place for
6.40 regular reception either by e-mail or hard copy? N/A

6.41 Lists of Lights and Radio Signals on board and corrected up to date? N/A
Charts for vessel’s usual trading area on board and corrected up to
N/A..Line of
6.42 date with correction records maintained? sight navigation

Current Nautical Almanac, Tide Tables and navigational tables on

6.43 board? Tide tables

Admiralty Sailing Directions for usual trading area on board together

6.44 with current supplements? N/A

6.45 Collision Regulations 2003 Edition available? NO

6.46 International Code of Signals 2005 Edition available? NO

6.47 ICS/IMO Bridge Procedures Guide available? N/A

SOLAS 1 poster and IAMSAR search & rescue manual, Vol III,
6.48 available? (SOLAS Chap V Reg 21) N/A

Manufacturer’s manuals for operation and maintenance of all

navigation` and radio equipment on board in both English and the
ship’s working language?

Symbols and Abbreviations Used on Admiralty Charts, Chart 5011

6.50 N/A
(INT 1) - Edition 5 available?

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6.51 The Mariners Handbook (NP100) 10th Edition (2015) available? N/A

Comments: The vessel is equipped with very limited publication and at the time of this survey
the magnetic compass was found to be deficient and needs to be checked by a qualified
technician and a recent deviation card be issued for same.

LSA and FFA Equipment, Maintenance & Training
Lifesaving Appliances:
Are Emergency Stations Muster Lists posted on the bridge, in ER and
7.01 Messrooms are they up to date? (SOLAS Chap III Reg 37) No

Is the emergency/general alarm working and tested at least weekly or

7.02 daily when at sea? (SOLAS Chap III Reg 20 Para 6.1.3) Yes

Are ship specific lifesaving appliances training manuals available to

7.03 the crew in messrooms and cabins? (SOLAS Chap III Reg 35) No

Are lifesaving appliances inspection checklists/maintenance records maintained and

7.04 up to date & do they show LSA inspection on a weekly, monthly basis and annual? No
(SOLAS Chap III Reg 20 Para 7 & Reg 36)
Are the lifeboat davits, releasing gear winch brakes and hoisting
motors in apparent satisfactory condition? Have they been thoroughly
7.05 examined by a qualified technician on an annual basis, inclusive of a N/A
dynamic test of the winch brake, within the past 5 years? (SOLAS Chap
III Reg 11.1 and IMO Res MSC.81(70), MSC.1/Circ.1206/Rev.1 & MSC.1/Circ.1277 )

If lifeboats/davits are fitted with on-load release gear, has this

equipment been subjected to an annual examination by a qualified
7.06 technician and an inspection certificate issued? (SOLAS Chap III Reg 20 N/A
Para 11.2 & MSC.1/Circ.1206/Rev.1 & MSC.1/Circ.1277)

Are davit wire rope falls marked as having been end for ended at
7.07 intervals of not more than 30 months & renewed at intervals of not N/A
more than 5 years? (SOLAS Chap III Reg 20 Para 4)

Are the lifeboats in apparent satisfactory condition including all

7.08 equipment, stores and pyrotechnics? N/A

Are instructions for lowering the lifeboats and launching the liferafts
permanently posted on the boat deck?
7.09 N/A
Are the crew aware of the serious dangers associated with lowering
lifeboats? (SOLAS Chap II Reg 9 and MSC.1/Circ.1206/Rev.1)

Are boat drills conducted and logged at least once each month with
7.10 boats lowered to the embarkation deck? (SOLAS Chap III Reg 19 Para 3.3) N/A

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Have the boats been lowered and manoeuvred in the water by their
7.11 assigned crews at least once during the past 3 months? (SOLAS Chap III N/A
Reg 19 Para 3.3.3)

Are all liferaft & hydrostatic release annual maintenance certificates At time of survey no
7.12 in date? (SOLAS Chap III Reg 20 Para 8 and 9) inflatable liferafts
were seen onboard.

Liferaft stowage/securing satisfactory and weak link/ hydrostatic

7.13 releases properly secured to manufacturer’s instructions? N/A
(SOLAS Chap III Reg 13)

Lifeboats, davits & liferafts inspected weekly to ensure readiness for

immediate use and engine(s) run (min 3 minutes running) &
7.14 gearboxes tested and emergency generator run/tested on load weekly N/A
and logged? (SOLAS Chap III Reg 20 Para 6)

7.15 Bridge pyrotechnics/rockets satisfactory and within expiry date? Non seen
Line throwing appliances satisfactory and within the expiry date?
7.16 (SOLAS Chap III Reg 18 and LSA Code S. 7.1) Not seen

7.17 Lifejackets satisfactory in number, condition and equipment? YES

Lifebuoys satisfactory in number, condition positioning and
7.18 equipment? Not sufficent

Sufficient number of immersion suits available (one per crew member

7.19 plus at least 2 extra on bridge and 2 extra in ER control room)? ( All
vessels unless exempted as warm waters trading only ( e.g. 30 N. to 30 S.) by flag N/A
state, SOLAS Chap III Reg 32 Para 3 as amended by IMO Res MSC.152(78)

In addition to SOLAS monthly inspection by ship’s crew, have

immersion suits been subjected to air pressure/seam & closure
7.20 testing by qualified technicians at intervals of not more than 3 years? N/A
(IMO Res MSC/Circ.114)

Fire Fighting Appliances & Records:

Is the vessel’s approved Fire Control Plan permanently displayed in

7.21 the accommodation area? (SOLAS Ch. II-2 Reg. 15 Para 2.4.1) NO

Is a duplicate Fire Control Plan permanently stored in a prominently

7.22 marked weathertight enclosure outside the accommodation entrance NO
area? (SOLAS Chap II-2 Reg 15 Para 2.4.2)

Is a SOLAS Fire Fighting Appliances’ Maintenance Plan maintained

and up to date & does it show weekly FFA inspection (to confirm
7.23 operational readiness) plus monthly and annual inspection (SOLAS NO
Chap II-2 Reg 14 Para 2.1)

7.24 Is a SOLAS Fire Fighting Appliances Training Manual and Fire Safety NO
Operational Booklet (must both be ship specific, in ship’s working
language and may be combined into one document) available on
board with copies available in the mess and recreation rooms or
crew cabins? (SOLAS Ch. 11-2 Reg. 15 Para 2.3 and IMO Guidelines MSC/.850)

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Are Emergency Drills, inclusive of both Fire and Abandon Ship drills,
conducted and logged not less than once every month?
7.25 (SOLAS Chap III Reg 19 Para 3) NO

Is on-board training in the use of all of the ship’s fire fighting and
7.26 lifesaving appliances given to all new crewmembers within 2 - 8 NO
weeks of their joining the vessel? (SOLAS Chap III Reg 19 Para 4)

Fixed fire detection & fire alarm system for accommodation, services
& control spaces and machinery spaces tested regularly and in
7.27 Recently installed
satisfactory condition? (SOLAS Chap II-2 Reg 7 Para 4 and 5.5)

Fire main and hydrants in good condition with adequate water

7.28 pressure available? (SOLAS Chap II-2 Reg 2.2) YES

Fire hoses & nozzles in satisfactory condition and properly stowed?

7.29 (SOLAS Chap II-2 Reg 10 Para 2.3) YES

Emergency fire pump, capable of delivering 25 tonnes of water to 2

nozzles & operable in any vessel/ballast condition, tested &
7.30 satisfactory at the time of the survey? (SOLAS Chap II-2 Para and Not tested
FSS Code Chap 12)

Portable extinguishers and spare charges in satisfactory condition

7.31 and regularly inspected/serviced? (SOLAS Chap II-2 Reg 3) YES

Fixed CO2 fire extinguishing system or approved alternative

(foam/water spray) for engine room in satisfactory condition and
7.32 serviced/tested in accordance with IMO Guidelines MSC/Circ.850? NO
(SOLAS Chap II-2 Reg 10 Para 4 & 5 and Reg 14 Para 2.2 )

Fixed CO2 fire extinguishing system or approved alternative

(foam/inert gas) for cargo holds in satisfactory condition and
serviced/tested in accordance with IMO Guidelines MSC/Circ.850?

7.33 If not fitted, does vessel have Flag State Exemption Certificate N/A
inclusive of attached list of permitted / low fire risk cargoes?
(All vessels 2000 GT and above, SOLAS Chapter II-2. Reg10 Para 4 , Para7.1.3 &
Para & 7.1.4)

7.34 Are instructions for the use of fixed CO2/ inert gas extinguishing
systems posted in both the crew’s working language and in English?

Is the paint locker protected by a fixed fire fighting system (CO2 /

7.35 water sprinkler/dry powder) operable from outside the locker and is it
in satisfactory working order? (SOLAS Chap II-2 Reg 10 Para 6.3.1)

Two Fireman’s Outfits available including Self Contained Breathing

Apparatus and 2 spare air bottles for each Outfit fully charged and in
7.36 NO
good order? (SOLAS Chap II-2 Reg 10 Para 10 and FSS Code)

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Emergency Escape Breathing Devices (EEBD) available in the

7.37 accommodation (minimum 2) and in the machinery spaces (number
and location in the ER subject to IMO Guidelines MSC/Circ.849 and N/A
flag state approval)? (SOLAS Ch. II-2 Reg. 13 Para 3.4 & 4.3 and FSS Code)

7.38 International shore connection located in close proximity to the access

to the accommodation and clearly marked? (all vessels > 500 GT, SOLAS N/A
Chap II-2 Reg 10 Para 2.1.7)

Ventilation fire flaps engine room and accommodation spaces all

operating satisfactorily and permanently marked as to open/closed
7.39 position and space serviced? YES

Comments: The fire fighting capability of this vessel is considered to be satisfactory but apart
from the Captain the other crew members fire fighting awareness and knowledge seems to be
limited due to lack of training, onboard drills and policies .

8.0 Hull, Maindeck and Superstructure (All Vessels)

External hull, to extent visible, without significant corrosion or plate
8.01 indentation exceeding 25 mm? YES

External hull markings including IMO Number, draft marks etc all well
8.02 painted and legible? NO

Gangway access in satisfactory condition?

8.03 YES
Gangway hydraulic / hoisting system in satisfactory condition.
8.04 NO
Watertight door sealing rubbers and securing dog operation all in
8.05 satisfactory condition? YES

Rope locker, cofferdam and cargo hold steel access hatch sealing
rubbers, locking pins and securing dog operation in satisfactory
8.06 N/A

Sounding pipes in satisfactory condition, permanently marked and

8.07 with threaded screw caps in place? Not marked

DB Tank maindeck air pipes permanently marked and internal floats

8.08 and screens in satisfactory condition? N/A

8.09 Guard rails and bulwarks intact and in satisfactory condition? YES
8.10 Steel ladders in satisfactory condition with no corroded steps YES
Anchor windlasses and mooring winches, mountings and brake
linings in satisfactory condition with evidence of regular greasing &
8.11 YES

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Anchor chains, first joining shackles, cable markings, cable

8.12 locks/securing and spurling pipe covers all in satisfactory condition? NO

Mooring lines all in satisfactory condition and without excessive

8.13 YES
abrasion, multiple splice repairs or ultraviolet deterioration?
Number of new spare lines on board:
Bollards, bitts and roller fairleads (must rotate freely) in a satisfactory
8.14 condition? YES

Emergency towing arrangements fitted at both ends of the vessel and

8.15 a ship specific emergency towing procedures manual provided? YES

8.16 Cargo cranes/derrick booms, drive units, access ladders & platforms,
wires, blocks and sheaves, hooks, controls, safety devices (including N/A
limit switches) in satisfactory condition with SWL clearly marked?
Deck machinery hydraulic systems and piping in satisfactory condition
8.17 and without evidence of any leaking on to the deck? NO

Maindeck, Poop deck & Superstructure deck plating without

fractures or significant corrosion, well painted and in overall
8.18 YES
satisfactory condition?

Chain lockers in apparent satisfactory condition with warning as to

closed space entry procedures marked on the access covers and
8.19 NI
bilge pump in satisfactory working order?

8.20 Cofferdams and void spaces in satisfactory condition? YES

8.21 Electrical conduits and securing in satisfactory condition? NO

Superstructure external plating, door accesses, lighting etc in
8.22 satisfactory condition? YES

Are deck lighting and floodlight fittings adequate for safe working?
8.23 YES

Are the forecastle and deck stores and workshops clean & tidy with all
8.24 heavy stores and spares well secured with chain or wire lashings? NO

Are spare oxy-acetylene gas cylinders properly secured in a

8.29 designated storage racks or locker marked with “No Smoking” signs? N/A

Comments :- Due to ongoing maintenance work being carried out on main engines the store
room area was observed to be untidy and not properly organized as were under under deck
compartments where ropes and containers of oil, paints and some spares were being stored.
Electrical cables and hydraulic lines that are routed through main deck were observed not to be
properly sealed as water were observed to be leaking into under deck compartments via
conduits. Also rain water was observed leaking into wheelhouse from overhead deck.

DATED :- AUGUST 30,2021


9.0 Under deck Tanks / compartments including Fore and Aft Peaks

Notes to Surveyors:

1. Please refer to IACS Recommendation 087 (Published by Witherbys) “Guidelines for

Coatings Maintenance & Repairs” which provides definitions as to the terms “Good”,
“Fair” and “Poor” (IMO Res A.744(18)) and photo examples and diagrams to assist
accurate coating breakdown and corrosion estimation.
2. Your ballast tank internals survey should include the Fore Peak (essential) plus a
representative sample consisting of 25 – 30% of the other ballast spaces.
3. Please ensure that your entry into the ballast tanks is in full accordance with IACS
Confined Space Safe Practice (Recommendation 072 available at

Yes/No/NA/ NI
Ref preparation for your designated tank internals inspection, do the
crew appear to be knowledgeable in regard to established confined
9.01 NO
space entry procedures?

Are the internal coatings of the compartments inspected in a

“Good” or Fair” condition? (If “NO”, please estimate the amount of
9.02 YES
breakdown as a percentage)

9.03 Are the tank sacrificial anodes (if fitted) in a satisfactory condition? N/A
Are the compartments internal structures and plating in a satisfactory
condition? (If “NO” please estimate the amount of steel diminution
9.04 Yes
and whether within IACS guidelines of about 20-25 %.)

Is there any evidence of any leakage/ingress of fuel oil or other

9.05 contaminants from adjacent bunker tanks or external sources? No

DATED :- AUGUST 30,2021


Were a representative number of double bottom ballast tanks, wing

tanks and top side tanks pressure tested and results found
9.06 satisfactory? Please note the details of tanks tested in comments N/A
box below.

Are the ballast filling and discharge lines & valves (including valve
remote operation & indicators) in apparent working order and without
9.07 N/A

Ballast tank plating and structures free of plate doublers or

temporary repairs/cement boxes? N/A

Are protective doubler plates fitted underneath compartments

sounding pipes (to protect against tank penetration by sounding
9.09 YES
rods) free of excessive wear/corrosion?

Are the compartments access manhole covers, gaskets and

9.10 securing studs and nuts in satisfactory condition? YES

Comments: The vessel’s under deck compartments are not use for the carriage of ballast but
are equipped with sounding pipes and suction pipes which are attached to two pumps. These
pumps cannot be started from above deck but only via direct access to their location under
deck into the compartments and as such if those compartments are flooded the pumps cannot
be operated. Further, there are no alarm system to warn crew in the event of flooding in the
under deck compartments.

10.0 Engine Room / Machinery Space and Machinery

Equipment and Maintenance
Are operation & maintenance manuals for the M/E, A/E & all other
10.01 equipment in the engine room available in the crew’s working
language as well as in English?

10.02 Engine room log book properly maintained? NO

10.03 Main engine(s) in satisfactory condition & free of oil leaks? NO
Auxiliary engines/ generators in satisfactory condition & free of oil
10.04 YES
10.05 Boilers in satisfactory working condition? N/A
10.06 Steering gear in satisfactory working condition? N/A

10.07 Emergency steering tested regularly and logged as satisfactory? N/A

10.08 Communication system between steering flat and bridge tested with
satisfactory result?

DATED :- AUGUST 30,2021


10.09 Emergency steering engagement instructions posted in the steering

flat in crew’s working language and in English?
10.10 Main switchboard earth fault monitoring satisfactory? YES

10.11 Is there an insulating rubber mat at switchboard front? YES

ER workshops in clean/tidy condition with safety signs posted,
10.12 machinery safety guards fitted & safety goggles available for grinding
& welding work?

Are there sufficient spares and tools on board for both ME and Aux E
10.13 as per Class requirements/ equipment manufacturers’ N/A
recommendation? (Lists available at IACS Rec No’s 26, 27 &30)

Are all spares (including liners, oil drums etc) securely stowed and
10.14 N/A
secured with chain or wire rope lashings?

10.15 Control room alarms and instrumentation in satisfactory condition? N/A

Ventilation flaps and remote ventilation stops in satisfactory
10.16 YES
Oil fuel quick closing sight glasses and sounding pipes tested with
10.17 N/A
satisfactory result?
10.18 Oil fuel pump remote stops tested with satisfactory result? Not operational

10.19 Is fuel oil pressure line sheathing fitted to all machinery? No

10.20 Sea valves satisfactory as to operation and condition? N/A

10.21 Bilge high level alarms operational? N/A

10.22 Bilges clean and reasonably dry? N/A

10.23 Shaft seal satisfactory and no significant leakage? YES
Piping colour code system implemented and all valves clearly
10.24 marked including location of emergency bilge suction? N/A

Emergency generator tested and/or emergency lighting batteries

10.25 satisfactory? N/A

10.26 Emergency exits and escapes clearly marked and unobstructed? YES

Floor plating and gratings safely secured and in a clean/non-slip

10.27 condition? YES

Sufficient lighting throughout engine room

10.28 YES

Lubricating oil regular analysis system for main engine & auxiliaries
10.29 NO
implemented with results available to crew?

Bunker fuel analysis accomplished prior to utilisation in main engine

10.30 & auxiliaries with results available to crew on priority basis? NO

DATED :- AUGUST 30,2021


10.31 Engine crew familiar with starting procedure from blackout? Only engineer

10.32 Engine crew capable of resetting of ME over speed trip? N/A

10.33 Main engine crankshaft deflections satisfactory? NI

No reference
Are the running hours for the ME within manufacturer’s
10.34 document
recommendation since last overhaul? onboard

Are the running hours of auxiliary engines within manufacturer’s

10.35 YES
recommendation since last overhaul?
Lifejackets provided in permanent stowage for engine room crew?
10.36 YES

10.37 General cleanliness of engine room and bilges satisfactory? NO

ER Fire Safety

Are the emergency fuel pump shut offs for the ME clearly marked,
10.38 Not operational
recently tested/logged and in operating order?

Are the remote emergency fuel shut off valves clearly marked,
10.39 No
recently tested/logged and in operating order?

ME and auxiliaries engine fuel leak alarm tested and in working

10.40 NI

Is the ER ventilation system emergency shut down system clearly

10.41 Natural ventilation
marked, recently tested/logged and in operating order?

Is the ER fixed fire fighting system clearly marked with operating

10.42 instructions posted in the crews working language and does the Co2 N/
release warning alarm function?

Comments: The engine rooms were found to be untidy with oil residue on floor and card board
under main engines and gear boxes . Further bulkhead had traces of grease that splattered
from off of rotating shafts.

11.0 MARPOL Pollution Prevention - Deck and Engine Depts

Engine Dept:
Is the oily water separator (OWS) and 15 PPM oil discharge
monitoring equipment recently calibrated (provide date & authorised
party), in good working order & routinely used?

DATED :- AUGUST 30,2021


Are operating instructions posted for the OWS in the crew’s working
language and in English?
Is the overboard discharge for the OWS fitted with a chain and
padlock for securing while in port? N/A

11.03 Are suitable anti-pollution warning notices posted? NO

Is the communication system for bunkering and internal fuel transfer
11.04 operations adequate? N/A

Are written procedures & a checklist for bunkering and fuel transfers
posted / available in the crew’s working language and in English? NO

Is the ship’s sewage and/or retention system in satisfactory order

11.06 and approved by Class/flag state in accordance with MARPOL
Annex IV? Date of last inspection?

Is the ship’s air pollution prevention system being operated in

11.07 NO
accordance with MARPOL Annex VI?

Does the vessel have Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan on

11.08 NO
board? (Applicable for vessels over 400GT)

11.09 Has the SEEMP been approved by the vessel’s Class? N/A

11.10 Is the garbage incinerator in working condition? N/A

Deck Dept:

Are adequate scupper plugs available & are they in position and
ready for immediate use while the vessel is alongside and/or
11.11 NO
engaged in bunkering, oil transfer and/or oil cargo operations?

Are Deck and Engine Dept oil pollution control drills conducted in
accordance with the vessel’s SOPEP/ SMPEP plan? Date of last drill No SOPEP Plan
11.12 onboard

Is there an adequate quantity of oil absorbents, clean up equipment

11.13 & chemicals on board for controlling a small ship source oil spill? Are
these materials stored in a clearly marked and dedicated locker?

Are oil spill steel save-alls fitted on deck around bunker manifolds,
11.14 fuel tank air pipes & sounding pipes and are metal threaded drain
plugs fitted and secured?

Is the maindeck free of oil/oily material, including leaks from

11.15 hydraulic systems? No

DATED :- AUGUST 30,2021


Is there an approved ballast management plan which accords with

MARPOL Guidelines and do the ship’s records show that is being
11.16 N/A
adhered to?

Is there an approved Garbage Management Plan and Garbage

11.17 Record Book available in accordance with MARPOL Annex V? No

Are garbage disposal warnings posted in the galley and messrooms

and is all garbage being stored, processed and disposed of in
11.18 accordance with Annex V?

Comments: This vessel does not operate in accordance with Marpol Regulations .

12.0 Accommodation and Galley Area

12.01 Is the accommodation in a clean and well maintained condition? Yes
Is the electrical safety within the accommodation/crew cabins, galley
12.02 and mess rooms satisfactory? Yes

Is the cleanliness of the galley satisfactory and are galley range hood
12.03 grease filters clean? No galley onboard

Is all equipment in the galley safe, in working order and properly

12.02 secured? N/A

12.04 Is there a CO2 / DP fire extinguisher and/or fire blanket in the galley? N/A

12.05 Galley access doors & serving hatches fire retardant? N/A

Are the food and other dry stores in a clean and orderly condition
12.06 and without evidence of bugs or other vermin? N/A

12.07 Are toilets facilities working and clean? YES

Refrigerated store room door internal opening device and /or alarms
12.08 tested and satisfactory? N/A

Do the crew appear to be satisfied with the quality and quantity of

12.09 food and water available on board? N/A

Comments: Crew lunch room passenger seating areas were observed to be in satisfactory

13.0 Ship Management System (including ISM Code implementation)*

*Note to surveyors: see Guidance for Auditors to the ISM Code Yes/No/NA/NI

DATED :- AUGUST 30,2021


IACS Rec No 041 available at

Are ISM Code Manuals and Procedures on board, updated and in NO

13.01 use in the operation of the vessel?

Does the Master’s and crew’s understanding and on board

implementation of the ISM Code Safety Management System
13.02 NO
appear to be satisfactory?

Are ISM audits carried out regularly?

Date last external and authority?
13.03 NO
Date last internal and name of party?

Are ISM records of non-conformance maintained showing corrective

13.04 NO
action taken and non-conformities closed out?
If there are any non-conformities which have not been
actioned/closed out, please detail in the Comments box below.

ISM records of accidents and hazards/near misses maintained and

13.05 acted upon through Ship’s Safety Meetings? NO

Does a Superintendent attend the vessel on a regular basis?

13.06 Date of last visit on board? NO

13.07 Is there an owners/managers circular file kept on board? NO

Do the Master, Chief Officer and Chief Engineer provide regular
13.08 condition and maintenance reports to the owners/managers as part
of the ISM system?

Are shipboard management meetings held on a regular basis and

13.09 are minutes of the meeting sent to owners/managers? NO

Is an ISM Planned Maintenance System implemented on board

13.10 NO
which includes all parts of the vessel?
Does the general appearance and operation of the vessel reflect
Is there a drug and alcohol policy and is it implemented on board,
13.12 inclusive of random testing by a 3rd party? NO

Are there contingency plans available to the Master to deal with

13.13 major incidents such as collision, salvage, pollution, fatalities, serious
cargo damage?

Is there a designated Safety Officer on board and is an ISM accident

13.14 reporting system and safety meeting system in place? NO

Are safety posters, training posters, tags, tallies, instruction books

and technical manuals available on board in the crew’s working

DATED :- AUGUST 30,2021


Are the crew provided with adequate personal protective equipment

13.16 NO
(PPE) for work and can it be seen being used in a proper manner?

Is an emergency contact list (including owners, ship managers,

agents, P&I Club, port safety & security) available and accessible to
13.17 NO
all senior officers?

Are the crew aware that asbestos is now banned by SOLAS on all
13.18 ships and has all residual asbestos on board in the engine room or
any other parts of the vessel been removed or planned for removal?

Comments: The vessel is not ISM compliant although it is of regulation size to be compliant. A
safety management system needs to be developed as present condition and operation of the
vessel is reflective of a lack of proper operational system.



Is an approved ship security plan available and implemented

onboard, inclusive of requirements for a comprehensive stowaway
14.01 NO
search prior to departure? (ISPS Part A:9.2)

Are the Master and crew familiar with the plan’s use, including the
14.02 NO
strict control of access to the vessel?

Are the keys to spaces which have been locked for ISPS control
Purposes (e.g. Engine room etc) readily available from the duty crew
14.03 NO
member in charge of gangway access?

Is the CSR (Continuous Synopsis Record) in order? (SOLAS 74

14.04 Chap XI-1 reg 5.3) NO

Is the ship’s Identification/IMO number permanently marked on the

14.05 hull? (SOLAS 74 Chap XI-1 reg 3) NO

DATED :- AUGUST 30,2021


Is an SSAS (Ship Security Alert System) installed onboard and in

14.06 working order? (SOLAS 74 Chap XI-2 reg 6) NO

14.07 Does the Ship Security Officer (SSO) hold a valid ISPS certificate? N/A

Are ship security drills carried out at intervals of at least once every
14.08 three months and logged? (ISPS Part B: 13.6) NO

Comments: The ISPSC has not been implemented onboard this vessel as all security matters
is presently being handled by the respective ports at Moleson Creek by Guyanese officials and
at South Drain by Surinamese officials. However a localised onboard security system should be
implemented onboard to prevent passenger access to certain sensitive areas such as engine
room / machinery areas .

DATED :- AUGUST 30,2021

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